By fateemah69

3.9K 642 41

Assalaamu alaikum dear Muslims, This book is about diverse topics,quotes,reminders,Hadith and any other thin... More

Common mistakes made during Salah and corrections!
Power of Astaghfirullah
Types of children
Nine golden rules
Save a life
Speak good or remain silent
Did you know?
Do good and good will come to you
Value of a mother!
Bonus from ALLAH
Women are pearls hidden in the oyster
Golden advice
Sexual fast
Sign of Qiyama
Bathing of corpse
Prayer of the day🙏
Just read
Beautiful duas
💛Dress decently💛
Learn a lesson and teach others
Dont miss these PROTOCOlS!
You better ask before its too late
❤️Whoever believes in Allah and the last day❤️
Say NO to pride!!
??Did you know??
The most kind of love💖
RE-9 golden advices
Be focused
Significance of Friday
Virtues of reciting surah Al- Kahf on Friday
When dua is Readily Accepted
Power of the tongue👅
💖Spouses till Jannah💖
Do good
Our Past
Inspiration of the day
Dont hurry!!!
Emergency hurry and read please dont miss it
Until you...
If we focus
Greatest Jihad
Cure for all ailment
Inspiration of the day
Be kind and nice to others
Best Day Of The Week
Jummah mubarak
Ways of generating Allah's love
Power of Ayatul kursiyyu
Thank Allah
A single tear
Farewell khutbah
Tahajjud prayer
Surah Dhuha
🙈Marital privacy🙈
❤️Be happy❤️
Jumma'at Mubarak
Posting pics on social media
Sudden death
Ayah of the day
Deceased parents
A drop
Lessons from suratul baqara
A child's fitrah
The deceased
Sujudush shukr
Build your House in Paradise
When Du'a is accepted
Power of the Quran
Life inspiring quotes
Hadith of the day
Islam Facts
Salatul Tasbih
The day of Arafah

The poor have no relatives

13 4 0
By fateemah69

An 8 year old was seated at the corner of a mosque with his younger sister. He was deeply engrossed in prayers. Making dua'a to Allah SWT.

It caught my curiosity. He was wearing  very old clothes with patches here & there, but they were very clean. His cheeks were wet with his tears. The passers by were looking at him, but nobody bothered to stop, even the little boy was busy talking to his Rabb.

A stranger went to him, caught his hand & asked him 'what did you ask from Allah?'

The little boy looked up & said, 'My dad is no more, I'm praying for Jannah for him.

My mother always keeps crying, I am asking Allah to give her patience.
My sister always cries for clothes, I want money for her.'

The stranger asked 'do you go to school?'
The boy replied, 'yes'

'In which grade do you study?'

The boy said, 'I don't go there to study, my mother makes boiled chickpeas & I go there to sell that. Many school kids buy from me. That is how we survive. '
Every single word of this little boy was touching my soul.
Don't you have any relatives? Asked the stranger.

'My mom says the poor have no relatives. My mom always speaks the truth. But sometimes when she serves us food & when we ask her to eat with us, she would say she had finished her meal. At that time I can see that she is not speaking the truth. '

'If someone takes care of your school fees, will you study?' Asked the stranger.
'Never' was the quick reply. 'Educated people hate the poor. None of the literates here have bothered to talk to us & tried to help us. All these people knew my dad, but they don't want to know us. '

The little one was now weeping. 'Uncle when A father dies, every single person whom you know becomes a stranger.'

I had no reply. My heart was weeping. It was a very bitter reality. Nobody realizes the effect big tragedies can have on innocent minds. It was a very huge loss for the little one.

There are be so many such children who can not get the basic needs.

Every day they kill their desires & try to survive in this bad, selfish world.

I request all of you to look around you & try to find such needy children & help them lead a decent life. Impact in their lives even if it is with a bag of sachet water..

People donate to mosques & madrasas. That is very good and rewarding..But before you give to schools or mosques, look around you for such hard working sincere people who need it more than anyone else. Kindly start with those kind of people around before reaching out to those who are far away.. imagine if we all do that, the world will be a better place in sha Allah. 

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