The Affair // Mustafa Ali

By cjleighwrites

7.6K 211 28

A simple encounter, a beginning of a sin. Newly debuted superstar Calista was finding her way through the ar... More

twenty one
twenty two


324 8 0
By cjleighwrites

I thought Adeel would have been more relaxed during training, but he wasn't. Since we're now secret boyfriend and girlfriend, he's been pushing me harder. Winning was a must. There was a lot on the line for Adeel's career considering he was in a team with me. I was still new, I hadn't won that many matches. After my performance at the house show, it'll be amazing if I get another one soon.

I could barely breathe. He'd been throwing me and punching me that much I don't remember when I stood up for a minute. My counters were still horrible apparently. I think he forgot that I went into nxt with zero experience. With every hit I wondered how I would be remembered. Would I make it into the hall of fame, maybe for being a home wrecker. How would people remember Calista?

"Concentrate!" He yelled at me, pulling me into a submission hold. I groaned and stared at the ceiling, what would I do if I wasn't here?

"Hello?" He said, as he tightened his grip around my neck. I looked around and touched the rope with my foot, making him let me go.

"What's got you distracted?" He asked siting up, although I think I heard him say this time.

"You asked me if I wanted to be champion" I said, leaning against the rope.

He nodded, "yes."

"Well I didn't" I shrugged. "When I first came here I didn't care about titles."

He raised an eyebrow at me, "but now you do."

"No I don't care" I shook my head, "I'm winning a title to prove to you that just because I can't dodge you, doesn't mean I can't beat you."

Adeel looked up at me in surprise before smirking, "good, now pin me" he said standing, and pulling me to my feet.


"Pin me" he said again, stepping back. "Pin me and I'll help you get to a championship match" he said, not breaking eye contact. "I will make you a champion" he said lowly. "I will train you to be one."

I smirked and ran at him, expecting him to counter which he did. As he jumped over me, I grabbed his legs and pulled him down.

"1" I whispered, holding his legs.
"2" he shook them to kick out, but I held on.

"3" Adeel whispered as I let go of his legs.

We will both be number one contenders.

It's being two weeks since Adeel proposed that we see each other. He stayed with me the whole week, coming to raw with me then going back to his family. I suspected that he wasn't coming to Detroit to train, he was coming to avoid his family or to see me. But we were here again, looking at each other in catering. He sat with Seth Rollins and couple of other people, not paying attention to them.

"What's going on with you and Mustafa?" Nattie asked, pulling my attention away from Adeel.

"Who?" I asked, looking at her. She gave me a funny look and so did Ronda.

"Mustafa" She said, pointing to him.

"Oh Ad-" I stopped. "What do you mean?" I ate my fruit salad, trying to act normal.

She raised an eyebrow at me, "you're not seeing him, are you?"

I think my face said it.

"What? No" I said quickly, meeting Adeel's gaze. From what I could hear, he was getting similar questions.

"You and the new one?" I heard Seth say to him. I didn't keep listening as I knew he'd say we just train, which is exactly what I told Nattie.

"He comes to Detroit and we train" I said, shrugging. She didn't look convinced, just laughed before leaving with Ronda.

I left, blushing as Adeel smirked at me. I hid in the locker room, trying to stop being so obvious. I liked Adeel. I scrolled through my instagram, seeing comments about me and Adeel in the mixed match. Most were commenting on my house show a couple of weeks ago. Some didn't understand why we were in a team together, which I always wondered why. Why did they put Adeel and I in a team together?

I stayed in the locker room for all of raw, only coming out at the end. I walked to the gorilla, seeing Adeel there.

"Wondered where you went" he said as I waked up to him.

"Trying to avoid saying I like you" I mumbled.

He smirked and looked down at me, "they'll know soon."

What did he mean?

"Do you remember our plan?" He asked. We were against Alicia Fox and Jinder Mahal. It was a strange pairing. Alicia liked to play stupid in the ring, but Adeel told me I wasn't to take it. Our plan was to tire them down, annoy them and take them. It made more sense to Adeel than it did to me.

"I do" I nodded.

He laughed, "that's something you've never said before."

I stopped and didn't understand what he meant. "Oh" I laughed.

I do. Marriage.

Our opponents walked past us, getting ready to walk out. Adeel looked down at me, taking my hands in his.

"Remember pin me" he said slowly, reminding me of our training session. "Take out the anger, and pin."

"Mustafa you're up" one of the techs said, making Adeel nod. He let go of my hands and walked past me.

Every time I walked out it felt like the first. Someone nodded at me as my music played. "Pin" I said to myself, walking out. Adeel was waiting for me halfway, where he held his hand out of me.

I knew Adeel wasn't nervous as he stepped onto the apron, holding the ropes for me. I rolled my eyes as soon as I saw Alicia, her head pieces confused me. We happily stayed in our corner, whilst Alicia was showing off.

"Ignore her" Adeel whispered as she started making 'come here' gestures. The bell rang and I nodded to Adeel, I was starting.

She laughed and moved forward like she was going to hit before moving backwards. I shook my head and gave her an uppercut. She laid on the mat and held her jaw, staring at me, screaming. I rolled my eyes before picking her up and doing a perfect german suplex. I could feel Adeel smirking as I didn't give her a chance to get up.

"Suplex city?" I said to him as I delivered two more german suplexes. I continued to throw her around the ring, only stopping when she kicked me in the mid section. Damn ribs. I held my ribs as she tried to pin me. I kicked out one one, causing her to scream. I've got to get my stomach looked at. She stood up, repeatedly kicking me in the midsection. I felt a crack and felt like I couldn't breathe. She dragged me over to the other side of the ring, stopping me from tagging.
I saw her hand tag Jinder's and I stared confused, he couldn't touch me.

"Calista!" Adeel yelled, making me stand up. I ran whilst holding my ribs to the other side whilst Jinder got in. I tagged Adeel's hand, taking my time getting out of the ring.I watched him fly around, whilst I gasped in pain. I held onto into the rope, staring off.

I felt myself falling as I opened my eyes, nearly screaming and holding my ribs. I grabbed the turnbuckle, feeling the rope move I looked over to see Jinder laying on the mat and Adeel climbing the rope. I saw Alicia run around the side of the ring, trying to pull Adeel or Jinder out of the ring. Holding onto the rope, I walked along the apron, kicking the side of her head. I groaned and grabbed the rope tighter.

Adeel jumped, landing a perfect 054, pinning Jinder. "Are you okay?" He asked coming over to me. I climbed through the ropes, the referee holding our hands up.

"My ribs" I whispered. "Hurt."

In nxt, I took a hit to the midsection which caused bruising to my internal organs and a slight laceration go to my spleen. I don't like street fight matches. It was never publicly said about my injuries, as they didn't want it to be an easy target.

Adeel helped me out of the ring, and held one arm around my waist as we walked up the ramp. He took me to the trainer who was the same one who saw me after my nxt match.

"Midsection again Calista?" He asked as Adeel helped me onto the bed. "Legs hope for no bruising this time" he said, pulling on gloves. "Or laceration."

"What do you mean?" Adeel asked. I never told him.

"Calista here has a nice injury during an nxt match" the trainer said as he felt around my stomach. "Bruised internal organs and a slightly lacerated spleen" he said, pushing around my ribs. I nearly screamed.

"You never told me" Adeel said as he held my hand. I could see on his face that he was feeling bad for all the punches he gave me to the midsection two weeks ago.

"No one was told" the trainer said, taking his gloves off. "You're going to half to go to the hospital" he said, making me look up at him. "Need your ribs xraying."

I sighed and got up off the bed. "I'll take you" Adeel said, making the trainer look at him. I just nodded and headed for the locker room.

I didn't get changed. I had Adeel's jacket on as we walked into the hospital.

"Why didn't you tell me" he whispered as I walked to triage.

"Because it's a weak point, you said never to admit" I said before telling the nurse what happened. She didn't believe me at first. People must come in all the time and say their wrestlers. She did after I gave her a report from the trainer, stating what was wrong. I was sent off to xray.

"You still should have told me" he said as we sat in the waiting area.

"Look, Adeel I forget" I said, making him give me a look. "I only remember when I get hit." The surgeon who fixed my spleen wasn't happy about me getting back into the ring.

"Jane Wooland"

I wouldn't have know that it was me except for that there was no one else here. It was a name that I hadn't heard in a while. I stood and walked towards the imager, waiting for Adeel.

"We're going to do an xray of your ribs and than a CT of your chest" they said, handing me a gown. "Change" they said before leaving the room.

"Well they're nice" I mumbled, looking at Adeel for help. I took off his jacket.

"Jane?" He asked as he helped take my top off.

"Never call me that" I said, pulling on the gown. "I hate that name."

The imager came back, taking my xray before taking me to the CT. "I don't know why we half to do this" she mumbled, moving the tray into the machine.

"Because I've had internal injuries" I said as she walked out.

I was back in emergency, waiting in one of the exam rooms. I didn't care if my liver was bruised, just no lacerations. Adeel had helped me get my top back on.

"Good news" the doctor said, waking in. "You're organs aren't bruised" he said, putting the films on the light box. "Or lacerated."

I sighed and smiled at Adeel. "Although your ribs are broken" he said, adding another film. I looked and saw that I broke two of my bottom ribs. "Missed your lung" he added.

"We'll put a support on and ah, what is it you do?" He eyed my ring gear.

"I wrestle" I said, causing him to laugh.

"Oh, that's fake" he laughed. "Oh is that how you did this?" I nodded. "We'll I'll get the support and no wrestling til you're healed."

Adeel glared at him as he left. "It's so fake"
I laughed, holding my chest. "I'll be okay for the next mixed match." I held his hand as the doctor returned, asking me to put my hands up. He wrapped the support around my chest before telling me I could go.

"Didn't give me pain killers" I sighed as we walked to the car.

"I can help" Adeel smirked. "I'll just half to go easy on you."

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