Waiting For My Mate

By Veikari

535K 14.8K 4.4K

Laxus is waiting for Freed to return from a mission and Freed has no idea what is waiting for him when he wou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
The Last Chapter
little update

Chapter 61

3.7K 98 59
By Veikari

Hey babies! Here you go, an extra long chapter because I'm such a nice author and I wanted to give you a Christmas present! ˆˆ This has absolutely nothing to do with something like "I might not have enough time to update another chapter before next Saturday so I want to give them enough reading worth of two chapters!"

Except it does. I'm really sorry, but Christmas is always a busy time :/ Anyway, happy holidays everyone! Thank you so much of all those lovely comments, kudos and reading this story! ˆˆ


Hours went by really, really slowly. Or at least for Laxus it felt like that, as he was already bored to death. He had tried to read something but he just wasn't that interested of reading. Not like Freed at least.

He was sitting at the small alcove with Freed, who had at least twenty books still with him. His turquoise eyes moved fast, following the words in the book and he flipped the pages quickly. Seriously, how did he do that so fast? How was it possible to read something that fast?

Laxus huffed and turned his gaze to look out from the window next to them. They were really high, as half of the library was built inside a mountain, in both natural and man made caves. Right now they were at the maybe sixth floor, at the side of the library that was like a castle by how big and fancy it was. This whole place was like from some fantasy book. Freed was of course excited and guess Laxus understood that. He had to admit that this place did look awesome when you saw it for the first time.

But after hours of sitting inside it doing nothing... It just wasn't that awesome anymore.

"Aren't you bored already?" he finally grunted.

"Hmm..." Freed hummed flipping the page.

"Hey, Freed."


"You're not even listening", Laxus growled and he snatched the book away from Freed's hands, making the rune mage jolt.

"Laxus, I was reading it", he scolded.

"You think I didn't see that?" Laxus smirked.

"Just give it back, it was getting really interesting", Freed said trying to reach to take the book from Laxus, who just held it above his head. "You're messing with the pages, I didn't have time to mark where I was."

"Aren't you getting hungry?" Laxus said pulling Freed closer. "We've been sitting here already five hours. It's past noon. You should have lunch."

"I'm fine, just give me that book back", Freed said trying to reach to the book. "I want to finish it."

"Not before you eat something. You might not be hungry but Felix must be starving", Laxus reminded, making Freed blush.

"Fine", he finally muttered. "We can buy something from the cafe."

"There's a cafe here?"

"Yes, at the third floor."

"Okay, let's go there. But no books."

"Don't worry, you can't take books to the cafe", Freed huffed but smiled and he stood up, stretching. "Is it one o'clock already?"

"I told you it was past noon", Laxus said leaving the book at the table and they walked towards the stairs.

At the cafe they ordered some sandwiches, coffee and tea.

"Do you believe Bickslow have had a chance to talk with Roscoe yet?" Freed asked opening the paper around his sandwich.

"I think so, yeah", Laxus nodded, already eating his own sandwich. "Bicks won't give up just like that. And if not with Roscoe, at least he have talked with Roxanne", he shrugged.

"You're right", Freed smiled. "I really hope everything will go well. I'm so happy for Bickslow if they really are related."

"I somehow find it more suspicious if they're not, that's how much they look alike", Laxus smirked. "But that doesn't still mean that everything will go well", he frowned.

"Why?" Freed asked confused looking at his Thunder God.

"Roscoe didn't seem that happy about this."

"Just like Roxanne said, he's probably just confused. Some people respond to that by getting angry, like you."


"You know it's true, Laxus", Freed chuckled. "Things really do change... For about a year ago, I would have never even considered of saying something like that to you."

"I would have probably hit you", Laxus grumbled. "A year ago, I had never even thought about having kids or even settling down at some point of my life."

"Me neither. Well, the only perfectly solid thing in my life was that I would always follow you and support you, no matter what would happen."

"I don't understand that even today why you decided to follow me. And how did you convince Bickslow and Evergreen to follow as well", Laxus huffed leaning against his hand, looking at the rune mage.

"You weren't always the kind of a man who you were at that one point", Freed smiled. "You just don't seem to want to remember it that way. It's like you're trying to convince everyone that you were an asshole since the day you were born. We all know that is not true, Laxus. Master Makarov have told me many times how kind you were as a child, full of joy and always happy to help. And when we met, I think you were still kind but maybe a little distant."

"That doesn't count, I was just a kid. Then I grew up and the real me pushed through."

"Laxus, you know I won't buy that", Freed said. "It was just a stage and there were so many things that didn't make your life any easier. Everybody has somekind of a stage at some point, usually it hits when you're a teenager but at what age, that depends. Or at least it's most noticeable then. Yes, it's never going to be erased from history of Fairy Tail what you did but you can't let that shadow every step of your life."

"Can people really change that easily?" Laxus muttered ruffling his blond hair.

"I guess some people do", Freed said shrugging. "But think of it this way: If people do change, wouldn't that then be a good thing that you get over that stage? If they don't... Wouldn't that mean that the real you is kind, full of joy and always happy to help?" he smiled.

They went silent, only hearing how people around them were talking to each other, walking around, the usual hassle like in every cafe.

"You're amazing, Freed", Laxus smirked, making Freed look at him over his teacup. "We've been talking about this case so many times. Seriously, I can't even remember anymore how often. And every single time you manage to drag me out of my pathetic thoughts and... I don't know, convince me that even I can still do something good for Fairy Tail?"

"You will. And you do. Every day and always", Freed smiled.

"Damn, I really do love you, babe. I need a kiss."

"Wait, what? Here? At the middle of the busy cafe? You don't like doing that."

"But I like the idea that I can change to be a better person little by little", Laxus smirked and leaned over to kiss Freed. The hell with it if someone didn't like watching them.

Freed smiled, slightly blushing when they separated.

"That was nice", he nodded. "And look, the world didn't blow up."

"Shut up", Laxus laughed. "You look tired, we should probably just return back to the house."

"No, I still have many books I want to read", Freed objected when they stood up.

"Do you want me to carry you out here? I will do that, babe."

"I know", Freed sighed. "I guess I can borrow those books and read them at Roxanne's place."

"Good idea", Laxus grinned and they returned back to the sixth floor to fetch Freed's books.

At the house Bickslow and Roxanne were still talking at the living room.

"They have been talking for hours already", Kvestor told them happily. "Bickslow has mostly told what all you have been doing in Fairy Tail, it has been really exciting to hear about all those adventures."

"They are getting along?" Laxus asked.

"Yes, really well."

"Has Roscoe yet visited?" Freed asked.

"No, sadly. Madam told that he had a few hours time to sleep at the morning and then he had to return back to work. But I'm sure he will join us for the dinner", the fluffy exceed smiled.

"Let's hope so. Have you seen Ever?"

"Miss Evergreen should arrive at any minute right now. It is good that you two decided to come back earlier too, Madam wants to take you all see the book."

"Things are really getting interesting now", Freed chuckled. "Is it far?"

"I will take care of the rides you need so you can get there, feeding and so on", Kvestor promised and with a little tingle from his bell on his neck he left the house.

"Riding the sleds with kilibuks again, huh?" Laxus muttered. "I can't say I'm looking forward to it. As long as you're there I wont maybe get sick anymore but I still don't like some ways of travelling..."

After Ever returned, they all stepped outside the house. Roxanne leaded them towards the woods, at the edge of the town.

"Why did we come all the way here?" Ever asked looking around. "I don't see any kilibuks."

"I don't recall saying that we would be using kilibuks", Roxanne cackled. "This is something much more exciting."

"Sounds really promising", Bickslow grinned.

Finally they were at the woods, where there were a big shed and Roxanne opened the door.

"Everyone takes one saddle except you, sugar", Roxanne commanded.

"Why so?" Freed asked confused, looking at the wall where there were many odd looking saddles neatly side by side.

"You're coming with me in the basket."


"You'll see soon. It's the safest option for you, these little rascals we're gonna use can get slightly wild sometimes", Roxanne giggled.

When the saddles were ready, they pulled out the basket as well. It was sturdy, just big enough for Freed and Roxanne.

"Alright, kids", the old lady said looking at Laxus, Bickslow and Ever. "You all have your saddles. Make sure you will tie the harness good and tight but not too tight. You don't wanna fall but either strangle those poor little creatures."

"So what are we using?" Laxus asked.

"That you will find out soon, Kvestor took care of the feeding so there should be a pack nearby", Roxanne smirked and she took out a whistle. They didn't hear anything, but obviously somekind of a noise was let out. "They'll respond to this whistle that sends particular magic waves", Roxanne explained and she just leaned to her cane, waiting. "They can't resist it."

They waited a little while more, until finally they heard some noise. It was a familiar noise, but still something really different.

"Is that...?" Freed said.

"Buzzing", Bickslow noticed. "It's like there's some hell of a big bees."

The noise came closer now quickly and it was very loud. They all jumped when suddenly maybe five or six humongous, fluffy, round bumblebees appeared from the woods, coming towards them. Roxanne giggled and waved her hand, making the biggest one of the bumblebees land beside her.

"Aren't you such a beauty", she smiled petting the fluffy black, yellow and white striped bug.

"Wow", Bickslow said his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

"How...?" Freed mumbled but wasn't sure what should be the first question.

"We're going to use these?" Laxus asked finally when rest of the bees also landed, walking around lazily.

"Yes. Don't worry, they won't harm you as long as you don't harm them", Roxanne cackled. "This biggest one here is the queen of this pack. These polarbees don't have big packs like their much smaller cousins, there's only five to ten in each and every one of them is ruled by a queen."

"Makes sense", Freed nodded and he was quite interested, touching the polarbee who was waiting patiently. "So you can order them around?"

"Only this queen. Those others follow it where ever she goes. Not always perfectly straight line, you might get some bumpy ride, but they will follow."

"Just great", Laxus growled.

"This queen can only carry two people so it will be me and sugar, so you just do your best to stay with us."

"They are... Actually kinda cute", Ever said surprised, touching carefully the nearest polarbee's head. "They don't have a sting?"

"Nope. Don't need it. They have claws on their strong legs and don't let their cute outfit fool you. These things are carnivores", Roxanne chuckled and Ever quickly pulled her hand pack. "But they don't eat humans. They mostly eat something that is half of the human's size."

"Like toddlers?" Freed asked alarmed.

"These are smarter than that. They know not to eat humans at all because they have learned that killing one human usually leads to them killing the whole pack. But we can cooperate. We give them food, they give us rides sometimes. They can live in these forests without the fear that humans might do something to them. Now let's get started", Roxanne said. "Buckle those saddles carefully after you've chosen your polarbee. Sugar, be a good boy and take care of those straps will you?"

"Of course", Freed smiled and he took bigger straps, making it go over the queen, cross over it's back and tied it up under it.

Four other straps were hanging from the harness and every one of them had a hook at their end. Those hooks Freed attached to the basket. This way it would hang under the polarbee as it flew.

"Madam", Freed smiled offering his hand for Roxanne.

"Such a gentleman", she giggled climbing in the basket with his help and Freed did the same.

He watched how others were doing and was surprised to notice that only Evergreen had problems to tie up the saddle. She didn't seem very keen to even approach her bee, but finally it was solved when Bickslow and Laxus did the job for her.

"Alright, is everybody ready?" Roxanne asked.

"Alright!" Bickslow howled excitedly, sitting on his saddle and Laxus and Ever did the same.

"Then we go, kids", Roxanne grinned and she blew the whistle again.

The air was again filled with loud buzzing. Freed was amazed by how polarbees flew up in the air like they were carrying nothing. But only their ride was stable, as the other bees buzzed around, explored the surroundings and there were absolutely no other choice but to take a tight grasp of the saddle and hope for the best.

"For a moment I was almost jealous when they got to ride on saddles, but I think I'm good now", Freed chuckled and Roxanne laughed.

"I'm glad you knew not to argue with me", she said.

They didn't travel that far in the end, but it took time since the queen polarbee wasn't really fast. But it gave them enough time to enjoy the views, or at least Freed enjoyed it. And he enjoyed watching how his friends tried desperately make their polarbee's fly more straight.

Finally they arrived at the little area that was flat, even though they were quite high on the mountain. Freed quickly took off the hooks from their basket when it hit the ground and the queen bee landed just beside them.

"Take off those straps, sugar. They can fly back to the woods", Roxanne said and Freed nodded.

Soon after that Laxus, Evergreen and finally Bickslow arrived also and they all took off saddles.

"How do we get back?" Laxus asked when they put the gears aside.

"When we want to go back, I'll just use this whistle an another pack that is close will appear", Roxanne explained. "Now come along, kids. It's starting to get chilly here", she said pulling her big furry coat better around her.

They had no idea where they were walking, but Madam Roxanne seemed to know exactly where to go even though it looked like there were absolutely nothing anywhere.

"Here we go, now I will use this", she smiled taking out another whistle, this time it was flat and round.

"I wonder what will appear this time?" Bicks snickered.

"Let's hope it's something that can help us out of this cold wind", Ever muttered. "Aren't you freezing with that metal on your face?"

"This is too exciting, there's no time to feel cold, baby", Bickslow cackled.

"Shut up, I can't hear them", Roxanne scolded and she leaned down, listening something from underground.

They all bend down without even realizing it and listened. At first, there was only the howling wind. But then they heard rustles. It was like something was moving underground, digging it's way towards them.

Here and there, snow started to move and finally they could see big antennas, long legs, big strong jaws and a beautifully coloured thick shell and there were thick fur around it. Freed froze to his spot.

"It's winter!" he almost cried out loud. "There can't be beetles when it's winter! That's just not fair!"

"Relax, babe", Laxus chuckled pulling his arm around Freed's shoulders. "I don't think they want to eat you."

"I'm not going to ride those things", Freed said. "There is absolutely no way I will come near those things. I will rather freeze to death here while waiting you to fetch that book!"

"You big sissy", Laxus smirked and Freed was just about to snap something back, when one of the beetles crawled next to them towards Roxanne and he just lost his voice. He was seriously thinking about jumping onto Laxus' arms. Of course his pride wouldn't let him do that, but for a second he actually thought about it.

"Not everyone can always like everything", Roxanne chuckled, gently patting the nearest beetle's colourful shell.

"They are harmless, baby", Bickslow assured to Freed, touching one of the beetles as well and even Ever admired the beautiful colour of them.

"I don't care", Freed frowned. "I hate them."

"You can't wait here", Laxus huffed. "If we need to ride those, you'll just have to deal with it. I'll use a rope if I have to."

"Do that and my child will only have one parent, take a wild guess which one of us."

"It's alright, they're just going to open us the path", Roxanne assured, blowing the whistle again.

Beetles moved in front of her and started digging. They moved all the snow, then they started to lift up boulders with their strong jaws just like that. It made Freed shiver.

"I hope they're not going to follow us..." he muttered.

After a while there was a clear passage to the tunnel in front of them.

"Good job, lovelies", Roxanne smiled. "Now you can go back home", she promised, blowing the whistle and the beetles just scattered around, burrowing themselves at the snow. "Come along then, kids", Roxanne commanded stepping at the tunnel.

"These people like tunnels, don't they?" Bickslow grinned as they followed.

"Does anyone have some kind of a light?"

"Yes! We have!" Bickslow grinned brightly and shoved Freed against Laxus. "Do the thing, baby!" he cackled.

"Do what?" Laxus asked confused.

"Make him shine like the ass of a firefly!"

"We don't know if that's going to work", Freed huffed crossing his arms.

"Come on! It was something that how Laxus' magic reacted with your mark or similar."

"Worth a shot", Ever giggled. "This could be interesting."

Freed and Laxus looked at each other.

"I'm not gonna zap him", Laxus grumbled.

"Maybe you don't need to? Touch his mark or something, maybe that is enough? This is an experiment, you love those don't you, baby?" Bickslow snickered to Freed.

"The last time I was considered as a research material, it ended up like this", the rune mage muttered pointing at his belly. "But I guess this won't harm anyone", he sighed.

He loosened his scarf and collar from his coat and winced when Laxus slipped his hand to touch his neck.

"Sorry", Laxus muttered. He knew his hand was cold because of the weather.

Nothing happened.

"I guess it doesn't work", Bickslow said really disappointed.

"Maybe Ever just should use her fairies", Freed said.

"Or maybe Laxus should use his magic? Like how did you put that magic inside those barriers before?" Ever suggested. "I could see that it was something really delicate lightning magic, I don't believe I have ever seen you do something like that", she chuckled, making Laxus growl something. "It was really impressive actually, knowing how destructive your lightning usually is."

"If I zap him accidentally because of your advice, I'm gonna blast you both back to Magnolia with my lightning", Laxus grumbled.

Freed started to feel warmth on his neck, obviously something was happening at least. Then he felt how that warmth spread to his whole body slowly and he lifted his hand. There were tiny little lightning marks on his skin, making patterns and lightening everything around him.

"Cool", Bickslow grinned. "That works."

"Now that is something you don't see too often", Roxanne chuckled and they started their journey.

The tunnel was short and they appeared into some kind of a round chamber that had no decorations in it. But at the middle of it there were a stone pedestal and on top of it waited the book they were looking for.

"I'm curious, why didn't we just fly here?" Ever asked when Roxanne lit up some torches there were at the chamber already and Laxus could let go of Freed.

"You can fly?" the old lady asked surprised.

"Yeah, we all can", Bickslow said. "Ever and Freed have wings, I can use my babies and Laxus uses lightning."

"Well, this was still more convenient for us. Flying at these mountains when you don't know them, it's a high risk", Roxanne said and they stepped beside the pedestal.

The book didn't look that special with it's leather covers but some runes that had been printed in the leather. It was old of course, but it didn't look valuable in any way.

"It looks like it was someone's book they used to write down notes", Laxus said.

"You'd be surprised of how many of the most dangerous books are just like this one", Roxanne said.

"Can we touch it?" Freed asked.

"Yes, it does nothing if you just look at it. You can even read it, but you can't understand it. It needs something so all that gibberish has any meaning."

Freed touched the leather covers carefully, swiping off some dust. Then he opened the covers, letting those old yellow parchment pages to flip.

"You're right, this really is just some gibberish", he mumbled.

"Told you so, sugar."

"And in the cover there are warnings. Seems like there are at least four different spells embedded to make sure this book stays safe and rest of the runes might tell us how to break the code. Do you recognize the handwriting at all?"

"No, never seen it in my life", Roxanne huffed leaning against her cane. "But it's old, so it's probably written over two hundred, maybe three hundred years ago?"

"Yes. I would say three hundred years, but not older than that", Freed nodded. "I'm sure Levy could help me study this book more."

"Just be careful. I maybe have no idea what it held inside in the end, but if my daughter brought it and told me to keep it safe, it must be something she doesn't want to end up in wrong hands."

"Fairy Tail will take care of it, Madam", Evergreen assured. "We will make sure it stays safe."

"Is it sure that no-one else knows this is here?" Laxus asked.

"No-one should know", Roxanne said. "But I haven't visited here that often. Maybe two or three times in the last decade? So if someone has been here, I wouldn't know. But this place is hard to find without any clues and I'm the only one who remembers this chamber anymore."

"What is this chamber's purpose?" Bickslow asked looking around. "It doesn't seem that special."

"Actually, it's just one of Naava Town's old treasure chambers. There are many like this one scattered all around the mountains but most of them are forgotten by now. Of course, those treasure hunters always swarm here looking for them but they can't find them", Roxanne chuckled. "With only those beetles the path can be opened and only some people in Naava Town still has these whistles."

"So there are places like these full of treasures?"

"I guess, I have never been interested enough to find them", Roxanne shrugged.

Freed flipped the pages, trying to make sense of the writings.

"I could study it more at Fairy Tail", he said. "With Levy."

"Porlyusica might get interested too", Roxanne said. "I've never shown it to her, but who knows."

"Thank you, Madam", Freed smiled. "We will make sure the book is safe."

"Guess we then better go back to Magnolia tomorrow", Laxus said. "If the train works again."

"It does, I saw it earlier when I was shopping at town", Ever nodded.

"Man, this visit was way too short", Bickslow whined. "Can't we stay just a few more days?"

"No, this book must be taken to Fairy Tail. If someone is after it, it puts the whole town in danger since it's now with us", Freed said. "And you have your S-class trials coming up soon."

"Guess you're right", Bickslow sighed.

"Now now, cookie", Roxanne chuckled patting his arm. "If Roscoe can get some time off his work, maybe we could come see how your trials go."

"That'd be awesome", Bicks grinned. "But we don't know yet what kind the trials are or even where they are held. Not before the announcement ceremony at the Guild House."

"Before that, we can't even be absolutely sure of any of the participants either", Freed nodded. "It all depends in many things."

"I see", Roxanne said. "Maybe we should come to the ceremony then?"

"It's only for members of the Fairy Tail", Laxus said. "Sorry. But after that we can tell what we know."

"Eh, good enough for me", Roxanne cackled. "It would be nice to see Porlyusica again. It has been so long since we even spoke to each other last time."

"What did you speak about?"

"We had an argument."

"Figures..." Ever whispered and they nodded.

They were just starting to leave the chamber, when suddenly Laxus stopped them, holding his hand out.

"What is it?" Freed asked, holding the book.

"There's something", Laxus growled narrowing his eyes.

They all tensed up and stared at the tunnel. They couldn't see the opening because of the turns, but when they waited a while, they could hear steps. Not heavy, but somehow dragging steps with little scratches like claws hitting the rock floor.

Laxus stepped in front of Freed, while Bickslow and Evergreen got ready to cover Roxanne. Steps were coming closer without any rush. Freed felt shivers when the air inside the chamber got colder and it looked like there were mist coming from the tunnel.

Finally they could see something stepping close enough so they could see it at the light of torches. It was a slim human-like creature with long arms. It stopped before they could clearly see it, but at the dim light it looked nothing but bones wrapped in dry skin. Head was small, there was no mouth and it's eyes were nothing but holes.

It stood there without any sign of nervousness, fear or even excitement. There was absolutely nothing.

"What is it?" Ever whispered with slightly high-pitched voice.

"I have never seen anything like that here", Roxanne muttered frowning. "It doesn't seemlike a normal creature."

Freed looked at the creature who was staring at them, covering the whole passage and leaning against it's long arms.

"It's like it has scales", Bickslow noticed. "Do you guys feel cold?"

"Yeah", Laxus nodded.

Creature tilted it's head and they heard a distant whispering sound.

"Jish-Ahrna", Freed hissed eyes widened.

"What?!" Laxus growled.

"It's him. And you can see it too? So this is not a dream. It's really here. Look out for it's fog, it creates hoarfrost", Freed warned.

"So it's a demon", Laxus said. "And belongs to that old fucker. I'm gonna send him back with some greetings that he better stay away from us."

"Don't do anything stupid", Freed said. "If Jish-Ahrna is here, Moranga might be here too. And..."

"Lucados", Laxus growled.

The whispering sound got louder and it felt like the slim demon in front of them was chuckling. Before anyone of them could even move a finger, thick fog surged right into the chamber, covering everything.

Freed gasped when he woke up. He rubbed his head as it hurt slightly and he sat up, looking around. Bickslow and Ever were both unconscious which was alarming.

"It's alright, sugar", he heard Roxanne's voice when he stood up. "They're just sleeping."

"What?" Freed said and he was confused. He didn't remember a thing that happened after the fog came. Did it knock them out? Or did something happen but he just couldn't remember it? Right away he remembered what Makarov told them earlier about Lucados' powers.

The rune mage looked around once more.

"Where's Laxus?" he asked panic filling his guts. Oh god! Did Laxus go after his grandfather? Or did Lucados do something to him?

"He's at the entry of the cave", Roxanne said and she was sitting beside the pedestal with the book. "Guarding it until you guys wake up."

Freed stumbled towards the tunnel and he just had to see Laxus with his own eyes. He knew that there was no telling what the lightning dragon slayer might do if there were danger. He only hoped that Laxus wouldn't do anything stupid or let himself get taken over by his dragon instincts.

He arrived at the entry and noticed it was already midnight outside. How long did they sleep?

"Laxus?" he said stepping outside and looking around. The wind had started to rise and it was snowing.

"Don't come out, love", he heard a growl. It sounded more like crackling because of sparks. Laxus landed heavily just in front of Freed, almost startling the smaller man because of his sudden appearance.

The dark storm clouds were thundering around the mountain. Freed's eyes widened when he looked at Laxus, whose skin was mostly covered with light scales. His hair was more like a mane, flowing around down his spine, ending as a long tail that was created by lightning. He had lightning wings, crackling and waving since the lightning was constantly moving and living.

"Laxus..." Freed whispered.

"I didn't catch the threat, but I chased it away", Laxus assured. "It's no longer here."

"Ah... O-okay", Freed said. "That is a good thing. Now we can relax."

"It might come back", Laxus growled. "I won't let it come again."

"Laxus, it's alright", Freed said with calm voice, touching the lightning dragon slayer's cheek tenderly. "Everything is alright. There's no danger anymore. We are all alright."

Laxus grumbled something and leaned forward, sniffing Freed to make sure he was alright.

"Laxus, I need you to focus", Freed said grabbing Laxus' head with his hands and he looked at those burning orange lizard eyes. "Everything is alright, so calm down. Do not let your dragon side take over. You're dangerously far right now."

"I wouldn't hurt you", Laxus promised.

"I know you wouldn't and that's why I love you. But you have to snap out of this. You don't want to turn into a dragon, right? If you go too far, you can't come back."

Laxus growled, his head lowering and Freed let him rest it against his neck. He wrapped his arms around the big body, slightly scared at the lightning first but he noticed it was harmless. At least for him it was.

It took some time, but finally Freed felt how Laxus started to relax. Storm clouds started to fade slowly and the wind stopped, but it was still snowing. Freed looked how the bright yellow mane disappeared along with the wings and tail, as well as the scales from Laxus' skin. He was so relieved.

Finally Laxus straightened himself and Freed smiled looking at him, but got surprised when he saw anger featuring Laxus' face.

"We're going home", the blond said.

"W-what?" Freed asked.

"With the next train. That fog demon might be away right now but who knows what might happen next."

"Did you speak with him? Did he say something?" Freed asked quickly. "Did you see my grandfather?"

"You don't need to worry about that."

"Laxus, I want to know", Freed said determined. "If he's here I have questions I want to ask. I need some answers from him."

"We need nothing from him", Laxus snarled, making Freed shut his mouth. "We're going home, that's final", he ordered with a way that told there was no room for any arguments.

Freed sighed finally.

"Alright, we go home", he agreed with a submissive tone.

Laxus huffed.

"Sorry about that", he muttered. "Lost my temper. I just got so fucking pissed how he could get the jump on us just like that."

"None of us could even imagine that he would attack so suddenly", Freed said.

"But I meant what I said. Next train, I don't fucking care if it's middle of the night, we're going back to Magnolia", Laxus said.

"Guess we have no other choice then", Freed said nodding. "Let's wake up Bickslow and Evergreen."

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