Back & Forth | A Jack Gilinsk...


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This "relationship" is so back and forth. First you're in love then you're not, then you are, they you aren't. Еще



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Jack & Jack went back to LA after Thanksgiving and things went back to the way they were. We texted or FaceTimed a couple of times but not much else. Nothing seems to carry over through the times in between us seeing each other.

My family was heading to Anguilla on the 20th and Jacks family wasn't coming until the 24th. The night before we left, Joey and I were trying to pack. I figured we'd be in bathing suits the entire time, but I decided to pack a couple of cute dresses just in case. Every restaurant allows you in with a bathing suit coverup on, but what if I wanted to impress Jack? I'd need a cute dress right?

Jack had texted that they had just landed in Miami for their performance, and he was leaving from there for Anguilla.

To: Jack
That's not fair! You're going to be way tanner than me.

From: Jack
You're going to be sitting in the sun all day starting tomorrow. What are you talking about?

Oh yeah. I had forgotten about that. 10 days on the beach? If I come back pale, I want a refund. I have this problem where I don't tan. I get burnt...(really bad) and then I just go back to being pale.

Joeys suitcase was maybe 25 pounds and mine was already 50...I had to start a second one. I thought I wasn't going to be packing much. Well yolo I guess.

I finished packing at like 1am, and we were leaving for the airport at 5am...

Joey usually comes on these trips with me so he knows that we have to be up at the ass crack of dawn. For some reason...he was sleeping like a rock, and I had to physically jump on him to wake him up.

We made our way to the airport and prepared for the long day of traveling ahead. We flew from New York City to Puerto Rico. From Puerto Rico, we hopped on a small plane that took us to the island of Anguilla. Holy shit...its beautiful from the sky.

We landed, and got on the shuttle to the hotel. This hotel was even better than the pictures on the website. It went right out to the beach, had a pool, and felt like an apartment more than a hotel room. Joey and I dropped our bags, and immediately went exploring. There are a lot of places to eat on the beach and so many hotels along it. We probably walked 3 miles just exploring.

Since it was the first night, and we were all exhausted from the day of travel, we decided to just eat at the hotel and start the day fresh in the morning. I tried to leave my phone in the hotel or in my bag for the most part, because I wanted to enjoy the trip. Plus, I wasn't texting Jack. He was in Miami and I wasn't going to text him first and look desperate. I figured, if he wanted to talk to me, he would text me. Well he didn't.

Was I mad about it? Kind of, but not really. We hadn't talked much since Thanksgiving, but I thought we had, had a great Thanksgiving and that would carry over. I guess I was just excited to see him in a couple of days. Not talking, will make this reunion so much more special...but also his family is going to be here.

I have known Jack for almost a year, and I have never met his family. He has met mine several times, but I have only met his one sister. He has another sister, and parents...obviously. Well if they are anything like Laura and Jack, then we will get along great. I think he said his grandparents are coming too.

Jack and I actually have a lot in common. One of the biggest things is that we are both Jewish. Our fathers are the Jewish ones. My mother never officially converted, but his did. When I say never officially converted, I mean she celebrates all of our holidays with us, and she might as well be Jewish, but she isn't. Does that make sense?

Joey and I sat on the beach all day. My mom had to come and get us to go to dinner. She brought me a dress to quickly throw over my bathing suit on our way to dinner. We ate at this cute restaurant that was a bit of a walk from the hotel, but worth it.

Joey and I decided to go to this little townie bar after dinner. By little...I mean little. There were maybe 20 people in this bar. Maybe that isn't small here, but in New York, you won't find a bar at night with under 100 people in it at a time.

We were taking some shots, and dancing. I didn't care if I was embarrassing myself, I don't know these people. We were having a great friggen time and that's all that mattered. We were by no means drunk, or even close to it, but we were having fun.

The bartender brings over shots.

"Oh, no...we didn't order more....yet" I said to the bartender.

"That guy ordered them for you." he said pointing to the guy standing by the dart boards.

I looked at the guy, raised my shot glass to him, and then Joey and I took the shots.

"He's cute." Joey said to me.

"Yeah, he's alright." I mean, he's no Jack, but he was still very attractive.

"Go talk to him." Joey told me.


"Why? Because of Jack?" he asked.

"No..." ....yes

"Jack isn't here, and hasn't talked to you in days. You're not his girlfriend, he's not your can say thank you to a hot man for a shot he bought us in a bar." he scolded me.

I mean, he wasn't wrong, but it still felt weird. Yeah, Jack wasn't my boyfriend, but I don't necessarily think we are just friends.

Joey went over and thanked the guy. He then waved me over. I pretended like I didn't see while I was texting. Then he brought the guy over.

"Annie. This is Mitch"

"Hi, I'm Annie" I said shaking his hand. "Thanks for the drinks"

"Anytime. As a matter of fact, I'd like you buy you another drink sometime."

"Ohhh that's so sweet." I started but was interrupted by my phone.

It was an Instagram DM from someone I didn't know.

"I figured you'd want to know what your boyfriend is up to in Miami" read.

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