Last Chance

By char_theauthor

10.5K 429 305

One Fight...12 Rounds...Who Wins More

Ch 1
Ch 2 Part1
Ch 2 Part 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6 Part 1
Ch 6 Part 2
Ch 6 Pt 2.5
Ch 7 Pt 1
Ch7 Pt2
Ch 8
Ch 9 Pt 1
Ch 9 Pt 2
Ch 10
Ch 11 Pt1
Ch 11 Pt 2
Ch 12 Pt1
Ch12 Pt2
Ch13 Pt1
Ch 13 Pt2
Ch14 Pt1
Ch14 Pt2
Ch 15
Ch 16 Pt2
Ch 18 PT1
Ch 18 Pt2
Ch 20 Pt 1
Ch 20 Pt 2
Ch 21
Author's Note

Ch 16 Pt1

249 13 16
By char_theauthor

Sorry  for the long delay. I was too lazy to proofread or put pics in this add. Sorry. Oh and the 'bigger' bombshell I wanted to write, cause there is a big one in here, will be in the next add. I had too much other stuff to lead into from this add. So bear with me and thanks to my old and new readers for reading! 😘

"Wait! Stop! I can't breathe!" Ivi begged through her laughter at Renna's re-enactment.

Renna kept going, wobbling on her feet like she was about to fall. "Girl when her friends saw all that blood, they started scattering like that girl on that meme falling in the shoe store. Trying to get out of dodge cause they knew they didn't want none of this!" Renna said pointing to herself, "...and I could have kept it classy, but Maya just had to be bold. I told that hoe to back up, but she wanted to be froggy and leapt. I had no choice but to give her that work!" Renna said shadow boxing like she was Laila Ali.

The two friends were recounting Ivi's 'almost' fight the other day. Ivi loved to hear Renna tell the story. Her antics made everything hilarious!

"Right. And she did all that talking and you didn't even fight her. When she 'leapt' as you put it, her mouth just accidentally collided with one of the 2x4's you had." Ivi countered. "Btw! Why did you have two 2x4's?"

"Cause I saw them walk to Lawn and Garden when I was coming from the bathroom. I of course knew Maya when I saw her, and I also knew where you were working that day. Didn't take rocket science to know they was trying to square up and jump you. I came prepared." Renna shrugged.

Ivi scoffed. "Those girls Maya had with her were scarier than she was. When she rushed at me and I cold cocked her in her eye, them bitches started shaking in their stilettos. Who wears stilettos to a fight anyway?" Ivi said rhetorically.

Obviously, it was scary hoes who couldn't fight.

"Yeah well, scary bitches carry things. Mace, can't be too careful with hoes like that." Renna said.

Ivi agreed. She recalled the fight she had in prison with one of her cell mates, that tried to  shank her. Ivi knew the fight with Maya and her friends could have been similar, so she was readying herself to take all them on.

After her one punch that stunned Maya, she figured they would be pulling all kinds of things from their bras or whatever. Luckily, Renna showed up to have her back. Speaking of which...

"Oh I forgot to tell you. Maya supposedly added another injury to her lawsuit against us. Something about a contusion from the way she landed on her back has caused her severe damage, Mama A said. That's outside the 18 staples and wiring to her jaw she got from the 2x4." Ivi said filling Renna in on the drawn out drama Maya was making this into.

"That girl better go lay on her back somewhere. It'll be good for her 'contusion'. Besides she's good at it anyway." Renna snapped. "And 18 staples and some jaw wiring? That girl ain't run into that board that hard."

Ivi shook her head at Renna. "You know she's gonna try to milk it for all it's worth. It's a good thing we got cameras at the store that caught the whole thing on tape so if this does go to a judge, we can prove self defense."

"Right." Renna said, trailing off the conversation, looking at her phone. Ivi went back to watching TV.

A few minutes later, Renna cleared her throat. "So I was looking on Instagram..."

"I don't want to know anything about what's going on at the party, Renna. I told you that." Ivi snarked. She told Renna over and over that she just wanted to enjoy Halloween with her, with no distractions...especially none pertaining to Tripp and his party.

Tripp tried to convince Ivi, after the altercation the other day, that her being around him, under his watchful eye, was much better for the both of them. She would be safe and he wouldn't be worried.

Ivi loved that Tripp cared so much, but he didn't understand that Ivi just didn't like that type of environment. He only saw her saying no as a slap in a the face to him and their budding relationship.

If he only knew the whole truth...

Renna waved her hand, bringing Ivi back to the convo. "I'm not stalking your man's page girl..."

"Travis isn't my man." Ivi interjected.

"He ain't your best friend either. I'm bestie!" Renna said pointing to herself, making Ivi laugh at her seriousness.

"Anyway. I was getting ready to say that both of Tripp's favorites aren't at his house warming. That's messed up."

"His favorites?" Ivi quizzed.

"Yeah. You and Speedy T both aren't there."

Ivi checked her regurgitation. She put the back of her hand to her mouth, trying to keep the bile down. Thankfully Renna was looking at her phone and not her. "..h..he's not there?"

"No. He's somewhere out of town. He's got a pic up of them with a caption wishing him well, saying he's sorry he couldn't be there. But that he would come through when he got back to Florida."

Ivi vowed to be no where around when that happened. Like today. But he wasn't there so...


"What now?" Ivi said to Renna's moan, but she didn't reply. Not to her anyway.

"Oh really?!" Renna said jerking her neck at her phone.

Ivi was confused. "Girl what is wrong with you?" she asked again, looking at her friend's perplexed face.

Renna gave off a haughty, fake laugh. "So that's the game we playing? My girl don't come to your little party and you have another bitch on your dick?"

Ivi's heart beat picked up. "What are you taking about, Renna?"

Renna huffed before turning her phone around to show Ivi the video playing on the screen.

Ivi saw red looking at the screen. How dare he cradle another chick in his arms like that and then post it on his page for all the world to see...for Ivi to see...after he claimed that she was his one and only baby! But she didn't want to seem jealous. Travis wasn't her boyfriend. He could do anything he wanted, with anybody. They were just best friends...

Ivi scoffed. Who was she kidding? Certainly not herself and definitely not anybody else. She knew they were more than that. And with the not so subtle hints Tripp threw out there the day of her incident with Maya, it was obvious he wanted more. But were they ready for that? With all the things they had yet to discuss, were they ready to be in a full fledged relationship together?

Ivi could only say one thing, even if they weren't, the sight of seeing someone on Tripp was enough to make her at least want to claim  him as her own. But it would be kinda of rude and childish to just show up to Tripp's party because of something he posted, trying to stake her claim. Right?

Ivi stewed on the thought a minute.

After the imaginary time went by, she jumped up from Renna's love seat. "Fuck it! Let's g.."

Ivi couldn't even finish her statement before Renna was unzipping her costume, a sexy firefighter outfit, and stepping out of it to reveal a cute two piece, boy short bathing suit. She was at the front door before Ivi could blink. "Boo! I thought you'd never asked!"

Ivi eyes bucked at her friend. "Girl! You did know what never mind." she said shaking her head. Renna was a mess and a half.

"Don't do me boo! Like you ain't got a whole swimsuit packed in your suitcase right now." Renna said folding her arms. Ivi only flooded her eyes as she went into the spare bedroom to change into the swimsuit she brought...just in case. Ivi slipped out her cop costume really quick and they were on their way.

Renna was hyping Ivi up, playing up beat music and clowning the whole ride from Springfield to Palm City Beach, to try and lighten Ivi up.

After her previous question, she needed it.

"Why don't you like Speedy T?"

Ivi was changing the music station when the question was posed. Her hand slammed against the dashboard, the other covered her mouth like she wanted to vomit. She heaved in air, trying to get her lungs to cooperate with her. Ivi was over this knee jerk reaction shit behind hearing His name. Her body couldn't take too much more of this.

Ivi opened her mouth to respond, and by the way she bucked her eyes, Renna knew she was about to lie. "And don't give me no bullshit like you don't know what I'm talking about. You almost just puked all over my car at the mention of his name.."


"Did that nigga say or do something to you in Miami? Is that why you don't want to go back there?" Ivi had only abbreviated her reason for not wanting to go back to the city due to her 'hallucination'.  But Renna wasn't stupid.

She paid attention even when she wasn't suppose to. A conversation with another person about Ivi attending today's festivities clued in Renna on some of her friend's anxiety about being in this type of atmosphere.

Renna also picked up on some things not said with words. For example, Ivi's mannerisms about certain people being there, or rather, not being there. Stuff like that didn't sit right with Renna. She worked in a few nursing homes and daycares throughout her life, and things had been drilled in her head through all her training. Things like being able to read signs and body language from people when they wouldn't say the words.

Renna was the type of friend who could be deemed nosy, overbearing and down right extra at times, but with good intentions. So her prying to see what was really good wasn't going to far. Not in her eyes.

"I'll beat the fuck out that nigga. Just tell me what happened in Miami so I know how much damage I need to cause!" Renna said adamantly.

Ivi, who was still trying to regulate her breathing, shook her head. "Nn.nothing h.happened in Miami.."

"Somewhere else then? Come on, Ivi it's plain to see you don't like that nigga, for a certain reason. What is it.."

"Sugar Smacks, Renna."

Renna squinted her eyes. "Sugar Smacks? Why the fuck are you talking about a cereal that makes you sick just thinking about them?"  It was a tidbit of info Renna had come to learn about Ivi.

When Renna saw Ivi's face, eyes filled with tears, she put two and two together. "...he makes you sick to your stomach thinking about him.." It was statement of fact, not a question.

Ivi nodded.

Renna sighed, trying not to pry, even though she wanted to. She waited for Ivi to talk, when she was ready.

Ivi looked out the window. "I was in jail Renna. Off and on since I was 13. My last stint was for 5 years.."

"Jail? I thought I was gangsta in this friendship?!"

Ivi knew Renna was trying to make light of her statement so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable telling her about her past. She chuckled, appreciating Renna so much for it. "I had a rough life. Parents divorced when I was young. Bounced around with mom until I was 16. That's when I went to jail the last time.."

"Can I ask what you were in for?" She put her hand up. "You can tell me it's none of my business. I don't get offended easily." Renna said quickly.

Ivi smirked. "It's cool. My mom...she was on drugs. Started messing with one of her dealers. She apparently shorted him on his money one day and he started beating her ass right in front of me. He was going to kill her if I didn't stop him. I tried pulling him off her but he punched me, almost knocked me out. So, I took a baseball bat to his head.."

"Damn..See, that's why you my girl. We think alike. Ain't no nigga finna beat my moms in front of me and I not do anything about it." Renna said shaking her head. "But why did you go to jail? That was self defense..."

" mom and her boyfriend, said I started the fight." Ivi said, the hurt evident in her voice. "Flipped the whole thing around on me."

"Wait! What? She took up for a nigga over her child?" Renna was obviously pissed. She went in saying how she would have done this and that.

Ivi had done the same thing years ago. She wasn't over the pain of it all, but if she didn't rehash it, she could deal with it. "It's over now. I got paroled on a 25 year sentence after only 5. I'm grateful for Detective Chalmers and Aleen. He's my parole officer. She's my therapist. You can figure out the rest from there."

Renna did, sorting things out in her head; Ivi's constant 'appointments' she always had to attend. She was glad Ivi told her. "I'm glad things are working out for you and that you have great people in place to help you make it. Including me!" Renna said affirmatively. "So how does Speedy T fit into all of this..."

Ivi sighed. It took her moment to answer, her body shaking with various emotions. "...he's the son of the guy my mom was dating.." Ivi paused, visibly despondent, and suddenly tears ran down her eyes, "...she took him back..after what he let him do to me.."

Renna pieced that 'she' was Ivi's mom. And the other two were the boyfriend and his son...being Speedy T. What the boyfriend let Speedy T do to Ivi? Renna wasn't sure she wanted to know anymore.

She'd probably end up in jail like Ivi did if she did know.

"Hey...hey Ivi. Stop it." Renna said grabbing her friend's hand. "It's okay. Let's go back to my place so you can..."

"No. I want to see...need to see Travis." Ivi begged.

Renna looked at her. "Are you going to tell him about Speedy?" she knew Ivi hadn't before now. No way Tripp would still be cool with a dude who hurt 'his baby' in anyway.

"No. Not today." Ivi said shaking her head. She could feel Renna giving her a look. "I'll tell him. When I'm ready."

Renna let it be, for now. A familiar tune came across the radio and Ivi turned it up, starting to vibe to it. "This my jam."

Renna got into the groove with Ivi, to help take her mind off things. By the time they got to the party, they were turnt all the way up. Ivi knocked on the door to the condo, bopping to the music coming from inside.

Renna sucked her teeth. "You up here doing all this soft ass knocking and shit. Niggas can't hear you." Renna proceeded to bam on the door like she was the police. "Open up, fools!"

Ivi hung her head in embarrassment. Renna was too much for her sometimes. But she loved her.

The door swung open with a quickness that startled Ivi. "What the fu...oh! Hey sis in law! I thought you weren't coming?"

"Sis in law though, Tuck?" Ivi said eyeing him strangely as he brought her in for a hug.

Tucker shrugged his shoulders. "Just saying the inevitable." He looked over Ivi's shoulder at Renna. His face slightly soured. "You ain't had to do my BM like that man..."

"Your BM shouldn't have brought her ass and three hoes to my place of employment to jump my best friend. Bitch got what she deserved." Renna said walking into the house full of people.

"How are y'all even friends? Your personalities are totally different. You're mellow and she's...not mellow." he said following Renna with his eyes. She was currently twerking on some random dude she didn't even know.

Ivi laughed at her friend's antics. "Come on. You gotta love her."

Tucker snickered. "If you say so." Tucker paused. "Look Ivi, I know I apologized already about everything but..."

"You don't have to keep apologizing, Tuck. We good." Ivi said, jabbing his shoulder and smiled. They talked over week ago. Even he and Tripp hashed put their differences. Ivi was never mad at Tucker anyway. She knew he didn't mean what he said. The whole thing was water under the bridge now.

"Got damn! Who is that?"

"Who man!" Tripp said, eyes glued to the 60' SmartTV. He was down by 3 on the NBA2K game he was playing against one of his boys, with a minute left to go. He was determined to win.

Some more of his friends looked to where the other had acknowledged his eye candy. They all seem to be admiring ol' girl. Another one of his boys chimed in.

"You ain't lying, b. And look at the bubble on that...damn she talking to young buck. He must be trying to smash."

Tripp knew they were talking about Tucker, cause all his boys called him that.

"Man young buck don't know what to do with an ass like that! I'd love to bend her over and make her call me daddy!"

"It's mad girls in here and y'all honed in on one?" Troop said becoming annoyed at his friends corniness. Besides, he was pissed his baby wasn't here with him, so he didn't want to hear about no other broad.

Tripp chuckled to himself. 'These fools going crazy over some random broad. Shit, if Ivi was here, she'd be giving these niggas a conniption.' Instantly he became upset with her again. Ivi should be here, so he could show her off. Let everybody know she was his...

"I'm bout to go shoot my shot. Young buck ain't gone have a chance once I step to her." One of his boys said getting up.

Tripp paused the game, to his opponent's dismay. "Yo who y'all talking...bout."

His voice trailed off when he saw her. He had to blink a few times to make sure he wasn't dreaming. Her laughter let him know he wasn't.

He couldn't believe it.

She showed up. She really came!

Ivi happened to look in his direction, making eye contact with Tripp. She told Tucker a quick response to whatever he said before making a beeline to Tripp. He stood up from his couch, ignoring his boys calls to him, as he met her half way. Tripp notices then that something was off with Ivi. Her eyes were red, like she'd been crying. Before he could ask, Ivi jumped in his arms, straddling him. They flowed in sync, sharing a steamy, hot kiss.

"Well damn!" all his boys said at the same time.

Ivi's eyes were closed, so she only felt them moving; Tripp carrying her somewhere. A door slammed behind her as Ivi was sat on the ground. Ivi moaned as Tripp's tongue begged for entrance into her mouth, licking at her morsels. "What's wrong, baby? You've been crying.."

"I'm fine now that I'm with you."

Ivi pulled Tripp closer to her, roaming her fingers as they traced his bulking, shirtless torso. Tripp's hands were all over Ivi's taut frame too. They were both caressing places that were exposed in their swimsuits, and some that weren't. But Tripp had to focus. He moved his head back long enough to breathe and speak. "Ivi..."

"I know baby..." she said slipping her hand inside swim trunks. Her hand found her favorite toy, already warmed up and ready to play. They both moaned at the moistness at the tip of Tripp hardening member. Ivi was soaked too. Man, could she get wet from just the smallest inclination from Tripp.

"Homy..goodness...." Ivi cooed, Tripp stuck his hand inside the lower half of her bathing suit as well. He removed it to suck her juices off  his thumb, only to shove his hand back inside, and shove his long middle finger deep into her love cavern. Ivi gasped, grabbing ahold to Tripp's shoulder to balance herself. Her knees felt like they were about to buckle.

I sudden knock from the glass, sliding door behind them, had Ivi and Tripp looking over his shoulder. There stood Renna, with a whole bunch of other people not too far behind her. "Y'all save that shit for later! I already had to throw one nigga phone in the pool, trying to make a porno off y'all."

Tripp covered a shocked Ivi while giving curt laughter. "I forgot that door was back there." He looked over Ivi with endearing eyes. "I just got carried away when I saw you were here.."

"I feel the same way." Ivi said, understanding perfectly where he was coming from. She kissed Tripp quickly on the lips. "I'm going to the bathroom real quick.."

"Not so fast." he said grabbing her arm. "Why were you crying before you got here?"

Ivi shook her head. "It's not important right now..."

"It's important to me, right now." Tripp said pointing to the ground.

"I.." Ivi started. "I got jealous when I saw that girl all over you on that video. I thought.."

"Hey. What have I told you before? You don't ever have to worry about another female. You're the only girl I have eyes for." Tripp said kissing Ivi's lips softly.

She nodded her reassurance before going to the bathroom. Tripp walked outside, and right up to Renna whose smile dropped as he came toward her. "You said that video was just gonna make her into coming, not make her cry." he ranted.

Renna looked dumbstruck. The two were in cahoots. A couple of days ago, he called her, initially to see if Renna could talk Ivi into coming to the party. Renna however suggested the scheme of jealousy instead and devised this plan to coerce Ivi. The old video of Tripp at another pool party worked like a charm. So what was Tripp talking about. "Ivi wasn't crying because she saw that video!"

It was Tripp who was taken aback then. For some reason, Tripp wasn't surprised Ivi lied to him. Ivi had done it before. Not like she was trying to keep things from because she didn't want him to know, but because she was unsure of his reaction to the truth. Still, he didn't like her leaving him clueless to shit. "What was she crying about then?"

Renna was quiet.

"I'm sick of this shit, man. Everybody knows what's going on with my baby but me! Shit ain't cool."

Renna sighed before pulling Tripp to her, whispering something in his ear, from prying ones. Tripp stepped back and looked at Renna with wide, perplexed eyes when she finished. All she did was wink before coaxing her head up. Tripp followed the notion and saw Ivi approaching. He quickly thanked Renna, checked himself and put on a smile to greet Ivi.

"Hey babe." Ivi said pecking Tripp on the lips. "Nice party. Lots of T&A." she said looking around, playing up her bit of jealousy.

Tripp chuckled to go along. "Green looks good on you." he cracked. "Come on, let's get in the pool..."

"No!" Ivi said shaking her head fast. "No pools." she said strongly.

Because of what he'd just learn about watching certain mannerisms, he outright asked her. "Why don't you like pools?" he asked encircling her in a tender hug so she couldn't retreat.

Ivi looked around at the waves of water, thrones of people wading inside playing and tussling and her insides shivered. "Bad experience with a bully when I was kid. Held my head under water and I almost drowned."

Tripp nodded, glad that she was at least forth coming this time. He ran his fingers up and down her bare arms. "Okay. How bout I whoop you in 2K then?"

Ivi smirked. "Nah I'll just watch. Don't want to make you mad like last time and embarrass you in front of all these people." she said walking inside the condo.

"I wasn't feeling good that day and you know it!" Tripp called after her, defending his loss against her.

"Yeah tell me anything." she said sitting on the edge of the couch. Tripp sat down too, pulling Ivi in his lap. They laughed and talked with his friends, after Ivi was formally introduced as 'his baby', playing the video game for hours.

Ivi had fun. More than she expected. When Tripp shut the party down so that everyone could go change and meet at the club venue, Ivi bid Tripp goodnight. Tried as he might however to convince her to come to the party, she didn't concede and went back to Renna's place.

They watched movie after movie, having fun like teenage girls at a sleepover, eating everything they could find and doing all sorts of quirky things. It was fun day that turned into a funnier night.

A chime to her phone, alerted Ivi she had a message. Ivi giggled, looking at the message Tripp sent her. He was more than likely drunk.

From: Travis 🥰😍😘

Apparently Ivi didn't respond fast enough before he was sending another message back.

From: Travis 🥰😍😘
😡 Baby!

To: Travis 🥰😍😘
What Travis?

From: Travis 🥰😍😘
Oh I was bout to say, I know you not ignoring me. I'll come over to Renna house and spank you.

Ivi laughed out loud, making Renna look at her. "What's so funny girl!"

Ivi shook her head. "Travis being Travis."

To: Travis 🥰😍😘
Why do you always want to spank me? I'm not some child.

  From: Travis 🥰😍😘
But I am Daddy. Know this!

Ivi keeled over again.

To: Travis 🥰😍😘
Stop drunk texting me.

From: Travis 🥰😍😘
😒 I'm not drunk..

Tripp quickly retorted before Ivi could.


From: Travis 🥰😍😘
😏🤔 Matter fact, I'm thirsty.

Ivi shrugged as if he could see her

To: Travis 🥰😍😘
Get you something to drink then...preferably water.

From: Travis 🥰😍😘
Nah...what I want to drink ain't here...taste like water though. With a hint of pineapple.

Ivi immediately knew what he meant and blushed feverishly through her fit of giggles.

To: Travis 🥰😍😘
🙄 Stop being nasty!

From: Travis 🥰😍😘
Meet me at place in 30. I'll show you how nasty I can get...

Ivi squeezed her thighs together. She had been antsy since that kiss earlier today. Her sitting in Tripp's lap all day, his stiffened member poking her the whole time, wasn't making things better. Another chime came through.

From: Travis 🥰😍😘
I've been wanting to taste you! Like really taste  you...

To: Travis 🥰😍😘
😩 Travis...Stop!

From: Travis 🥰😍😘
You getting hot for me baby?

Ivi could envision Tripp biting his lip while asking that question. She moaned inadvertently.

"Hey, whatever y'all talking about over there, stop it! I don't want no wet spots on my furniture!" Renna chastised.

Another chime.

From: Travis 🥰😍😘
Yeah you hot. And I'm thirsty baby. I need you to ride my face till I make you cum so I can drink you up.

To: Travis 🥰😍😘
🤦🏽‍♀️ You are soooo inappropriate! I'm putting my phone down now.

Travis wasn't gonna get her riled up. He was drunk, at the club. She was at Renna's house. She couldn't just leave! That would be rude. Besides, she didn't have a way to get to his house unless she either took Renna's car or had her drop her off. As horny as she was now, they would both have to wait until another time.

Another chime, followed by another, and another beeped through. Ivi was doing her best to ignore it, but Renna didn't. She grabbed Ivi's phone after a slight protest to read her unread messages. Renna burst out laughing.

Ivi flooded her eyes. "What did he say girl?"

A knock came to the door as Renna threw Ivi's phone back to her. She reading the three messages before her bulging eyes met the door.

From: Travis 🥰😍😘

I'm leaving the club now. You on your way?...

You ignoring me now? You coming or what?...

Fine. I'll come to you..

Another chime came through as Ivi jumped up from the couch.

From: Travis 🥰😍😘

Open this fucking door!

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