Chapter 13

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Isabelle's P.O.V

I had arrived at work to find Josh cleaning up on a day he wasn't scheduled. When I walked in he looked up and smiled. I raised my eyebrow, "What are you doing here?" "I felt bad about yesterday, so I decided to come in and help you out." He gave me a huge smile expecting praise that I was finding hard to give. I felt bad about reacting the way I had towards him, but helping me out and saying you feel bad doesn't mean your sorry. I nodded my head and went about my business. Josh seeming to take my silence as shock smiled and continued his work.

I wasn't in the best of moods today. I was still trying to figure out what to do about the boys hiding things from us, especially Nate. We were supposed to all be best friends, but it seemed like recently we were slowly drifting apart and why? All because of some broken hearts, and mistaken feelings. At this point and time it seemed like just when everything was coming together, everything was falling apart. Liz and Spencer weren't talking still and neither was Nathan and Anna. I would give anything to go back in time and change all the drama that had somehow started. I guess I looked gloomy because Josh walked up and began telling jokes to cheer me up.

I hated to admit it but it was actually working. We were both laughing when the door to the store chimed. I looked over and saw Nate walking in. He waved and gave me a smile that instantly made me want to smile back. I cursed under breath and reminded myself that I was supposed to be mad at him. He walked over a look of concern washing over his face, "Hey." "Hi," I said as I felt my anger already fading. "Is this about letting you walk home? You told me to stay," He said, I knew he knew it wasn't that.

"No," I said and watched as he frowned. "Please Is, can we talk about this outside," I sighed and felt my resolve completely crumble. How had I let myself fall for him so quickly? I nodded my head and walked outside. Once Nate was outside and I made sure the shop door was closed so that Josh couldn't listen I began, "You withheld the fact you were going on a road trip from me, on purpose." I said and I watched his face go from confused to relieved in a matter of seconds. "I didn't want to, Nathan, Sam, and Spencer did, probably because of the drama that's been happening. We had only just planned it yesterday and I was going to tell you, but then Brayden said he called and told Natasha all about it. I figured Natasha would've told you everything.

I cursed under my breath. I had completely forgotten to ask Natasha how she got her information, instead, I just jumped to conclusions. "I'm sorry, I just automatically assumed. You should've still called me, though, this is no way to start a relationship." I suddenly realized what I said and my face instantly turned red. Great now he's going to think that I assume were in a relationship. But Nate doesn't correct me, he just pulls me into a hug, "You should be sorry," I shove him and he gives me a cheeky smile. "I have to get back to work, but I will call you later," I said and turned away.

Nate grabbed my hand pulled me towards him, without saying a word he grabbed my face and kissed me. "Tomorrow let's go on a real date without any interruptions or other people." I nodded my head still reeling from his kiss and watched as he left.

When I walked back into the shop I found Josh staring with an annoyed look on his face. "What's wrong?" I asked, not exactly sure why he had all of a sudden seemed grumpy. "Nothing," He grumbled out and walked into the backroom. I followed him determined to find out what was wrong. "Well two minutes ago you were joking around and now you're grumpy, so obviously something's wrong," I said as I watched him grab his stuff from his locker.

"It's none of your business. Look I have to go, I'm not even getting paid to be here. Have a good shift." With that, he stalked out of the shop with the slam of the door.


Nate refused to tell me what we were doing for our date, only giving me suggestions of what to wear. So now here I was standing outside his house in jeans and a T-shirt sweating to death because he insisted I wear them, along with a pair of close toe shoes. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door, praying that my feet didn't smell when I removed my shoes. In a matter of seconds Nate swung open the door and smiled at me, "Just in time," I followed him into the kitchen, taking in the fact the house was relatively quiet, "Well you said to be here for seven," I said and looked around to find that no one was home except for him.

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