The Cure - TVD [Book 3]

By StineSkar

3.2K 36 5

The third book in the genderbent story of the vampire diaries. Season 4 - ? More

Season 4 - Cast
4x01 - Growing Pains
4x02 - Memorial
4x04 - The Five
4x05 - The Killer
4x06 - We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes
4x07 - My Brother's Keeper
4x09 - O Come, All Ye Faithful

4x03 - The Rager

169 3 0
By StineSkar

Picture of Matthew Fell

Salvatore Boarding House

It's daytime. Demi opens the front door of the house. Stella is outside, fixing up a motorcycle. "Good day for a midlife crisis. 164 years, I'd say you're due"

Stella sits on the motorcycle, "Eliot's transition to vampire has been a little depressing. I'm gonna help him have some fun"

"Oh, those who can't do, teach" Demi comments sarcastically as she walks out onto the porch.

Stella rolls her eyes, "Ah, I see we're still fighting. Got it. Where you going?"

"That hunter jacked Taylor Lockwood of her werewolf venom last night, so basically, she's got vampire poison in a bottle. And I'm gonna find her, and I'm gonna eat her"

Stella stands up, "I'll go with you"

"I don't want your help. I just want to kill this chick and get the hell out of town. Wasn't that the deal? Whoever Eliot doesn't choose leaves?"

"That was before he turned" Stella tells her.

"And I stayed to help. If I take you punching me as the first clue, I'm not wanted here anymore"

Stella sighs, "Listen, you blood-shared with my boyfriend, and I punched you in the face. You deserved it. Why don't you stop being dramatic?"

"No, sister, dramatic would be leave before I kill this hunter" Demi leaves. Stella sighs in frustration.


Lockwood Mansion

Carol and Taylor walk into the house. Two men are standing in the foyer and Taylor immediately becomes suspicious. "Who the hell are you two?"

"Taylor, it's okay. They're here for your protection" Carol tries to calm her daughter.

"More deputies?" Taylor asks, incredulous.

Colette enters the room from the parlor. She has another hybrid following behind her, "Not exactly"

Taylor sighs, "They're hybrids"

"I was halfway to Chicago when I heard you were attacked. I had hoped to leave Mystic Falls for good, but duty calls" Colette shrugs.

"Nice to know you care"

"I don't. I should have killed you for the little stunt you and your friends pulled. Stopping my heart, leaving me in a coffin to rot"

"Yeah, well you used my body as an escape hatch, then kissed my boyfriend. So, maybe we're even" Taylor tells her.

"Not even close. But, you hybrids are a dying breed. I can't make more of you, and I won't have anyone taking liberties with the ones I have left" Colette begins to walk off, "Consider them your new bodyguards" She points at the three hybrids in the room and walks out.


Connie's Trailer

Demi opens the door to Connie's trailer. She stands on the steps and sees if she can enter without an invitation and smiles when she sees that she can. She enters the trailer and sees the distillation setup and newspaper clippings, which she starts to rifle through when she's suddenly shot by two arrows.

She yells in pain and goes to pull out the arrow in her leg but sees that it's the attached to a claymore explosive device by a wire. When she decides to instead pull out the arrow in her chest, she sees that arrow is also attached to a similar bomb in the opposite direction.

Realizing that she's stuck, Demi groans in exasperation "Um...yeah"


Matthew enters the trailer to find Demi still stuck in Connie's trap, though he doesn't notice the arrows attaching Demi to the claymore mines right away. "Why were you being so cryptic?"

"Come in. Close the door"

Matthew finally notices the explosives, "Tell me that is not a bomb"

"Okay. It's a kitten. It's an adorable, exploding kitten" Demi tells him sarcastically.

"Why didn't you call your sister?" Matthew freaks out.

"Because I'm proud, and stubborn, and...oh, look! You're already here" Demi points out. Matthew glares at her, "Come on, you're not gonna get hurt. All I need you to do is be doctorly and cut out the arrow. I'd do it myself, but if I move..." Demi gently touches the string attached to the arrow buried in her thigh.

"Don't!" Matthew stops her, scared. Demi pulls her hand away and makes a soft "Kaboom" noise to demonstrate her point.

"Okay" Matthew grabs a knife lying on the nearby table before he moves behind Demi and puts the point of the knife next to the entry point of the arrow going through Demi's back. "Okay"

While Matthew is cutting around the arrow, Demi picks up the letter from Pastor Young to Apollo, "So, how well did you know Pastor Young?"

"He was a patient of mine. He was always a nice guy"

"Nice, crazy guy. He wrote a letter about sacrifice and war brewing in Mystic Falls" She holds up the letter, so Matthew can skim in while he works.

"What does he mean, a greater evil is coming?" He continues to use the knife to dig around the arrow in Demi's back, "Don't we have great enough evil already?"

Demi shrugs gently, "You'd think" Demi's phone starts to ring. When she sees it's Eliot, she ignores the call. Matthew notices this response but continues working on freeing her.

"How'd you get stuck on hunter duty?" Matthew asks her.

"Stella had a physics test" Demi tells him sarcastically.

"You are a good sister" He smiles sympathetically at her.

"I'm the bad sister" Demi smirks.

"You're strung up to a bomb while Stella plays vampire with the guy who broke your heart. But, you're doing a very good job of acting like it doesn't suck" Matthew finishes prying out the arrow as much as he can to allow Demi to remove it without the bomb exploding, "Okay, I think that should be good"

Demi yanks out the arrow in one swift motion and drops it on the table.


Salvatore Boarding House

Eliot is searching through a set of drawers in Demi's room when Demi returns from being freed from Connie's trap. "Hope you plan on cleaning this up"

Eliot turns around, startled "I need bourbon to get through Richard's party. Yours is better than Stella's"

"Top drawer in the dresser"

"...thanks" Eliot says confused. He walks over to the drawer and opens it. Demi pulls out a silver flask from her pocket and swigs from it. Eliot turns back around. "You keep alcohol in your underwear drawer?" he pulls out a pair of bras and holds them up.

"No" Eliot throws the bras back into the drawer, "But, you weren't looking for alcohol, were you?" Eliot looks at her guiltily, "Do you think I'd actually leave the last remaining white oak stake where any vampire could just walk in and take it?"

Demi unbuttons her shirt to get ready to change into clean clothes. Eliot sees blood from the healed wound caused by arrow in her shoulder. "What happened to you?"

"Hunter mishap"

Eliot walks over to her, "You know she was at my school today?"

"Yep. Jemma told me"

"Why were you talking to Jemma?"

"Don't worry about it" Demi begins to take her shirt off.

"Demi, don't bring her into this"

"Cherish the thought that she might actually be useful, Eliot" Demi removes her shirt and begins to undo the belt on her pants. Eliot looks down awkwardly, "You staying for the show or...?" Demi unbuttons her pants.

Eliot snaps back to reality and walks out of the room, "I'm finding that stake" He tells her determined.



Matthew is walking down a hallway, wearing a large, very conspicuous bandage on his neck. Jemma and Connie follow him as Matthew opens the door to a room and walks in. "That's him" Jemma tells her.

"Stay here" Connie walks past Jemma and enters the supply storeroom that Matthew just entered. Once inside, she finds that Matthew is already gone, but she turns when she senses someone else in the room.

"Is the hospital really the best place for a germaphobe?"

Demi walks out from behind a rack of medical supplies, "Did I say that I was a germaphobe? Pft, sorry, I meant vampire"

Connie pulls out a gun to shoot Demi but is struck by an arrow. She drops her gun and bends down to pick it up. When she does so, she's shot by another arrow. She looks at both the arrows and sees they are attached to the claymore bombs from her trailer.

"Stings, doesn't it?"

Connie attempts to grab her gun again, but someone kicks it out of the way. Connie looks up and sees Colette. "Hello, mate" Demi smirks.


Connie is attempting to pull out from her side. Demi and Colette are watching her. "Keep up, buddy. We'll be scraping you off the ceiling" Demi comments.

"You two are gonna kill me anyway" Connie tells her.

"Well, let's not be too hasty. I feel like we're just getting to know each other!" Colette tells her.

"Let's start with the basics. Where are you from? What do you know? Maybe you can cue me in on this 'greater evil', because I've fought this guy" Demi points to Colette "and there's nothing more evil than that" Demi hands Colette the letter Pastor Young wrote.

"Yeah, truth be told, I'm as evil as it gets" Colette smiles in amusement.

"I'm not telling you anything. And – if you think if you kill me, it's gonna be over – there's another waiting to take my place" Connie tells them.

"See, this is what I like to hear; vague threats, ominous prophecies, disappearing tattoos" Demi comments. Connie looks up at them.

Colette looks down at Connie and stops smirking. "What do you mean, tattoos?"

"Don't bother, you can't see the damn thing" Demi comments.

Colette kneels down next to Connie, "There's more to you than meets the eye, isn't there?" Connie looks at her. She attempts to stake Colette, but Colette is too quick and catches her arm. "Nice try but I'm faster than your average vampire"

Colette twists her arm and grabs the stake out of her hand. She sees the mark carved into the wood and recognizes it, "You're one of the five"

"The what?" Demi asks.

"And I'm faster than your average hunter" Connie says as Demi sees that Connie is about to pull the string of the bomb and rushes out of the room, leaving Connie and Colette behind.

The bomb explodes, and Demi is thrown through the air, landing face down on the floor outside the room. She looks behind her as the massive fireball disperses.


Connie's Trailer

Connie wakes up on the couch in her trailer. She attempts to get up but is pushed back down by Colette. "You saved me"

"Congratulations, you just became worth more to me alive than dead" Colette tells her.

"What – what did you mean when you said I was one of the Five?"

"You don't know your own history?" Colette kneels down next to her, "Well, let's just say, it's made you the most well-protected vampire hunter in town"

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