It'll be Fun- She said, Book 1

By RandomFandoms93

203 43 0

Juno Zelder is in a world where the most amazing and horrible creatures roam the land killing, fighting for s... More



21 4 0
By RandomFandoms93

I lay in my new bed that night, and stared into space, up at my ceiling. I swept my curly blonde  hair back into whatever type of ponytail/bun thing that I could make with its mid kneck length, and got up really early.

I woke early naturally but not quite as early as that, it was barely 5AM and in the early summer sunrise everything seemed hyped and saturated by 20. I sat on the porch on the swingy chair, staring into the abyss once again. I would soon adjust to life here, I just needed time to figure out my surroundings. Around half an hour later, someone opened the front door and came to sit in the spot I was in. "Ah, she rises early then?" Lucas beamed as he sat next to me.

"Sometimes... not as early as today but yes, early," I said sleepily. "You guys know what coffee is, right?"

Lucas laughed, "Yes, and you're on trial so you'll need to be awake!" I had glared at him. "Right, preference of coffee?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, "Little bit of milk, no sugar please... thanks. I Haven't really slept much."

Lucas raised an eyebrow at my coffee preference, it hasn't changed actually, "I thought 'she who looks like death warmed up at the moment' would want black with loads of sugar?", I laughed groggily, "Nope, black coffee's gross and I don't understand why someone would put sugar in coffee,"

"Well lets go inside and I'll make it for you," Said Lucas.

We walked into the kitchen and Lucas made coffee, really bad coffee, but he still made coffee. I couldn't have cared less though, with my barely 2 hours of sleep. I needed to pass this dumb trial thing as well, which was basically 2 missions you're sent on to prove that you have the most valued skills amongst assasins: leadership qualities, secrecy, elegance, daring nerve and obedience. Then you are officially allowed to live at the house, on the other hand, if you don't pass your trial, by either getting spotted on a mission, would probably get you killed anyway, otherwise you would be immediately executed. Fun.

I had just sat at the wooden table in the kitchen thinking about the logistics of it, before Lucas handed me a mug of coffee and sat down too. Josselyn then entered and looked at me condescendingly, "Any reason for you both to still be in pyjamas?"

I looked down at the blue flanal shirt and shorts I was wearing. Lucas was in a grey T-shirt and boxers. "Errm, no ma'am." I said standing up ready to walk away. "Ah ah ah, Sit back down Zelder!" She chided and referred to me by my last name. "Wake yerself up, We already got you a trial position with Connell today, now he's a nice guy but he's not afraid to tell me when things go wrong. He's been here since he was 14. He helped me and Adam pick you out, we liked the look of you, you've moved through jobs since the age of 16, so you may diss this as just another job well its not. And if you view it like that then it's on your own head, literally."

Lucas just sat there staring at me, as if I was supposed to respond to that, Josselyn continued, "We still like you, Juno Elowen Zelder, so don't screw up, I was there to view your quick response to runaway rebels, in fact I have been there on several occasions when you have managed to save the day. You have a remarkable reputation, I read your letters, you seem like a descent human being as well, if not a little snarky and dark at times, now, you have a decent looking head so please keep it attatched to your body,"

"I make no promises," I teased at the last part. Apparently it wasn't a joke. Josselyn had frowned in disapproval, "Very funny, now go get dressed and Lucas, lad, could you wake Connell? You'll both be out the house by 7 okay? Good, dress in normal clothes and pack fighting gear into a shoulderbag. Adam'll give you weapons and then off with you,"

I shrugged and ran upstairs with Lucas trailing behind me, "She likes you, she was horrible to me when I first arrived" Lucas had said as I entered me and Edith's room, and he ran up to the loft.

I changed into a white shirt and some grey pants with suspenders, then put my hair down. I washed my face, and the fact that Josselyn had mentioned my face/head made me notice it more, my downturned grey/green eyes always blended with what I wore, since I rejected colour and my only prominent features appeared to be my ski slope nose and square jaw, which was only accentuated by my strange haircut.

In my shoulder bag I stuffed a pair of black leggings, 2 maroon T-shirts, a black hair band, my black combat jacket and the only knife I took with me from home. My combat boots on my feet, I took my bag and big black coat downstairs. "Nice outfit." Connell commented.

"Well what was I supposed to wear?" I said, exasperated. "It doesn't really matter, just most women here wear skirts and dresses, you may get a few stares. It's fine though, we'll be going to manourton corner so most people are odd looking round there..."

I freaked slightly (ever so slightly), "Manourton Corner!? Connell they all know what I look like around there! I lived there for 6 months and they told me they'd cut my hands off if I came anywhere near there! I also went out with the land owner's daughter, they hate me! Isn't there anywhere else we can go? Cuz I'm sure there are places more crime and fugitive ridden than there, I-"

"Woah, slow down Ju! We'll do a bit of disguising and it'll be fine!" Connell cut me off. He took me into the kitchen and sat me down. Edith was sat at the table chomping down on a piece of toast, Black square framed glasses sliding down her nose, I know that struggle... I had to wear glasses when I read and its entirely infuriating as they constantly get smudged, slide down your nose, or just fall off entirely. I later discovered Edith has to wear them as much as possible.

"Disguise, I'm guessing?" Edith shrugged and put down her toast. She walked off to find 2 large metal cases. She opened one and went through a collection of flawless wigs. "Wow, Edith." Is all I could say.

"I'll read the briefing whilst Edith is doing you up," Connell said as Edith approached me with an abnormal flesh coloured mould and large brush. She pushed her glasses up her own nose and applied the mould to mine, she then blended all sorts into my skin.

"We're going to be a married couple by the names of Jonathan and Jean Evanack, we're going to a large illegal dragon fighting event in the centre of Manourton corner's underground arena. We need to kill one of the orchestrates because of some personal business regarding Josselyn."
I stop him through Edith doing my disguise, "So we're killing someone because he or she screwed over Josselyn?" Connell shrugged.

"He worked here for a while and then someone made him a better deal in the underground and he's began working for them from about 2 years ago. Anyway, we think that he's going to start gathering after the event and is running a crew of fugitives through to the border."

I raised my eyebrows as much as possible whilst Edith meddled with my face. "So I'm committing mass murder, on my first day, silently, without being caught, in a place where everyone knows me, hiding bodies and getting out alive and unscathed? Sounds fun. Where do I sign up?!"
"Sweetie, you already did when you accepted the job offer."

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