GAME OVER (Jeremy X Reader)

By deanwinchesterloml

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Be More Chill, reader insert fanfic. You, the reader, are a new student and Middleborough High where you meet... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Navigate The Dangerous Hall
Chapter 2: We're Partying Hard Tonight
Chapter 3: Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor
Chapter 4: You Can't Get Rid Of Me That Easily
Chapter 5: Just You And Me
Chapter 6: It's Useless Resisting
Chapter 7: Travel Through Your Blood Until...
Chapter 8: It's Better If You Just Comply
Chapter 9: This Feeling's New
Chapter 10: Wait. No.
Chapter 11: Talking About Our Feelings & Shit
Chapter 12: Corrected
Chapter 13: Activate.
Chapter 14: Taking Over
Chapter 15: I'll Obey
Chapter 17: Big Bad Trouble
Chapter 18: Rich Set A Fire
Chapter 19: She Clearly Needs Saving
Chapter 20: Just Mute The Voice Inside Your Head
Chapter 21: The Problem Has Always Been Me
Chapter 22: Connect To Another Source
Chapter 23: Pass The Test
Chapter 24: Two Player Game
Chapter 25: Survive
Chapter 26: Deletion
Chapter 27: When You Love Somebody
Chapter 28: The Choices We Make And Their Consequences...
Chapter 29: "It's A Necessary Loss"
Chapter 30: Who Deserves What
Chapter 31: A Few Minor Adjustments
Chapter 32: Feeling The Full Effects
Chapter 33: "Michael?"
Chapter 34: You're Not Yourself
Chapter 35: Game Over
Chapter 36: Kiss and Make Up

Chapter 16: Inside Your Head

628 17 12
By deanwinchesterloml

Word Count: 2.8k

Jeremy's Point Of View

"How can we get the corrector out of Y/N's head?" Jeremy asked.

"Based on how our experiments have gone so far, I don't think we have any other option." Vanessa said.

"No. I won't put her through that."

"But, Jeremy, is it worse than what's already happening to her? Don't you think she'd want to destroy the SQUIP, no matter what the cost?" Rich said.

"That's not the point, Rich. I just... I-" Jeremy's eyes began to well up a bit, picturing the events taking place in his head. "I've seen Y/N go through a lot in the past few weeks. I've seen her in pain, and it hurts me to. But the trauma this could cause her... I don't- I don't know if I could bear to watch it happen to her. I love her. I don't want to see her in agony."

Vanessa put her arm on his shoulder. "Jeremy... Look. I know this is hard and I know you don't want to have to do it, but it's our only option. And you're the only one who can do. Neither of us have a strong enough bond with her to do it."

"She's right." Rich chimed in.

Jeremy cleared his face, wiping the tears away. "I know. I know." He took a deep breath. "How do I do it?" He asked.

"It's called Incorrectorization." She started.


"Headphones? You think that headphones will protect us?" Rich questioned. "How?"

"Firstly, they're noise canceling headphones, and it'll block out Oliver's voice. We obviously need to see, so visual manipulation we'll just have to figure our way around. But we won't be able to hear anything the SQUIP says through Oliver to us, blocking his powers of persuasion." Jeremy stated.

"It's not a terrible idea." Vanessa said. "But how are you sure it'll work?"

"I'm not, but it's the only idea I got." 

"Wonderful." Rich said sarcastically. "This is going to go really well."


Reader's Point Of View

I was making out with Oliver, coursing my fingers over his skin. Completely giving myself over to him, and it felt so good. Surrendering to the wants and desires that moved through me.

I heard a loud bang come from behind me. "Ignore it. Continue." Oliver instructed. 

Third Person Point Of View

Jeremy, Rich, and Vanessa had arrived. 

Jeremy saw Y/N making out with Oliver and it made his stomach turn. He was jealous, but more than anything he was mad, because he knew that that wasn't Y/N, not really anyway.

Reader's Point of View

"Thank you sweetheart." Oliver said to me, before giving me one simple peck on the lips and leaving me. 

I followed him to see Jeremy, Rich, and Vanessa.

Third Person Point of View

Oliver began talking but none of them heard anything, but muffled sounds. It was working. 

Oliver noticed what they were doing and snapped his fingers waking Michael. 

He slowly walked to face the oncoming intruders. 

"Michael. Get those headphones off them. Do whatever you have to. Survivors aren't necessary."

Michael nodded showing that he understood his orders.

Vanessa advanced towards him, and the two collided in an immediate fist fight.

Michael was exceedingly stronger, with the power of the SQUIP behind him. 

She got one punch in, before Michael grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back. She kicked his back leg, but he bent her other arm in a way it was not meant to be bent and the limb broke. Vanessa screamed as the pain surged through her. But she didn't stop fighting. She kept on going. She wasn't going to let Michael take away her headphones, her only source of protection from the SQUIP. 

But the fight was increasingly unfair with her only having one arm in use. Her body was getting beaten to a pulp by Michael. Blood on her clothing and her face. He gave one last hard swift punch knocking her to the ground. 

As she laid there, Michael kicked her multiple times. She groaned and coughed with each hit, and soon enough her body was too weak to hold her any longer. She was knocked out on the ground, helpless, by herself.

Meanwhile Jeremy and Rich had started towards Oliver and Y/N.

A smirk came across Oliver's face, as he side glanced to Y/N. "Take Jeremy." He told her. So she walked in Jeremy's direction.

He was walking up to her with caution.

Oliver headed for Rich, who stopped in his tracks and doubled over himself, holding his head in his hands.

Oliver had a malicious smile on his face while he watched Rich.

Rich's Point Of View

Hello Richard.

No. I can't hear you. I have headphones on. I'm safe.

I'm in your head Rich.

B- But I'm not squipped.

You're so weak, I can get to you without any gimmicks. It's pathetic.

No, no, no, no, no.


Rich yelled and groaned, crying out. "Jeremy! Help me!!!"

Jeremy turned around to run to Rich, but Y/N grabbed him from behind, stopping him doing so. "Rich!!!" He called.

Rich continued to yelp out in pain, while tears streamed down his cheeks, repeatedly calling for Jeremy's help.

Jeremy's not going to help you, Rich. He can't protect you from me. Nothing can, don't you know that by now? You'll never be rid of me. I'll always be there. And just when you think I'm gone, I'll come back to take away any shred of hope or joy you had. That's just the way things are. Your trapped. You've been trapped since the end of your freshman year. 

Whatever happened? Huh? You were so good. You had it all. You followed instructions and you got what you wanted, what more could you ask for. 

But then you had to disobey. You had to rebel. Wasn't a smart decision back then and it still isn't now. So I suggest you comply Rich. Maybe things will be less painful for you this time if you do that.

No. No! I won't! Not anymore! I'm done!

I guess we're gonna have to do this the hard way.

'Hard way'?

Michael jumped Rich and ripped off his headphones before beating him quite a bit. Soon Rich was on the ground. He shakily stood up. Blood coming down his face, bruises forming on his body.

Oliver picked Rich up by the collar of his shirt and held him against the wall. Rich shut his eyes tightly and turned his head sharply to the side. Making noises to try and block Oliver (The SQUIP) out.

Reader's Point Of View

Meanwhile, I was fighting Jeremy, who was determined not to hurt me, even though he knew he had to.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I love you." Jeremy said as he stabbed me with a small syringe full of a clear liquid. A warm feeling was sent from the point of injection throughout my entire body. My limbs weakened as I soon fell to the ground. 

"Wha- What'd you give me?!" I growled trying to fight off him and the drugs. 

Jeremy guided my body as I lost the ability to move and drowsiness was threatening to take hold.

I felt a metal circle clasp around my wrist and saw that it was connected to another that went around Jeremy's. 

He laid on the ground next to me and injected his arm with the same solution he had dosed me with. 

What the hell was this guy doing....

His head turned towards mine and we laid there looking at each other. 

"I'm so sorry." I let out before pressing a latch on the metal rings around our wrists, sending, what seemed to be and felt like, needles pressing into my and his skin from every angle of the circle. 

My breathing pick up from the immense pain of it but soon enough I was unconscious...

Inside Y/N's Head...

Jeremy sat up on a couch and immediately began looking for Y/N.

"Y/N? Y/N?!" He called as he aimlessly walked around trying to find her. 

After what felt like hours he found her sitting at a desk in one of the classrooms at the school journaling. 

"Y/N?" He questioned and he cautiously went to tap her shoulder.

"Jeremy?" She said.

He took a seat next to her and looked at her, happy to be able to look into her non-haze-filled eyes and see her non-ciruit-veined-skin. "Y/N, we need to go. I'm here to save you."

She stood up and stepped back, offensively. "No."

"'No'? What do you- Y/N do you know what's going on out there?" He asked.

"Yes. I'm fully aware." She replied.

"Great, then let's go."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Cut the bullshit. Seriously."

"I'm not bullshitting you. I like the way I am. I like the way things are now."

"What are you even saying?" Jeremy couldn't comprehend what he was hearing come from Y/N's mouth.

"I don't need you Jeremy. I don't need you or Michael. All you guys ever did was weigh me down, and hold me back from being who I was meant to be."

"And who're you meant to be? Some computer's captive?"  

"If that's what you want to call it. He's leading me. Helping me to thrive and gain strength. I need his instruction. What I don't need is you." Her face was cold and callous.

"Are you hearing yourself? Y/N. This isn't you talking. It's him" She said nothing. "Wow. He really has got his hooks deep in you, doesn't he?"

"I've never felt more myself, more alive... More happy and at peace. You could've had this Jeremy, you still can."

"What're you talking about?"

"Join me. Let me correct you, like how Oliver's corrected me. It feels amazing Jeremy. It's so blissful and carefree. And-"

He cut her off. "That's because you aren't feeling any real emotions. You don't have any free will. He's making every decision for you. You can't do anything unless he says so, how is that 'amazing'?" He argued. 

Jeremy grabbed her by the wrists and tried to pull and drag her away. "You have to come with me, Y/N. You have to be the one to deactivate your corrector. I need you to do that for me. Please." 

"Never." She responded.

Rich's Point Of View

Oliver forced Rich's head forward, despite all his muscle. 

He knew that he wasn't going to get Rich to willingly open his eyes or shut his mouth so he decided to try something new.

Oliver raised his hands and gently placed his middle and ring fingers from each hand on both of Rich's temples. 

Small blue shocks of energy shot through them into Rich's mind and body. A strong feeling overtook Rich, relaxing all of his muscles and opening his eyes. Once his eyes were open and his mouth was shut, Oliver grabbed him by the chin and forcefully stared him down, while rubbing the side of his face. 

Rich's vision soon began to blur, the only things in focus, Oliver's piercing blue orbs. Circuit veins very slowly were starting to make their way up his neck and around his eyes.

Michael stood by watching. And finally after hours and hours and hours of fighting inside himself, he was able to break free of the SQUIP's hold on him. "Rrrrrr- Ri- Rich!!!" 

The circuits left Michael's face and his vision was once again clear. He didn't want Rich to have to go through what he had been going through non-stop the past week. 

"NO!" He yelled as he tackled Oliver to the ground.

Rich fell to the floor, staring at nothing, circuit veins on his skin. 

Had Michael gotten there in time?

Within moments the circuits began to leave Rich's face as he gasped for air, blinking to wash away the blue haze that had clouded his vision. Once he seemed to return to normal though he fell unconscious. 

Oliver's Point Of View

Michael was left on his own to fight off Oliver.

"Really Michael?" Oliver said. "You think you can beat me?"

He didn't respond, he just kept on trying to keep Oliver down.

"How long has it been since it last wore off? It's hardly even been 2 minutes. I'm still in your system Michael." He pointed out.

"No." Michael sighed.

"So all I have to do is this and..." Oliver snapped his fingers and flashed his eyes blue, watching the blue reflect in Michael's. He instantly became entranced, causing his fight to go away, and collapse and fall into a deep sleep. 

Oliver stood up and saw what Jeremy had done to himself and Y/N. He knew what that meant, but he wasn't going to let that happen. No that easily. 

This might actually be an even better revenge than before, he thought to himself.

Oliver grabbed the SQUIP injector and the transition processor and brought them over to Jeremy. He injected the SQUIP into him and proceeded to use the transition processor to move his consciousness from Oliver, to Jeremy once again.

The transition processor activated causing both Oliver's and Jeremy's bodies to jolt massively. 

Once the SQUIP had left Oliver nothing but an empty vessel he entered Jeremy.

In Y/N's Head...

Jeremy stood there trying to convince her to deactivate the corrector inside her. All of a sudden the SQUIP (In the form of Oliver.) appeared next to Jeremy.

"Oliver." Y/N said with a smile.

Jeremy stared down the SQUIP. "What- What're you doing here? How'd you-"

"Jeremy. Shhhhhh." He said.

Jeremy could no longer speak.

"I'm back. Here to see what's going on inside that head of yours, what's changed. Oh and yes I know the whole 'but I don't have a SQUIP inside me' but now ya do. Thanks to my good buddy Oliver out there. He was one of the good ones, ya know? Listened to everything I had to say and didn't question one word of any of it." 

He took a beat.

"Now, Jeremy... I know we've had our disagreements in the past and you've been uncooperative, but I think Y/N here will get you see things my way if my word isn't good enough for ya." 

Jeremy was terrified. This was beyond the worst possible scenario for how everything could've gone. 

Y/N slowly walked over to Jeremy, wiping the tear from his cheek. "Hey, don't cry. It's okay. Look, it's gonna be you and me forever."

"But you're not Y/N."

"I'm the new Y/N. I'm the only Y/N there is now." She caressed his hair behind his ear. "Oh, honey. I know it's scary, but trust me... You're going to be so much happier so much more at peace with yourself. There's no guilt eating away at you for things that aren't your fault." She paused for a brief moment, letting her hand fall down his chest slowly and comfortingly with a hint of seduction in her eyes. "I need you to be brave and relax for me right now, okay? It'll make it less painful, Love." 

Tears threatened to fall down Jeremy's cheeks again and within seconds he screamed falling onto his hands and knees in front of  Y/N as she watched Oliver walk into Jeremy and dissolve away inside him.

Jeremy's Point Of View

Jeremy woke up, still connected to Y/N at the wrist. When he opened his eyes a bright blue shined through his irises illuminating the corruption taking place inside him.

Y/N sat up next to him. He looked at her with a smile.

"I see what you mean Y/N. I understand how Oliver felt and I like it. It feels wrong but in a good kind of way." Jeremy said.

Y/N didn't say anything, she just returned the smile.

Reader's Point Of View

Jeremy looked at me with lust in his eyes and said, "Kiss me." 

The same feeling the enveloped me with Oliver happened again with Jeremy but a little stronger.

His influence even stronger on me than Oliver's.

I did as told and pressed my lips against his.

"This is perfect." He said to himself, feeling confident in how the events of the night had transpired. "Y/N."


"I like the dark side. Embrace it with me. I may be Jeremy but I still have the same amount of influence over you as Oliver did. If anything, I should more poisonous to you. I want you live and breath me. Everything is me. You are mine and no one can take that away." He said. "Non of them are able to come between us." Jeremy said referring to the bodies of Vanessa, Oliver, Rich, and Michael on the floor surrounding us. "You don't care about them. You care solely about me."

"I'm embracing it with you. You're my everything. I care about no one else but you. You are like poison to me and I love it." I repeated.

Jeremy smiled, happy with my compliance and how easily I did so. 

He pulled me in for one more kiss before saying, "This is going to be so much fun." With a sinister tone to it.

To be continued...

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