Choose your future. Choose li...

By shesabitch

10.4K 289 25

... but why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life: I chose something else. And the... More

Choose life
Closet romantic
Lust for life
the aftermath
looking for answers
brick wall
unwanted guest
For now
An apple a day
Little baby dawn
The calm before the storm
That day
The arrival
Last words
Realising (Epilogue)

The awakening

337 10 1
By shesabitch

After Charlie locked herself in her room, Sickboy decided to stay the night, even if he was sleeping on the floor. He had to stay to apologise to Charlie and to make sure she was alright. Charlie soon moved from behind the door to the bed, were she cuddled up with her dog and got herself comfortable. It wasn't long until she started to feel her eye lids get heavy and before she knew it she was asleep. Sickboy feel asleep a couple hours after her, as he stayed awake to see if he could hear anything through the door or to see if she'd come out of her room. He didn't mean to fall asleep and he only realised he'd fallen asleep when he was violently woken up when he heard the sound of someone being violently sick. He opened his eyes slowly to find him lying on his back in front of Charlie's bedroom door. The door was wide open and there was no sign of Charlie inside, resulting in him jumping up as soon as possible to see if she was okay. Running into the bathroom he saw Charlie crouching over the toilet, hurling her lungs out. He instinctively went over and grabbed her hair out the way to save her from chunks getting into her hair. His other hand moved up and down her back soothingly trying to help out, even if it seemed like nothing. For a moment charlie had forgotten everything that had happened the night before. She was thankful for having him there, even if she was planning to go back to ignoring him the moment she started feeling better.
After a moment, she seemed to have emptied out her stomach, so she rested her head on the side of the seat, closing her eyes hoping the worst was over. Sickboy looked down feeling bad for her, but he slowly got up and walked to the kitchen deciding to get her some water to soothe her throat. Charlie felt the absence of his comforting hands and felt bare without him there. She wanted to go back to ignoring him, she really did, but she had gotten to the point where she didn't know how to live without him by her side. She thought she sounded stupid, dumb even; relying on a guy like that, but she didn't know how to stop the feeling. She heard light footsteps coming back towards the bathroom where she was and looked up to see Sickboy walk in with a glass of water smiling down at her sympathetically.

'How're you feeling?' He asked as he passed down the water to Charlie. She took a gentle sip as he made himself comfortable down by the side of her.

'A little better, thanks' she whispered back looking down to the glass in her hands.

'How are you feeling after last night?' He asked again, looking towards her, hoping she would feel a little bit better towards him. She looked up towards him through her eyelashes.

'I'm still mad at you if that's what you mean.' She started looking back at him.

'You have to understand, I didn't mean it. I said it in the heat of the moment without thinking.' He began, guilt showing in his eyes.

'I was jealous thinking about those guys that get to see you and angry thinking about other people touching you.' He finished, it being his turn to look down to his hands to try and find comfort, unsure of what she was about to say.

'You could've just said that instead of saying what you did...' she paused seeing him looking sorry for himself.

'It hurt what you said, you know I can look after myself and it's my life, so why should you care so much? Better yet, why did you say what you did after everything I told you?' She questioned him, trying to get him to look her in the eye.

'I know you can look after yourself, and I care because I love you. I don't know why I said it. It was stupid. I was stupid, I didn't think before i spoke.' He said in a hurry not realizing what he ad just said.

'yeah you were being stupid, and you never think... and nothing you say is gonna make me forget what you said.' she told him as if he didn't just say the L word. He nodded admitting defeat.

'But...' she followed up, making him look up to see her face.

'It doesn't mean that I don't care for you and that I don't love you too.' she finished with a weak smile looking up to see his dumbfounded face staring back. He tried to make sense of what just happened. without realizing it, they had both admitted to each other that they loved each other. they both smiled to each other, laughing in the moment.

'I'll do what ever it takes, wait forever if it takes' He hastily added, trying to prove to her that he was serious. she moved her hand the stroke his cheek.

'Well you better, you still got a long way to go loverboy' she joked with him, feeling like a weight had been lifted off of her chest knowing that the situation had been sorted enough for her liking. He went to go kiss her before she stopped him.

'Don't, I've got sick breath and I don't want you catching whatever it is I have.' She said to him, earning a groan from him as she patted his arm, heaving herself up from the floor, moving towards the sink and picked up her tooth brush and toothpaste. He picked himself up, only to then wrap his arms around her waist.

'Go make breakkie you stupid idiot' she gurgled out with her mouth full of toothpaste looking at his reflection in the mirror. She rolled her eyes as he kissed her on the side of her head, pulling himself away from her slumping to the kitchen once more. Charlie looked back to where he had walked out off, contemplating for a moment what had just happened. She felt like she had just brushed off what had happened last night, which she didn't like. She shouldn't of let him off the hook so easily, but she loved him. She didn't know what else to do. She had told him that it'll take a while for her to forgive him fully, but she had just hoped he had known how hard he would have to work to earn the trust back. It may of seemed like nothing to any on looker, but it meant a far lot more then they could've known. As much as Charlie loved him, he was going to have to work hard and so was she. She wanted to forgive him and want everything to be forgotten, but she had morals. Morals that she had to uphold, so she was going to have to work hard in letting herself forgive the loverboy.

as she finished up in the bathroom, she came out to find Sickboy cursing over the toaster, seeing smoke coming from it, already knowing that whatever was on the inside of the toaster was already burnt. She laughed as Sickboy looked round to see her leaning on the door frame.

'I was gonna do you toast, so you don't feel like you wanna spew whatever else you could've had.' he said with a guilty smile, hoping to try and nurse her back to health, even though he didn't know where to even start. From what he seen in the films and movies the first thing you do is get them a glass of water, which he had already done. The next step was to make them food. Or so he thought. He really didn't know what to do with looking after someone.

'Its fine, I'll just have bread and jam' She told him whilst she walked to the tap to fill up her glass once again. Once she filled up the glass she grabbed the butter and jam from the fridge and put it on the side as Sickboy grabbed the bread and the chopping board. They made it in no time and before long, Sickboy was ushering Charlie back to her bedroom, and told her to stay in bed all day. She was thankful he was there, but knew she could so easily get annoyed with him if he carried on babying her. He brought her another glass of water and put a bucket by the side of her bed, just in case she wanted to spew again, but couldn't get to the bathroom in time. He stayed with her the whole day and put on all her favourite movies. She knew he was trying to suck up for what he done wrong the night before, and decided to go along with it for as long as possible with out laughing at his actions too much. It got to the evening and she had started to feel better, but Sickboy still insisted that he stay with her the night, still trying to make it up to Charlie for how much he hurt her the night before. Charlie was still dodged his kisses wanting to make sure he didn't catch whatever bug she had, but unknown to either of them, what she had wasn't something that he could catch.

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