It'll be Fun- She said, Book 1

By RandomFandoms93

204 43 0

Juno Zelder is in a world where the most amazing and horrible creatures roam the land killing, fighting for s... More



44 6 0
By RandomFandoms93

I later met Josselyn who really was the mother hen, Adam and Lucas were apparently on an emergency irradication of some underground rebels, and would not be back until supper. That was fine by me, Edith and I went into the woods surrounding the house and down to a stream for some bizarre 'girl on girl bonding time' as Josselyn called it. We basically giggled for the entire afternoon and threw daggers at fish and tree targets. Edith loved it, she loved outdoor training where everything was focussed and accurate, she was not ignorant, she knew of the darker things in the world and her choice was to learn how to irradicate them, still she believed everything is a gift from god that should be cherished.

It was people like Edith that made me question life, Connell however came to join us later on, he thought more like me, that things corrupt the darkness in everyone else's souls, that people, things, act off dark impulses. Connell, happened to have a range of emotions which I never managed to access, Edith influenced him greatly it seemed, where as I kept my emotions buttoned up he saw things in so many colours, just as Edith did... they were both the most remarkable people I had ever met, before that day it had only been Larkin, these 2 made her seem almost bland.

Lucas and Adam arrived at 6 o clock. It was clear that Adam and Josselyn were older, though Josselyn still had managed to obtain beauty from her early years, she had lines deeply set into her forehead and snow white streaks mixed with her mahogany hair, Adam wasn't nearly as ugly as I had imagined, in fact for such an older man he was still quite handsome, tall with jet black hair, threaded heavily with silver. Neither of them had made any effort to cover their aging, in fact they seemed quite proud of it, Josselyn should be at least- we haven't quite figured out medicines so most women die in childbirth or of some bizarre infection.

Lucas greeted me straight away as opposed to Adam who waved and went about his business, Lucas was good looking and possibly one of the only males I had met who was taller than me, he had dark brown hair and greenish eyes. He looked like someone Connell would be friends with, another good natured guy who didn't look dangerous. Lucas, Edith and Connell didn't look weathered like Josselyn and Adam, but none of them looked like assasins or acted so, which is what I supposed made them all so dangerous.

"Hi Juno!" Lucas said with a grin which mirrored his roommate's in cheekiness, "Greetings and Salutations! You must be the illusive Lucas considering that you do not look age 45," I stated, grinning back and holding my hand out to shake his, "Ah maybe I am, you never know with us lot... kidding, I am Lucas, welcome to the family,"

He shook my hand in return and gave me a brief hug, "Are hugs a mandatory conscept here, because I don't really do hugs," I said, Connell chuckled from behind the 2 of us as Lucas released me. "Not really, Edith will hug you whenever she feels like it and lucas is enjoying the idea of new female company..." Connell said.

"Umm, I'm gay..." I said awkwardly, I would love to have a new partner in the future since Larkin and I had just broken up and I did not want to be hit on that soon.

Lucas grinned, "Josselyn told us you're Bi, which means there's still hope right?" Connell obviously didn't spot that Lucas was joking about the last part, despite my own smile. "She had to break with her girlfriend to come here, Lucas!" Connell exclaimed, I cringed slightly on the inside, "Connell, he was joking, its fine, and can you not bring Larkin up? It's quite a sensitive topic, and hey! its a new life here right?!" I said.

Connell's face dimmed significantly, Edith then came charging downstairs and jumped on his back like an utter hooligan, she had changed out of her rainbow training garb and into a pastel pink blouse with pretty silk buttons, and brown skirt reaching her midcalf. We all laughed, Lucas looked to Connell before Adam entered and said "You boys aught to change into something respectable for dinner, oh and you too Juno, it's the worst kind of manners to be wearing training gear at the dinner table,"

I hadn't understood this, since at all the places I'd been at before, all the dormitories and shared houses they simply left us a meal on the side of the kitchen to claim and then sit wherever in the hall to eat. This place upheld traditional values that I had not been taught in my early years, my mother had died in childbirth, my father was often out so the maid and I often ate our supper together in silence in the kitchen instead of using the dining room, for simplicities sake. The places I had been since the age of 16 were all acquired by rough men who had clearly been raised by the guard themselves and without ladylike women to be polite around just slid into their own values.

Edith squeaked and dragged me upstairs before I even got the chance to say "Okay,". We burst back into our room and I fell onto the bed. Edith began rummaging through my wardrobe and drawers. "Calm down Edith, I'm not harbouring any stolen goods within my sock drawer!" I joked as she rummaged through it.

"How can you have such a small amount of pretty clothes?!" She exclaimed, as she rebounded through my wardrobe. "Never seen much need for them," I shrugged as Edith frowned at my lack skirts and dresses.

"Do you have anything that isn't black, grey, white or navy?" She questioned. "Errm, let me think about it, NO. I have several maroon coloured T-shirts but they aren't fit for dinner," I replied.

She huffed and handed me a skirt I forgot I had, it was simple, pleated and grey and travelled just below my knees. "Let me see," Edith pondered and walked over to her own wardrobe, after some routing she approached me with a jade green blouse, with grey buttons and a pretty neckline. She then gave me some knee high grey and green patched socks and my smart black pumps.

I went and put them on behind her little divider which she got dressed behind, I came out and gave her a little turn. "Stunning! But where did you get that necklace?" was her reaction.

I looked down at the silver dragonfly necklace which was once my mother's which I kept with me at all times. "Oh it was my moms..." My voice trailed off,

"Nevermind! Let's go to dinner!" She said.

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