The Affair // Mustafa Ali

By cjleighwrites

7.6K 211 28

A simple encounter, a beginning of a sin. Newly debuted superstar Calista was finding her way through the ar... More

twenty one
twenty two


243 8 0
By cjleighwrites

I was still on a winning high. Our flight landed in Paris a few hours ago and Adeel and I were doing tourist things. I gained a lot more followers after beating Charlotte. I had a tag match with Nattie and Ronda against the riot squad. I didn't really care about the match, I cared more about last night.

We sat in front of the Eiffel tower, Adeel pulling me into him. I had come so far after meeting Adeel, without him who knows where I'd be.

"You know I never wanted to go to Paris" I said as I cuddled into Adeel's shoulder.

"Really?" He chuckled, looking down at me. Growing up, I didn't care for the city of love. That kind of romance crap meant nothing to me. I didn't get how it was a love city because it had a tower made of metal.

"I never really wanted to leave the country." When I was nineteen I thought about going to Hawaii, but decided not to. "And now I'm here." It was funny. I never wanted to leave the county, I live overseas. I never wanted to go to Paris, I'm in Paris.

"Roo there's something I've got to tell you" Adeel said after a moment of silence. I looked up at him as he sighed. "My marriage, it's not working" he looked off into the distance.

"It hasn't been for a while, not since I left 205." The was the conversation I wanted to have, but it's in the most 'romantic spot' for an unromantic conversation. "We tried but, I tried" he sighed again. "I gave up with us" he breathed looking at me. "I stayed for my kids."

"Then I met you" he whispered. "Walking back from the ring, sweaty and and in a daze" he laughed. "And I felt this happiness" he whispered, taking my hand.

"And when I stay with you in Detroit, it's normal." I wasn't sure what he was saying, and I wasn't sure how to feel. "Things are over" he mumbled.

I didn't know what to say to him so I cuddled him tighter. Adeel never talked about his family, only his kids. I looked down at his hand and noticed he wasn't wearing his ring, I hadn't actually seen him wear it.

"I've been trying to find a way to tell my kids, which is why I haven't gotten a divorce yet" he held me tight. It was like if he let go I might slip away. "Just promise me you'll stay" he looked up at me with pleading eyes.

I nodded, "of course" I whispered, kissing him. He pulled back with a small laugh.

"Here we are in Paris and were talking about my failed marriage."

I shook my head. "Here we are in Paris, like normal people, in love."

Although mostly all the people on the roster knew about us, the public didn't. It was still just some storyline, despite the real love offscreen. Despite us sitting in front of the eiffel tower we still had to do things at the arena. I wish we got more time to walk around and explore. But we had singings, the show, then we flew out tomorrow morning.

I sat next to Adeel in catering. The singing took all afternoon, I can barley feel my hand. I sat with my back against his side as I ate my fruit salad. Seth Rollins and a few others sat at the table with us, laughing about previous pay per views. I couldn't join in on their conversion, having only being in one. I didn't care if I got a hell in a cell match or not, Adeel needed it.

"So what do you think?"

I raised my head to see Seth and the whole table looking at me.


"What's your favourite part of a pay per view?" Seth asked, smirking.

Someone walked past, scoffing before I could answer. "She's only being in one" Ziggler scoffed.

"One that you lost at" Seth snapped back, glaring.

"Walking out I guess" I said as everyone looked at me. I wasn't sure. At summer slam I still couldn't believe that I was there.

"We all start somewhere" Roman shrugged as Ziggler laughed.

"It's your first of many" Seth said, "isn't that right Mustafa" he smirked.

"It is" he nodded, his hand wrapping around mine. I wasn't really excited for my match, I really just wanted to spend time with Adeel. I wouldn't see him until Monday.

Nattie and Ronda appeared meaning it was time for my match.

"Good luck" Adeel said as he kissed me cheek. I blushed as everyone looked.

I joined Nattie and Ronda who laughed at my face. "Try not to be so red when we walk out" Nattie laughed.

I had become less nervous when walking out, I only seemed to be nervous around Adeel. My body felt weak as I stood on the apron. The match last night didn't help my ribs. Whenever there was any pain to do with my stomach I thought of the baby. Sure I just debuted, but I would have had it. The baby had a heart beat, I was growing a baby and I let it die.

I looked up needing to put it aside. The riot squad were ridiculous. There wasn't a single thing about them that made me like them. Nattie was standing in the ground, leaning against the ring after a hit to her knee. I didn't feel like I belonged in this match. Ronda got up off the mat as Ruby tagged in Sarah. I sighed as Ronda's hand touched mine.

I circled her, trying to remember what Adeel said to me in training. I never got why we circled, just get to it. I kicked her, making her yell. I rolled my eyes and did it again. I had a lot of anger to take out, and she was getting it. I imagined she was whinge Bella before I forgot about the baby and forgot that there was other people in this match.

I heard my name being yelled after I german suplexed her. I turned to see Nattie and Ronda standing on the apron, holding their hands out. I glared at them as they yelled for me to tag. I shook my head and tagged Ronda in anyway, getting out of the ring as she tagged Nattie. The two of them did tag action before Ronda pulled her into an arm bar.

I stepped back from the ring, watching as they celebrated like I wasn't there. I shook my head as people starring yelling turn heel. They looked at me form the ring, holding their hands out. I thought about getting in the ring but turned around and walked. I didn't hi five anyone, just walked backstage.

I waited in Adeel's locker room, changing from my gear. I just wanted to cuddle after the win, but now I was angry and wanting to hit someone. They could have being angry at people saying that I'm getting a championship match, but I'm not in any match. I told her about my miscarriage and this is how they treat  me.

"Don't be angry, you don't enjoy tonight"

I sighed as Adeel walked in, changed. "They used me" I mumbled, packing my gear.

"I know" he whispered, wrapping his arms around me. "But let's enjoy tonight."

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