TOUCH OF HOPE (MxM) (Complet...

By raquel98rm

684K 43.8K 16.9K

Haphephobia: the fear of being touched. Blake, a second-year Psychology student, hadn't ever heard of such a... More

Upload Schedule
1. The lost boy (revised)
2. Finding the boy (revised)
3. Right Wrong Answers (revised)
4. Two freaks (revised)
5. A new friend (part 1) (revised)
5. A new friend (part 2) (revised)
6. Let the games begin
7. The right direction
8. A normal afternoon
10. Intern vs Supervisor
11. Episode
12. The courage to be weak
13. My brother's... friend
14. Afternoon Plans
15. Slowly opening up
16. Sleepy Brat
17. An exciting invite
18. Spending the night
19. Tingling
20. A Suiter for the Heir
21. Hands
22. Sweet Truces
23. Slowly but Surely
25. Lost and Found
26. Showtime
27. Aftermath
28. The strength's name
29. Not even that cute
30. Sleepless (part 1)
30. Sleepless (part 2)
31. Safe space
32. To each their own
33. Like in the movies
34. Gold star
35. Family Shackles
36. A rock and a hard place
37. Here for you
38. As the moon watches us
39. A little bit dramatic
40. No words
41. Reduce, Reuse, Relax
42. A son's lost. (part 1)
42. A son's lost. (part 2)
43. Guys and Dolls
44. Breaking the surface
45. The abnormality of normal
Christmas Special (chapter 30.5)
46. Pay off
47. A big deal
48. Aunty knows best
49. Little Steps
50. At last... (part 1)
50. At last... (part 2)
! Q&A + Announcement !
51. Something for you
52. The future in pages (part 1)
52. The future in pages (part 2)
53. A break
54. I'm so s'Oreo
55. Just better than you
56. Enough
57. To hear and be heard (part 1)
57. To hear and be heard (part 2)
58. When the Sun vanished
59. Epilogue
Touch Of Hope's SEQUEL
Once again, I need your opinion
Bonus Content (AI Characters)

9. "Having lunch with your friends?"

11.5K 736 507
By raquel98rm

Every chapter I will shout out someone, as a thank you for reading! If you want to be the next shout out, you just have to VOTE and leave a COMMENT (anything you want to).

If you don't care about being the shout out, please still vote. It means alot to me if you do!

This week's shout outDehydrated_Banana ! Thank you for your support! Hope you keep enjoying this novel <3

As soon as Blake laid the tray on the table, beside Finn, Mark raised his eyes off his own meal and smirked.

- Having lunch with us. – he said in a crying tone, pretending to wipe a tear. – It's like the old times.

The subject of the teasing rolled his eyes.

- Don't make me give you a reason to cry for real.

Still smiling, Mark rose his hands in innocence.

- I'm just saying you haven't had lunch with us for a long time. – his brown brows arched. – The Economics' kid had to have is afternoon class cancelled for you to be here.

- And you are making me regret my decision.

Mark was about to say something back when the arrival of May and Colin cut him off.

As soon as the girl spotted Blake, she covered her mouth with her hand, in an exaggerated choked expression.

- Oh my god. – she stopped beside him, putting the other hand on his shoulder. – What are you doing here? Did they forget your leash today?

For the second time in a matter of minutes, Blake rolled his eyes. Calling for help, he looked at his brother, that now sat in between him and May, and raised his brows.

- Finn, you are the reasonable one, can you explain to them that it's not my choice to not have lunch with you guys?

The older guy opened his mouth to say something, but Collin was faster, taking his turn.

- But you could invite Dean to come with. – the boy said, with a small pout. – We won't touch him, I promise.

- I've told you, - Blake insisted, looking at the whole group. – he doesn't like to be around people.

- That's why he has a dog keeping him company.

Mark's comment gained a high five from May and an annoyed look from his friend. Tired of the discussion, Blake leaned to his brother, laying his forehead on his shoulders.

- Finn, help me.

- I'm sorry. But they have a point.

Blake lifted his head with a hurt expression.

- Not you too.

- I'm just saying that you should consider it. – he continued, after swallowing the food on his mouth. – For weeks now, they have been nagging you about this, and you always say he doesn't like meeting new people or busy places.

- Because it's the truth.

- I know. – Finn lifted an eyebrow over the rim of his glasses. – But have you asked him?

Blake scratched the back of his head. Debating with his brother had always been of hard victory, as the older always had his logic down to an art.

- Well... No.

- Then how are you so sure he wouldn't come?

Finn was right, as usual, but he wasn't finished.

- Don't you think he might be happy knowing you want to introduce him to your friends?

Blake opened his mouth to counter, but only air came out. He knew that there weren't any more valid points to make in that debate, so he just let out a sigh, defeated.

- Ok, ok. You guys are right. I will ask him tomorrow, I promise.

Everybody knew that Blake, as forgetful and all over the place as he was, never broke a promise, so the topic of conversation quickly jumped to Collin's nagging about his supervisor or, as he called him, "Sargent Stuck Up". But Blake wasn't hearing him, too busy wondering what Dean's reaction to the invite would be. Someone as polite as him could feel pressured into coming regardless of his own opinion.

When all of them had finished their lunch, most started to stand up, until Mark raised one hand while the other held his expensive phone.

- We can't leave yet. – he announced, looking at the screen. – I just told Tim where we are.

- Tim is here? – May rejoiced, taking her place once more.

- You don't even try to hide your excitement, do you? – Blake questioned, amused.

- Why should I? – she shrugged. – He is the only guy on the group that is not a kid, a bookworm, an asshole or tells me that I gained weight.

- You were the one who asked. – Blake shrugged.

Collin didn't seem to enjoy his description, looking at the girl with a frown.

- I'm not a kid!

- Do you prefer to be the asshole? – she remarked.

Mark, who had been busy texting something on his phone, lifted his head.

- Who is an asshole?

- You. – even Finn replied in unison.

- Him, what?

Five pairs of eyes looked up to the bronzed skin man in a denim button-up and black pants, holding a wallet in his hand, who had just rounded the corner.

- Hey Tim. – Blake greeted. – We are just saying that Mark is an asshole.

- Oh. – the older guy didn't even look at the subject. – That's true.

Mark quickly turned back to be able to look at the man behind him and raised his eyebrows.

- Watch what you say. – he warned, in a pretension tone. – You are here because I called, therefor you are working and I'm still your boss.

With an unimpressed expression, Tim looked down at his so-called "boss".

- You are correct, Sir. I beg your pardon.

Mark looked back at the group, with a conceited expression, convinced he had just asserted is superiority. But the rich man was the only one under that illusion, as the others just awaited the tides to turn. Tim kept the professional appearance while aiming over him and, finally, launching the heavy wallet at his boss's crotch.

The effect was immediate, with Mark grabbing the affected area with a painful slew of cursing, while the other, except for Tim and Finn, laughed at his punishment.

- What the fuck was that?! – he finally yelled when the ability to talk came back.

- You told me to bring you the wallet as fast as possible, Sir. – the honorific was full of sarcasm. – I wouldn't want to disobey your excellency.

And that was the reason why every single one of them liked Tim.

- You little... - he growled, still dealing with the pain. – I made plans this weekend!

- Talking about the weekend. – Tim frowned, not giving attention to the damage. – A girl called my phone this morning, thinking it was you. Did you give my number to a random girl again?

Mark looked around to all the members who were currently judging him and scratched his head.

- Come on guys, it's not like I could give her my number. I didn't want anything with her but she wouldn't leave me alone. – he turned to the first person that was beside him, without paying attention to who it was. – You know how hard it is to get an excuse for a girl.

Collin looked him confused and tilted slightly his head. When the playboy finally noticed who he was talking too, he raised his eyebrows.

- Right, wrong person.

Watching those interactions go down, Blake passed his hands over his face, shaking his head. If Dean ended up accepting the invite, he would be traumatized by the end of one lunch.

Dean widened his eyes, looking at Blake as if he had just told him to jump off a bridge.

- Having...

The wealthy boy had just arrived at the university when Blake proposed the idea of them having lunch with his friends outside of the classroom.

- You don't have to accept Dean. – Blake assured, looking him intently. – If you don't think you're ready, that's ok.

Although his stomach was having the usual reaction to the prospect of such a situation, something surprised him. In between all the possible answers that crowded his mind at that moment, one of them was a "Yes". It was the faintest voice, but it was contrasting enough to catch his attention.

Meeting Blake's friends...

He couldn't say he wasn't a little curious to meet the people Blake had spent more than half a trimester talking about. Still, he wasn't sure.

- I don't know... - he said while playing with his hands. – I don't want them to be uncomfortable.

A smiled took place on the boy's lips as he rose one eyebrow.

- Believe me, they don't get choked that easily.

Regardless of the response, Dean looked down at his hands.

- But don't you think it can be weird for you?

- Weird for me? – his tone was of genuine confusion. – Why would it be weird for me?

He kept his head down but glared up at the dark-haired man in front of him. Blake looked so comfortable with most things, but what if that was different?

- It's just... you may not want your work and your friends to mix up.

The genuine comment made Blake smile amused, shaking his head.

- You really need to think less. I work for you, but we are friends, aren't we?

Dean lifted his head, still preoccupied.

- But you know I'm not good with people. Aren't you afraid I will embarrass you?

- You? – Blake pointed at Dean, and them to himself. – Embarrass me? It's more like I'm afraid of them embarrassing me in front of you.

The admission caught him unaware. It had never passed through his mind Blake cared what he thought about him. Not to say he had a bad opinion of his friend! Not even close! Blake was probably the person Dean most admired at that point in time, not that he would say such an embarrassing thing out loud, even in a million years

- You don't have to decide now.

Pressing his lips together for a moment, the heir looked at his friend.

- What would you prefer?

- It doesn't matter my opinion, Dean. It's your choice.

The response caused Dean to show a discrete pout. He had never kept his opinions to himself, why do it now?

- Please, Blake.

Based on the smile that took place on his red lips, it was clear the insistence had been successful. The employee looked away for a second, shaking his head, before turning back to Dean.

- I would like to introduce you to them. – he replied. – But that doesn't matter if you don't want to.

Dean contained his smile.

Blake wanted him to meet his friends, regardless of how weird he was. That fact was what he needed to make the exciting, yet terrifying, decision.

- I want to meet them.

It's now or never.

His friend's dark brows rose in surprise.

- Are you sure? – Blake glued his eyes to him, in that way that made Dean feel like he was being read. – Or are you just saying it to be nice?

- If I was, you would be able to tell.

The answer made him smile proudly. Grabbing the strap of the bag pack, he nodded once.

- You are learning.

Dean spent all the morning classes freaking out. He caught himself a lot of times looking at the professor without any idea of what was just said; the classes changed, and he forgot to switch books until twenty minutes later; he even had forgotten to go to the bathroom on the shortest break, when fewer people went, and because of that ended up not being able to go.

What had gone through his mind to accept the invite? Blake saying he wanted to introduce him to his friends had clouded his judgement.

How was he supposed to greet them? He couldn't shake their hands and there were too many for him to greet each one individually. Maybe with a general "Hello", or was that to dry?

"Hello! I'm Dean, Blake's friend.".

Wait, what if Blake had never referred to him as friend around them? That would be embarrassing.

"Hello! I'm Dean. Blake works for my family."

That made it sound like he just saw Blake as an employee.

"Hello. My name is Dean. I have social anxiety, PTSD and Haphephobia so my family hired Blake to help me, but we agreed on being friends. What his haphephobia? Good question. It's a phobia that makes me panic when someone touches me. So, forgive for not touching you. Not that I would want to touch you! I'm not a pervert!"

Dean let his head fall onto the book, exasperated.

- I'm an aberration. – he mumbled against the pages, feeling his warm breath on his face.

Hours flew by, in between mental breakdowns and failed imagined conversations, and in no time, the class come to an end and the students made their way to the door. Dean's hands were so shaky that it took a couple of tries for the notebook to fit correctly in the bag.

When Blake came through the door, smiling, he still hadn't finished gathering his stuff. In an anxious rush, Dean jammed everything in the backpack.

- Wow there. – Blake said, approaching. – We have time, don't worry.

- I don't want to make anyone wait. – he explained, closing the zip.

The nervous wreck of a person grabbed the backpack and the lunch box bag, ready to stand up, when Blake put his hand on the table, stopping him.

He looked up. Blake stared him with a serious expression that made the cut jaw sharper and the dark eyes stand out.

- You don't need to do it, Dean. – he remembered. – Changing your mind is ok.

Dean blinked looking at him.

There was something about Blake that simultaneously had a calm and innerving effect on the rich man.

A few seconds of silence went by, with the two boys staring at each other on the empty room.

- I... - the voice barely came out, so he gave it another try. – I want to go.

Blake kept eye contact for one more moment. Then, he smiled, standing straight.

- Let's go, then. Mark's waiting outside.

When the fairer guy stood up, Blake looked down, smiling breezefly.

- I'm sorry mini-bunny. – he said. – The big-bunny is doing to turn you into mush today.

Dean followed the direction of his gaze, to his pocket. He hadn't even noticed, that his hand, seemingly by its own accord, had migrated to squish the small trinket.

He gave a half-smile, lessening the grip ever-so-slightly.

After one last look and encouraging smile at him, Blake made his way to the door, which he followed. Outside, a good-looking man leaned relaxed against the wall, with crossed arms. His dark brown hair was perfectly cut in a flattering do that made it look effortless and refined at the same time, his eyes were slanted in a permanent flirty expression and his lips were almost as red as Blake's. Even from far away, he looked taller than both of them, which was impressive as they weren't by any means short.

As soon as Mark looked at them, a smirk took place.

- After all this time, I'm finally meeting the famous Economics' kid. – he announced, propelling himself from the wall.

Blake took a few steps forward, meeting Mark halfway.

Dean knew immediately that his guide was establishing a safe zone.

- Nice to meet you. – he gave a shy nod. – I'm Dean.

- Oh, I know who you are. – the taller guy said. Wrapping an arm around Blake's shoulders, he pointed at him. – This guy hasn't shut up about you.

Even knowing that Mark was likely joking with him, Dean felt his face get warmer and had to dodge his look with a shy smile.

Frowning at his deskmate, Blake freed himself from his grip.

- Stop making him uncomfortable.

- I'm not! I'm just saying I've heard about him. Are you going to say you haven't talked about him non-stop?

- No, I'm not, but it's a good thing that I warned that you are an asshole.

- Now, that's just hurtful. – Mark didn't look hurt, what so ever.

The guy with black hair dismissed his friend, looking back at Dean, who hadn't moved an inch.

- We better go. They are waiting for us.

After a nod, they made their way out of the building.

Dean became a bit tense when he ended up standing in between the other two-man. However, he quickly realised it was intentional. At that time of the day, there were more people walking through campus, so the two students worked as a type of barrier against the ocean of people.

That attention to detailed made Dean feels relieved.

At one point, they came across a big group of enthusiastic boys that were involved in an intense game of hitting and pushing each other. Dean's mind raced to find a solution that didn't involved running away or jumping to the street. But, before he could come up with something, the group looked at them and every single joyful expression became fearful, and they quickly organized themselves.

Confused, Dean followed their eyes to Mark, who was looking at them with a warning expression. Given the difference in heights, the younger boys had no chance but to obey the silent order.

Mark must have felt his eyes on him, as he looked back and winked playfully. Dean responded with a grateful smile.

During the many weeks they had been together, Blake had come around to describe the members of his group of friends.

There was Finn, his intelligent and quiet brother who, although not prone to show emotion, was an incredibly warm person; Collin a childish theatre geek that Blake saw as a younger brother; May, Finn's best friend, that although being the only girl in the group, had the most cunning personality and the only people she attacked more than her own friends, was anyone who dared to attack them. And, lastly, Mark, who Blake described with a slew of not so nice words, with emphasis on "asshole". Curious, Dean had asked him why he was his friend if he was that annoying, to which Blake only smiled and responded: "Because he is the nicest asshole you will ever meet.".

Now, Dean understood what Blake had meant by it.

Not long after, they approached an outdoor area with long stone tables and benches here and there. From afar, someone stood up from a table with two other people and waved in their direction.

- There. – Blake noted. – Collin's waiving at us.

Taking a deep silent breath, Dean touched the pocket where the small bunny resided, just to make sure.

Here goes nothing.

Arrived at the table, Dean was able to analyse the occupants closer.

Collin was slender and of medium height, with dark hair with reddish reflexes and white smile. Although his boyish appearance it was obvious that he paid attention to his looks, being even fairer than him.

A girl with brown hair in a ponytail looked up from her phone to them and smiled. Given she was the only woman there, it was easy to conclude she was May.

But the person who called Dean's attention the most was the man seated beside her. It was just like someone had cloned Blake and softened his features. The jaw wasn't as sharp, the nose was thinner, his eyes were framed by a slightly less dense fan of lashes, his wasn't as wide-shouldered and wore glasses. However, the shared colour of the jet-black hair, dark glimmering eyes and incredibly red lips gave away their kinship.

– Dean, everybody. – Blake presented, standing beside him. – Everybody, Dean.

The newcomer smiled politely and made a small reverence.

– It's a pleasure to meet you all.

May turned her body, still sat on the bench, changing her position to face him and showed a big smile.

- The pleasure is all ours.

Her brown eyes made their way from his face all the way to his shoes. Dean immediately wondered if something was wrong, and looked down at himself, searching for some stain or missed managed clothes.

– As always you were saying the truth, doggie. He is just like you described him.


The man raised his head back up, confused, but she was no longer looking at him. Dean looked at Blake. He was just like he described him? That was a good thing, right?

– Remember what I told you, May. – he said, raising his eyebrows. – You are not allowed to flirt or whatever it is you think you do.

– Don't worry Lassie. He's all yours.

Dean knitted his brows at Blake.

– Lassie?

He made a dismissive motion with his hand, with a bored expression.

Finn, who had kept quiet the whole time, stood up, looking at the group.

- We should go grab our food before it gets late.

- Yeah. – Collin added, getting up from his seat. – If I'm late that dickhead won't let me leave the lab.

The four of them started to make their way to the canteen. Finn let himself for last, so he could address Dean and Blake in peace.

- Choose where you want to seat, we will move accordingly.

There was not a hint of a smile on his face, but his eyes were soft enough for it not to be considered cold.

After a nod from Dean, he too stepped away.

- Have you already regretted coming?

The heir looked at Blake with a corner smile and shook his head.

- They all seem really nice.

- Wait until the questions start. – Blake looked down to the table. – I better grab a chair of the canteen so you can seat at the head of the table.

- There's no need. – he assured, laying the lunch box bag on the stone table. – I can seat at the end of the bench.

- Are you sure? Even if I seat beside you, I can't promise I won't bump into you.

Dean knew that. He had been trying to envision it too, to test his own reaction before proposing the idea. It wasn't a particularly comfortable idea, but he thought he could handle it if it didn't happen for long periods or many times.

- I'm sure.

Blake smiled at his answer. With an overly courteous movement of arms, he offered Dean the opportunity to take his place first, which he did, containing a smile.

Dean had already distributed the food between the two of them, when the group came back, minutes later.

- Damn. – was the first thing Mark said, as he sat beside Collin. – That smells amazing.

The cook smiled at the compliment but didn't have an opportunity to respond. He jumped in his seat with the feeling of something poking at his hip. Looking down, he watched as Blake was fitting his backpack in between them. Although Dean appreciated the effort, the stubborn bag so heavy that it kept falling off the bench.

- Stupid bag. – the boy mumbled.

- Blake. – he called in a low voice, smiling graciously. – It's not necessary, I'm alright.

His friend halted the process, looking back at him.

- Are you sure?

Being assured once more, the guide quit the fruitless game of Tetris, laying the bag back on the ground.

- Hey Dean.

Being called, he looked at Collin, who sat facing him. The boyish man had his elbow on the table, propping up his chin, staring at him.

- Yes?

- Can I ask you about... you know... Can I?

- Collin. – Blake warned.

Dean glanced at the man beside him, calling him with a soft smile.

- Don't worry. – he said when the other looked at him. – I don't have a problem with it.

To others, there was something fascinating about his condition, and he was well aware of it. Of course, it wasn't his favourite subject of conversation, but it was preferable to take everything out of the way to avoid the awkward tension.

Besides, these people were important to Blake, how could he say no?

Dean smiled at Collin, moving his head as to say he could start. The conversation was between the two, but everybody on the table listened attentively.

- You are afraid of people touching, right? – he started.

- Correct.

- But, like... Every type of touch? - the boy looked up for a moment, looking for the right words. – Like if someone bumps into you on the street or if someone hugs you, is it the same?

Without letting it manifest on his expression, Dean slid his hand to the squishable trinket on his pocket.

- No, it's not the same. – he paused, before continuing. – Image someone with a phobia of spiders. The bigger the spider, the bigger the fear, isn't it? But even a small spider will be scary for the person. My case is quite severe so, for me, even a slight touch can be incredibly uncomfortable.

- But it's not the same for everyone that touches you, right? – Collin kept going, even more curious. – Like, when you hug your family...

Dean's polite smile morphed into a sad one, as he shook his head, interrupting the sentence. His reaction immediately brought a gloomy shadow over the conversation, which was exactly what he wanted to avoid.

Collin's eyebrows softened, and his mouth opened slowly.

- You don't touch your family...?

– As I said, my case is pretty severe.

– How long have you been like this? – this time the question came from Mark.

– Since I was around six or seven.

– What happened?

The hand grasped tightly around the bunny, and his jaw tensed up. There were certain things that would never leave his mouth, and that was the central one. Maybe he shouldn't have allowed the inquiring in the first place, because, now, he was trapped in the conversation, with everyone looking expectantly at him.

Everyone, except for the brothers.

– This conversation ends here. – Blake announced, continuing his meal.

The order made May, Mark and Collin look at him, bothered.

– But he said we could. – Collin whined.

The silverware stopped on its track, and Blake looked up at his friends, who quickly retracted.

Dean was immediately stricken. He had always considered Blake's appearance sharp, but never scary, given the usual presence of a bright smile on his lips. However, at that moment, Blake sent those three such a stern look, that no one would be crazy enough to defy him. Dean was quite relieved to know his friend's dark iris seemed to pierce through everybody, not just him.

A disembodied melody broke out, evaporating the tense atmosphere.

- Yeah? – Mark answered the phone. – We are at the tables outside.

Dean looked at Blake.

Were they going to be joined by someone else? He couldn't recall another name on the list of people on the group.

Well, I guess people don't just stick with the same designated group of people at every moment... But how do they keep up with so many relationships? I can't even handle making a phone call.

- Did you make Tim come here again? – May asked the man who had just finished his call.

- I forgot to bring my work.

Blake let out a disapproving "Psh", rolling his eyes.

- Since when is it "your work"? You haven't done anything of it.

- Since I bought it. – Mark replied, wiggling his eyebrows.

- Honestly, Mark, the theme wasn't that hard. – Blake scolded. – You could have done it by yourself for once.

The rich playboy raised his brows, pointing at his desk mate.

- It wasn't that hard, you say? – he said. – Haven't you been barely sleeping to finish it? You didn't even come with me to watch the movie you have been waiting for months.

Dean, who followed the conversation closely, agreed internally. For the last couple of weeks, Blake had commented many types about the many problems he was having with said project.

- Don't use me as an excuse. – Blake shot back. – I have always had a hard time with school stuff, but you passed at all of the subjects you deigned yourself at reading about the night before.

- I'm lazy and you are slow. – Mark shrugged with a smirk. – To each their own.

The newcomer frowned discreetly at the comment.

Blake was a very optimistic person about most things, without ever losing sight of realism, however, it was clear that he didn't think highly of himself on the subject of intelligence. He and his friends seemed to mention it like it was nothing, but Dean didn't agree. Perhaps his guide was all over the place most of the time, and maybe he really had learning difficulties, but that didn't mean he was "dumb", as he had called himself. There were many types of intelligence and it just so happened that the type of intelligence the education program focused on was the one Blake struggled with.

- There is Tim! – May pointed over Finn's shoulder.

Dean turned his head in that direction.

Entering the outside table's area, a tan man in a denim jacket held a big envelope on his hand.

Blake waved just as Collin had done it to them earlier, calling the man's attention.

- Blake. – Dean whispered subtly. – Who is he?

- Oh, that is Tim. – he explained, not even attempting to not be heard by others. – I think I told you about him. He's Mark's babysitter.

- He is not my babysitter! – Mark knitted his eyebrows together. – He works for me.

Blake didn't look at the angry man, simply mouthing the word "Babysitter" to Dean, which made him contain a smile.

In no time the "not babysitter" arrived.

- Hey. – he greeted generally, with to dimple forming as he smiled.

After everybody greeted back, May didn't waste time pointing the new addition to the group.

- Tim, this is Dean, the owner of Marley over here.

This time, the allusion to the dog owner dynamic confused Dean even more, but, because no one seem to think it needed an explanation, he kept quiet.

- It's the guy we can't touch I told you about. – Mark added, looking up at his servant.

Tim's brown eyes slid to Dean, who smiled politely with a "Nice to meet you". For some reason, the man wrinkled his forehead, looking at him, without saying anything.

What's happening? Why is he looking at me like that?

Dean controlled the desire to take shelter on his bunny friend, resorting instead to lower his eyes so there was no longer eye contact. That action finally woke up Tim from his strange trance.

- I'm sorry. – he apologized, recovering his closed smile. – Nice to meet you too.

Introductions, as odd as they were, done with, Tim directed his attention to the reason for his visit.

- Here. – he stated, putting the envelope in front of his boss.

The handsome man opened it, revealing a few written pages, to which he smiled.

- At least review it before turning it over. – Blake advised.

- Why would I do that?

- You called me on my day off to bring you a bought essay. – Tim frowned. – The least you could do is be a semi-decent person and review it.

Mark looked up, arching his brows in a pretentious expression.

- I'm paying you to do it, don't act like you are doing me a favour.

The line in between Tim's eyebrows increased, but after a few seconds, it disappeared to an unbothered look.

- I found a spelling mistake when I read a random part to see if it was the right paper. – he explained, crossing his arms. – If you don't find it, I'm going to call the girl from the weekend and give her your real number.

Mark's expression immediately changed.

- You're bluffing.

- Try me.

- I will fire you.

- No, you won't. – Collin joined, happily drinking his iced pink beverage.

A severe staring game lingered for a few tense seconds, before Mark finally rolled his eyes, put the papers down and started to read.

The complete defeat was enough reason for a small chuckle from the newcomer. That remembered Dean's body of something that needed to be taken care of. He looked around, spotting a bathroom not far from them.

When he finished with his meal, he called Blake in a whisper as to not perturb the ongoing conversations.

– I'll be right back. I need to go to the bathroom.

Blake looked to the bathroom, analysing the distance.

– I can go with you. – he said, laying the hands on the table to stand up.

– You don't need to. – Dean stopped him. – There's no one around, I can go alone.

Blake hadn't yet finished his meal and was actively participating in the random conversations that took place, so Dean didn't want to bother him. Besides, it wasn't far and there weren't many people. If for some reason a battalion entered, he could just wait in the stall.

– Are you sure? I don't mind going with you.

– I'm sure, thank you. – he assured with a polite smile.

It took a couple more seconds, but Blake eventually gave in with a nod.

The rich man found this endearing. Most people he dealt with at home, especially his mother, were quite protective of him, even in the few situations, he was willing to try something out. Blake wasn't an exception. But he was the only one who truly believed Dean was able to do everything, even what Dean knew he couldn't.

As he got up from his seat and made his way to the bathroom, he noted Tim's eyes, once again glued to him.

Blake watched Dean until he was no longer visible.

He knew his friend would be alright, but he couldn't stop himself from worry about him. He was the one who brought him there in the first place.

Truth be told, he was happy when Dean agreed to accompany him. In such a short period of time, they had become close, it was only natural that Blake would want to introduce him to his closest friends.

– Blake.

He turned back to the table. Tim didn't look at him, keeping his eyes set on the direction Dean had taken.

– Yeah?

– What's Dean's family name?

– Metharom. Why?

Tim raised his brows.

– I knew I had seen him before. – he looked down at Mark – Don't you recognize him?

– I don't memorize everyone I see.

– From the funeral last year.

– What funeral?

- The only funeral you went to last year.

Blake frowned.

– Funeral? 

Tim turned his attention to Blake.

– The Metharom family is one of the most important business partners of the Himura family so they were invited to the funeral.

– Whose funeral?

– Oh, I remember! – Mark slammed the papers down. – I was hangover but now that you mention it, I remember he was there.

– Whose funeral? – Blake pressed each word.

Mark looked to the impatient man, pressing his lips together.

- I think it was his father's. 

Phew, this was one big chapter 😅

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