The Angel of Darkness, And th...

By kitsunesuccubus-chan

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There is a legend about two sisters. an older one, and a younger one. The sisters are both opposites, yet the... More

Not a chapter, but HEY! go check out this person's story!
Chapter 1: The Legend Of Deltarune
Chapter 2: Spotted?
Chapter 3: Scary Lessons
Chapter 4: The Angel of Darkness Revealed
Chapter 5: Orgin of Friendship
Chapter 6: Betrayel?
Chapter 7: The Fun Gang vs... The Dark Fun Gang
Chapter 8: Sweet Treats, and Bittersweet Memories
Chapter 9: Thrash-Your-Own-Ass machine
Chapter 10: Good vs "Evil"
Chapter 11: Concerning Melody
Chapter 12: "Lancer?"
Chapter 13: Funny, Awkward Memories
Chapter 14: Susie vs Lancer
Chapter 15: Thoust Fools!
Chapter 16: Flirtatious Angel
Chapter 17: Chaos, Chaos!
Chapter 18: Dark Times, Bright Memories
Chapter 19: She Is Awaken
Chapter 20: Oh, This Thing... Again
Chapter 21: Near-End Story
Chapter 22: The King of Spades, The REAL Monster
Chapter 23: Farewell For Now, Dear Friends
Epilogue: Don't Forget

Prologue: A view into both worlds.

196 2 14
By kitsunesuccubus-chan

"He's late... Again... *sigh* Well, I guess he's still busy..." A familiar red-haired girl sighed as she looked out of her bedroom window, hoping to see her longtime best friend, Ink.

Her little sister floated overhead. "He's been gone a lot lately, huh?" She asked. Vixen nodded in response. "Where do you think he's been, anyway?" Chara asked. Vixen sighed again. "Honestly, I don't know, Chara... Though, I'd just wish he'd visit more regularly again..." She said.

"I don't get it... I just don't get it... Ever since he disappeared that one day, he's been acting... Different... Every time I saw him after that, he keeps saying something about a 'new friend'. And now he keeps leaving to go 'create' something... And I know its not a new universe, because he usually tells me if it is... So... Why? Why is he so distant all of a sudden?" She lamented.

Chara frowned at her older sister's depressing attitude. She floated over, and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, I'm sure that whatever he's doing, he either wants it to be a surprise, or he's just way too caught up in something. Again." She said, rolling her eyes when she said 'again'. Vixen laughed at this. "Y-Yeah. You're right." She replied.

"I know." Chara said, smiling cockily. "But seriously, are you still just gonna wait there for him like some clingy puppy? You know that isn't very healthy, sis..." She asked. Vixen thought for a minute, looking out of the window for a moment, before looking back to a Chara with a smile. "Actually, you know what? No. I'm
not. I'm actually really bored, so why don't we go somewhere?" She suggested.

Chara smiled back at her sister. "That's the spirit. Anyways, sure! Where to?" She encouraged. Vixen thought for a moment. "Hmm... How about we go to the darkner world for awhile? It's been a long time since we've been there, and it'd be great to see Ralsei again." She suggested. "Sounds great!" Chara agreed, knowing what friend her sister was mentioning.

The girls got ready, and opened a portal to the darkner world. Vixen looked around, and couldn't find the friend she was talking about earlier. "Huh... I guess he's not here right now... Weird..." She said aloud. "What's with your friends not showing up today?" Chara asked. "No idea." Vixen replied, yawning.

"Tired?" Chara asked. "Tired." Vixen confirmed. "You think we could take a rest for awhile?" She asked. "I don't see why not." Chara replied, shrugging. The two climbed into a tree, and fell asleep on two different branches.

~Meanwhile, in a parallel universe...~

A young boy in his teen years was sleeping in. That is until...

"KRIS!" His mom yelled, waking him up. His mom, miss Toriel, was standing a few feet from his bed. "Kris, if you do not wake up, we will be late for school!" Toriel exclaimed, urging him to wake up. She walked over to the window and opened the curtains, allowing natural sunlight to shine through the room.

"I will wait for you outside, alright?" She told him, walking out of the room, and went downstairs to go outside. Kris got out of bed, his medium length hair covering his eyes. He could still see, though. He just walked downstairs and outside without saying a word.

Toriel was standing by the car, giving her child a patient smile. "Kris! There you are! We might still be able to make it!" She said, happily. Kris began getting into the car.

"Kris... It is a beautiful day today, is it not? I hope it stays this way when Asriel visits next week. But I wonder... After the excitement of university... Will he still enjoy coming home to this little town...?" Toriel wondered aloud as her and Kris drove to school.

As he and his mother drove to school, Kris stared out of the car window, dully. It was always the same thing for him. Wake up, go to school, and come home with his mother. It was all starting to get kind of... Boring... Especially since his older brother, Asriel, was in university. Plus, his parents were divorced, so he couldn't really hang out with His father, Asgore. Don't get me wrong, he loves his mother, but... Sometimes, he wished something more interesting would happen.

When Kris and Toriel arrived at the school, Toriel held his hand as they walked into the building. Before they parted ways, Toriel gave Kris a hug before running off to the classroom on the opposite side of Kris's, in which she worked. Kris then emotionlessly walked into his own classroom.

"So, does everyone have a-..." The shy teacher, Alphys, stopped herself when Kris entered the classroom. "Oh...
K-Kris! We thought you weren't coming today! We're doing group projects this month. Uhhhh... So walk around and find a partner, OK?" She explained, stuttering as usual.

Kris walked around the classroom, everyone explaining that they already had a partner. Well... Temmie had an egg, but in her defense, there's an odd number of students, so everything is fair game. Kris finally talked to Noelle, the sweet girl in class. "Hey, Kris! What's up? Didja lose your pencil again? Here. You want the candy-cane one, or the one with lights on it?" She asked, sweetly.

Kris declined her offer and asked her to be partners, via (auto input wants to say "via blackberry"... OK then.) sign language. Noelle gave a surprised expression. "Huh? You want to be partners?" She asked. Kris only nodded, confirming the answer. "Umm... Sorry... Berdly already asked me..." She told him, smiling awkwardly.

"But I could ask Miss Alphys if we could make a group of three! I'll ask if you're sure!" She suggested, cheerfully. Kris nodded, "OK! I'll ask!" Noelle responded. She then turned to the teacher. She politely raised her hand. "Miss Alphys! Umm, is it OK to have a group of three?" She asked.

Berdly turned to her in shock. "Hey! What? No! I do NOT approve of this! ABORT!" He opposed. (Ah, fuck off, Berdly. No one gives a shit...) "What? B-But Kris doesn't have a..." Noelle trailed off. "Noelle, what were you saying?" Alphys asked her. "She was just saying we're FINE being alone!" Berdly interrupted, smugly. (Berdly. If you want the fandom to love you, stop being an asshole.)

"A-Actually, I just wanted to know if..." Noelle whispered, nervously. "Noelle, can you PLEASE SPEAK UP?" Alphys asked, putting emphasis on the last three words.

But before Noelle could reply, the door burst open, revealing Susie, the school's biggest, scariest bully. Everyone, even the teachers, were scared of her. It seemed the only one that wasn't scared of her was the chief of police, Undyne. Then again, she wasn't really scared of anything.

"H... Hi, Susie..." Alphys greeted, timidly. Susie stayed silent for a moment, before she spoke up. "...Am I late?" She asked, stoically. Alphys' eyes widened in fear. "Ohh, n-no! You're fine! W-We were just, uh...
Ch-Choosing partners for the next group project, and..." She frantically explained, before trailing off. "Umm, Susie, you're with Kris!" She finished, nervously.

Susie stayed silent for moment again. "...Great." She growled, sarcastically. It was strange, really. No one could really decide if it was scarier whenever Susie talked, or was silent. "N-Now that everyone's here, I'll write the assignment!" Alphys told the class as she turned around to face the chalkboard.

The nervous dinosaur... Lizard...? Whatever she is, she looked around for the chalk, only to find it missing... Again. She turned back around to he students. She stayed silent at first due to embarrassment. "Uh... H-Has anyone seen the chalk?" She nervously asked. "This is the third time its gone missing, and... Y-You all know I can't start class without it!" She added.

No one said anything.

Alphys started to sweat nervously.
"H-How about this? If no one speaks up... E-Everyone gets in trouble!" She said, trying not to stutter. She failed that though.

Again, no one said anything.

"A... Anyone...? P... Please...?" Alphys asked, timid as ever. "Hey, there might be a box in the supply closet..." Noelle thought out loud to herself, before raising her hand again. "Miss Alphys, why don't Susie and I..." She trailed off due to Alphys' unintended interruption. "G-Good idea, Noelle! Susie, s-since you came in last... Why don't you go get it for me?" Alphys asked, hoping not to piss Susie off. "...Whatever." The mean girl said plainly, as she walked back out into the hallway, slamming the door behind her.

Alphys turned to look at Kris, who looked really neutral about everything. Y'know. Like he always does. "And K... Kris... Can you go with her and make sure she... Um, actually gets it? And, um, stays out of trouble...?" She asked, shyly. Kris only nodded. Alphys smiled at his 'reply'. "Thanks Kris! See you later!" She said, thankful for his help.

As he walked out, almost everyone looked on in sympathy. Almost, meaning everyone except Catti and Berdly. When Kris exited the classroom, he saw Susie; who didn't seem to hear him enter the hallway. He noticed Susie take out a piece of chalk from her pocket and eat it. She turned around, about ready to return to class when she saw Kris standing there.

"...Kris." She said. "...Didn't see you there." She simply stated before turning around, not looking at Kris. "...Hey. You didn't see anything just now, did you?" She asked, even though she already knew the answer. Kris, as usual, didn't say a word anyway. So it didn't really matter. "Hmmm..." Susie hummed. "You can't even say?" She asked, turning back around to face Kris again.

"Kris..." She stated. She then began walking up to Kris, who backed further into the lockers behind him. Susie now had him cornered. "Hey." She said, putting her hand on his shoulder. "Let me tell you a secret." She casually said, faking a smile before picking him up and slamming him against the aforementioned lockers. "Quiet people piss me off..." She growled. Kris still remained silent. This just made Susie angrier.

"You think just 'cause you don't say anything... I can't tell EXACTLY what you're thinking?" She asked in a dark tone. ""It's OVER! I caught Susie eating ALL the chalk! This was her LAST chance! Now she'll FINALLY be expelled!"" Susie said, in a mocking voice. Kris opened his mouth in surprise, but still didn't say anything. "Haha... Come on, Kris. Don't act shocked. You know its true. Everyone's waiting for it. Everyone wants it." Susie sneered.

"So, congrats, Kris. You got me. I'm done for." She said, bluntly. She was silent again for a moment. "Just, lemme say one little thing. Seems like a waste to get expelled just for having a snack. So, Kris, if I KNOW you're gonna pull the trigger..." She finally spoke up again. "Heh heh heh..." She laughed, darkly. "Why don't I just get expelled for some REAL carnage?" She continued. "Kris... How do you feel..." She paused, smirking. Her golden eyes glinting sadistically. "...About losing your face?" She menacingly asked, before cackling.

She started pulling Kris closer, and closer to her face. But then she just stopped. She then just dropped Kris onto the ground. She turned away from Kris again. "Nah." She simply stated. "Kris, you've got a good mother." She began. "...It'd be shame to make her bury her child." She finished, smirking nonchalantly.

She turned back to face Kris. "Alright. Let's get this over with. We'll get more chalk, mosey back to class, and then, Kris..." She paused, smirking again. "YOU'LL do our project. How's that sound?" She bluntly told him. Kris nodded his head, yes. "Don't bother answering. If you haven't gotten it by now... Your choices don't matter." She stated, before starting to walk off. "Let's go, freak." She said, walking down the hall.

Kris got back to his feet, and followed after Susie. He found her at the end of the main hall, crossing her arms and frowning impatiently. "God, can you walk any slower?" She asked, clearly irritated. "Nah, I get it. Not used to walking around without someone holding your hand?" She teased. "C'mon, freak." She ordered.

The two continued down the hall, and approached the supply closet. "Well, here's the closet. Too bad... We were just starting to have fun." Susie commented, as she opened the door. Right after she did so, the hallway seemed to get darker, and the closet looked like an empty, black abyss. Susi and Kris back away a little.

"Hey, Kris, is it me, or... Is it REALLY dark in there?" Susie asked, hiding her hesitance. Kris nodded in agreement. The two of them stare in silence for a moment before Susie looks over at Kris. "What's the holdup, Kris? Are you gonna go in or what?" She asked, deciding she could just have Kris do all the work. However, Kris just slowly backed away even more.

While he DID want something more interesting to happen, a dark, ominous, seemingly empty closet was NOT what he had in mind.

Susie growled at his cowardice and snapped at him. "Fine! If you're gonna be a WIMP, then I'll..." She hesitated, looking at the closet, and then back at Kris. "We'll both go in at the same time!" She decided. Kris agreed, and they walked in together, albeit still rather hesitant.

"See? Why are you so scared? There's nothing in here but old papers." Susie told Kris, trying not just to reassure Kris, but herself as well. Not that she'd ever admit it, though "Let's try to find a light switch." She said, wandering deeper into the closet. Kris looked around suspiciously. Something just didn't feel... Normal. Not necessarily bad, but not necessarily good, either. He just couldn't figure out what.

"That's weird... I can't find a switch. Guess it's further in..." Susie thought out loud to herself, before going into the even darker part of the "closet". Kris followed her, to make sure she didn't get lost. Something was really starting to feel off. "Uhhh... Kind of big for a closet, huh...? You'd think we'd have reached the end by now..." She asked both herself and Kris before going even deeper.

Kris just wanted to tell Susie that something was wrong, and that it'd probably be best if they just got out of there. Unfortunately, due to Kris's silent nature, he couldn't. But then again, even if he could, he doubted Susie would even believe him. And even if she did, she'd be too stubborn and prideful to admit it.

"Hey, Kris. I think this closet's, uh... Broken. There aren't any walls." Susie's voice said, bringing Kris out of his thoughts. Thankfully, by this point Susie had realized something wasn't quite right. There was some silence after she said that, though. "Well, we've worked hard enough. If Alphys wants chalk so bad, she can get it herself. Let's split." Susie said, giving up. Kris nodded quickly, happy she wanted to get the fuck out of there as much as he did. Even though his face didn't show it.

Unfortunately, it seemed like reality just hated them, as the door to the so-called "supply closet" had vanished. Susie jumped in sheer shock.
"Wh-What the...?!" She yelled in disbelief. "Hey, this isn't funny! LET US OUT!" She demanded, banging on the door.

"LET US..." She was cut off when she noticed the ground was starting to shake. Susie then backed up, getting closer to where Kris was.
"The floor, it's...!" She didn't get to finish, as the floor beneath them collapsed. The two fell into unconsciousness as they fell into the darkner world.

~Back with Vixen and Chara.~

Vixen had woke up when she heard a metallic thud come from somewhere in the distance. "Huh?" She voiced, just before a slightly heavier thud shook the ground. If it was wasn't for the fact she was awake and holding onto the tree for support, she would've fallen out of said tree. Her little sister, on the other hand... Not so lucky.

Chara hit the ground with a smaller thud. "Ow! Ugh...." She groaned. "What the hell was that?" She asked, looking back up to Vixen. "Beats the hell out of me. Should we go investigate?" Vixen replied. "You read my mind. Let's go!" Chara smiled, taking off running into the direction of the noise.

"Wait!" Vixen cried, grabbing onto Chara's arm to prevent her from running off so fast. "What? What is it?" Chara asked, surprised by her sister's sudden action. "What if those two are the lightners? You know, from the legend?" Vixen asked. Chara was silent for a moment. "...You really think that's them?" She asked. Vixen nodded.

"It makes the most sense, doesn't it? Think about it. We've been here so many times and not once, has that EVER happened. It's the only logical explanation I can think of." She theorized. "So... Are you saying what I think I think you're saying?" Chara asked, somewhat excitedly. "Yep. Its time for us to take up the roles we were destined to play!" Vixen replied, smiling.

"Let's take to the skies!"

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