Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Isabelle's P.O.V 

Tonight was not supposed to go like this. We were supposed to be snuggled in our makeshift beds at Liz's house, watching rom-com movies and talking till the early morning. Instead, we were sneaking out of the house, poorly might I add because Anna kept banging into things, to wrap the boy's cars in plastic wrap. It wasn't my idea, not in the slightest, I wanted to watch Nicholas Sparks movies and cry my eyes out when one of the characters dies, but the girls had a different idea. So now here I was on the fence; literally on a fence, trying to avoid being eaten by Mrs. Philips dog. 

"Guy's this is a horrible idea!" I shouted in a hushed tone, while peppermint barked frantically and kept trying to bite my left leg that was dangling over her side of the fence. "Don't be such a chicken and jump! Otherwise, peppermint is going to rip off your leg and we will have to take you to IHOP for every meal." All the girl burst out laughing at Liz's statement and I glare at her. 

After ten minutes I finally jump off the fence, because Mrs.Philips came out to yell at peppermint. I would rather face the wrath of peppermint over Mrs.Philips any day. I dusted myself off and smiled. "See wasn't so hard now was it?" Liz smirked and I rolled my eyes. "Come on, we can use this fence to get onto the street without my mom seeing us." 

Once far enough away from Liz's house we slowed and fell into step. Sam and Spencer's house was ten minutes down the road. Yesterday's events were behind us and we all fell into conversation. "So how was your dad at dinner with Nate?" Taylor asked. I began describing the events of yesterday's dinner and my confession to Nate afterward. "I totally forgot you were still a virgin!" Taylor shouts and Anna shushes her. 

"Jesus Taylor, don't make it sound like a crime," I said feeling self-conscious. Everyone in our friend group had lost their virginity except for me. I would love to say it was because I was waiting for that special someone, but in truth the opportunity, if you could call it that, never presented itself. Of course, I wanted it to be with someone I was dating, but I hadn't dated anyone since Jake. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I just forgot," Taylor said sheepishly. "So is Nate...?" Anna said cautiously. "No, judging by the way he choked up when my dad asked, I'm pretty sure he lost it awhile back," I say curtly hoping to end the conversation. I didn't want to think about Nate with someone else in that way. 

"Do you think you'll lose it to him?" Natasha asked, she had been quiet all night, which I found unusual now because she had become more chatting in recent weeks. "I don't know, he hasn't even asked me to be his girlfriend. Anyway, let's change the subject," I said and instantly began asking what everyone was wearing to Robby's party tomorrow. 


I walked around my house like a zombie the next day. After we had plastic wrapped all the boys cars and had successfully snuck back into the house, it was four in the morning. Then we were up at six because Liz's parents were banging every pot possible in the kitchen. "Hey sweetie, what are your plans for today?" My mom asked as I walked into the kitchen. "Lay out by the pool and contemplating the universe," I said non-nonchalantly. "Um okay then," My mom said going back to reading the newspaper. I was halfway out the door when she spoke again, "Nate is a nice guy, your father surprisingly like him." "Yeah, he is," "The condoms are under the sink in your bathroom," She said like it was a regular thing to tell your daughter. I felt my face go red in embarrassment, "Mom!" I shrieked. My mom was laughing, "Oh Hunny, don't be such a prude." "Mom, normal kids don't have this conversation with their parents," I said shutting the glass door, completely mortified from the conversation. 

Does the summer suddenly make everyone start talking about sex? I thought, shaking my head and flapping onto a tanning chair. My phone began buzzing with our girl group chat. 

Since The Day I Saw Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें