Smart // Luke Hemmings

By idekkhemmo

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"And in that moment, I found out Luke Hemmings is the perfect example of a bad boy." Daniela Gray's world is... More

Chapter 1 // The New Neighbors
Chapter 2 // Maths
Chapter 3 // Babysitters
Chapter 4 // Halloween Bash
Chapter 5 // Mall
Chapter 6 // Skipped
Chapter 7 // Sleepover
Chapter 8 // Outside Meetings
Chapter 9 // Avoiding
Chapter 10 // Absent
Chapter 11 // Vistors
Chapter 12 // Homecoming
Chapter 13 // Here & Now
Chapter 14 // Rumors
Chapter 15 // Dinner
Chapter 16 // New Years
Chapter 17 // Drama Class
Chapter 18 // Lunch
Chapter 20 // Valentine's Day Studying
Chapter 21 // Overslept
Chapter 22 // Take out
Character Q&A
Character Q&A Answers
Chapter 23 // Tutu
Chapter 24 // Test
Chapter 25 // Lunch with Luke
Chapter 26 // Party Time
Chapter 27 // Midterms
Chapter 28 // Lazy Day
Chapter 29 // Office Party
Chapter 30 // The Real Date
Chapter 31 // Date Night
Chapter 32 // Finally
Chapter 33 // Ex-virgin
Chapter 34 // Photography
Chapter 35 // Nominees
Chapter 36 // New Guy
Chapter 37 // Prom
Chapter 38 // Road Trip
Chapter 39 // Graduation
Chapter 40 // The End

Chapter 19 // Tutor

22.9K 585 241
By idekkhemmo

Chapter 19 // Tutor

Ah Valentine’s Day. The greatest holiday known to human. (Note the sarcasm) I personally hate Valentine’s Day. I mean I know couples need a day to celebrate their relationship and be all lovey dovey, but I mean that’s why the have every other day of the damn year including their anniversary. (If the boyfriend remembers am I right ladies?) Well, anyway I’ve always hated Valentine’s Day. I hate seeing couples be gross. Ashton and Violet are one of those couples that make everyday of the year valentine’s day. It’s disgusting. Anyway, my school makes holidays a big deal. They make sure every hallway is decorated and make students get in the sprit of the holiday. For example, in December, the hallways are filled with Christmas stockings on students’ lockers. Before the break begins, the stockings get filled with candy and such. For Valentine’s Day it’s a bit different. The hallways are all filled with red, pink and maybe purple decorations. Paper cut out of hearts were plastered on the walls, lockers, and doors. There’s also a fundraiser. You buy a rose and you or a member of the student council delivers it to the person you want to send it too. Last year Ashton bought a huge bouquet of violet (yes violet) roses. He told Violet that he hand painted them just for her. But let’s be real, Ashton paid some kid from the art club $15 to paint them for him. As I walked the halls I wanted to throw up at the sight of the decorations for this year. It was Thursday and Valentine’s day was tomorrow. That means I would probably spend my Friday night watching sappy romantic movies. Sammy would probably accompany me to make fun of the couples on the screen. I walked into to homeroom ignoring the looks from Michael, Calum and Luke. When I reached my desk, Violet immediately started talking. “Look at what Ashton sent me! A violet rose!” Violet smiled widely.

“It looks like purple.”

“It’s violet!!”

“Anyway, what happened to the big bouquet he usually gets you?”

“He said he has way more to give me! I hope it’s a teddy bear!” Violet squealed.

“Didn’t he already give you a teddy bear like 2 years ago?”

“Yeah..” She sighed. The bell rang as our homeroom teacher took attendance. Once she was finished, the bell rang indicating  that students can go to 1st period. I got up from my desk, ignoring Violet going on and on about her date with Ashton tomorrow night. I continued to walk until someone grabbed my arm. I turned around and saw Michael, Calum, and Luke. “What’s up smartie?”

“Can you please stop calling me that?” I clenched my jaw.

“Woah someone’s in a bad mood.” Michael raised his hands in surrender.

“Leave me alone Gordon.” I scoffed, turning back around. Before I could go anywhere the same hand turned me back around.

“We have to ask you something.” Calum said.

“What is it?” I crossed my arms in front of my chest. Michael looked down at my chest, licking his lips. Calum elbowed him in the side. “Ow!”

“What do you have to ask me? I have to go to history.”

“What are you doing tomorrow?” Calum asked since Michael was still ‘injured’.

“Why?” I raised my eyebrows. Was he going to ask me out?

“Just wondering.” I looked to Michael and then Luke. Luke was looking down at his feet avoiding eye contact with me while Michael was hunched over grabbing his side. “Wondering?”

“Wondering.” Calum smiled.

“Well, I’m going on a date.” I lied, causing Luke and Michael to look up at me. “What?” All three of them said in unison.


“With who?” Luke asked.

“Someone asked you out?” Michael remarked.

“Since when?” Calum asked.

“With a guy, yes someone asked me out, and since earlier this week.” Luke seemed shocked, yet upset. Why would he be upset if he has a girlfriend?

“Alright smartie, we’ll leave you alone. Have a good day.” Michael tipped his imaginary hat and motioned the boys to follow him. As they walked past me, for a split second Luke and I made eye contact. He immediately broke the eye contact and continued out the door. The bell rang making me late for my first class. Thanks boys.


After drama class, I went to my locker to put my morning books away. After I finished, I made my way to the lunchroom. On my way there I passed by Mr. Bush’s classroom, where I saw Mr. Bush, Mrs. Wilkinson, Mrs. Sanchez, and Mrs. Reynolds with what seemed like, Luke?!

“Luke the reason we brought you here is because of your grades, son.” Mr. Bush started.

“Luke, you’re a D- in science.” Mrs. Sanchez stated.

“You’re a D in history.” Mrs. Reynolds added.

“What’s my grade in your class Mrs. Wilkinson?” Luke asked.

“Let’s not talk about it.” She shook her head, pushing her glasses up to the top of her head.

“Luke, we want your grades to get better.” Mr. Bush said.

“I can’t Bush! I can’t! I suck at maths! History is too much to memorize, science is too complicated and literature the essays for books are too hard for my brain.” Luke exclaimed.

“That’s why we’re gonna help you.” Mr. Bush replied.

“Mrs. Wilkinson already tried that, sir. I failed that test.” He muttered.

“Not like that. We want you to get you a tutor.”

“A tutor?!” Luke exclaimed.

“A tutor?” I whispered to myself.

“Yes, a tutor.” Mrs. Reynolds answered.

“For all of these subjects?!” They all nodded. “Alright so I was thinking Cayle Lee.” Mrs. Sanchez said.

“I don’t have Owen so I don’t know about his studies.” Mrs. Wilkinson replied.

“What about Alexis King?” Mrs. Reynolds asked.

“He sleeps in my class.” Mrs. Sanchez said.

“What about instead of giving me a guy, you give me a girl. I can pay attention to a girl better than a guy.” Luke stated.

“That’s what I was thinking.” Mr. Bush agreed.

“Debora Pierce?”

“Julissa Hill?”

“Rita Ramos!”

Luke shook his head, while the woman teachers shouted names.

“No!” Mr. Bush said, causing them to quiet down. “I know the perfect student.” Mr. Bush leaned in towards the other teachers and whispered a name that Luke and I couldn’t hear. “That’s perfect!” Mrs. Sanchez exclaimed.

“She’s such a great student!” Mrs. Reynolds clapped her hands together.

“Why didn’t I think of her!” Mrs. Wilkinson said.
“So it’s agreed?” Mr. Bush said. The women nodded. “Good.”

“Who is it?” Luke asked.

“So next Tuesday is your history test. All this weekend you should meet up with your tutor and study for that test.” Mr. Bush said, ignoring Luke’s question.

“This weekend?! I have a date with Johanna!”

“You should reschedule that.” Mr. Bush patted Luke on the shoulder.

“Can I know who it is?” Luke asked.

“I need to go find her.” Mr. Bush said, getting up from his desk. I realized that I should be at lunch and quickly walked the other way to the avoid contact with Mr. Bush. Unfortunately, Mr. Bush saw me. “Daniela! Just the person I wanted to see.”

“Oh hey Mr. Bush! What’s up?”

“Can you come to my classroom for a second?” He asked. I nodded, following him to his classroom. I saw Luke’s head was down on the desk he was sitting in. “The reason I wanted to talk to you is because I need to ask you for a favor. Can you tutor Luke?” Oh no. I completely lost control of my body when I answered him. His smile appeared on his face, happy with my answer. He turned to Luke and said,

“Luke, meet your new tutor.”


this is where it gets interesting. *evil laugh*



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