The Devil Himself (ManXBoy) C...

By Anissa_Eylene555

1.1M 42.3K 10.5K

[COMPLETE] Ace Nova Williams finds himself having dreams that would disturb even a psychopath. He doesn't min... More

Hello!! :)
Author's Note
Ch.1: Dream
Ch.2: Someone's Here
Ch.3: Slut Parents
Ch.4: Crystal Ball
Ch.5: Whisper
Ch.6: The Devil Himself
Ch.7: The Devil Is Gay?
Ch.8: Seventeenth Child
Ch.9: The Devil Shops?
Ch.10: Choice
Ch.11: Tempest
Ch.12: Pull the Trigger
Ch.13: Send Me To Hell
Ch.14: Welcome To Hell
Ch.15: Exploring Hell
Ch.16: Destined
Ch.17: Sage Is Weird
Ch.18: Sylvester
Ch.19: Sylvester Part II
Ch.20: Blood Bonds
Ch.21: The Village
Ch.22: Possessive
Ch.23: Exploring the Castle
Ch.24: Akuji
Ch.25: Prince Lakita
Ch.26: Work For It
Ch.27: Heaven in Hell
Ch.28: Wishes
Ch.29: Perfection
Ch.30: E-mails from God
Ch.31: Telepathy
Ch.32: Welcome to Heaven
Ch.33: God Himself
Ch.34: TV in Heaven?
Ch.36: Michael
Ch.37: The Devil
Ch.38: Master
Ch.39: Perfect
Ch.40: Love and Compassion

Ch.35: Actually

11.2K 484 24
By Anissa_Eylene555

"What did he want?" Lucifer asks for the umpteenth time in the span of ten minutes.

Ace sighs with closed eyes. He doesn't really want to share with Lucifer what God showed him and he doesn't completely understand why. A part of him feels guilty that a future him could be happy with someone else other than Lucifer. He doesn't want Lucifer to feel upset or jealous over a life that hadn't even happened. So, Ace is keeping a tight lip on the subject, only saying that he and God had a chat.

"We just talked, Lucifer," Ace says with a groan. "Now, can you please drop it?"

Lucifer gives him a pleading look that Ace is weak against. Ace has to close his eyes again and look away.

"No, Lucifer, I am not giving in," He says stubbornly. "He was just answering a few questions I had, nothing you need to think about,"

"But," Lucifer begins but stops when Ace snaps his head to him and glares at him. Then, Lucifer sighs dramatically and pouts. "Fine," He grumbles. He really wanted to know what his father and his mate talked about and why it had to be in private.

"What did you do while I was with God?" Ace asks curiously.

Lucifer grimaces at him. "I had to visit with the angels. Which meant seeing my siblings as well, which I was not pleased with one bit. However, I am glad you were not there, my siblings are insufferable. Oh, and Michael is a man whore who would have tried to get into your pants the second he saw you, and then I would have been forced to rip his head off," He ends with an evil smile that actually has Ace squirming a bit.

"A man whore?" Ace asks curiously. Although, he isn't quite sure he wants to know the details by the dark look on Lucifer's face suddenly.

"Yes, he will fuck any soul he can get his hands on, literally," The look on his face darkens. "My father has had to confine him before because he gets so out of hand. Stay away from him the most, Ace, I mean it,"

Ace shakes his head. "Honestly, I don't feel the need to meet any of your siblings if that's the way you speak of them,"

Lucifer grins wide at that. "Good, then it is settled, you will not meet any of them, ever,"

"Okay," Ace chuckles.

"Now," Lucifer says. "Let us sleep, my father and I have a meeting about Tempest in the morning,"

Ace nods his head as Lucifer pulls him to his naked body. The two of them make themselves comfortable in the large king-sized bed. It doesn't take long for Lucifer to fall asleep, however, Ace has a harder time. His mind just cannot be silent. All Ace can think about was that possible future God showed him. He was so happy in that life.

Ace keeps wondering why he didn't choose to live a happy life on Earth just once before suffering from Travis and Bree. Sure, God said he was impatient and wanted to get to Lucifer as quickly as possible, but still, why didn't he want to experience a happy life on Earth at least once? Yes, Ace is happy with Lucifer now, but he can't help wondering. What would a happy Earth experience really feel like?

These kinds of questions run through his head, making it impossible to fall asleep. It isn't until early in the morning when the sky starts to turn a grey shade that Ace's brain finally quiets down and allows him to pass out.


Ace awakens to an empty bed. The sun is high in the sky and he has no idea where Lucifer and Tempest have gone. It takes Ace a few moments to fully awaken, that is when he remembers Lucifer had a meeting with God and he was taking Tempest with him. Something about having to discuss Tempest being Lucifer's heir should he ever retire.

But if Ace is being honest with himself, he doesn't see Lucifer retiring any time in the near future. Perhaps after a few centuries, but not right now, especially not with Ace just getting there. After all, Ace was destined to rule Hell beside Lucifer. But then again, maybe when Tempest is eighteen he could take over, especially since eighteen is much older in Hell than it is on Earth. So basically, when Tempest is eighteen in human years, he would definitely be an adult by then in Hell. Ace still isn't quite sure how the whole aging process works in Hell, though.

Ace stretches out his naked limbs under the red silk sheets, his back cracking a little in such a good way that has him practically moaning in pleasure. Then, he kicks the sheets off and gets off the bed. He then rubs the sleep out of his eyes before he stretches once more now that he is standing. As he opens his eyes he spots a set of neatly folded clothes sitting on the ottoman and a pair of shoes resting on the floor next to the ottoman.

Ace moves to the clothes and spots a neatly handwritten letter resting on top of the pile. Ace has seen Lucifer's handwriting before but it never ceases to amaze Ace of how intricately woven each letter is in the calligraphy style handwriting. Each pen stroke is perfect with just the right amount of ink in all the right places. The writing is how one would imagine an angel to write, beautiful and perfect in every way. Nothing how Ace imagined Lucifer, the Devil himself, would write.

Ace smiles as he reads the handwritten letter.

My sweet love, Ace, I have gone to speak with my father about Tempest. He is very adamant that we get this meeting over with as soon as possible. Which I have no qualms over as I would prefer to not leave you alone for an unnecessary amount of time in such a place as this. If you would like to explore, please, my love, I ask that you wait for me. I do not want you to run into anyone alone. I warn you of my siblings for a reason, my love.

I do not want you to feel as if I am being overly protective or possessive, I truly fear that one of my siblings will cause harm to you. You are a human in Heaven and not only that, but you have been marked by myself. Everyone will want to know what is so special about you that I, the Devil himself, would choose you. They will interrogate you, try to touch you, and harass you in any way they know.

If you get hungry, a soul will be waiting right outside the door to escort you to the private dining hall. You will be able to eat in peace there, my love, as no one God has not permitted, is allowed inside. The soul will keep you company until I return.

I have also left you some clothing, which you have by now discovered. The bathroom is yours to use as you please as well. If you choose to stay in the room, however, I would prefer you not to wear the clothing, if you know what I mean.

I will return as soon as I can, my sweet love.



Ace can't help the blush that finds its way to his cheeks as he reads Lucifer's message about not wearing clothing. In Hell he would be fine with it, however, this is Heaven, and Ace feels slightly uncomfortable being naked even now. It feels like a sin to be naked in God's home, even though Lucifer assured him it was not, and that even God himself got naked.

Ace shakes his head of the embarrassment and gathers up the clothing and takes them to the bathroom. The bathroom is made of white marble with a jetted shower large enough to be considered a public shower. Ace isn't sure why everything has to be so large and extravagant when it is only a bathroom, the one place Ace would rather not spend most of his time.

Ace takes a long hot shower, making sure to try out all of the different jets just for the fun of it. After he dries off and gets the clothes put on him, he makes his way to the door to search for the soul that would be his escort. Ace is extremely curious as to what a soul would look like so he hurries to find out.

At first, Ace believes no one to be there as the hall appears to be empty. But, as soon as he steps foot outside the doorway of his shared room, a sudden blue light appears. Ace is taken aback as the light appears as something he has never seen before.

The blue light moves in and out, making it not quite a perfect ball, but also not moving around like it is falling apart. The light seems to stay together perfectly and knows what it is doing. The light is also the size of a basketball.

"Hello!" A voice sudden greets.

Ace jumps back in shock, as there is no one around but the floating blue light. Ace stares at the light in amazement.

"Did, did you just talk?" He asks unsure of himself and the question.

"Yes I did," The voice responds. "Only, I have no mouth, so actually, I am projecting my thoughts into your head, but you perceive it as if your ears were hearing me speak vocally. That's just how the current human brain is wired at the moment,"

Ace blinks a few times before it dawns on him. "Oh, you're a soul,"

"In the flesh," The ball of light expands for a moment before it moves back into its original size. "Well, actually, I have no flesh, so, in the non-corporal form, at your service," The ball lowers to the marble flooring, and somehow, Ace realizes this is a bow of some sort.

"Do you... have a name," Ace asks. He is curious to know everything he can about souls.

"I do!" The soul sounds very cheerful, which eases Ace's tension slightly. A tension he wasn't aware he was carrying.

"Can you tell me?"


Ace waits a moment. "What?"


"Actually what?" Ace asks confused.

The soul laughs happily. "My name, it's Actually,"

Ace stares at the soul confused. "Your name is Actually?"

"Yes, well actually, it is officially Soul Seaky Actually. But God shortened it to just Actually,"

"Is there a reason for that?"

The soul giggles. "Apparently, I say the word actually a lot, so it became my name,"

"Was Seaky your name before Actually?"

The soul moves side-to-side in a horizontal plane; which Ace recognizes as shaking its head no.

"I am a Seaky soul, which means I am blue. Blue represents the sea and the sky, which is how you get Seaky. Blue also represents depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, faith, heaven, and intelligence. Well, actually, it also means open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, expansiveness, inspiration, and sensitivity,"

"That is a lot of meaning," Ace mutters.

"Yes, but I am not the only Seaky,"

"You're not?"

"No, actually there are a lot of Seaky's, I just happen to be one of them,"

"Are all souls blue?"

"No, there are red souls who are called Soul Cuvil, orange souls called Soul Joyivity, pink Soul Love, green Soul Rebirth, white Soul Pure, gold is Soul Precious, and purple souls are rare and called Soul Sacred. All our names represent what we are and who we will be if we ever choose to leave Heaven and obtain a corporal form,"

"Are those the only colors?"

"Actually there are fifteen main colors, and then branches of colors, like darker or lighter shades. Take red for instance. If it is a dark red then it ultimately means devil, which is anger or violence. A lighter shade of red ultimately means cupid, meaning love and passion. You just have to actually see what shade a soul is to know what it is,"

"Can you change color or will you always be blue?"

"That's what the spirit is for. Yes, I can change my color, but I will only change if I obtain a corporal form and spirit. And before you ask, the spirit binds the soul to the body, you cannot have a body without a spirit. And yes, I can return to blue. Color represents moods and emotions, that is all,"

"So, do you have dark colors? Like, not dark shades, but like, black?"

Actually is quiet for a moment before responding. "Yes, black is called Soul Death,"

Ace blinks in shock. "Oh, that's a... a deep name,"

"Yes, well, actually, we don't speak of Soul Death that often,"

"Why not? Besides their name being Death,"

"Soul Death's are gloomy, and rebellious, and are a complete mystery. They are mean and powerful and only bring sadness and grief wherever they go. Also, death follows them. They are the only soul that can kill another. Actually, they cannot help themselves. Soul Death's stick around each other, so when they do happen to run into another soul, they get so overwhelmed that they cannot help themselves but to kill us,"

"Where are they? Do they like roam around freely?" Ace doesn't believe God would allow something so dangerous and cruel to roam freely.

"Oh, no, no, no," Actually moves side-to-side quickly. "Soul Death's were sent to another part of Heaven so they would stop killing us, other souls. God also blessed them so they can keep their anger in check, or something like that. But they still have to stay away from us. I think God visits them once in a while, though, so it's not like they get lonely or anything,"

Ace opens his mouth to ask another question, but before he can, Actually suddenly expands so large that the blue light blocks his view of the hallway. Ace even has to lift his hand up to shield his eyes as the blue light intensifies almost blindingly. Then, Actually lets out a scream and suddenly vanishes. A fading wisp of blue dust the only indication that anyone was here.

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