Runaway Runner{A Why Don't We...

By DiviaOfDiamonds

3.1K 93 31

"If you ain't scared, you ain't human." Being the first Glader did have its perks, yet she still insisted the... More

About the Character
Chapter One
Chapter Two
~Scenario~ How the Gladers Got Their Nicknames
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
~Scenario~ If the Gladers got Phones
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Seven

117 6 5
By DiviaOfDiamonds

(Y/N) woke up with a start. She giggled before getting changed into a t-shirt and leggings. She proceeded to put her hair in a ponytail and exited her room. She looked to her left to see Newt come out of his room. "Morning, Love."

"Morning, Newtie." She giggled. Newt sighed.

"Promise me you'll make it back alive, alright."

"I promise." She grinned. "C'mon I don't want to be late." She ran down the stairs and exited the Homestead. She went towards the dinning area and met up with Zach along the way.

"Someone's excited." Zach smiled.

"I am!" She grinned.

"And why's that?"

"I get to go on an adventure with Thomas, Jack, and Minho." She cheered. Zach stopped in his place.

"And Newt's okay with this?"

"He was perfectly fine with it." She took her breakfast from Jonah. "Thanks!"

"No snarky comment?" Jonah asked.


"(Y/N) ready to get geared up?" She nodded at Minho.

"Geared up?" Jonah raised an eyebrow. Jonah proceeded to take a sip of his water.

"Yeah, she's going into the maze with us." Jonah spit out his water. Minho walked away as Newt showed up.

"WHAT?! Newt you're okay with this?!" Newt shook his head 'no'. "Then why is she going?!"

"Because I can't." Newt sighed. (Y/N) with a back pack and a spear.

"Sorry, almost forgot some water." She got a water bottle. "Bye~"

"Wait!" Jonah stopped her. "Be careful, please."

"Okay, mom." She laughed. "I'll be back before you know it." With that, said she jogged towards Minho, Jack, and Thomas.

"She'll be fine." Zach patted Newt and Jonah's backs. "Now, lets get to work and wait for them to get back."
"We're here." Minho declared. (Y/N) bent over and started catching her breath.

"Geez, being a Runner is hard."

"At least it keeps us in shape." Jack shrugged.

"Okay, so what do we have to do?" (Y/N) asked, finally catching her breath.

"We'll have to collect some rocks and sketch the Cliff." Thomas replied.

"Thomas, (Y/N), Jack go look for some rocks. I'll draw a map." Minho commanded.

"Min, you can even draw a straight line." (Y/N) retorted. "But I'm not the Keeper here, so toodles~" She walked away and started looking for pieces of rock with Thomas. The three returned around ten minutes later.

"Let's get started."
Corbyn joined the others, who were eating in a peaceful silence. "Somethings missing." He tapped his chin in thought. "We're missing someone aren't we?" He looked around. "Is it Minho? No he's always away at this time. Jack? No same as him. (Y/N)? Yes, she's always here."

"Corbyn are you okay?" Daniel asked. "You're mumbling to yourself."

"Oh, I am?"


"I just noticed (Y/N) isn't here. Where is she?"

"Oh she's- where IS (Y/N)?" Daniel looked at Newt, who sighed. Jonah gripped his eating utensil tighter.

"She's in the Maze." Newt ran a hand through is hair. Daniel and Corbyn halted eating.


"Heavens no. She has Minho, Jack, and Thomas with her."

"Why'd she go into the Maze?" Zach asked.

"Well, I guess it's alright to tell you. Thomas and Minho might've found a way out." Newt declared.

"A way out? There is no way out of here. We just have a one way ticket into the Glade." Jonah butted in.

"Sure there's no way out of the Maze, but there could be an exit inside the Cliff." Newt replied.

"And why couldn't you go?" Corbyn asks.

"My limp."


Daniel stayed silent. "She'll be okay." Newt comforted. "She's got a Keeper and someone who survived in the Maze with her."

"I guess you're right."
(Y/N) sneezed. "I get the feeling someone's talking about me."

"Or you could be sick." Jack pointed out. "I mean you were taking care of me yesterday."

"Speaking of sick, how're you feeling." (Y/N) asked, completely ignoring the fact she could be sick.

"Quite well, actually." Jack responded, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Good, good." (Y/N) replied, also starting to eat her lunch. "Thomas, Minho, take a break, we've been at it all morning."

"Fine." Minho groaned. He walked over to Jack and (Y/N), who were sitting in the shade. He took out a sandwich and leaned against the wall. "Not gonna lie, these sandwich's are pretty bad."

"Poor Jonah." (Y/N) laughed.

"Well, it's the truth." Minho shrugged. Minho looked over at Thomas. "Hey, shuckface, take a break."

Thomas glanced at Minho. "I'm good, I actually want to finish this. The sooner, the better. I'm not trying to die at Newts hands." Thomas shuddered.

"He couldn't hurt a fly." Minho deadpanned.

"You'd actually be surprised, Min." (Y/N) retorted. "Newt used to be able to take down Gally. At least before the incident."

"That's right, didn't he used to be a runner?" Jack asked. (Y/N) nodded. Thomas sat there clueless of what they were talking about.

"Well if that's the case, I'm shaking in my boots." Minho replied, sarcastically.

"You should be, Min." (Y/N) teased. "Now, let's get back to work." (Y/N) threw a rock in an area that wasn't touched and heard a 'thunk'. "Guess there is something in there."
"It's so boring without someone to tease here." Zach complained to Newt.

"Get back to work, Zachary." Newt replied.

"But I'm bored." He whined.

"You didn't seem bored yesterday, when (Y/N) was taking care of Jack." Zach immediately got back to work.

"You're quiet-er than normal." Corbyn commented.

"Yeah, I'm just worried." Daniel sighed.

"We all are. But, (Y/N)'s a strong, independent girl." Daniels snorted.

"If independent means asking for something that's on the top shelf, then sure." Corbyn laughed.

"Her height does ruin that statement, doesn't it?" Both broke out in laughter.
"You seem off." Frypan spoke up. "What's on your mind?"

"(Y/N)." Jonah mumbled.

"Oh, yeah. You have a little crush on her, don't ya?" Jonah only nodded. "That's not the only thing on your mind, is it?"

"She's in the Maze." Frypan stopped stirring the soup.

"Is she? Newt's okay with this?"

"Nope, but she was the only one that could've gone into the Maze." Jonah sighed.

"Well, she's done for." Frypan stated.

"What do you by that?"

"Wall's closing in-" He looked at the watches provided by the Creators. "Half an hour. They're still not back yet."

Jonah mumbled some Glade curses under his breath. "I'll be back."

"You can go after this soup is done." Frypan stopped him.


"We do our parts here, Jonah." Jonah sighed but went back to chopping the remaining vegetables needed.
~~A little while before~~
"Alright, we've still got a good hour and thirty minutes before we need to go back." Minho declared. "And we're all out of rocks."

"Shocker." (Y/N) replied.

"So get some more rocks, people!"

Jack and Thomas went one way, while (Y/N) went another. "Don't get lost, (Y/N/N)." Jack teased.

"I wouldn't be talking, Jacky." (Y/N) teased right back.

"Okay, we're back." Minho raised an eyebrow. "And we've got rocks."

"I'd hope you'd have rocks, Thomas." Thomas smiled sheepishly.

"Wait, where's (Y/N)?" Jack pointed out.

"I thought she was with you." Minho replied.

"Nope. We split up over there... shuck." Realization came to all three of them. "And I told her not to get lost."

"Stay here and continue working." Minho went the direction Jack pointed.
"Where am I?" (Y/N) asked herself. "Could've sworn I went this way." She sighed. "Minho?! Jack?! Tommy?!" She shouted. "That wont work, will it?" She slumped against a wall.
"(Y/N)?!" Minho called out. "(Y/N)?!" He slowed his run to a jog. "Please don't be dead." He muttered. Maybe she made it back to the Glade?
"So, Thomas. We don't talk much." Jack stated, throwing another rock into the Cliff. "How's your day going?"

"Pretty horrible, yours?" Thomas answered, marking down the rock Jack threw.

"Same here."

"That's bad."

Minho jogged into the Glade, trying to remain unnoticed. He looked around for a certain (H/C) headed girl. "Minho?" A voice asked. Minho jumped and swiftly turned around. "Why're you back? Where's the others."

"Zach, keep it down." Minho whispered. "Is (Y/N) back yet?"

"No, why?" Minho didn't respond. "Don't tell me you guys lost her." Minho still remained silent. "You guys lost her?!" Zach shouted, gaining attention of passerby's.

"Keep it down!" Minho whisper-shouted. "And no we didn't lose her, we just... Okay we did lose her."

Zach sighed. "Newts going to kill you if you don't find her."

"I know, which is why we'll find her."

"Good luck." With that dine, Minho jogged back into the Maze.
Hey, voice in my head, you still there? (Y/N) thought.

I'm not a voice in your head, I'm just communicating with you telepathically. The voice replied.

So, you're the voice of someone else in my head.

Yes-no- basically? She heard the voice sigh.

You know the way out of here?

Depends on what 'here' you mean. Yes, I know the way out of the maze. And yes, I know how to get you back to the Glade. But, I don't know where you are.

Neither do I. (Y/N) got up off the ground and started looking around again. Wait, what do you mean you know the way out?

I designed this maze.
"So you come here often?"

"No, we aren't doing this again." Thomas halted Jacks pointless conversations. "You've been doing this for the time Minho was gone." Jack pouted.
"(Y/N)?!" Minho shouted. "Please show up somewhere." Minho rounded a corner to meet Thomas and Jack still at the Cliff. "You're still here?"

Jack didn't even turn around. "Yeah."

Minho sighed. "Did she show up?"

"Nope." Jack said popping the 'p'.

"How are you not concerned?"

"Oh, trust me, I am." Jack replied. "I'm worried sick. She's one of my two best friends."

Thomas got up and folded the paper they were marking on. "Let's search together. Minho, how much time do we have left?" Minho looked at his watch.

"Twenty five minutes."
"They're still not back." Newt muttered. "They're usually back an hour before the walls close."

"Yeah." Zach replied, seeming rather suspicious. "Maybe they're caught up." He shrugged.

"You're acting strange." Newt paused. "More than you usually are."

"What? Pfft. No." Zach waved off.

"Zachary." Newt said in a threatening tone.

"Okay! Minho returned a little while ago. He said that they might've lost (Y/N)." Zach fiddled with the rake in his hands.




So, you're telling me that you know your way out of the Maze but the moment you wake up from your little coma, you'll forget? (Y/N) clarified.

Yep. Teresa responded. Spot on.

"Alright Jonah, you're free to go look for your love." Frypan snickered.

"Thanks!" Jonah called out and went to the entrance of the section (Y/N) exited. He saw Newt pacing back and forth, Daniel on the brink of tears, Corbyn patting Daniels back, Jack crouched down, Thomas with his hand on his knees, Minho also pacing, and Zach staring at the entrance. "What's going on?"

Newt only acknowledged Jonah with a glance. "She isn't back yet. Wall closes soon." The boys headed a rumble. "Shuck."
Nonononononono! (Y/N) screamed in her head.

C'mon you can do it! Teresa cheered for the girl. (Y/N) continued sprinting down the long hall.
"There she is!" Zach shouted, causing everyone's heads to whip towards the entrance. "C'mon, (Y/N)!"


"You can do it, Love!"
(Y/N) pushed herself to sprint faster. Do the walls normally close this fast?!

Guess so. You've got to speed it up girl!

I'm not going to make it.

You don't know that. There's eight boys who believe in you.

I'm not going to make it.

Then, try!'re right. (Y/N) continued forth.
"She isn't going to make it." Thomas realized. "The walls are closing too fast."

Newt ran a hand through his hair. "Don't say that, please."

Five feet.

"Come one, (Y/N)!"

Four feet.

"Don't give up!"

Three feet.


Two feet.

(Y/N) reached the closing wall and stopped through the tiny crack remaining, she mouthed 'I'm sorry'.

A 'boom' echoed through the Glade that remained silent.

"Newt!" A Glader called out.

"Yes?" The leader replied.

"Hate to add on to the bad new but, Jake escaped the Slammer. And he isn't anywhere in the Glade.

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