The Boy With The Blank Stare:...

By AGeekyBear

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This is one of the three paths of The Boy With The Blank Stare. In this route Ouma desires revenge to those w... More

A Second Please
Chapter One: Justice
Chapter Two: Messed up
Chapter Three: Crystal Clear
Chapter Four: He's slipping away.
Chapter Five: Legacy
Chapter Six: Kiibo
Chapter Seven: Choice
Chapter Eight: What's The Truth?
Chapter Nine: Operation
Chapter Ten: The Pianist
Chapter Eleven: Just Desserts
Chapter Twelve: Confusion
Chapter Thirteen: Malice
Chapter Fourteen: Conspiracy
Chapter Fifteen: Last Message
Chapter Sixteen: Fight
Chapter Seventeen: Dark
Chapter Eighteen: Lost Souls
Chapter Nineteen: Father
Chapter Twenty: Pain
Chapter Twenty One: Burn
Chapter Twenty Two: Found
Chapter Twenty Three: The Antagonist
Chapter Twenty Four: Leaving The Nest
Chapter Twenty Five: What Do You Wish?
Chapter Twenty Six: The Symphony
Chapter Twenty Seven: A New Case
Chapter Twenty Eight: Vows
Chapter Twenty Nine: Pink
Chapter Thirty: A Story
Chapter Thirty One: Love

Thank You!

651 45 44
By AGeekyBear

And here we end the first path of the sequels. Wow I actually can't believe it's over.

I the first The Boy With The Blank Stare sequel to end. Its sad actually. I hope you guy's liked the story of Ouma and Saihara in this route.

Sadly we did have some casualties. Including the first book we have:

The Mother
The Father. Meh that death was fine.

We suffered many losses along with Ouma's own morals and parts of himself to his wrath. His need for revenge as he gave in to the darkest parts of his soul.

Theme for this book? It's about Forgiveness and Revenge.

Revenge is a dark feeling that corrupts the soul and leads them to places no one wants to go.

Forgiveness is allowing yourself to relieve the person who did you wrong of that burden though it may still affect you. Even if they don't deserve it.

We found characters here fueled by these ideas.

Kiibo wants forgiveness from Otome believing he caused her suicide and even in his last moments thinks Otome's come to take revenge on him.

Saihara desires forgiveness from Ouma for making a mistake of betraying his trust if only for a second.

And finally of course the star Panta Lord himself Ouma.

Ouma wants to forgive Saihara. He wants to be able to forgive himself. But he can't.

Instead he allowed his hate and his self loathing fuel him to finally get revenge and instead of bringing closure he kills him resulting in him feeling even more lost.

Ouma does however in the end accept the consequences of revenge and grows as a person for not cursing the town but forgiving them and in exchange for them to forgive him for his crimes.

The town itself though is revenge. It never really goes away that desire for those who wronged you to suffer just as much- but it can be dealt with.

It takes time but even our darkest and worst thoughts can bloom into roses if we can accept them for what they are and understand them.

I don't need to say more. You read it after all!

So, tell me your overall thoughts on it! And again...thanks for reading. It's a pleasure writing on here and I mean that from the bottom of my cold dark heart that kills off fan favorite characters.

Also no pitchforks allowed, please. I need to finish the other fanfiction so I can try and find meaning in my existence.

And I basically made the Aunt do a 180° but I'll explain if anyone's confused.

For her change in character is of her learning the story. We as people comprehend pain differently.

The first book addresses that and some pain takes short time to heal for others long periods. The teacher in a sense was in the stages of grief.

Denial and Anger. She lashed out at Ouma because she saw him as something she wished she had. She wished she had her child like Ouma's mother.

Then she wished she had the kind of bond with her daughter Ouma and Chiasa had.

She wished that she could have a reason and the pain he had because she felt like she should be suffering more.

She denied herself of being related to the 'suicide' because she wasn't close with her daughter so how could of she had caused it? That was her belief at first but as time went on that defense died slowly.

Then figuring out the murder she was crushed and saw Ouma no longer as the sole reason.

However she still blames him. She still feels pain. She still isn't able to forgive.

Because of this delusion and what ifs in her mind if her daughter was like how she imagined her to be. But she never was.

And never could be. Eventually though she finally addresses the real issue troubling her.


She projected her own self hatred and regrets onto Ouma, and when she finally realizes this enters enlightment. She isn't perfect.

She still isn't ok yet. But she is finally starting to heal because she knows now that Ouma isn't to blame.

She is. And one day maybe she can let go off that pain. Because even if people make bad choices, and we all have pain we all can let that pain no longer define us as people and let it go.

No matter how long it takes and even if we can never completly let it go one day we can all find our own happiness.

Because it can't rain forever. And it can't be sunny forever. We have both. And that's what makes us alive.

So yeah.

Too bad I killed her...

Theme of punishment time? Revenge.

Revenge invades and claims us. It makes us miserable and unsatisfied and angry because in the end it doesn't heal that pain.

It doesn't make us any more complete. We are still broken. We just made others break too.

I hope you could see the theme throughout.

And again...thank you.

This is a wild ride for sure writing this story.

And fighting against the comments for witness protection programs. (No offense to the person it's a joke please don't hate me)

But thanks...I hope you enjoyed...thanks for reading.

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