Chapter 12

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Isabelle's P.O.V

After I had caught up with Anna she was half way across the pier and had mascara stain tears running down her face. Before I could stop myself I said the first thing to come to mind, "You should invest in waterproof mascara." "I hate you," She said while a hint of a smile played on her lips. Thankfully, Anna didn't live far from the pier, so the walk wouldn't be too bad. As we walked she told me stories about Nathan that our friend group had no clue about, like how she had saved him from getting dumped from girls countless times. I shook my head and offered up a few choice words every now and again as she spoke.

When we arrived at her house the sun had set and the street lights were slowly turning on. She thanked me and turned to leave but as if realising something turned back around. "Oh my god Isabelle, I just realised you left your date for me." She hung her head and I went to tell her it was alright but she cut me off with a swift hand in my face. "I know what you're going to say, it's not alright! I ruined your date and I am so sorry for that. You are truly the best friend anyone could ask for." With that, she gave me a hug that was so tight I thought I would pass out. I pulled from the hug and smiled, "It's alright, there will always be other dates."

She gave me a quick hug and went inside. Where I knew she was probably going to cry her eyes out some more, because no matter how much comfort your friend gives you, and no matter how much you think you're over it, you will inevitably cry into your pillow when you're alone.


I slipped quietly into the house, trying to navigate through the darkness. Apparently, my parent's had forgotten to leave the light on for me before they went to bed. I was shocked my dad hadn't stayed up to make sure I came home. I sat down on my bed sighing in relief as the bed offered comfort I was yearning for my whole walk home. I was emotionally and physically drained from tonight's events that I knew as soon as my head hit the pillow I would pass out. I laid on my bed and could already feel myself drifting to sleep when my dad barged into my room.

I suppressed my urge to scream. I made a mental note to ask for a lock on my door because people barging into my room without so much as a knock was becoming irritating. "Why didn't Nate drive you home?" My dad said switching the light on and burning my retina's. "Jesus dad," I hissed and covered my eyes with my pillow. I felt the bed shift as my dad sat down. "What kind of a date lets you walk home in the dark?" Figuring my parent's would hear about the drama at the restaurant I told him the truth, "He didn't, I walked with Anna. She and Nathan made a scene and she walked out. When Nate tried to go after her with me I told him to stay and I would call him later." "Well he still shouldn't have let you walk," My dad said, obviously trying everything to deter me for dating Nate again.

"Dad, let's talk about this in the morning, I've had a long night," I pleaded. "Fine, sleep tight bug," I groaned at his nickname for me. He leaned down and kissed my forehead before shutting off the lights and leaving me in peace.


I walked into the coffee shop the next morning with a pounding headache. Elena had called me this morning saying Josh needed me to cover the first half of his shift because he had an appointment. I walked up to the counter and ordered an extra large coffee. I was going to need more than an extra large to get me through this day.

"Hey Isabelle," Jenna shouted from behind the counter. Jenna was a freshman in my school that I had tutored for a bit. I smiled and waved, she walked over and handed me my coffee. "So I heard about what happened last night at the pier," She grimaced referring to the drama that had unfolded yesterday. I nodded, "Yeah, I'm sure everyone will move on soon." "I can't believe Mona would even cause a scene like that and poor Anna, I always thought her and Nathan would be cute," She sighed and said goodbye before serving another customer. Well, at least people weren't blaming Anna for the drama of last night.

Since The Day I Saw YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora