The Boy With The Blank Stare:...

By AGeekyBear

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This is one of the three paths of The Boy With The Blank Stare. In this route Ouma desires revenge to those w... More

A Second Please
Chapter One: Justice
Chapter Two: Messed up
Chapter Three: Crystal Clear
Chapter Four: He's slipping away.
Chapter Five: Legacy
Chapter Six: Kiibo
Chapter Seven: Choice
Chapter Eight: What's The Truth?
Chapter Nine: Operation
Chapter Ten: The Pianist
Chapter Eleven: Just Desserts
Chapter Twelve: Confusion
Chapter Thirteen: Malice
Chapter Fourteen: Conspiracy
Chapter Fifteen: Last Message
Chapter Sixteen: Fight
Chapter Seventeen: Dark
Chapter Eighteen: Lost Souls
Chapter Nineteen: Father
Chapter Twenty: Pain
Chapter Twenty Two: Found
Chapter Twenty Three: The Antagonist
Chapter Twenty Four: Leaving The Nest
Chapter Twenty Five: What Do You Wish?
Chapter Twenty Six: The Symphony
Chapter Twenty Seven: A New Case
Chapter Twenty Eight: Vows
Chapter Twenty Nine: Pink
Chapter Thirty: A Story
Chapter Thirty One: Love
Thank You!

Chapter Twenty One: Burn

676 51 110
By AGeekyBear

'Me first! Vow one never mess with someone just to make them feel bad or to cause them pain' Riko signed.

'Vow two even if your angry or scared talk to thw other's' Eiji signed.

'Vow three, don't give up on yourself even if the going may be tough because your not alone' Takashiro said with grinning.

'Vow four, rememeber to EAT and actually take care of yourself' Genkei said glaring at Takura. Takura groaned 'oh come on I only forgot to eat for four days' he signed.

'Vow five, trust each other' Takura signed.

'Vow six, as a member of DICE you should try to stay positive' Mirai signed with a smile.

'Vow seven, the world is sh*t absolute f*cking sh*t so never contribute into that' Nao said 'also this is not a vow but whoever keeps stealing my chips stop it!' I laughed.

'Vow eight, have fun, no matter what just remember to have fun being a member' Tsuki signed.

'Vow nine, if you do leave this group' Kazue started 'we all wish you well wherever you go from here'

'Vow ten, even if it's scary and you feel completly alone remember our vows to each other' Chiasa signed 'and never forget the promise we made even when we are old and gray'

"You swear as a member of DICE to always live your life to the fullest? Never take away a second!" I asked them while signing for Chiasa.

"Yes supreme Panta lord!"


It's hilarious. Right when we decide to become better people we die for being villians.

Life is cruel. This f*cking messed up world is cruel. Just toying with our lives...surprised to be honest. How much sh*t I went through. Wonder if I can laugh anymore? Or smile?

Probably not. I don't think I would care if I could. There's nothing to smile or laugh about.

I can't hear their screams or voices anymore. They hurt and traumatized me for four years.'s quiet.

I can...get used to it being quiet. For the first time...heh...I think I finally woke up. After a very, very long nightmare...

Only to realize that there wasn't any point. Because the world I woke up to is even worse.


I woke up and immediately felt sweat down my brow. It's finally happened...they finally found me...all those cavaties- oh wait the sub.

Memories whiplashed in my head as I tried to make sure I regained composure. I could feel ropes around my wrists, there was a gag around my mouth, and I didn't have a blindfold.

Not that it made a difference much but at the very least I can stare him down when we meet face to face. Kind of.

None around the lower region of my body. Good. He thinks I'm still paralyzed.

I felt around the wall behind me and analyzed the situation to my best. I was on a soft surface probably a bed or couch and the room wasn't cold.

It didn't have any noises of the city nor of the wind. I already knew this couldn't be the warehouse.

No he wouldn't use the same place twice no matter how bad he probably wants to torture me.

It's probably an apartment based on how smooth the wall behind me is. I felt around for anything I could use to cut the ropes.

A spring in the matress. Feels rusty but will do. I grabbed it and felt for the sharp end only getting my hand cut in the process.

It stung but I didn't care as I continued using it against the rope. I should have done this back then...anything....

I just gave up on you guys...on me...I...I was a freaking coward. I killed you myself...not again.

I won't make the same mistake twice.

The ropes finally felt loose and I wiggled out of them, untying the gag and felt around the leg.

I lifted Kiibo's leg and pressed the small button on the heel disguised as a bolt to send the notification to Harukawa. Otherwise known as plan B.

It would send a signal to her phone or watch with the coordinates. She's been studying for the past weeks coordinates to figure out as quickly as possible where I am and get there.

It was a safety precaution of the news of my disappearance didn't catch her ear or she wasn't paying attention to the tracker.

Now the rest is up to me. I could hear the sub in the other room but clearly he hasn't noticed me as I stood up.

I felt myself slipping a bit as pain shot up my body. I wasn't ready. D*mn it! No you can't afford to just fall down and not even walk after all that...

I stumbled getting up as I walked. I made it to the door and listened against it. A TV was playing and I could hear a microwave in the distance.

I felt a fear clawing up my back. Despite knowing my plans on what to do once I got still made me terrified.

Funny. I've been trying and attempting to die for four years. Now I'm playing chicken when it will finally let everyone rest in peace.

I'm a coward...

Harukawa doesn't even know what I plan to do...die right here and now to avoid long torture...and so at the very least he has to take the time to dispose my body.

Enough time where Harukawa can catch him off guard get his testimony and then end this. Then...I can rest easy.

I clenched my teeth. I didn't want to die.

The realization made my eyes widened. I don't want to die....I never thought those words would echo again.

Is it cause of Saihara Chan? Heh...he did give me a will to live after all...thanks...

Thank you Saihara...Momota...Harukawa...everyone who I loved...

Its been a long ride...I reached up my shirt and grabbed the knife I had taped to my chest. didn't win. You aren't going to win this time.

I threw up the knife ready to plunge it into my chest when I heard a window break and two hands pinning me to the floor.

"This reminds me a lot of the old days...but nows not the time for me choking you out for being a complete sh*t" Harukawa whispered.

"My hero" I joked getting up as she smacked me in the head, "you aren't f*cking dying today. I didn't work with you just to have you die like that, come on let's go finish this, call it a night...and rest easy for once" she said handing me a weapon.

A bat. I nodded.

Harukawa opened the door, it gave a low creak as she guided the motions I should make with slight taps.

We're sneaking up on him...

I held my breath as I could hear low humming from the man. Funny...I recognized that song.

I recognized the song he was singing as he carved a knife into my body.

I gritted my teeth.

"You're not supposed to be-?!" He started when I heard a loud crash as Harukawa seemed to have pounced on him.

The struggle continued between the serial killer and the trained assassin. A job I only figured out she had when I sought her out.

I would have hated her for it if it wasn't for the fact I think somewhere along the lines this week she's become my friend.

And she had yet to take a single life. Trained to kill then gave up and abandoned.

Broken beyond repair and then abandoned. Rang a familiar tune.

Eventually the struggle died down and I could tell who won, "he's all yours" Harukawa told me panting as I walked up the shadow.

"Long time no see" he greeted, "was that in bad taste?" He asked.

"I didn't miss that scratched chalkboard you call a voice" I greeted in return.

"Four years ago. March 31st. Two weeks before graduation you murdered a group named DICE" I reminded.

Harukawa started the voice recording I could only hope, "a murder? Is that what they called it?" He asked.

"I would call it the loss of life. Ten suicidally depressed teenagers who hated the world and attacked it for the crimes it so called attacks on them" he remarked.

"You failed to kill all of them. No you killed every single member except their leader. You killed Riko, a girl who wanted to be a photographer. Eiji, emotionless but a baker. Nao, my favorite complainer but at least he had a sense of humor. Mirai, sleep master who was so antisocial it made me wonder how she became friends with us but was a geek. Takura, had eating problems but knew how to actually live. Genkei, you gave him a fancy scar and he was a good friend to Tak. He was a good friend to me. Takashiro, a big oof who was so clumsy and sometimes a dumb *ss, but he was so loveable you forgave him anyway. Kazue, he always complaines about us all every day yet  he must have enjoyed enough to have  stuck around. Tsuki, so shy when we met her but had the best home made remedies. Chiasa. She was fated to die you know? She hid it from everyone. I didn't even know even after she died for years. And she was so freaking stubborn though she was literally fighting death every single day she smiled. My family. Villians. Remember them? You left me behind. Just me. There leader who couldn't save them then...but is going to get their long awaited justice" I reminded him.

"Villians? Is that the term you use? It can be fitting. They sounded like good kids." He agreed.

"Admit to it...admit to what you've f*cking done. You remember d*mn well. I haven't forgotten in the slightest. I replayed that entire day for years every single day every time I ever let my mind wander it would come back. You put me through hell by torturing them. Then tore apart my soul by killing them. And then...I can't even describe the experience living a life where anything you ever cared about was ripped and you're expected to move on. It's worse than hell. And you're probably taking joy out of my expense aren't you?" I asked.

"It doesn't even matter what I're so messed up in the head you probably wouldn't even get that kind of pain or what it's like for the people who loved your victims. " I told them.

"And...I don't know why I am even bothering to try...maybe I want to hear you suffer that same pain...maybe heal my own...I don't even know anymore." I admitted.

"I just want this to end. Its been four long years. You're cornered. If we want to we can kill you right here and now and it could end like that. Or you could confess. Go to jail and actually pay for your crimes. Maybe one day get what I was saying. Maybe feel guilt since I know you feel none." I sighed.

"You're just like your mother" he stated simply, "you don't know my Mother" I immeditaly said. He chuckled.

"You still don't know do you? About her? You know what happened to that b*tch right? No b*tch doesn't do her justice. She was a valuable distraction. She did it to much. She did hit you. Don't you remember?" He asked.

"Shut up, how could you ever possibly know that you lying scum bag just confess already" I demanded.

"You would run right up to her and was always clinging to her till she finally striked you. Did she ever stop?" He asked.

"You don't know my Mother and you don't know my life, now just say it already" I told him feeling myself clenching the bat.

"Oh but I hurt didn't it son?" He said and my eyes widened.

"What?" I asked for a moment in disbelief before shaking my head "my father died years ago, and you're sure as hell not him stop lying leave that to me" I said.

"Oh but it's not a lie, you're my darling little son"  he told me and my eyes widened.

"Shut up" I threatened him, "she was just around your age when the incident happened with your friends. When she had you. Back then she intrigued me. She didn't last long. Not in my life or the world" he remarked.

"Oh you still don't know do you? Your mother is dead. She died months ago of a suicide" he told me.

My world shattered. it's a's all a lie...she's not dead...he's not my dad....I'm not an orphan...I'm not related to the guy who killed my friends....

It's a lie....all a lie......that's all that this is........



I felt my knees drop as I heard a soft whisper in my ear.

"That's why I let you live. Because you my son were meant to be by my side and one day you will understand. You lived because I wanted you to. That was my gift to you. So I can make you a hero" he whispered warmly. As if supposed to be loving.

I stood up shaking holding the bat clenched in my fist, "you aren't a villian right? Like in your story?" He asked.

"They must have been since they died. And you pure enough to live" he remarked.

"SHUT UP!" I screamed and swung the bat down on the shadow in front of me repeatly like a broken record.

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! BURN IN HELL ALREADY! I JUST WANT THIS TO F*CKING END! DIE! DIE ALREADY YOU MONSTER! JUST....just.....just..." I felt myself choking up at the end as I let go of the bat.

He went silent. I could smell the blood and the soft drops falling into the warm puddle I had fallen into on the floor.

I killed him.

"Heh....heh....heh...AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I laughed manically feeling tears flooding out as I couldn't hold them back.

I killed someone. I finally did it. Every single one of my morals I slowly stripped away because of this man and now....

I am a murderer. I am the very thing I hated. Worst part of this was...I am the reason.

Why they died. And I lived.

I couldn't stop laughing until I felt a tight hug around me, "look at me Harukawa...probably really messy huh? Heh...I'm worse than you now...heh...and I RUINED everything..." I chocked.

"He didn't confess loud enough to be heard...I have nothing...but the fact that now I'm a murderer...heh...heh....Harukawa...mind just putting me out of my misery?" I asked.

"It won't be Kokichi Ouma your killing so don't's like I told can't save what's already gone....because Kokichi Ouma died four years ago....I'm just the caricature who took his place" I sobbed.

Harukawa did nothing. She just let me cry for a bit. Burned the body. And then cleaned up the blood and just sat with me as I comprehended what the hell I had just done.

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