Best Friends or More? (Demi L...

By fanfic_idk32

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just read :) More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Authors Note

Chapter Sixteen

520 9 0
By fanfic_idk32

You wake up to the sound of the garbage man outside. You used to hate that sound as a kid, it was so loud and it sounded like thunder when the truck would empty big dumpsters.

You rub your eyes and look over, seeing your bed is empty, except for your fluffy cat sprawled out next to you. Where did Demi go? You check your phone and see a text from her.

From: Demi

hey i had to leave early because i had a glee meeting. i love you. have a good day at work. make some green (;

You roll your eyes and set your phone down. You had to go get ready for work.

Demi's POV

I really don't know if It want to see Naya today. It's going to be so awkward because of last night.

As I walk into my dressing room, I see Lea walking to me.

"Hey, you look tired. You doing okay?" She said cheerfully as she followed me into the dressing room. I roll my eyes and smile, wondering how she manages to be so cheerful all the time.

"Yeah, rough night. I'm okay though! Have you, uh, seen Naya today?"

"She's in her dressing room. She said she's sick but it's obvious she's hungover." Lea mused as she shook her head.

I laugh as I start walking past her. "I'll see you in a bit! Gonna go check on Naya." I called over my shoulder.

I got to Naya's trailer on the side of the building and knocked softly before walking in.


She looked up in surprise and blushed when she saw it was me.

"U-uh hey, D-demi." she stammered. She refused to meet my eyes. I sighed and sat down across from her.

"So about last night-" I started before she cut me off.

"I'm so sorry D. I have no idea why I did that but it'll never happen again. I am so fucking sorry. I'll call Cailyn and tell her it was a drunken mistake."

I nodded my head and smiled.

"It's fine Naya. I forgive you. Don't stress it, okay?"


Cailyn's POV

Another day of working at this boring department store. You yawn and continue to slowly put clothes on racks.

"Cailyn, you can take your break now if you want." Your manager, Desiree, calls out to you. She's a tiny, plump woman with short black hair that ends right under her ears. She has piercing green eyes that flash brightly when she's mad. You like her, she's a nice lady when you aren't on her bad side.

You nod your head and finish putting the clothes on the racks. You decide to just take a breather in the back room. You sit down in one of the chairs, lean your head back and start singing to yourself softly. "I Won't Let Go" by Rascal Flatts has been in your head all day. Normally, you don't like country music but Rascal Flatts is one of your favorite bands.

"Wow, you're a really good singer."

You whip around in surprise and see it's your coworker, Annabelle. She's only 17, making her 3 years younger than you. She's a really pretty young woman. She has long curly blonde hair with bright green eyes. She's really slim and athletic. You envy her beauty a little.

"Oh shit, you scared me Anna!"

"Oops sorry, but you're such a good singer. Like wow. How are you friends with Demi Lovato but yet you aren't famous for singing yet?"

You giggle and shake your head. Everyone at the store knows you're friends with Demi and they're surprisingly cool with it. Thank god they don't treat you any different.

"Speaking of Demi, look what I goottt!" You say in a sing-song voice.

You had Demi sign one of her posters the other day to give to Annabelle as a surprise. She's a die hard lovatic and you know it would make her day to know Demi signed something for her.

"A poster of Demi? Wow thanks you're so kind" Annabelle laughed.

"Turn it over."

You laugh as she gasps in surprise.

"Dear Annabelle, Cailyn told me you're a huge fan of mine. Thank you for supporting me! I love my lovatics so much. I hope Cailyn introduces us one day, as she describes you as a sweet person. Stay strong beautiful... Oh my god, Cailyn you didn't. Oh my god, she signed her name with her signature heart.. Oh my god, oh my god." she rambled in surprise.

You smiled and pushed your hair out of your face. You loved doing sweet things for other people, it made you feel so good inside.

Anna put the poster down carefully on the chair then wrapped her arms around you tightly. You hugged her back, grinning from ear to ear.

"I thought you'd like that since you're a huge lovatic." You say as you pull away gently.

"Um, duh! Wow I love you so much. Ohmygod, I'm gonna go show Desiree!" Annabelle gushed as she picked up the poster and ran out of the room. You laugh as you hear Anna's excited voice calling for Desiree.

Later that day..

You pull into your driveway and get out of the car, grabbing your bags. You went grocery shopping and you're eager to get the food in so you can put it away and watch a new episode of Orange is the New Black on Netflix. You've become hooked on that show ever since Carrisa told you about it.

As you open the door, you see Demi sitting on the couch waiting for you. You raise an eyebrow at her.

"Um, Demetria? I think you're a little confused. Your house is 5 minutes from here, this is my house."

"Shut up, Cailyn. I wanted to see you and you weren't home so I just let myself in." Demi laughed as she got up and came closer to you. "I missed you."

You smile and grab her waist, pulling her closer to you. She kisses you softly as you wrap your arms around her. She's so soft and warm and she smells like vanilla. You can't help but get butterflies in your stomach. You pull away a little and kiss her forehead.

"I missed you too, dummy. How was your day?" You ask as you pull away and walk to the kitchen. You start putting away the groceries while Demi sits on the counter next to you.

"Eh, boring. I, uh, talked to Naya today."

You stiffen a little and glance at her.


"Yeah, she apologized and said she was so sorry and that she was drunk and she'd tell you that herself." Demi rambled nervously.



"I don't wanna talk about her nor to her."

You finish putting groceries away and stand next to her. She stares at you with her big brown eyes and you feel your insides melt.

"Alright, Cailyn."

You sigh and hug her tightly. You kiss her neck softly while rubbing her back.

"Give me loveeee baby."

Demi laughs and holds on to you tightly. You stand there for a few minutes, holding each other. You really don't know what you'd do without her.

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