"We meet again"

By amber04blank_

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It must be meant to be when two people parted ways and then keep getting reconnected with one another. But... More



436 2 1
By amber04blank_

I wake up around 9am on this Friday morning and have a bunch of notifications on my phone, mostly from Instagram because of the picture I posted of Jamie, Tyler, and I.
I got a text from Jamie an hour ago saying - "I know your probably sleeping but if you aren't doing anything today do you want to go grab a bite to eat with Me, Tyler, and Faksa around 1 then come back because it's game night at Tyler's place"
I text back. "You know... I'm getting tired of you two. I've been hanging out with you since the first few hours I've been in Dallas. Jk, yeah that sounds like fun. Text me when you guys are ready. See ya later".

I have about 3 hours or more until we go eat because I heard Tyler sleeps in until 1pm or longer on off days.
After I was done eating breakfast, I took a shower, got dressed in tight, high wasted black-ripped jeans, white slip on vans, and a plain white crew neck tee with my red flannel around my waste. I put on my everyday makeup and I straighten my long, thick, curly hair and leave it flow down. I actually look like a girl for once. My hair is always in a bun, ponytail, or braided. The last thing was to brush my teeth and I am finished getting ready for the day.

It was now 11:30 and I get a text from a number I didn't have saying "Ellie Smith. I know where you live".
It ended up being Tyler of course after I texted back asking who it was. He wanted to come over until Faksa arrives. I've never met him before so it'll be nice meeting another person around here although it would be nice to make a friend myself and have it be a girl.

*knock knock*. I open up the door and Tyler comes walking right in.
"Omg" I say. "We're matching!" I tell him. He didn't even realize until I said something. He has on black ripped jeans, white Nike's, and a red white short sleeve shirt with a small black nike swoosh on the left side of his chest.
"Ooh girl we totes have to get a pic later. Hashtag twins. Didn't even plan it" he jokes in a preppy girls voice.
Tyler was 'starving' so he kept calling Faksa to see where he was and him and Jamie came knocking on my door 5 minutes later.
"12:25. New record for us being out of this place" Jamie says. "Why are you guys matching? I'm not going out with you two like that." He adds. Tyler and I look at each other and laugh.
"I'm Ellie by the way since they won't introduce us" I say introducing myself to the new person I've never met.
"Radek. Nice to meet you" he says in an accent. He's from Finland I think.

20 minutes later we arrive at this steakhouse that overlooks the city called 'Knife dallas'. For one, we are not dressed good enough and two, it looks way too expensive.
"Benn, take a pic of El and I by this fountain."
"Are we really doing this? I thought you were joking. I hate pictures." I tell Tyler while he's pulling me over.
"Yes. We are, twin. And why you look good so get in, we're taking a picture".
Jamie takes about 20 pictures on Tyler's phone. While we were waiting for our food inside, we go through them seeing what they look like. Some we are posing normally and others it looks like we're actually brother and sister arguing about something. I'm either giving him a look or the other way around. They were pretty funny. A few moments later, I get a buzz from Instagram and Tyler posted 3 of the pictures without saying he was. I don't think that was the best idea but you can't stop him from doing what he wants.

He posted the one of me giving him an 'annoyed look', him almost dropping me when he told me to 'jump in his arms', and like the only good picture we got of us smiling with our arms around each other.

@tseguin91- already ran in the 6ix w my woe and we started in Boston now we here ✈️ Dallas, TX. @eli.smi_11     Thankful for you #twins

Comments started flowing in. I only read a few because they were worse than when I posted because Tyler has more followers. After he posted, I started flowing with followers on my account.

@eli.smi_11- 3rd times a charm 💚 CAN->MA->DA. ..we meet again.  But btw, outfit. Was. Not. Planned. !!
@cassidyseguin. -   Wow. She looks so happy to be there w u (hope you know that's a joke🙃). Idk how you put up with him. You're basically with him 24/8 between work, being his neighbor, and just hanging out with him. You need days off honey.
@candace_p.s_ -   Girl, your so pretty!! Please be my friend !!😻! Bro, please don't ever wear whatever them pants are again.

After lunch at the steakhouse, which was the best I've ever ate before, it was around 3pm so we went to Tyler's apartment which I've never been in. It's the same set up as mine. Just a little bit messier and has a lot of more things in it. It's actually nicer than mine.
"So what exactly does game night consist of?" I question.
"Well. A few other guys come over we usually have a few beers. Not many though because we have a game tomorrow of course but we pick a hockey game to watch either college or pro. Tonight, we can watch Calgary so you can see your bro play. And I have a air hockey, pool, and foosball table we can play." Tyler explains.
"It sounds like a guys night. I can head to my apartment whenever the guys start coming."
"No. We want you to stay. I wouldn't have invited you if we didn't want you to be here. We like having you around Ellie. And we were going to tell you, after every home game when we win, we have a celebration at my place and you're invited to all. You're apart of the team now. You're also family and a close friend to us now." Jamie tells me which makes me smile.
"Whoever comes to game night tonight, I'll tell them to bring their wives or girlfriends so you can meet some of them too." Tyler adds.

I had a really fun night at Tyler's. It started around 6 and everyone left around 11pm. The girls were really welcoming and nice. I was glad I got to meet them and in the future, we are planning to hang out. I remember telling everyone bye and they said I could stay until the flames game was over. It started later since it's in Ottawa. They were losing 2-1 in the 3rd period with 10 minutes left.
I woke up around 1am in a place I was first unfamiliar with. I thought I was in a dream but I realized I was on Tyler's couch. I must've fallen asleep. I didn't see Tyler or anyone around so Jamie went home and Tyler went to bed. I didn't know where my purse or shoes went so I went around looking for them being as quiet as I can be. I didn't want to turn on the light or anything so I decided to try to sneak out and get my belongings in the morning.

I quietly open up the door to go to my place and I feel someone grab me. "Ahh!!" I scream loudly. I hope none of the neighbors heard me.
"Shh. Shh. It's just me Ellie." Tyler whispers. He wraps his arms around my waste and pulls me back.
"I didn't mean to wake you. I'm sorry. I was just going to go back to my apartment. I thought I was quiet enough."
"No. You can sleep here. It's fine." He says.
"Tyler. I'm only a few doors down. I don't think I'll get kidnapped on the way there. Thanks but I'll see you tomorrow at the rink" I tell him joking about getting kidnapped.
"Ellie." He says giving a convinced look. "You're staying. Sleep in my room. I'll go in Marc's room. It's fine please. The longer you stand here arguing with me, the less sleep you're going to get."
"Fine. But I'll sleep on the couch. " I finally give in. Tyler locks the door and goes back into his room and then comes back and throws me a pair of sweatpants.
"Will these be good enough? Them jeans can't be comfy to sleep in" i look down and realize what clothes I have.
"Thanks Tyler"

I find his bathroom and go in to get changed and come back out where Tyler is on the lovesac with a blanket.
"It's called a sleepover, El".
I roll my eyes and just give up because I'm not going to win against him. We both fall asleep. Around 3am, I'm up once again. This time, I make my way into Tyler's room and sleep in his bed since he was snoring in the living room.

I hear something drop where it sounds like it's coming from the bathroom. I wake up and a figure comes out the the door. It was Tyler. Wet. Almost naked. Thank god he had a towel wrapped around his bottom.
He turns around and gets as startled as I do.
"El. Oh my gosh. I forgot you were here. You weren't on the couch so I thought you disappeared to your apartment."
I cover my eyes with the pillow. I go to get up so I can leave the room so he can get ready and all I had on myself was one of Tyler's oversized tees I exchanged for the sweatpants because I sleep in my underwear. I totally forgot I was also sleeping in another apartment. In Tyler Seguins bed.
"Ellie. Where's them sweats I gave you eh?" He says giving a look down to my bottoms.
"Oh my god." I say. They were laying beside the bed so I put them on as fast as I could and got out of the room. I felt so embarrassed by seeing him and at myself for having one of his T-shirt's on.

Tyler finally comes out- dressed. It was awkward and we didn't talk for about 10 minutes. "Want anything for breakfast?" He asks.
"No. I'm alright. I should head over and get ready for the game later." I tell Tyler who's rummaging through his fridge for something to eat.
"Ellie. Let's not have this be awkward between us. It's not like you never seen me shirtless before. You know you like what you seen. I know I did." Tyler tells me, smirking at the end. I could feel my face turning red. I just roll my eyes and go to his room where my clothes are. I push the door closed behind me but I feel the same touch as I did at 1am this morning.

Tyler grabbed me around my waist to turn me around and he grabbed my face with his right hand while his other rested on my butt-cheek. I couldn't pull away.
"Tyler. Wha-" I started to say staring at him.
"Ellie. I've been wanting to do that since I played in Boston. Sorry. And I was just the one saying let's not make this awkward. I did remember you when Jamie introduced you to me the second day you moved here. I just didn't want to say anything because maybe you thought I was the same guy as I was in Boston." He says.
"I can tell your not. Jamie told me you only had one girlfriend since you've been here and it didn't last long because she was a jersey chaser. It is going to be awkward because I have to be behind you on the bench all night Tyler. For my job. I never knew you ever wanted to do this."
"Over the past few days, we've been getting close like we used to be. I think of you as one of my best friends. In fact your my only close friend that's a girl. I'm sorry for doing that. I know I shouldn't have."
"Tyler. It's fine."

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