It'll be Fun- She said, Book 1

By RandomFandoms93

203 43 0

Juno Zelder is in a world where the most amazing and horrible creatures roam the land killing, fighting for s... More



9 4 0
By RandomFandoms93

I slept a little from physical exhaust that night, if not for the amount I needed to refuel and rest I don't think I could've slept. Waking up in the morning, I hadn't felt as though I'd slept at all. It's was about 10 o clock in the morning. Edith seemed brighter though, "Ah, It's still alive," She laughed.
I glared. My hair looked about as good as a baboon's butt but there were no words in my vocabulary that could explain so passionately how much I didn't care.

"Is there coffee anywhere in the nearest 10 mile radius?" I asked groggily, thankfully my voice had been restored to its former glorious state- not exactly glorious but I could make snarky remarks and request coffee once more without it paining me. Edith laughed lightly, "Here you are," She handed me a huge cup of coffee, which didn't taste awful like Lucas's did yesterday, "You have today off and Connell has the next 2 days off so Adam and Lucas are taking you on the next trial. They usually match us up with another person or 2 that we generally work best with after our 1st 6 missions."

I nodded, slurping my coffee, "Who'er you generally matched with?" I asked her, "Connell or Josselyn, Adam's an old crow who pretty much only Lucas and Josselyn can put up with, and Lucas and I are a working concept. He didn't take me seriously because I'm a bit of a hippy and I'm the only one of us all that actually has a full B.O.D, something about unqualification since I stayed in school."

"Well, I have half a B.O.D since I have a cart licence and then failed 2 of the 3 tests you have to take to graduate," I said in consolation, "It doesn't matter, Lucas takes me seriously now but I heard them talking and I never quite forgave him after he said that," Said Edith. I shrugged and stood up, and walked out the door, Edith mutually followed. Lucas was stood at the bottom of the ladder that went up to the loft, he and Connell shared as a room.

"Hey, d'ya wanna see something funny?" Lucas chuckled, I nodded briefly, he continued to silently laugh as we went up the ladder of the loft, I followed. Lucas hopped up onto the wooden floor and pulled me up the slight gap between the ladder and floor, not that I couldn't do that myself, I'm 6"1.

It was obviously a boys' room, a lot of mess, a dart board on the wall and one half had an Aquamarine blue comforter on the bed and a beanbag of the same colour on the floor, the other side of the room mirrored it in furniture but a lime green colour and had someone in the bed. Lucas sniggered and put a finger on his lips as he walked toward the sleeping figure. Connell lay face forward on his chest in the messy bed, brown hair sticking up like a hedgehog, drooling, it was hilarious. "Behold, the rare Connell in its natural habitat," Lucas whispered in absolute hysterics. I snorted.

"I can hear you 2 idiots!" Connell projected from his cave of pillow and duvet, and barricade of hedgehog hair. "Lucas get out of you doofus! Take Juno with you, let the injured sleep," He said.

I sniggered, "Yeah Lucas let the injured sleep!" Connell then threw a cushion at me and gave a 'convincing' groan and Lucas and I slowly backed down the ladder before more harm than a cushion flew our way.


When we arrived at the bottom of the ladder Josselyn stood, hands on hips, in front of us, "Both of you find stuff to do, it's Sunday so Eddie'll be coming round on paper runs, day off for you 2 but I got stuff to do so your cooking dinner tonight Lucas, Juno I need you and Edith to do a few market runs and trading parts in the underground, Edith'll let you know the details,"

I stopped her, "Josselyn, ma'am, I already know my way around the underground if you're looing for weapons, drugs or information. They send us down there a lot in the guard," I felt the need to let her know, "Go and make use of that knowledge you have then lass, have a nice day Juno," Josselyn turned to Lucas and said significantly more warmly, "Bye Lucas,"

I started to wish I had bitten my tongue about those experiences, those who had inside knowledge of the underground could get in a massive amount of trouble and it was clear what Adam had said last night had secretly gotten under her skin. Lucas smiled at me nicely, "Go get dressed and we'll go chop some wood or something,"

My focus shifted to my blue flanal pyjamas I was still wearing. So I went and changed into some clothes which would be deemed 'normal' if I went out in public later, I would've rather worn one of my maroon T-shirts and some leggings but wearing that in a market would be like holding up an 'I'm a trainee assassin, you can come punch me if you want!' sign.

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