My Love

By NataliaIsNautilus

71.8K 2.4K 579

Alec starts a relationship with Magnus Bane the High Warlock of Brooklyn after the unlikely but fateful night... More

The Party
The Drinking Game
The Healer
Story Time And The Date
Where Is Alexander?
Extreme Demons
Court of Demon Kings and Queens
What Magnus Didn't Say
A Late Night Visit
A Late Night Visit
The Apology
What's A Day Off?
Downworld Ball (pt. 1?)
Downworld Ball pt. 2
The After Party
Happy Holidays
That's Low
"We Don't Have To Fight"
His Past
The Rescue pt. 1
The Rescue pt. 2
I Like Jace More (teaser)
I Like Jace More (full)
Meeting Paris
The Meeting
Explaining What Oblivious Angels Say (teaser)
Explaining What Oblivious Angels Say
Some Things Are Better Not Heard
The Arrival
I Understand Completely
The Breaking
Beautiful Pain
Downworlder Meeting
The Waking of a Lover
Date Night
Don't Go Easy On Me, They Said. I Can Handle It, They Said.
I Can't Be Held Responsible (pt 1 of the Institute Gala scenes)
The Heir Of Hell Indeed (pt. 2 of the Institute Gala scenes)
Surprises All Around! Many Bad! Some Good!
Telling Friends and Family
The Brothers Grimm
Out Of Love
Sorta, Kinda, Homecoming
ALMOST Mundane
The Last Battle
Homecoming & Transfers
Bachelors For One More Night
The Wedding
The Honeymoon

He Killed An Angel?

1.2K 44 5
By NataliaIsNautilus

Magnus POV

"Should we go to my house? Or wanna go to your room?" I asked.

"My room" Alexander replied. Alexander got off of my lap and offered me his hand.

Alexander led me through multiple corridors to his room. He opened the door and walked in after me.

The redwood four poster king sized bed had a dark blue bedspread and canopy. The floor and door we're the same redwood as the bedframe.

The room was clean. No clothes littered the floor, the bed was made and no food was on the bedside table. His bow was leaned against his bookshelf. The desk however was messy.

The desk had papers and pencils, notebooks and pens all over it. It looked like there were also coloring supplies too. I walked over to the desk. My fingertips brushed over one of the papers that were turned over. I went to turn it over.

"You don't have to look at that" Alec said as he went to come closer to me. He stood behind me. He slid his arms around my waist.

"But I want to" I replied and turned the paper over. My jaw dropped.

It was a drawing of me. My face was perfectly captured; my jawline and cheekbones perfectly carved out, my cat eyes were glowing through tye picture. It looked more like a photograph than a drawing.

I gently set the paper down and looked over the other ones. There was one of the me, my body was half submerged in water, it was from our first date. There was some of me sleeping curled up on our bed, our bed?, some of me smiling, and cooking. Really me doing everything.

"Alexander these are" I began. I felt a tear slip down my cheek as I saw a drawing. It had our conjoined hands inside of a heart. "These are beautiful. I didn't know you could draw like this"

"Yeah. At first I practiced drawing runes and then just started drawing for fun. I'm glad you like them" he replied.

"I love them. I love you" I replied, spinning around to face him. His arms caged me. I went in to kiss him when the door opened.

"Hey, Ragnor wants you Magnus. Well Ragnor, Tessa and Jem want to talk to you" Jace said. "Please don't suffocate my parabatai. I know he won't mind but I will"

"I'll suffocate him if I want to" I replied jokingly.

"Please do" Alec muttered. It was so quiet I almost didn't hear it. I was almost drooling with the words, the desire he did so little to hide.

"I will later but I have to speak with some old friends first" I replied chewing on my lip to keep myself off of his.

I walked into the living room. Tessa, Jem and Ragnor were all seated side by side. I know that they had gotten close, Ragnor was even the best man at Tessa and Jem's wedding, which took a lot of convincing to the Clave. It was sorted out because of Tessa's status in the London ConClave, which was not a well known thing but she resided in London Institute, or at the High Warlock of London's house when he had something planned.

"Magnus. You never told me Jace was a bonehead like Will" Ragnor said, with gritted teeth.

"Will was fine, his son James was awful" I replied.

"James was great. You only like Will because you slept and made out with him" Ragnor retorted

"Ragnor don't over exaggerate. Will slept on the couch across from my chair where I was reading. And Will was halfway conscious, so I kissed him because Camille was acting as if everything was fine after she was cheating on me for weeks. She only wanted me because of my looks," I replied. " You only liked James because he would take your bets and do stupid stuff while drunk"

"You would bet my son?!" Tessa exclaimed.

"Yes I would. I'm sorry but no Magnus, she wanted you body and reputation" Ragnor responded.

"I don't remember why we are still friends"I retorted.

"Because it takes special skills to be able to put up with you throughout the centuries and you have no other friends" Ragnor replied.

"I do have other friends" I responded.

"Like?" The green sea monster asked.

"There is Catarina, Tessa, Jem, Raphael, Alpha, Nightshade, Romeo, and others. I have friends" I replied.

"You forgot Camille"Ragnor said and burst out laughing.

"Who is Camille?" Maryse asked, after Ragnor's laughter had died down.  She had just walked in.

"One of Magnus' exes. Oh she is a heartbreaker. He moved out of the country after the spilt" Ragnor answered.

"No this," I said gestured at Ragnor. "Is why I left the country"

"How could I have been so stupid" Ragnor said.

"It comes rather easily to you" I replied.

"You left because you were sick of Nephilim. 'Magnus do this and I'll insult you while you do it because I'm better than you because of my species'. No why did you really leave?" Ragnor said. The Shadowhunter in the room gave me a questioning look and I shrugged.

"Because I wanted a change in scenery. It's as simple as that" I replied.

"Don't be so cold. I'm just messing with you, gaining a laugh at the expense of a friend that I miss so much. There aren't many people quite like you and I miss having you around Magnus" Ragnor responded.

"Do you need money?" I asked. Ragnor was rarely ever this nice to me. He enjoyed cracking jokes on me and then getting drunk so he couldn't be blamed at the lack of filter.

"No I have perfect profit from being High Warlock. I am serious, the young warlocks are so disappointing. They know nothing of classic anything" Ragnor said.

"Hey"Tessa said.

"Hello" Ragnor replied.

"You don't happened to be talking about me when I had no idea what you and Magnus we're doing during the French Revolution. Do you?" Tessa asked in an incredulous tone.

"Warlock?" Maryse asked,raising her eyebrows.

"I'm half Shadowhunter and half demon. It's complicated" Tessa replied.

"Oh" Maryse said, unsure of how to reply. Alexander's mother then walked out to attend other business

"Well now Ragnor, what do you have to say?" Tessa asked.

"You don't even know what happened with Paris and Helen and-" Ragnor was cut off.

"Did you say Paris? As in Paris the angel?" Isabelle asked. Well damn, I'm dead.

"Absolutely. He was wonderful. Magnus you remember him don't you?" Ragnor answered.

"How could I forget?" I asked. A grimace marring my face as I fought to keep the memories at bay.

"I don't know. The two of you were inseparable. Paris gave me a run for my title as your best friend, but it was all in good nature. Too bad he died. That was brutal wasn't it. I'll never forget the day" Ragnor said.

"What are you talking about? He died?" Jace asked.

"Aye. I would fo further into explanation but I shouldn't" he said looking at me.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I could barely keep my posture straight.  Ragnor stood and walked over to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be? You can finish telling them, I made peace long ago" I replied.

"No you didn't" he said.

"No I didn't" I agreed, weakly.

"If he is dead, why are we going after him?" Isabelle asked.

"He isn't dead anymore. He wasn't dead-dead, just regular dead and then reincarnated" Ragnor answered.

"Then why is Magnus so upset?" Tessa asked.

"Because he can't remember me. Nothing of the century and a half we spent together. Not that he died on my birthday, nor that he died the same place that we met, not that I told him to run and he didn't, not that he didn't run because he was waiting for me, not that I caused his death, absolutely nothing." I replied. My voice wavered as I spoke but my facial expressions didn't show how I felt; they showed absolutely nothing and I was quietly dying. Reliving his death was so painful. I killed him, I killed an angel. Ragnor doesn't get it though, I was the reason.

A silence filled the hall. Everyone's eyes were trained on me, they were all full of pity. I didn't want pity. So I walked out the hall and out of the Institute. I needed time to calm down before I did something stupid.

Ragnor POV

Everyone watched as Magnus left. Alec was about to go when I stopped him.

"Magnus needs time to clear his head, get himself together" I told the boy. He was beautiful, I could easily admit it without feeling any attraction to him. I could clearly see the emotions playing across his face, deciding if he was going to stay here or go find Magnus.

"What happened with Paris? Magnus has a tendency to blame himself for tings out of his control" Tessa said.

"The two were out celebrating Magnus' birthday when they were attacked by massive demons. They paralyzed Magnus, making him unable to move or use his magic. They slaughtered Paris in front of him. I found him a week later in a tavern trying to drink his pain away" I reminisced.

When I found him he was covered in blood and I knew it wasn't his own. He was drink alcohol by the bottle and had no intention of stopping.

"He nearly left me and went home. Now that would've killed him, that cursed place. Stupid islands, stupid people who live on those islands, so stupid" I said, muttering the last sentence.

"Why do you hate Indonesia so much? I loved it when Jem and I visited after our wedding" Tessa replied.

"It was magical" Jem agreed.

"No it isn't. It's full of death and destruction and starvation and dying souls and graveyards" Magnus said from behind us. I spun around to see my friend. Pain was evident in his cat eyes and his voice was cold, flaring up with anger at certain points.

"Are we talking about the same place? Clear seas, blue skies, and beautiful plant life?" Tessa asked, clearly not getting the connection between Magnus and Indonesia.

"That's what you have seen of it, I've seen the country completely different. And what you have seen is a lie to cover up what actually happened,  people choking on their own blood in the dead of night, sinking in the sea full monsters, crying out but never being heard. Starving children on the street, blades dripping with blood, stealing as the only way to live until you don't. You haven't seen what I have. That place is cruelest place to be and that life is horrid. It's amusing to see how you can think of that place as beautiful when it is clearly maleficent" Magnus concluded.

Alec POV

To hear Magnus say all of that made me wonder what had happened there.  It showed me how little I knew about my boyfriend and made me want to know more.

"What happened there?" Tessa asked. The woman was very inquisitive. She wasn't that bad but I wish she would stop asking so many questions, it was just bringing Magnus closer to the edge of losing all control.

"Nothing that you need to know. Just know that you would be lucky to never find yourself there again" Magnus said, closing the subject from further discussion.

"Fine, but you can talk to me Magnus. Please don't hesitate if you want to" Tessa said, her eyes softening.

"I'll keep that in mind" my boyfriend replied. I could tell that there was so much pain still in him and it made me want to push it all away, to bear it so he didn't have to.

I walked over to him and slid my arms around his waist, his back was on my chest. I nuzzled lovingly into his neck and he purred softly.

"Looks like we have a skilled Magnus tamer" Ragnor joked. My boyfriend growled at his friend but quickly stopped when I pressed a sweet kiss to his pulse point.

"Now if only I had you when Magnus decided that he wanted to kill me for some reason" Ragnor said.

"Some reason? Some reason? You destroyed all of my makeup and poured my glitter down the drain. You only got away because Catarina needed me" Magnus replied.

"And I thank our blue friend to this day. How is she?" Ragnor asked my now much calmer boyfriend.

"She is good. Cat works at a hospital, she is helping people which has always been her passion" Magnus replied.

"Good, good" Ragnor said.

157 reads guys!! This is great. So I know there has a been a gap in stories lately so I took Christmas break to prewrite chapters.

Please comment, vote and share. I read all of my comments and I will take your suggestions into consideration, if they are made. I am very open so just comment or message me in private if you have anything to say about this story or if you want something featured in my story.

Be happy, stay strong, and Love Yourself.

- Nautilus

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