WAR //yautja x human reader\\

By xsaice

128K 4.2K 771

*y/n joined the army, with the dreams of adventure. she sure did get an overwhelming amount of adventure wit... More

‼️ 34 ‼️


3K 129 8
By xsaice

SorrY that this took so lonnnng to come out. But I'm finally at it again. I just wanna say thanks for yall support. It really does mean a lot. Hope y'all enjoy the story!!


the ground began to shake

right under my feet. I held the gun tight in my hands as I tried to keep myself upright. phone fell over as the rumbling stopped- must've been an earthquake.

Hopefully an earthquake...

"What the hell was that?!" Phone boomed as he stumbled to gather himself.

"An earthquake?" You responded. But all the way down here? I mean it's possible but... wouldn't this place fall and crash in on itself?

"Probably.." spider finished as he started to walk to another room. i give one last glance around the room before following spider into the next, this place didnt feel right to me.

the next room was small if you would. Well compared to the other rooms it was small but to us.. it was just right.. maybe a bit tall but hey- it was roughly right.

"What is this room guys??" Phone asked as he stepped curiously into the room.

"I don't.. I don't know." Minute replied as he stared at the strange and oddly human like statues in the walls. Human skeletons...

"This place is old and untouched- I just have more questions by the second." I said touching the statue with my finger to see how much dust would come off... And oh boi was there a lot of dust.

Though just before anyone could reply a shuffling noise was heard way behind us. It was loud but since we were far away- the noise fasted before it could reach us. We only just heard it.

"What the he'll was that?" Phone stretched behind us. We all had our 'guns' pointed towards the direction off the sound.

I was quickly to just him for the sound might come again or maybe the thing that mad e that sound was coming to us?!?

After about 30 seconds of looking into the over shot hallway minute started to move forwards.

He raised his hand and gave a command- a quick hand gesture giving us an order to follow him with our weapons out.

We followed as told to do.. Minute up front- I'm behind him, then phone with his knife and after him was spider... watching our 6o clock. (Behind)

More shuffling came but this time- it was really fucking close. Like right on the other side of the wall close.

We were just outside of the room that had the benches on it. Was someone or something in there???

I gave phone and spider a scared look as minute tried his best to peek around the wall and see what was happening... And when he found out he froze. A sick look growing on his face as he started to turn around.

"Its- it's one of the other teams-" minute whispered as he looked to the ground.

"What is another team doing here?!" I shouted in a whispered tone.

"They- j-just look for yourself." Minute replied as he shuffled awkwardly out of the way.

I looked around the corner and I felt as if my heart were about to explode. My breathe hitched as I took this all in.

It was indeed one of the other teams- their camo uniform gave it away... but that's not where the shock was coming from.

The shock came from the fact that those alien things- the one that killed latch... those aliens were rested atop of all their faces..

I stumbled back without even noticing it- the horrible vile in my mouth started to raise at the sight in that room.

"God..." I mumble out turning back to face everyone. We were just here!! Had they also been scouting this building??

Everyone else went to look- they turned pale as they did so too.

"We have to do something- we... we can't just leave them.. like... that." I stumble out his ding around at everyone then back at the room.

"They will turn into those things.. and we need to get information on those xeno aliens.." spider said looking around into the room again.

"Those things killed latch! We need to save them-" minute boomed.

"They made us learn how to deal with a loss within the team. They didn't say this mission was safe. We need to learn while we can." Spider shot back looking at a defeated minute and I. He wasn't wrong but-

"Let's try and save one if them- learn if we can free them..." phone joined in on the conversation. We would learn from It so I don't see anything wrong with it..

"We have to be fast." Spider said now crouching into the room.

We all followed.

Spider took us to the closest body- a girl with dark black hair.. short enough to not be tied up. A pixy cut almost.

Though her face was covered by the body of those face alien things. The sight made me think-

Imagine if that was me-

I quickly shook the thought out of my head with a deep breath.

Phone was the first to make a move- he tried to pull the tail of this woman's neck. Yet only making it worse as the tail tightened- threatening to kill it's host.


I pulled out one of my knives with the thought of killing this creature and helping this poor woman. I don't even know her name...

I start to cut at the tail of this creature- it started to spaz and a screech came from it. Though I still continued... this goo came out... a sizzling sound too. Then I realised it. This isn't just some wacky alien goo blood shit- it's acid!!

I pull my now useless knife away and stare at the others. The acid drips down onto the woman- choking her. Making her unable to reach air.

"I- mfff- didnt kn-" I started- almost stumbling and falling in the process.

"None of us knew sparrow- it's alright.." minute said now looking at you.

"But now we need to go. This place isn't just going to give us the answers now is it?" Minute said cracking a smile at the end.

He wasn't wrong but... this was just wrong!

My first mission is going to shit.

"Let's go." Spider said now march off behind minute. I was behind phone who was behind spider. I was at the back..

The role to watch 6 o clock. The role to watch behind.

We all walk on in a straight singular line. Paying close attention to the surroundings and any noises they may come from those creatures or aliens.

I clutched the alien gun within my hand. It's pretty big and causes me to use two hands to hold it. I Wonder what this gun could do... in the wrong hands.


The loud screech was ear shattering. I turned around now facing everyone else.. it wasn't coming from behind us.. it ewas coming in front!


"GRAAH." He yelled being pushed to the ground by a fully grown xenomoph... it couldn't be the ones in the other room. Nothing could have grown that fast. Unless this... this is the one that came from latch.

A tear rolled down my check as I was idle, watching spider, phone and minute struggling with the creature.

I just stood there.. what can I do? What do I do!??!.

My hand gripped on the strange metal tech within my hands... the alien gun!!

I aimed it to what I thought was good.. the creature was now using it's second mouth to attempt to kill minute on the ground while it's tail was A crazy show. Swishing here and there knocking the other two back.

Aim don't fail me now. Alien gun thing... don't blow my friends up please.

I pressed a button located near my finger... the gun shot.

Everything slowed down. I could see the laser bullet coming out of the gun with a loud explosion. I could see everything! It was like time had slowed down.

I watched the bullet draft over to the alien and not before long it hit. Causing a loud bang of pain.

Just before the sound ended. I heard another sound. A sound different from an xenomoph. It was a roar from something far bigger. I could tell it was  different from the xenomophs screech. This one was louder- more powerful. I shivered.

Time went back to normal. Mekong sound go a little high then low.


I watched in horror as it jumped off minute- clucthing it's shoulder which was now bleeding..

It was bleeding acid... that could have killed minute!?!

The creature stood there just before minute In a weak pose. Acid dripping onto the floor. Giving me a look with it's dome. I could just feel the way it sent shivers throughout my body that it was staring at me.

Oh god.

And not another second pasted before it bolted away. As fast as it came it was gone.

I... I shot the alien gun and.. and I think the owner heard..

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