Since The Day I Saw You

By saltwaterveins19

547 38 16

Isabelle Tate has been friends with the same group of people since freshman year of High School. Their summer... More

Chapter One
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 2

40 5 2
By saltwaterveins19

Chapter Two

We arrived at 9. I had a hard time choosing what to wear till Anna got annoyed and choose low waisted skinny jeans, a plain black tshirt and wool cardigan incase I got cold. “Well look who decided to show” Nathan smirked. He was a tall guy around 6’0 and had bleach blonde shaggy hair. When he smiled you saw a cute set of dimples on his cheeks and his hazel eyes would light up. “We have been waiting for those marshmallows for almost 2 hours now” Taylor smiled and swiped the bag from my hands. Taylor was a short girl compared to the rest of us. She had deep brown eyes and blonde hair that she recently cut shoulder length for cancer. Taylor was shy until she felt comfortable around you. “Well hello to all of you too.” I said and tried to look hurt. “Blame her, she couldn’t decide what to wear” Anna rolled her eyes and pointed at me. “ Alright, I fell asleep tanning. If it makes you feel better I burnt my back.” I pretended to pout and look at everyone. “You’re forgiven” Elizabeth smiled sweetly at me. Elizabeth had long brown hair that fell into light waves. She was sweet, soft spoken and I never saw her not smiling. Elizabeth was 5’6 and curvy. She had transferred to our school in the middle of grade 9. Everyone called her Liz. I sat down beside Brayden. 

It was a perfect night the stars were out. The air was a perfect temperature making me feel more confident in Anna’s clothing choice for me. Nathan had set up everything perfectly. The muskoka chairs were placed around the fire just distanced far enough to keep warm but not get to hot. The radio was playing silently in the background to add a filler if silence ever happened. The fire crackled and danced just high enough for me to see Anna and Nathan across from me. Trees surrounded all around us with an opening in the sky where we could see the stars. The atmosphere was perfect. I looked around everyone was doing what they always did. Anna and Nathan were going on about some sport play. Sam and Spencer who are identical twins with brown hair and blue eyes. 6’0 ft tall, lean and had muscular bodies. Most of the time I could barley tell them apart. Except for the small fact that Sam’s eye’s were slightly bigger then Spencer’s. Spencer spent most of his weekends playing beach volleyball. Sam on the other hand played hockey. They were trying to get the attention of Taylor and Elizabeth.  Brayden and his girlfriend Natasha were going on about some movie they watched the other night. I on the other hand am spacing out as usual. “What do you think belle?” “Pardon? Sorry you lost me at dinosaurs, hey I thought your new friend was joining us tonight?” I smiled and looked at Brayden. “Oh yeah, he couldn’t make it he had to watch his sister and brother.” “Oh thats to bad” I smiled and Brayden returned to talking about the movie. 


“Alright guys this is getting out of hand!” Liz said and began laughing. I laughed and almost lost my sixth marshmallow in my mouth. Liz lost after her third marshmallow and Taylor was about to lose. We were playing chubby bunny the winner got free ice cream from the losers. I was going to win this. “belle what are you at?” I held up six fingers and grabbed my seventh marshmallow. Taylor spit all hers out in the fire. “Damn it!” Taylor began to laugh. “belle you’re not seriously putting another one in your mouth!” Taylor looked at me wide eyed. I nodded and popped it into my mouth. It was down to Brayden and I. Then I started laughing and could not stop. Brayden ran up behind and tickled me, making me lose all seven marshmallows. “No!” Everyone started laughing. “I cannot believe you!” I pushed Brayden as he spit out his marshmallows and began to laugh. “That was cheating!” I smiled. “It’s not cheating, you were already going to lose I just sped up the inevitable.” He winked at me. “Totally would of won.” “Exactly why I did it. You owe me ice cream!” He sat down with a satisfied look on his face. “So who wants to actually try eating the marshmallows?” Liz asked while grabbing a stick. “I’m good, after have seven in your mouth for 6 minutes they do not seem that appealing anymore” I pushed the bag away from me. “Suit yourself” Liz grabbed one and started roasting it. “Alright, so beach Saturday who’s designated driver?” Brayden said with a smile. “Well Spencer for the boys and Liz for the girls” Taylor smiled. “Good will all meet up early to set it up!” I looked at everyone and smiled. 

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