In Love With The Teacher?? |...

De okkayykk

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Kim Taehyung lives in New York with his Aunt. His abusive Aunt and her multiple boyfriends. Its a tough life... Mais



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De okkayykk

(A/N: I just want to say, hopefully you read tags for books because if not there is a mighty surprise for you in the upcoming chapters ^~^)

Warning: Child Abuse, Cursing, Fluff, Supernatural Drama, Drugs etc.

3rd POV

"Yah!! You brat!! Open this door!!" His Aunt yelled while pounding on the door. "You costed me my customers!!" She yelled.

Taehyung crouched in the corner of his closet, debating whether or not to open the door. If he did he would get hurt, and if he didn't he would be beaten worse for the delay. So what was the answer? Nether. He stood up and grabbed a orange sweatshirt with his rabbit in hand. He walked out of his small closet and grabbed his school bag, dumping all of the paper's and books onto the floor. With the noise his Aunt yelled.

"Don't you be trashing my house boy!! Or you'd better be ready!!" She yelled. He grabbed a clump of clothes from a pile in the corner and grabbed change from a hole in the wall. He stuffed the clothes and a old small blanket into his bag. And with a deep breathe he opened his window. It was only a 18 feet drop from the 2nd floor apartments, no big deal.

He put his bookbag on and grabbed his rabbit, fitting it into his small pocket. He grabbed the sides of the window and sat on the edge with his feet hanging over, he wasn't scared of the drop but of his Aunt. What would she do? Push him off, kill him? He didn't want know.

He grabbed a ledge with his small hands and kept his chest to the wall. If he is careful he could shimmy his way down to the siding pole and climb down that. So with his toes on a 1 inch siding strip and his hands holding on to window ledges, he managed to get to the pole with only a few scrapes from the rough wall. Grabbing the cold metal pole, he put his feet on the things that connected them to the wall. And when he was only a few inches away from the ground he jumped, landing on his knees and hands.

Pain shot through his body, but he had to keep moving. It took him 15 minutes to get down, obviously his Aunt wasn't dumb and probably figured out that he somehow managed to escaped and would soon come looking for him. He stood up and wiped the blood off his knees with his hands, then made his way down the road in a sprint.

With extremely cold air entering his lungs, he continued to run until reaching a small gas station. Walking in and figuring out what he could buy with what change he had. Of course with trouble, the worker was suspicious of the boy. It was 10:30 at night, why would there be a small boy in his store? To steal. So the worker made it clear that he didn't want him in his store, but with Taehyung being innocent and naïve he didn't catch on.

"Hey! If you don't leave soon, I'll call the cops" The worker yelled at Tae causing a small flitch. Without a second thought Taehyung bolted to the door knocking down a small shelf of goodies. He yelled once again and thankfully didn't notice Taehyung stolen a small bag of bread. He ran out the door and down the dark road.

Eventually bumping into a tall man, who grabbed his wrists before he could tumble backwards.

"Hey kid, don't you know what time it is" The man said letting go his wrists, Taehyung kept his head down and stared at the man's timberlands. "Hey kid, look at me" Taehyung looked up for a second letting the man notice his teary eyes and bruised face. The he mumbled a sorry and tried to move past the taller man. The man grabbed his arm and said "If your running away be careful, the cops are out tonight"

Tae nodded and he let go of his arm, letting him go. During Tae's search for a place to stay it started raining, not hard but he knew it would start pouring soon. So he sat under a bus station and ate his bread, until homeless man sat down next to him. And feeling pity, Taehyung shared half of the bread with the man, while learning random things about the world as they talked. When the rain began to pour the older man left, leaving Tae to decide what to do next.

It was raining, he can't return home and he isn't sure if he can find a so called "Drug" house at this time. And with the cops apparently snooping around, staying in a random park wont be possible. So he stands up and decide to take his chance at finding a "Drug" house.

He wanders a rural area, the street lights flicker and send shivers down his spine. Considering the last time he was here, he was almost kidnapped so he has the right to be afraid. He turns the corner and the familiar smell of drugs fill his nose. He finds the house and walks to the back of the house, the lights are on and music is still blasting. And since it is probably almost 1 in the morning, most of the people inside will be asleep/falling asleep. So he takes his chances and sneaks in through the door that was already open.


I go inside and see at least 3 people still partying, swaying their hips to the music as they dirty dance spilling beer on the floor. No one looks at me and if they notice me, they didn't seem to care. I make my way to the kitchen and dig through their cabinets. Trying to find food that hopefully isn't contaminated by some weird drug. I find Fruit Loops and go to get milk, but after I noticed the milk was a weird gray color, I decided to eat it dry.

After my early morning snack, I hid my bookbag in a lower cabinet behind cleaning products and I looked for a place to sleep. I eventually found comfort on a small couch, already occupied by some drunk lady in a skanky outfit. Hopefully she wouldn't mind sharing. I laid down by her feet, fitting my small body in the cracks of where she didn't occupy.


"Hey! Anyone leave their kid here?" A yell woke me up, it was a man. Probably in his late mid 30's, blond hair and a scruffy beard. I sat up and he sat next to me, he wasn't drunk and was probably the owner of this house or the party. "Did your parents bring you here?" He asked rubbing his forehead with stress.

Not knowing how to answer I nodded, he stood up and asked my name. I didn't reply and figured that I could probably get away by acting like a 10 year old the age I kind of looked. He stood up and walk away to the stairs, yelling for anyone left in the house to get up. While he was doing that I grabbed my bag from the cabinet and tried to leave. But a group of people came down the stairs and the blonde dude grabbed my arm.

"Any of you own this kid?" He asked and they all shook their heads and grabbed their belongings. He sat me on the couch and let them leave, meanwhile I was mentally dying and killing myself over the fact that I didn't wake up early enough to leave without problems. "So do you talk or?" I shook my head, talking would probably make the situation worse and he would try to make me answer questions, I don't have the answers for. "Well I cant call the police... Do you know you parents number?" I shook my head once again. He sighed loudly.

He walked over to a small desk and grabbed a pen and paper. Then he made his way over to me. I gulped as he handed me the paper. "Write your information, no just anything you know about yourself or your parents please" He said sighing was again. I took the pen and debated on what to write, in all honestly I just wanted to leave but seeming how this guy was kind of responsible he wouldn't just let a kid leave by himself.

When he walked away, I waited 2 minutes before walking over to him, where he was cleaning. "Are you done?" He smiled but I shook my head, handing him a paper saying only Tae and the house number of Jungkook's House. Not the full address, I didn't even know that. He took the paper and sighed, he grabbed my hand and lead back into the living room. Where he started asking me yes or no questions. To tell you the least, its frustrating when you cant talk.

"Is 69 an apartment number?" I shook my head. "District?" I shook once again. "House number?" I nodded. "Finally okay, Tae's your name" I cringed when he said it wrong. Like how the heck do you pronounce 'Tae' wrong? But I nodded. "Hold on" He stood up and grabbed his phone off a table. "Is your house White? Brown?" I nodded. "Which one?"

Both you idiot is what I wanted to yell. Was getting him to bring me to Jungkook's house even worth it? Or should just go use the bathroom and disappear out the window? I'm frustrated! He started show me different houses in the area by using Google Maps on his phone. The only somewhat smart thing he has done so far. After about different house, I pointed to a familiar ne.

"You live there?!? D_mn you parents are loaded, why they h_ll would they come here for drugs, yet alone bring their child?!" He exclaimed. "Okay get your stuff" I looked at him with my hands on my bag annoyed. He was surely dumb. He grabbed my hand and led me out to his car.

So the question was, 'Is this guy going to like actually drop me off or like kidnap me?' I mean I trusted Jungkook even though I was sure that he was going to rape me and probably will eventually. Who can deny my god worthy looks? Either way he started the car after carefully buckling me in like a child.

I looked out the window and watched as we passed familiar things, then it hit me. It was a school day, Jungkook wouldn't even be home! When we arrive who will answer the door? Namjoon?!? He's a dog!

I've been proven wrong, indeed it was Namjoon who answered the door. When then guy named Richard (Which I learned after a long story on the way here) knocked on the door, nobody answered the door. So we waited and he continued talking to me about his first fishing trip with his dad. When he knocked the second time, the door opened and I was greeted by Namjoon who growled at Richard harshly.

I welcomed Namjoon into my arms and practically laid on the floor while he tackled me with kisses. Eventually after I somehow managed to get Richard to leave, I stripped from most of my clothes and only left my Sweater and undies on. I have decency.

I laid on the couch and turned a movie on and cuddled with Namjoon. Okay, so it isn't my house and I shouldn't technically be here but..... Jungkook doesn't have to know that. I'll just clean up and leave before school ends, simple! That's what I thought, but when the front door opened at only 2 pm, I knew I f_cked up.

"Taehyung?" He called my name, as I hid behind the couch cursing mentally when I realized my clothes and shoes were still by the door. Who ratted me out?!? Was it the dog?!? Nah, he probably has cameras or something. Honestly he probably just came home early, probably not expecting me to be here. "I know your behind the couch" I stood up embarrassed and walked over to him, he turned on the light and had a shook face when he saw me. "Your face, does it hurt?" He asked nicely, scaring me more than my Aunt. Why wasn't he mad?

He grabbed my hand and led me to his kitchen. Lifting me effortlessly on to the counter. He grabbed a box from the cabinet as Namjoon silently watched from the other room. Opening the box and grabbing band-aids and cream, he carefully put it on the cut next to one my bruises. "Sorry, I'm here without permission" I mumbled.

"Why weren't you in school?"


"Why weren't you in school?" I heard just fine the first time, it just shocked me when that was the only thing he asked. He could of asked, 'How did you get the bruise?' or 'Was it your Aunt?' or even yelled at me. I honestly wanted him to ask me those questions, so that I didn't have hold all my feelings inside. But he was just and teacher, practically a stranger. What could he do?

A hand touched my face, waking me from my thoughts, Jungkook was wiping tears off my face. Tears, I was crying.

"Don't cry, it hurts me to see you sad" He looked at me with a sad look and I started crying even harder. Was it because I finally thought someone loved me? Whether or not it was genuine, it didn't matter. I just need a shoulder to cry on.

I reached for him like a child and he hugged me. Tears ran down my cheeks, and I hugged him tightly. Soaking in the warmth that he was giving. His smell making me, somehow calm. So much that I didnt even realize he had carried me to his room.

He had stripped from his clothes, leaving only his underwear and put my head on his chest. This is probably too far to be student-teacher comfort but it doesnt matter. It feels so good. Just to lay next to him, he was soothing. He hugged me tight and covered us in warm blankets. It might of only been noon, but the desire to sleep was hard to control when I felt so safe and protected. I absolutely love it and I believe I might love Jungkook too.


Sorry about the lack of VKook in this chapter. This chapter was mostly just so readers could see how Tae learned how to survive on his own and how its hard for him to accept someone else's help. Our poor little baby (>.<)

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