my Introvert boss

By anonymouslikeLalala

30.6K 638 104

Dara needed money for her mother's medication...and she was hired to do a weird job "make kwon jiyong normal?" More

the full cast
The road to you
The unexpected meeting
getting to know
getting to know you more
the past
the cast of the past
the past 2
back to you (present)
the beginning of a beautiful past
king and queen of the past
The coffee effect
the plan (present)
The author's dramatic note
I can't stay
Everything will change
terms and conditions
at some point of our relationship (past)
new home
the things we do
something interesting (past)
we have the night (present)
can we have the day? part 1
can we have this day? part 2
can we?

you love me? (past)

1K 31 19
By anonymouslikeLalala

Sandy pov

"You're not joking "

I was not really known to be a joker sandy

"but... I"

"but you came to my life too late sandy, I have responsibilities now that can't include you"

Before I can even answer the boys have entered the room and panicked at what they saw

"jiyong!" Seunghyun said in a worried tone I never really hear him talk a lot but it seems like he's really worried.

They went to where Jiyong is sitting and I couldn't even go near him. Just like seconds ago he's screaming to the world that he likes me and now he's pushing away

What happen Jiyong...what is your secret..who are you?

I can ask all the questions I want but I know he won't answer me.

After the incident last week he never talked to me again he's been constantly avoiding me

And it pains my heart...what did I do Ji...

The principal called me after lunch and when I was just about to open the door it swung open and he's there right in front me.


"Stop it"


"Stop acting like we're friends, you're just a stupid nerd in my school."

I can't move, I can't even talk and defend myself why?!

"I wish I never met you"

That stab my heart a million times

I did my best to stop myself from crying because he's just a stupid jerk who happen to played with my feelings!

"You're not worth it Jiyong, so don't bother with that attitude"

He looked at me with a blank face then smirk

"That's good then"

He walked past me without even turning back.. What am I thinking life, is not a fairy tale sandy..

As I entered the principal office, the principal asked me to sit down

"So sandy I like to discuss some matters to you."

"Yes of course what is it?"

"You're an outstanding student, I think you deserve to be in the special classroom..but"


"There are technicalities that prohibited you from joining the class I'm sorry but you have to go back to your old classroom"

"What?? But what kind of technicalities??"

"Uhmmm... I... It's just.."


He looked at me like he's so sorry for me... Then he nod

"I'm  sorry sandy..."

"Don't be sorry sir it's not your fault please tell him that I never wanted to be part of his life anyways but he insisted to be in mine."

I stood up and bow at the principal  and walked out

I went to their classroom to get my things but it's already outside the door

What did I ever do to you...what happen....

I just pick up my things and walked slowly..I'm not in the mood for class right now

While walking around the hall I felt something very heavy in my chest I want it out but I can't...

You're so cruel Jiyong! you jerk!! After giving me this kind of emotions your gonna tell me you wish you never met me?!!

While I'm talking to my self I didn't notice the wall I'm going to hit... And when you thought a prince will save you from a tragedy
That's when reality hit me hard!

My head is pounding in pain but it's nothing compared to the pain in my heart .I couldn't resist it anymore I lean on the wall while sitting and start crying like a baby.... Is this what heart break means I don't want love then!! You jerk!!!


it's been weeks since I came back to my old classroom of course students bullied me every single day, reminding on how nothing I am and Jiyong just had his fun with me I kinda get that already I  can't say I've moved on already but it's getting better everyday.

I was walking home when I saw someone familiar......hyorin

she was walking closer to me
should I say hi? she's taeyang' girlfriend, but she's been nice to me

while thinking what to do
she already said hi to me

"hey sandy"

"hyorin hi.. you look stunning"

she's like a walking magazine

"Thanks.  I can't say the same for you" she looked at me very very concerned.

well who wouldn't when a whole class made an effort crushing a bunch of chalk and sprinkled it on me like I'm a bread

"well this can be a trend." trying to make my self feel better

"I know what happened confused you and hurt you...but believe when I say its better this way"

"I know but I wish he would at least explain it to me..."

hyorin hugged me

"My heart is breaking seeing pure souls being separated"

I got confused


"If it makes you feel any good... jiyong is killing himself slowly with alcohol right now he's more broken than you think sandy"

before I get to ask another question a car pulled over and hyorin gets in immediately

wait what do you mean?!

"oh sandy...I gave clues and its up to you if you want to do something about it"

"about what?!"

"Bye see you" she winked

he's more broken than me??

I was spacing out thinking about what hyorin told me I didn't even notice that I'm home already

and my eyes couldn't believe what I'm seeing right now


he's sitting in front of my door

I was ready to yell at him to get out but before I got the chance to do that

he looked at me intensely

he looks horrible

the dark circles and some scratches on his face

and his nose is so Red!  what's going on

"you just couldn't stop being like you can you?!"

he said while trying to get up and walk closer to me

"what?!  are you drunk??!"

the smell of alcohol to him is so strong

"yes! what are going to about it?! act cute and adorable!?"

"what the hell are you even talking about?! leave! or just be drunk somewhere else!!"

"why can't you do that when someone is hurting you in school!"

Does he mean the bullying?

"oh now you're concern! its your fault so don't act as if you're so innocent."

his eyes become softer

"Then why wont you fight back and tell them that its my fault?"

he asked in a low voice

"what's the point they treat you like a king, they bow down to you." 

"at least show to them that this side of you... fierce"

"as much I want to Ji, there's really no point...they're right about everything, for minute there I felt like for the first the time I'm falling in love and I almost believe that fairy tale do happen.

But in just a second you kick reality straight to my face , So don't tell  me what to do or what to feel right now cuz you did more than enough already ji" I wasn't able to resist it already and let the tears just flow ,

I walk past him,  but he grab my arm and hug from the back

"It kills me to see you like this sandy, if only this was a different time maybe I have the courage to stand up for what I truly feel for you, If only...."

I didn't say anything, I just let him....his hugs are the warmest

we hugged each other longer than we should be.



"can we start over?"

can we? 

"I thought this was a goodbye?"

"I might die if let go sandy"

"I don't know ji..."

"I can't promise you the best relationship with me...but, if ever I failed you this time the only thing that I can ensure you is that in a different time, I'll make sure that you would wear a wedding dress on my wedding."

I laugh at what he said

"don't laugh or i'll kiss you"

I thought it was another joke so I laugh again, he grab my waist and move his face closer to mine I just close my eyes and let things happen. But I didn't feel anything so I open my eyes, he's still close to me looking at me sincerely.

"I'm gonna do it properly this time sandy"

He went closer but instead of aiming for my lips he kissed my forehead 

I felt every inch of sincerity.

please accept me again sandy.

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