Warren Worthington iii x read...

By TrulyAFangirl

123K 2.2K 256

HIATUS *requests closed* Preferences + imagines + gifs More

Information + Requests *please read*
Preference 1 First Meeting
Preference ~ hug
Preference ~ How you sleep 💤
Preference~ When he realised he liked you
Preference ~ What are you
Preference ~ breakfast
Imagine| training with an arrogant angel
Preference ~ First thoughts 💭
Preference ~Nicknames
Preference ~ thunderstorms ⛈
Preference ~ PDA
Preference ~ best friends
Imagine| Keep them Waiting
Preference ~ your song
Preference/ gif ~ fight
Imagine| Rise up
Imagine| Relationships not Related
Imagine| OTP
Preference~ cute couple
Imagine| New Home
Imagine| Ocean for a Heart
*Dating Warren Would Include*
Preference~ how he asked you out
Imagine| Who knew it was this Complicated part #1
Imagine| who knew it would be this Complicated part 2
Imagine| Get the Biggest Fire Truck and go BOOM
Imagine| Who Knew it would be this Complicated #3
Preferences~ valentines day
Preference~ 7 minutes in heaven
Imagine| FIGHT
Preference~ he walks in on you changing
Imagine| broken feather
Preference| he has a cold
Preference~ he cheats on you
preference~ he finds out you cheated
1. Pregnancy series ~ finding out
Imagine| Its about Time
Imagine| Where do They Go Now That They've Left You
Preference~ one night stand
A/N - so i need to say this..l
Imagine| Darling
Imagine| Usually I like to go a date before you say we are soulmates.

Imagine| Types of Angels

2.9K 38 14
By TrulyAFangirl

This was requested by @CalypsaOfSaturn
I'm sorry it's really long (3230 words 😬), but I had fun writing it you gave a lot of information which was helpful, and I loved creating a smol dragon friend.
I hope you like it

It all started when you turned 13.
You remembered every detail every single agonising moment.

"Seraphine!" Someone yelled from the other side of your door.
"What!" You snapped back stretching your arms ignoring the nagging pain in your back which had grown the entire week consistently making it impossible to sleep.
Your mother stood at the door her face red, and she had tears in her eyes
"We need to leave now" her voice softened, but the fear in her eyes was enough to get you on your feet.
You tied your pitch black hair into a messy bun grabbing your bag throwing what little possession you owned into.

Peering out the window you saw them: small dots from the 10th floor of the rickety apartment block.

You never meet your father, but it was apparent he had gotten himself head down into illegal business.
You were in debt, or your father was whether he was alive or not to pay the debt was a different story.

The door crashed down, and four burly men and a pudgy-faced girl with bright red lipstick entered the room.
"It's payday" she sneered.
You moved in front of the window behind your mother who glowered at them.
You smiled innocently at them, but your eyes gave away the poison.
You screamed in agony dropping to the floor your back arched and bent backwards like you were possessed.
Suddenly your top felt too tight, and you stretched still screaming, crying your whole body felt as if it was on fire and your bones creaked like your entire back was broken.
Mortified the men stared at you raising their guns, "make her stop" the largest one said his large moustache quivered
Soon enough they all were focused on something right on your shoulder and screeching, "she's one of them" she said moving the gun towards you.

The gun cracked missing you shattering the window a cool breeze ruffled your boiling skin

There was a cry and your closed your eyes suddenly something warm was on your face with trembling hand you wiped of something red thick and warm.
A gut-wrenching howl erupted from deep within you as you looked down into the lifeless eyes of your mother staring back at you with a bullet through her head.

A rage you never experienced overtook you. You lunged forward roaring collapsing to your knees as a sharp pain inflamed in your back. Sobbing you stood vision red with anger and pain fists clenched by your side the goons glared at you like you were a monster. One rushed forward and pushed you roughly.
Then you were falling.
But then you weren't.
You were hovering metres from the ground a brilliant, shocking silver pair of six wings shadowed you.

It was dark. That was the only time you could travel. Pip always accompanied you: Pip is a small round dragon with a large head with aqua ears and a long snake-like aqua tail that finished in a bright pink spike and along it were large ridges/ bumps a dull grey colour. Your dragon also owned small leathery sherbet pink wings and large saucepan silver eyes.
Pip was a useless dragon: he only squealed or made sad attempts to breathe fire but had an odd good luck charm the proof for that is all the situation you could have died it and miraculously did not plus he was small and could get into places you couldn't.

Caliban wasn't nice, but he wasn't mean which is why you had a lot of common with him. You never stayed there, but on more than one occasion you seek refuge or back up in trade for being a spy for Caliban or relieving Psylocke of bodyguard when she was on a mission.
Now Caliban showed you a place where you could earn some money: a brutal place but when you had no choice it seemed less dangerous at the moment.

As soon as you entered the dark alcohol drenched room, you wanted to turn back.
Feeling alone having left Pip in a deep sleep back in your hideout. Everyone saw you - when did anyone not see you: bright blue eyes, half silver half black hair and matching silver six wings. If six wings weren't enough they are with you: earth, fire and water. Those elements were the powers of each pair of wings.
How does that work?
How is that possible?
See, the top two wings though feathers and shocking silver the aura given off is a fiery red and the tendrils of fire absorbed into your skin so you could influence it.
The wings lower water a blue-grey aura that smells of the sea and a cool breeze
Finally the last wings absorbed with the earth element gave of a venom green along the silver ridges of the wings was a vine deeply encrusted like a whip telepathically connected to you.

This made you very well known. Well desired and well feared.

You saw a crowd of those burly men guarding the cage you barely turned before they ambushed you from behind and knocked you out.

Voices microphoned louder echoed around the space. You writhed under the chain behind the door desperate to get out. The barbaric guards hauled you to the door where you could hear better.
"Can the Angel himself defeat a goddess ?" The voice boomed to the thunderous crowd.
A chorus of cheers and boos rattled the door the guards pushed you roughly
"Don't touch me" you hissed glaring at them your wings glowed brighter you smiled wickedly seeing them back up with wide eyes.
A fiery tendril almost transparent lashed out blindly, and a large, brash burnt cut scarred a guards face. He screamed and so did you mumbling apologies and just as the guard pulled out a rather small dagger the door slid open.

You yelled in frustration as they dragged you by the wings tears stung in your eyes.
You tasted ground groaning you opened your eyes sputtering you coughed the dirt from your mouth.
You looked around: you were held in some metal cage much like the fighting rings except a dome like a jail.
This decided it! You no longer would leave the house without Pip.

You weren't alone in the cage.
There a few feet from you towered the Angel. Large white wings, sea green eyes and a rather muscular appearance.

You had heard horror stories about these fights with him. That no one lasted more than five minutes in the ring with him. He was brutal, power hungry. He even defeated the Blob someone that had only ever known to be beaten by Wolverine.

You expected to have been knocked out straightaway having the games started the minute you were dumped into this cage. Shakily you stood carefully plastering an expressionless face hiding how nervous you were.
The Angel stood there his wings at their most open like an eagle preparing to swoop down in the prey. He looked at you with an odd expression.
You paced around him a green whip in your hand tendrils from the lowest wings.
Glancing nervously out of the cage the audience was dead silent, and the guards had their guns pointed at you.

Working out of pure adrenaline you flew high through the sky your six wings splayed behind you; you only ever used two out of the six to fly the other four were more shields for you allowing you to draw their powers.
The Angel -who unlike you who resembled a Seraphim angel was the striking image of an archangel- looked surprised and reaching forward hovered opposite you his wings looked much more massive, and you deduced, therefore, were slower.

With a start, you dove toward him taking him by surprise dodging under his wings coming up behind him. The vine curled from the side into your hand and like a whip you lashed it at him.
He let out a cry as a large green cut surfaced on his chest.
Aggravated he let out a roar swooping towards you. You moved to avoid his punches using the fire element you placed your hand on his face, and he screamed.
Of course, you have realised it worked but all the smoke clouded your sight, and you didn't see it coming when he raised a fist and slammed it on the back of your head.

Your eyes flickered open squinting against the bright red lights. Your head throbbed, and your vision was blurred. A blaring noise pounded on your head in time with the lights- An alarm.
You felt yourself being carried but you couldn't see who by you attempted to hit the stranger but your arms refused to move.
You fell into unconsciousness again.

When you did awake it was in a dark room you did appreciate the music playing: Welcome to the Jungle.
Your head hurt like hell.
Working through the pain, you stood blindly a ball of fire erupted in your hand lighting the dark room. Did it look like an abandoned townhouse maybe an empty barn?
You shook off your wings while searching the house: a kitchen if you could call it that had a tiny rusted sink and a wooden counter. A bathroom had only a single toilet and a dirty mirror.

You looked awful.
Your braided hair was almost undone, and your clothes were disgusting, you had dark circles under your bloodshot blue eyes. Wiping the dried blood from your mouth and washing your face with the weak freezing water you looked slightly better. You pulled you out pulling it up into a loose bun the silver and black swirled together like the moonlight against the twilight sky.

"Gah!" You yelled seeing a person in the mirror. The angel stood awkwardly by the door a shy expression in his cherubic face
You whipped around glaring leaping forward swiping at him. He didn't move or fight back he just stood there. Realising your attempts were futile you stopped backing away cautiously.
"Look, man, I dorm know who you think you are, but this is called abducting, and then it's called scaring the living out of me!" You said looking daggers at him.

"My names Warren," he said with a small smile, he was British debasing by his faint accent, "Warren Worthington iii"
"I don't care who you are!" You added
He didn't look offended he smiled.
"Pip!" You said off handle looking around wildly
"No I'm Warren," the angel said raising an eyebrow.
"Pips my dragon I have to go get him!" You yelled gesturing wildly.
Warren moved in front of you his lips a thin line,
" do you know how much of a risk it was breaking out of there. They have everyone looking for us."
"I didn't ask you too!" You responded
"Look stay here you're still injured I'll go get Pip" he offered
You paused looking thoughtfully at him- he seemed sincere.

You narrowed your eyes and darted towards him your wings fluttering frantically you stared and stared your face a foot away.
Warren didn't notice the vines that had wound around him bonding him to the pipe.
Without a word, you pushed him roughly sprinting past him ignoring his yells.

You took to the sky's manoeuvring from cloud to cloud or shadow to shadow keeping eyes peeled for the people Warren warned you of.
Then you soared down into the trees jogging when your feet landed on the ground. You came across the little hut covered in a weirdly good camouflage.
There in the middle of the hit lay Pip. Smoke huffed from his nose with each snore, "you're still asleep!" You said unbelievable.
On your knees, you shook the small dragon who sleepily opened his eyes and squealed.
Now awake he fluttered dropping under his weight against his tiny pink wings hovered above your shoulder.

Pip made a high pitched noise and dove behind you his wings flapping madly you stared intently into the darkness rising your hand, so the flame illuminated the space.
You flinched as a gunshot ran out your heart hammered madly against your rib cage.
Pip squealed breathing sparks spluttering under the smoke, "shush Pip" you said
Yells and grunts ran out, and someone or something fell on top of the hut the wall caved in.
You yelled out your wing squashed under the debris Pip fluttered madly, and when a head poked into the broken hut Pip dived his glowing spike on his tail aimed at the intruder

"Pip!" You yelled who had a startled look on his round blue, silver face. A hand had gripped the small dragon by the tail and settled him down.
You stood flame in one hand, water in the other
"Warren!" You cried as the angel shoved his way in grabbing you by the hand tugging you out
"We need to go!" He said building up speed, "now!"
You cursed looking down at the bloody body's from the cage fight and followed still steaming in rage Pip hurried to catch up.

Tired as soon as you arrived in the place you just escaped from, you collapsed head still throbbing Pip who had fallen asleep while flying dropped to your side snuggling closer.

The next day you woke to the smell of waffles and bohemian rhapsody in the air.
"Still don't know your name," Warren said pouring syrup onto the steaming waffles, "or should I call you Owl."
"Seraphine" you added softly looking cautiously at the food he pushed towards you
"I didn't poison it."
"I didn't say anything" you growled
Warren chuckled, "you didn't have to," he said softly, and you glanced up taking in his full appearance. He looked a lot less intimidating when he wasn't fighting, his hair was soft curls, and his cherubic face was quiete handsome. You did notice though the scars the trailed up his stomach and chest.

"Seraphine" Warren repeated under his breath a small smile showing
There was a loud puff of smoke and a thud. You looked around the corner and suppressed a laugh.

"Your gremlin is quite something," Warren said taking a bite from his waffle his eyes glimmered.
You turned your eyes shone dark, "he is a dragon, and his name is Pip."
You hurried over to Pip who had fallen of the cabinet shaking his head groggily looking at you with his full moonlight orbs.
"How did you come across a dragon then."
"When I was 14 living in the streets I found him in a tree hollow just an egg then."
"At least you had him then eh" Warren added sadly
"You're quite unbelievable" you added rather harshly
"I do my best."
"Please, you knocked me out, kidnapped me, insulted my dragon, followed me and why?"
"I saved you. I've been there for years I didn't want you to go through what I did. Two I took you where I knew they wouldn't search. Three you call that a dragon it's more like a scaley pig" he saw your disgruntled look, "I'm sorry. Pip is a spiffing image of a dragon."
"Second, after I got out of those nasty vines I knew that they would get to you first."
"Actually that's forth" you pointed out
"I didn't kidnap you-you can leave anytime."
"And go where? Now that the whole human population is after me! It's not like I have any family to go back too" you yelled your turned ears red
"Fine then! I'm sorry!" Warren said his eyes dark.

The next day you promised to not speak to Warren. You had kept well on that promise having avoided him and his attempts to talk until he no longer tried.
You woke every day to breakfast already made and today the seventh day you refused to talk to him you awoke to find Pip fast asleep in a stone house.

It was two stories high like a cat house but a tad larger, the bottom was like a pond leading higher into a cage filled with newspaper and blueberries ( Pips favourite food), the second structure was an even more massive cave that branched out into a slab of stone carved nicely.
Pip loved it! Although the stone had been scorched charcoal by the small dragons attempts to breathe fire.

Warren was on the other side of the room his back turned to you as he punched madly against the bag hung from the roof.
"Worthington ?" You called out quietly
Warren paused mid punch his head leant against the bag he turned around with a puzzled expression
"What did I do?" He asked with a hint of venom
You narrowed your eyes at his words, "no I uh- would you like to go for a walk."
"Can't Seraphine. Still wanted people."
"Right," you said awkwardly
"Thank you," you said approaching him. Warren looked as if he'd been slapped
"For Pips new loft. He loves it" you answered. You looked at Warren, and your heart hammered oddly in your chest.
You walked around the bag with interest, "mind teaching me some moves?" You asked

Throughout the next few months slowly you and Warren got closer. Warren didn't push he was cautious with his words. Pip had taken very fondly of his new winged friend and trailed after him more so than you.
It was past midnight when you and Warren went to stretch your wings. You laughed joyously smiling as you flew the winds blowing your hair behind you. The pair of you hovered over the lake, and you looked at Warren hesitantly before intertwining your finger with his.

You were the first to wake this morning, and grudgingly you got out of bed, fed Pip and went to cook breakfast: bacon and egg.
Warren trudged into the room sweat pant hung loosely from his waist, and his hair was a mess. Without thinking you smiled and walked over to him waving your hand through his hair fixing it Pip who flew lazily behind Warren turned scarlet and started whirring madly between the pair of you.
Warren moved silently behind you your wings tickled his bare chest as you walked to get everything sorted.
You heard the sizzle and the smell of burning and turned around tripping. Warren caught but to your mortification you had fallen onto Warrens' lips.

Your heart fluttered madly, and you pulled away blushing just as scarlet as Pip who had such a fright he sat surrounded by smoke.
Warren looked cautiously at you, and it was like you were possessed you moved towards each other at the same time, and your lips smacked together.
You wound your arms around Warrens' neck, and your wings fluttered lifting you off the ground a few inches.

"I think, " you said pulling away from Warren
"I think I know the reason I never left"  Warren opened his mouth to speak but didn't
"I love you," you said in a whisper.
Warren didn't respond he stood there with a dumbfounded look on his face
You grew irritated and scowled, "Look don't go being petrified I take it back."
You turned your attention back to pouring a glass of juice when Warren spoke from behind you, "then Seraphine, you know why I took you from the fights."
He added as if that explained everything.
"Are you going to elaborate?" you said growing impatient. Warren cupped your cheek and you leant into the warmth,
"I love you too."

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