Azure's Hope ( COMPLETED✔️)

By __BlueRoses

46.1K 2.8K 317

'It's a survival of the fittest, you've got to survive today to fight another day. Everyone wants to live thr... More

Disclaimer and Copyright.
Azure's Escape.
Azure's Billionaire.
Azure's Home.
Azure's Date.
Azure's Date 2.
Azure's Office Day.
Azure's Fears.
Azure's Sleepover.
Azure's 'best friend'.
Azure's love.
Azure's family.
Azure's event.
Azure's Fight.
Azure's intimacy.
Azure's wants.
Azure's everything.
Azure's Takeover.
Azure's Traitor.
Azure life.
Azure's Imprints.
Azure's Calm before the Storm.
Azure's Words.
Azure's sacrifice.
Azure's Storm.
Azure's Rescue.
Azure's Courage.
Azure's Tragedy
Azure's Distance.
Azure's Grey.
Azure's Appearance.
Azure's Calm after the Storm.
Azure's Bundle of Joy.
Cast List😊😊
Song List😊😊
Sequel (My Strange Series)

Azure's Deceit.

734 52 6
By __BlueRoses

"Your company darling. I think it's time that you and I have a face to face chat don't you think?"

She seemed so serious as she spoke but nothing made Azure tense as much as she did when she heard her last remark.

"As dirty as your soul is, I'm willing to stay in the same room as you for a while until I end you" just then, her giggles filled the room again.

"Did you take Natalia, Victoria?" Azure chose to ignore her comment about killing her so easily.

"Don't start acting stupid. You know I did."

"I'll meet you if you agree to return Natalia."

"Don't think of me as stupid either you bitch!"

Her voice went a pitch higher startling Azure.

"I'm well aware that your boyfriend and others are there right now and that they are listening on this call. I see you remember, I know everything about you and I know when you'll be alone. Call me then, I'll tell you when we will meet and where."Her voice returned to normal.

'This woman is certainly insane.' Azure thought.

"Just know Ruth, or should I say Azure, Your dear Natalia's life depends on your actions alone." Once again, her irritating laughter filled the room until she cut the call.

"You're not really planning to call her alone right?" Grey fired the moment the call was cut.

"What are you talking about? You heard her! She is fucking crazy, she knows that we're together right now. I'm going to call her, Natalia is not going to die in my stead."

"No one is dying Azure!" Grey's voice boomed the entire living room. "You aren't going to be alone when you call her and that's final." Grey stood up from the chair and began pacing to and fro.

"I want to see you try and stop me Grey! This is your sister were talking about here and... "

"That's right Azure! My sister! I make the decisions when it comes to her not you! Not anyone else! Me!"

"I think you should listen to her man. Sit down for a minute let's talk." Trevor's voice was barely audible, he had very little strength left and the couple weren't helping matters at all. "If you won't be of help and if you'll keep screaming here, you might as well leave."

"You're saying this because you want to save Natalia. You're not torn up like me who has to decide if I'd rather have my girlfriend dead or my sister dead. You don't know what you're saying."

"I'm not going to die. I'll make sure she does before I leave this world that's a promise. "Azure stood up and wrapped her arms around Grey's torso. "I love you and I know you love your sister. It's just a phone call, it's not like I'm going to meet her alone or something. I'll tell you all that she says to me. I promise."

He heaved a sigh and returned her hug.

"Well, that went well." Lucas finally spoke up. "I want you to have this toe ring though, I had it made by one of my men yesterday evening. It's a tracking device. I think we all know how this is going to go, she will ask to meet Azure alone and will attempt to kill her there and so, we'll use the tracking device to find them both". He threw the small box to Grey who caught it effortlessly and opened it before giving it to Azure.

"Thanks, it's beautiful." Azure smiled at him in appreciation before she let go of Grey completely and sat down to wear the toe ring. Luckily for her, it fit her middle toe. It was not shiny nor did it reach out for people's attention. It was almost her skin color and you had to look closely to notice it.

When Grey sat beside her again, she couldn't help but lean in to his body and whisper her love to him once again.

"Go ahead and make the call now. You can go inside a room, we wouldn't follow you in nor hear what you have to say."

Grey pecked her on her hair once more before letting her go into the room.

"So quick!" the woman exclaimed in amusement as she picked Azure's call on the first ring. "I thought for a moment there that I'd have to send you a video of my buffest black men pounding their delicious big cocks into sweet Natalia's vagina before you'd realize that I'm serious."

"Well I did what you asked, I'm alone."

"I'm sure you promised them to report all that I tell you but you better not do so. We're going to have a full house tomorrow, Nicholas' parents, the souls of all the people who died on your behalf and all of my disciples, every single one of them. I'm so so so excited. So here's what's going to happen, I'd love for you to show up at the address I'm going to give you at exactly 23:30 and unless you are willing to let your friends die, don't invite them. I told you we'll have a full house, don't you dare doubt my ability to end their lives in a heartbeat." She giggled again, the thought of so many people dying was so appealing to her.

"I swear I'll come alone alright. I'm not heartless, I'm not going to let anyone suffer anymore because of me, if you want me to show up, just tell me where, I'll come whenever."

"So so obedient. Well, I'll give you a hint on where you have to be, you know just to make it much more fun. Listen closely alright. If it were the morn, I would kill to be there. In the apex of the sun, it was my worst. By the moon, it matters not if it still exists."

"That doesn't even make any sense Victoria, just cut the crap and tell me the location."

"Where's the fun in that now Ruthie, by 24:00 if I don't see you, you'll be receiving Natalia's head by the morning." Azure cringed at the nickname Victoria called her, her mum used to only ever call her Ruthie, she couldn't phantom how the heck Victoria knew that name.

"I already said I'll be there. I'll figure out what the fuck that nonsense means and I'll be there so don't do anything outside of our deal." Azure ended the call right after.

She knew that Grey was going to demand she tell him what the woman said, but there was no way she would put the lives of her friends in danger, she needed to think quick for a lie.


"I've been trying to track the phone being used to call Ruth, it's to no avail, that psychopath must have guru's working for her." Trevor said as he continued working on his laptop which he had brought out immediately Azure went inside the room.

"I connected my phone to Azure's and so we can listen in on what the woman says to her." As Grey mentioned, all of them came closer to carefully listen to what the woman would say.

"So quick!" Grey could hear the excitement in the woman's voice.

"I thought for a moment there that I'd have to send you a video of my buffest black men pounding their delicious big cocks into sweet Natalia's vagina before you'd realize that I'm serious." Grey could only wish at this point that he could also hear what Azure replied her with. He was upset that the psychotic woman had his sister and could really do whatever she pleased with her, he silently prayed that his sister would survive this phase of kidnap just as she previously did.

"I'm sure you promised them to report all that I tell you but you better not do so. We're going to have a full house tomorrow, Nicholas' parents, the souls of all the people who died on your behalf and all of my disciples, every single one of them. I'm so so so excited. So here's what's going to happen, I'd love for you to show up at the address I'm going to give you at exactly 23:30 and unless you are willing to let your friends die, don't invite them. I told you we'll have a full house, don't you dare doubt my ability to end their lives in a heartbeat." It took a few seconds before they heard the woman speak again. He wasn't surprised at all that the people who birthed him would be part of her disciples, he expected it.

"So so obedient. Well, I'll give you a hint on where you have to be, you know just to make it much more fun. Listen closely alright. If it were the morn, I would kill to be there. In the apex of the sun, it was my worst. By the moon, it matters not if it still exists"

Grey couldn't understand what the fuck the bitch meant and why the fuck she wouldn't just say the location plainly. What was she up to and what was Azure's reply to all of this? Did Azure already know the location? He didn't know what to think anymore.

"Where's the fun in that now Ruthie, by 24:00 if I don't see you, you'll be receiving Natalia's head by the morning."

When the call was up, Grey quickly pocketed his phone before Azure would come out. He wanted to see if Azure would lie to him or if she would simply tell them the truth and work it out together, she said so herself. They would win because they were driven by love.

"Well what did she say," Elisa started immediately Azure entered the sitting room. Luke and Trev were surprised at the curiosity on Elisa's face. Anyone who saw her would think that she hadn't just listened in on the call.

"Luke was right. She asked that I meet her alone by 1:00am at a warehouse located in the underground of the Catholic Church at Crave way Street. She said if I didn't show up alone, Natalia would die by beheading. I guess we just have to wait until then and move." Azure made sure to maintain eye contact with all of them if she really wanted to sell her lie of a story.

Grey felt disappointed, shocked, betrayed and angry all at the same time. She lied to him right at his face and she didn't even flinch once. The rest of the people in the sitting room felt right the same. Trevor had thrown his laptop against the wall and stormed out of the sitting room in rage. He was afraid if he stayed there any longer, someone red-haired female would lose her head by his bare hands.

"Perhaps I could make everyone some milk or coffee while we wait, we're going to have to be outside in two hours and thirty minutes and we are going to need the energy." She walked away silently into the kitchen.

Azure had found some sleeping pills inside one of the cabinets in the room she had previously been inside and had grabbed a lot of them before exiting the room. She made strong coffee for everyone in hope that the coffee taste would precede the taste of the pills.

She carried the mugs of coffee in a tray and went to serve the three in the sitting room before going to give Trevor his. No one seemed to think it was strange and downed their coffee instantly.

She went inside the room assigned to Grey and herself and lay on the bed brainstorming on what the hell the words could actually mean. It didn't take long before she figured out what it meant. She had to think of a place she believed would be her safe haven when she was younger, a place where she happened to detest while she grew up living with her father and a place which she couldn't care any less about right now. She would have said her father's house but even a two year old would think that it was the answer. It was too easy to be true.

The only place she could think of was a very large green house her mother owned which used to be her hideout whenever she was in trouble or scared, she would run there and spend the night there and in the morning, she would always feel better. When her mother died, she ran there for its comfort but even till the afternoon, she still felt the pain of losing her mother, she trashed the entire place and even set it on fire before she left and now, Grey was her source of comfort. She couldn't care whether the place existed anymore or not.

As much as that seemed like the answer to her, it was impossible for Victoria to know of that place. She had to try anyways, it was better something than nothing. If she left now, she would be able to check all the possible places before it was 23:30.

Just as she expected, the three were asleep and even though she found the cup broken on the floor in Trevor's room, he was also asleep. It was time for her to make her move. The only problem now was the guards patrolling the area. How the fuck was she supposed to go past them. She looked around Lucas and saw that he had a pistol on him, no way was she going to kill any innocent man and she exactly didn't know how to knock men out with the pistol handle like she always saw in the movies. 'This is really fucked up' she thought.


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