In The Eyes Of A Villain

By LunarLover370

348 30 91

*TO BE REVISED* Lila, an owner of a hunting shop has a twisted secret. Her dad had used her for scientific ex... More

:Backstory Time!!!:


19 0 29
By LunarLover370

    "Hey Garrett!" A friendly super says to me as she passes by. I wave to her and continue to the memorial. "Well a hiya there mister Garrett McAllen! Howa ya doin'? With today being miss Alex Yang's and miss Bobbi Yin's day of uh well when they died a few years aback?" "I'm doing alot better with it than I did last year. Thanks for checking in on me Charles."

    He waves to me and walks off to go converse with another strength. "Garrett! Hey how are you doing? " "I'm actually fine thank you." "Oh good. I hate to do this to you but I have another case for you." She hands me a manila folder and smiles sympathetically. "It's a new villain. She calls herself Jasmine. Her powers are plasma blasts and flying. Her blasts are pretty powerful stuff. She destroyed a few buildings with a single blow. And I think you'd be a vital key to catching her. She's blind so it will easy to get close to her. Maybe talk her down."

   "Sure thing Marla. I'll go out after her tonight." Her eyes grow and she stutters, " oh you don't have to go out tonight. Mrs. Carlten knows how hard this day is for you and Cara, so she said she'll have Homura take your shift tonight if you would rather that." I shake my head. I don't need that. I have a job to do. "It's fine really. Tell Homura that she doesn't need to do that. I'm fine. Really. I'll go out tonight. Just have to meet up with Cara first." "Ok Garrett i'll have the rest of the files to you later." With that she walks away.

   I make my way through the illuminated halls. After the fight with Lila things were kinda of broken but it led to multiple advances in security. We won't loose anyone else. I stop at a dark room and sit at the computer to print a picture. After, I grab a lilly from a pot of flowers and go back to the halls. Colors swirls along the wall until I come to an end. On my left and right are doors. Each with a twins name printed on signs. It was their dorm rooms. The wall on the end has a YinYang symbol painted on it. A table holds flowers surround a picture of Alex and of Bobbi.

    "Hey Garrett." I turn towards Cara and see something is off. She looks different. "You cut your hair." Her stubby fingers go to her head and pulls on a curl. "Yeah. It was getting in my face so." "It looks nice. So are you ready?" "As i'll ever be I guess." She approaches the table and stops beside me. She places two bushes of roses. One white and one black. "What's that?" Cara points to the paper i'm holding and the flower. "Well. I've been angry for so many years. I keep thinking about how Bobbi so wanted to be forgiven and I can't help but think." I pause and place the picture on the table next to Bobbi and Alex. Cara gasps, "Why would you put that on there. It's a memorial!"

    "I know but they weren't the only ones to die. Lila killed herself out of regret. I was so angry that I didn't see it but she was remorseful. She thought she was doing what was right. I can't help but think that maybe she should be forgiven too." I place the lilly in front of her picture and back away slowly. "It's been ten years since the incident. We don't need to be so angry anymore Cara. We should move on. Don't let the pain overcome you like Lila did. Or else you'll never live to forgive yourself."

   She seems taken back by my words. Letting it sink in while she processes it. Then she turns and walks away. Oh Cara. Why can't you understand? I stare at the pictures solemnly. This is the first year I haven't been in total chaos since their deaths. It's nice to be calm for once. I place my hands on the table and drop to my knees.

    "Alex, you were so bright and kind and humorous. Bobbi, you were terrifying." I laugh, " And violent. But overall caring for everyone. Thank you guys for coming into my life." I pause then glance at Lila's picture. "Lila. I understand why you did it. You were in pain but now you are with your daughter. I hope your at peace."

   "Well if we are adding her to the memorial, we better make it suit her." Cara. She has a few paint cans, brushes, and a pair of deer antlers. She begins to paint on the Twins memorial wall. Flowers weaving in and out of the Taijitu. Surrounding it and adding color to the dim wall. I notice that it isn't just any flowers but the same flower I had lain next to Lila's picture. Tears spring in my eyes as I stand to help her. My flowers don't look as good as Cara's but that's because she is more artsy than I am.

    "For the final memoir." She leans and picks up the anklers. Wrapping them around Lila's picture. "Sometimes we do have to let things go. Learn to forgive. And well I forgive you Lila." Cara says. I whisper it too and then we leave. To go help the living people. To keep the tragic events that happened in the past from happening in the future. To save the world from pained people. To live and continue on the days no matter how painful they can be. Because we all make mistakes. We just have to try and make it through. Day by day until the end of all our days.

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