The Girl Who lived, loved and...

By MidnightMadness_147

223K 5K 382

I'm sure you've read 100 stories about Harry Potter sister. And maybe this one isn't any different. Or maybe... More

The night it all happened
lily Potter ?
We meet again
Its getting Sirius
Charlie Weasley
The first Trial
Pre Ball Jitters.
Yule ball
After math
The Day Before
The Second trial
A Meeting with Padfoot
Letters, Crouch, Twins oh my
Family and Friends
The Third Trial
He Returns.
Summer days
Family trouble
Dinner party
Noble house of black
Prefect Party
Warning back to Hogwarts.
Classes 2
Day at Hogsmeade
High Inquisitor
Taking things up a notch
Dumbledore's Army
Quidditch War
St Mungo's Hospital
St Mungo's Hospital pt2
Merry Christmas
Fun times over
Umbrige is a Bitch
letting the public know
Change in management
Ill figure it out later
The Ultimate Exit
Owls /Newts
Depart for Department of Mysteries
Battle at the Department Of Mysteries
The Second War begins
Business as usual
Happy Depressing Birthday
Re-acquaintaned with Hogwarts
independent variable
To the night of the party.
Christmas with the Weasely's
Happy birthday
Battle of the Astronomy Tower
Battle at the Astronomy Tower pt2
Worriors Death
Grimmauld Place
The Ministry
Theres a lot we dont know
If Not Us Who?
Godric's Hollow
Question and few answers
Deathly Hallows
Malfoy Manner
Bill and Fleur's Cottage
Gotta get back to Hogwarts
Gotta get back to school
Battle of Hogwarts
Beginning of the End
The beginning meets the end
The War to End all Wars
The End is Only The Beginning
19 years later.

4 Champions

7.5K 141 4
By MidnightMadness_147

Danie and Harry had gone white. Everyone was silent in shock. Someone could drop a pin and it would be heard clearly. Harry gave Danie a horrified face and Danie returned the expression. A sound started to make itself present it wasn't applause like the Champions before but an angry buzz. Students were standing up to get a better looked at Harry as if he was some wild animal. Harry looked at Ron and Hermione "I didn't put my name in, you know I didn't" he spoke blankly. " Harry Potter" he said again. "Harry, Up here if you please" Danie went to stand up but Fred and George both grabbed me by her arms and kept her sat on the bench. "Go on " Hermione gave him a little push. Danielle watched as her brother walked off across the front of the staff table and through the door. Rumors began to rise amongst all students. "Let me go" Danie said softly. "What are you going to do?" George asked " " ask Harry how he did it because if so please do continue" Fred said. " Stop them. This is a mistake. He's only a kid he can't-" Danie the beginnings of panick could be heard in her voice. "he can handle himself Danie he's Harry Potter" Fred told her. Trying to calm her down. Danie gave him a look that could kill. A few other teachers left to enter the room behind the staff table. The twins looked at eachother and  let her go. Danie ran from the Gryffindor table to the room behind the staff table as quickly as she could no one really noticed her leave it with all the commotion. "Danielle!" She could hear Hermione yell. Danielle open the door she could hear someone talking, " it's no one's fault but Potter's" the voice said softly "don't go blaming Dumbledore for Potter's determination to break the rules he has been Crossing lines ever since he arrived here-" " don't speak to him like that" Danie spoke firmly and loudly. "Lily?" Madam Maxime and Fleur said in unison, similar to the twins but with a very heavy french accent. " Danielle " Dumbledore nodded his head as she walked over to harry standing behind him. Placing her hand s on his shoulders. "Lily?" The greasy haired man asked in almost a whisper. A look of pure shock on his face. "Yes Severus , this is Danielle Lily Potter the daughter of James and Lily and Harry's sister" Dumbledore explained though his explanation didn't seem to do anything as everyone except for him look shocked and almost horrified. Ignoring the others " did you put your name in The goblet of fire Harry?" Asked Dumbledore. " No" Harry said. All eyes were on the both of them, Danie tightened her grip on Harry in a protective way. The professor named Severus made a sound of disbelief. "No" Harry spoke in a defensive tone. " Of Course e's is lying!" Madam Maxime spoke out. "He couldn't have passed the age line that Dumbledore made" Danielle told her. she knew deep in her stomach that she was going to be in big trouble for that one. " I am sure we all agreed that there was nothing wrong with the age line" Professor McGonagall said sharply before being cut off by Madame Maxime "Dumbly-dorr muzt ave made a mistake wiz de line."    "It is possible, of course" Dumbledore spoke humbly. " Dumbledore you know perfectly well that you did not make a mistake!" McGonagall said angrily. "Exactly! This is nonsense" Danie agreed with her. " Harry doesn't even want to participate, isn't there anything that can be done ?" Danie asked in a pleading voice. Mr. Crouch, the head of international magical cooperations answered. " we must follow the rules and the rules clearly state that people whose names come out of the goblet of fire must compete in the tournament"
" Well Barty knows the rules back to front" said Bagman, head of the department of Magical Games and Sports, looking around at the others as if the conversation was over. " I insist upon resubmitting the names of the rest of my students" Karkaroff spoke up "you will sit up the goblet of fire once more and we will continue adding names until each school has two Champions it's only fair Dumbledore!" He demanded. " But Karkaroff it doesn't work like that" the adults continued to argue. "Are you ok?" Danie whispered to Harry. "Not really" Harry responded. Danielle pulled him into a hug. "Why does this kind of stuff always happen to me?" He asked "I don't know Harry, I don't know" she stared to pet his hair. She was a bit taller than he was as she was older. She looked up and caught Servers stare once more.
There attention was caught but Made eye mooding, the new defense again the dark art teacher, entering the room. "you can't leave the competition now he's got to compete they've all got to compete binding magical contract like Dumbledore said, convenient eh?" He spoke. " "Convenient ?" Said Karkaroff " I'm afraid I don't understand moody" Moody's hands were balled into fists.  " Someone put his name into the cup because they knew he had to compete" Danie explained. "Exactly Miss Potter" moody smirked at her with his crooked mouth. " Someone wishes due Ogwarts to bite Ze apple!" Madame Maxime looked mad." I agree Madam Maxine" said karkaroff bowing to her "I shall be a lot of complaints with the ministry of magic and international Confederation of wizards!" " If anyone's got the right to complain it's Potter but funny thing is I don't hear him saying the word" moody defended him. Danie smiled at his comment. " E As za right to complain, asnt e? w Ave all bee oping for ze chance to be chosen for weeks and weeks " Fleur blurted out. "Ze Honer for our schools! A thousand GALLEONS, zis is a chance many die for!" Danie stares daggers at her.          " Someone wants him to die for it!" Danie yelled, Moody looked at her. He was about to say the same thing. " I have to agree, look at Potter's track record and say I'm wrong" moody growled. Bagman looked very nervous. " We all know professor Moody considers the morning wasted if he hasn't discovered six plots to murder him before lunchtime" Karkaroff practically laughed. The adults started to argue once more. " Mr. Bagman can you please give the Champions their instructions" Danielle asked kindly " instructions yes. First task. The first task is make to text your daring" he told the champions and Danie "we are not going to tell you what you will be doing courage in the face of the unknown is a very important quality of a wizard........ Very important" he continued " your first task will take place on November 24th, you are not allowed to ask for help from any of the teachers to complete tasks. For the first half the Champions are only permitted to use their wands. You will receive information about the second task after the first one is over " he explained " since the tournament is very time consuming, Champions are exempted from end of year tests" Bagman finished. " I think we are done her Albus ?" Mr. Crouch looked at Dumbledore " I think so" responded Dumbledore. Before the professors and ministry officials could leave Danie spoke up. " madam Maxime, a while ago I asked you how you made tough decisions. You told me you followed your instincts. " Danielle looked up to the rather large woman " yes what about it?" She responded lazily. " I have been so thankful to you and everyone at Beauxbaton but I can't ignore my instincts. I hope you know I mean no offense and love you all very much" Danie looked at her and Fleur sadly " vhat are you talking about Lily- er Danielle?" Fleur asked. "I'm transferring to Hogwarts. I can't leave Harry not now, not ever again!" Danie finally spit out. Once again everyone but Dumbledore was shocked to silence. Without a word Madame Maxine, Fleur , Karkaroff, Viktor and snape have all left. " I'm sorry Dumbledore it would appear I've caused you even more trouble. " Daniel looked and felt guilty. " It's quiet alright my dear. Professor McGonagall can care for you tonight and you will be an official students of Hogwarts by tomorrow. " Danie nodded. She walked over to harry and gave him a kiss on the forehead. " I'll see you tomorrow" Danie walked off with Professor McGonagall.

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