boo | e.d

By eyybupp

549K 18.5K 26.8K

in which ethan and bailey suffer while being apart. Sequel to Moved in - e.d More

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By eyybupp

24 | he's crazy

song: young & foolish by alex aiono

Baileys POV

My stomach felt light whilst my heart was beating faster each second. A crazy realisation had just happened, and it is that i am actually excited to go to school. 

My eyes glowed as they stared back at my reflection through the mirror, my hair being let out and my body standing tall. 

It's not like Ethan wasn't usually always on my mind in the first place, but for some reason, his actions on Friday left me wondering. It got me thinking, my body exhilarated for the next day. I had felt much better since then, the sickness leaving quicker than it usually does.

I had this throbbing headache every now and then, but my body felt the slightest bit more energised.

My arms grew slightly cold from the cool air seeping through my sleeves. I had finally woken up early, Malia staying with Scott for the time being whilst I woke up for school by myself. Well, obviously not myself technically. My baby Guppie accompanied me, his tail wagging as he kept running around the house.

Something he never usually did until Ethan left on Friday night. Well, i guess you could call it midnight due to the time he really left. Ever since then, Guppie has been excited, and i can't help but think its due to Ethans visit.'

friday night

"Ethan come on the damn couch." I snarl at him for being so stiff, almost as if the place were foreign to him. My thoughts kept creeping away to the thought of us living together again.

"No, you need to lay down." He denied for the tenth time, his arms crossed over his chest as he began to act stuck up. A sudden heavy panting caught my ear, Ethans as well.

Both our heads turned towards my bedroom door, slight scraping noises as the small crack in the door grew opened, a wagging tail and black fur peeking out.

My eyes widened as I had remembered Ethan had never met my baby; Guppie.

I let out a small gasp, my body shuffling up as I sat up properly, my hands immediately tapping my thighs as I called out excitedly. "Guppie!"

"Come here!" I shook my head slightly, Ethans eyes widening at the name as he stood up to peer over the couch. His eyes must of landed on Guppie as his jaw dropped, his lips slowly curving into a smile.

"Come here Gup!" I pat my lap, Ethan sitting back down as Guppie came racing around the corner, his paws reaching down in front of him as he saw Ethan. "Yes baby, who is that?" My hand points to Ethan, Guppie nearly jumping from excitement.

His tail was wagging like crazy, a laugh escaping from the bottom of my sore throat. It didn't hurt as much as it did before, Guppie nearly flying onto my lap as i let out a grunt; giggle following after.

"Who is it??" I carry on pointing to Ethan as he had a wide smile on his face.

My hands ruffled through the black locks of Guppie, Guppie soon sinking down as he stared at Ethan. "Hey bud! Hey!" Ethan begins to speak, Guppies tail quickening speed.

"Go to Ethan! Go say hi!" I offer, not expecting Guppie to leave off my lap right away as he pounced over to Ethan. Not only did he surprise me, but he surprised Ethan. His eyes grew wide as Gup jumped onto Ethan, his back falling back onto the couch as Gup began to lick his face.

"Oh my gosh!" Ethans deep chuckles wouldn't end, his chest rising with Guppie on top.

Both our laughs, the licks of our dog and the tv in the background was all that could be heard that night. And i enjoyed it.

"Thank you guys so much for the ride." I smiled genuinely, both boys high-fiving each other, proud grins on their faces. The small gesture towards each other making me laugh. "I didn't wanna get to school alone." My eyes drop down to the concrete path of the entrance of school. Jacob skipped lightly beside me, his smile being large on his lips.

"Anything for you lollipop." Jarvis nudges my shoulder, a bigger smile appearing on my lips. I was so happy about today that almost everything was seeming to be amazing to me. Even the little things.

"Why didn't you just call Ethan." Jarvis's eyes rolled in a playful manner, his voice laced with a teasing and cheeky tone. My lips rolled inwards, not so sure about it as i replied.

"No, he wouldn't want to waste his time picking me up." I shake my head, my eyes looking down at our feet as we entered the doorway. The loud sounds of every one talking and chatting amongst themselves filled my ears. 

"Oh please, once he got the call he would be in his car speeding to your place." Jacob commented, Jarvis leaning over to have a look at his brother as they fist pumped in front of me. I couldn't help but scrunch my face together as a smile creeped its way on my face.

"Oh my gosh, stop." I whined, their cringe actions getting to me.

"Its true though." Jarvis added, my eyes soon dropping once again as i chewed on my bottom lip. "I offered him to stay on friday night.." I mumbled, both pairs of eyes widening as they froze in the hallway. 

"What!" Great grins formed on their lips, curious and desperate eyes digging into me.

"Yeah he came over, and well.." i paused, feeling myself being able to speak to them about this. They were all i had at the moment due to everyone else either already being at school or still getting ready. "i don't know what came over me."

"He was just too sweet and i felt we were really getting along." I admit, the both of them listening in to every word of mine, nodding for me to carry on.

"so i insisted that he stayed the night." I bounced my shoulders, the thought of mine digging deeper than i even expected. "But he said he had to get home."

"It was midnight, Ethan hates bothering his parents late, and i know walking in late would do just that.." My lips stayed in a straight line, my good mood soon disappearing, now realising how deep in my mind this thought was to me.

"He just didn't want to stay the night." I shrug my shoulders, my own words making me accept the fact that i felt right. Jarvis had this almost sad expression while Jacob pouted his lips, his eyes reading that he didn't like what i was saying.

"I'm feeling so dumb, almost as if i blew it." I admit, my bottom lip nearly trembling.

"His actions were so cute and i thought-" I cut myself off with a sigh, inhaling sharply through my nose as it all released itself from my system. The thought of me needing time pushing him away.

"are you kidding me Bailey?!" Jarvis had the biggest serious expression painted on his face Jacob shaking his head beside me. "you're delusional." Jacob adds, his hand ruffling through his hair as our walking slowed down.

"what are you two on about?" My forehead crinkled, my eyebrows furrowing as I felt myself sucking in my bottom lip from the weird pain in my chest.

"he's crazy over you Bailey." Jarvis blurted out, his words sounding powerful and so meaningful, it took me back a little. "quite literally." his eyes roll playfully during the situation, his brother beginning to nod.

"well-" I try defending my thoughts till Jarvis looked as if he knew i was going to, soon cutting me off. "if the cake doesn't prove it, then i don't fucking know what else you need." His shoulders bounce, my body nearly freezing as my feet slowed down even more.

"how do you know about the cake?" My voice went quiet as my eyes stared into theirs. A confused expression was painted across each and every one of our faces. Jacobs adorable signature head tilt appeared as his head snapped towards Jarvis.

They gave each other the same glare, reading each others minds, soon making me jump by snapping their heads back to me.

"he didn't explain the long search for your specific damn cake?!" They sounded happy to tell me, yet offended at the same time. Unbelieved expressions appeared on their faces, weird smiles almost painted on their lips.

"huh?" I tilt my head.

"oh fucking hell." Jarvis shut his eyes, his teeth biting down on his bottom lip before popping it back. "okay, well missy..." Jacob took a long dramatic pause as he rolled his head towards his brother, Jarvis taking the message to carry on his story.

"all fucking day he was worried and talking about you." Jacob put his hand in front of us, adding a piece of information. "friday, being," he pauses, eyes shutting in a gossip way, signalling this to be quite a story. "no shit Bailey, all fucking day."

"then! we get loud knocks on our front door, mum telling us that Ethan is here." Jarvis jumps in again, sending it back to his brother. When doing so, a sudden smile formed as i enjoyed the two brothers being in such sync.

"he basically kidnaps up and forces us into the car-"

"okay well he didn't force us-" Jarvis cut in, soon to be cut off by an extremely serious Jacob.

"shh, it sounds better this way." His voice sounded snappy, a funny tone laced in his words. I stifle a small laugh at his actions, soon to jump once again by his loud voice.

"we got in the car, confused and really fucking lost." he carries on. "the first thing he does is park outside a bakery store and hops out, leaving us both sitting in his damn car wondering what the hell we are doing."

My eyes grew wider as i listened to this. "he comes back annoyed and stressed out as he repeats the same cake over and over again." Their eyes rolled playfully, giggles escaping both lips.

This time, both Jarvis and Jacob speak the same exact words with the exact same expression.

"A vanilla base with white frosting in-between the layers. Frosted icing on the outside, topped with strawberries." Their facial expressions and hand gestures made me stifle a laugh, my mouth hanging open over how they got it exactly right, this proving they weren't lying at all.

My eyes nearly popped out as i took a sharp inhale through my nose. My chest rose before slowly letting out a large exhale, their facial expressions giving me almost everything i needed.

"im not shitting with you Bailey, we drove around for a good 45 minutes, stopping at every store to find the cake."

"we went so far out, i was scared we were not gonna go home." Jacob pouted, his cute energy being something that always caused me to awe.

I pursed my lips together, taking this all in. I couldn't stop the endless swirl of warmth that was coating my veins. I felt my heart beat against my ribcage, their words about Ethans actions being so surreal to me.

"its the way he talks about you, looks at you with that tiny grin-" Jarvis explains. "blushing! fucking blushing!" Jacob squeals, cutting him off.

"his eyes Bailey." Jarvis tilts his head with that look. The look he always gives as he talks about Ethan to me.

"the way they literally glow and pop out of his head as they stare at you." His words got deeper, his vocab being pretty surprising to me for a quick second before realising how deep and real can be. His words cutting into me.

"its like hes admiring you." He smiles, his finger poking the side of my arm as our feet never stopped slowing down. People around us didn't even sound as if they were there. All my attention was on Jarvis and Jacob, their words giving me this intense energy to fly around my stomach.

"mind you, he has a whole lot of getting used to you again." Jacob adds, referring to being away from each other for a long period of time. "yet, its like he knows everything about you."

"when we hang out, you get mentioned at least more than 10 times. he is so proud to just have you in his life again, its crazy." Jarvis spoke with such truth and meaning, i had to believe it.

"hes crazy."

"crazy in love with you, thats for sure."

With this, i stop. I take an immediate halt, the both of them realising as they stop their movements, turning around to face me. My eyes already felt that thin gloss that i knew they could see. I didn't want to even cry, i didn't want to.

Everything they said made so much sense to me, my heart churning with warmth yet hurt. My chest literally had that pain in it. That nice slow pain of realising something, yet strong enough ti hurt.

I knew loved me. He would never stop showing.

I guess I never knew just how much.

My body slumps into my chair, feeling more tired by the second. I honestly wish the day would just finish. And to think, this is only the third class.

I can't help but let out a groan, soon hearing a laugh beside me.

My head turns to be faced by an unfamiliar face. I furrow my brows as I look him up and down. His hair seemed to be styled nicely, the colour being a very golden brown with light streaks. His eyes were blue and he paired some jeans with a white shirt.

"Sick of the day already?" His voice was raspy, my eyebrows furrowing; shocked. I was expecting more of a soft voice from what he looked like.

But after all, people surprise you.

He crosses his arms over his chest, the short sleeve shirt doing him good.

I don't reply for a while as i am still scoping him out, not so sure as to why he is talking to me. Not in a rude or bitchy way, but it may of come off that way.

I mentally facepalm at myself, hoping i don't seem annoyed, because honestly im just tired as hell. Confusion spins in my head as to why he would even spark up to talk to me. Obviously we've been in the same class, but we have never exchanged words.

Something clicked in my brain as I remember a few moments in class where he has spoke to the teacher. For some reason the name 'Jayden' was ringing in my brain.

"Uhm.. Jayden is it?" I tilt my head, my hands intertwining together as i stared at him. He stifles a small laugh, his lips curving upwards as he replies.

"Jason." He corrects in a soft voice.

The more i stared, i realised his eyes weren't just blue. They were a green mixed with a blue while his hair was more golden. It was like a light brown, but a dirty blonde.

He had light freckles sprinkled out on his cheeks while he looked as if he were on the football team. Yet I know for a fact he isn't.

I've hung out with the team due to Grayson, and this guy, I haven't seen before.

"Ah, Jason. Uhm not to sound rude or anything but.. why are you talking to me?" I speak through squinted eyes, nearly looking as if i am interrogating him.

He lets out yet another laugh, fully turning his body towards me. My eyes travel to the front of the class, getting a bit weary of him getting told off for not paying attention.

"I don't know really, I've always kinda wanted to." He shrugs.

This hits me in the chest and brain, making my head tilt once again like a lost and confused puppy. I didn't know how to feel in this situation, but i didn't feel as worn out and tired, so i turned slightly.

"Okay creepy dude."

"Jason." He pretends to correct me with a sneaky grin, my shoulders bounce as i lean back as if i didn't care. This sudden 'i dont give a fuck' attitude coming from no where.

"Woah." His smile never left, my mind swarming with pure confusion at this point.

"What?" I ask, his smile growing larger before he replied. "You just seem so soft and sweet and now here you are being all intimidating." He licks the inside of his cheek as he leans his head to the side. My eyes twitch weirdly as i try stopping a smile.

"You really are living up to the name 'creepy dude' ya know?"

"Well would it be more creepy if i invited you to a party?" his head hung low as he said it, both eyes peering up to see my reaction.

"Why do you want to invite me?" I ask, my eyebrows probably permanently knitted together over my constant confusion. "Seem like a cool party girl." His shoulders bounce as his lips roll inwards, both eyes scanning me once more.

"I remember you at that one party." His brows raise highly, as well as mine, my head tilting. 

"What?-" The tone in my voice was clearly lost, his deep voice soon cutting me off right away.

"You danced up on the bench and nearly hit your head." He chuckles to finish off his sentence, my brain finally remembering the party he is talking about. I had picked up small scenes of the party, all of them replaying in my brain.

I swallow the lump in my throat as i remember that being the party Ethan invited me to. His pancakes the next morning and the awkward reminder that he kissed me that exact morning we got home. His drunk ass not being able to stay stable.

"Oh... damn." I mumble quietly, the visions of that night flashing back like quick photos on a screen. 

"Yeah, you were wild." His voice turned suddenly raspy, my eyes squinting as I couldn't help but smile at how weird it sounded. My chest feels lighter, the memory being terrible yet so good.

"How the hell do you remember that?" I jokingly snarl, a light chuckle falling past his lips.

"I don't know.. thats just been the first time i know seeing you." He shrugs lightly, his tongue separating his lips as he rolls the bottom lip in between his teeth.

"Hm.." I hum, my eyes squinting at the comment.

The sound of an obnoxious bell ringing continuously for about a good 6 seconds blasts through my ears, my body nearly bouncing off the chair and landing right back onto it as my head flicks fast.

Jason laughs at my little scare, something that literally happens all the time. 

"Make sure to bring in all your notes tomorrow morning the next time i see you!" Miss.Jordan cups her mouth, her voice raising over all the screeching chairs that were being unoccupied by students each passing second.

I follow along, my bag being flung over my shoulders as Jason quickly does the same. His hands grip onto the straps of his bag, dodging his way past the students that cut in front of us.

"So? Would ya want to come?" His head stays flicked my way while his feet walk fast beside me, my eyes not staring directly at him as I squint them with my lips puckering into a thoughtful expression.

"Well.. depends." My head tilts, soon turning to fully face him as i take a halt a few steps out the classroom door; now standing in the hallway.

"Whose party is it?" I ask, arms bring thrown across my chest as I eye him up, wanting to seem more confident in this situation. I was being invited to a party, but i didn't want to seem desperate at all since I don't think of this being anything amazing.

His head drops with a smirk as he inhales sharply through his mouth, slowly bringing his head back up with the corner of his mouth raised quite highly. "Mine actually."

"When?" I ask again, trying to keep this quick and simple.

"probably two weeks from now." His eyes flutter a few seconds as he thought about it, his mouth finishing with a weird puckered expression.

"Wow." My eyebrows raised, my mouth slightly agape.

"What?" He asked with a laugh, yet you could hear the worry laced in his words over my reaction.

"I've never heard of a school party planned like that, what is it? your birthday?" I begin to tease, finding the conversation to be getting longer as my hip dropped to my left as i tilted my head also.

Jasons head drops once again, a smile being prominent on his face before he begins shaking his head with a laugh.

The students dodge past us, a few nudging me from being so close to the door. I suddenlt feel a bit rude just standing here as I take a step to the side, making sure I wasn't in the way.

Due to Jason not answering quick enough for me, I replied right away. "usually they're last minute or they are planned months earlier and are a big thing." I begin walking making his eyes widen as he stumbles over his own feet, making me stifle a laugh.

My head shook as he caught back up; nearly jogging.

"This will be big!" He argues playfully, still walking along side me. My eyes stay focused in front of me, making sure to not hit any people even though a few would nudge you on the way past.

It's dumb really, like you literally have to move just a few centimeters to the side. I had even done the same thing just a few seconds ago for being in the way. But who am i to judge, not all people think the same.

"Can my friends come?" I ask, my eyes peering at his for a quick second before returning towards me.

"Sure!" his hands do little gestures, my lips curving into a smile as I begin to wander to the side. His eyes catch on, both brows raising high as I begin to walk backwards into my classroom door.

"Okay well creepy dude, this is me." My thumb points back, my arm following along as my lips roll inwards together.

"Bye." I wave, soon turning my body until his excited voice calls out louder than i would have expected.

"Later Bailey!" His voice was loud, my eyes looking at everyone who noticed.

I furrow my brows as i look at him walking away. I don't remember ever telling him my name. His head peers back to me as i stand there fully lost. His lips curve upwards quickly into a smile, his hand raising as he twiddles his fingers as a small wave.

Just as my eyes watch him leave, i notice the tall and stunning boy himself walking towards my way, right past Jason as he eyes him. Ethans eyes return to me with a confused expression, growing closer to where i stood. 

Both his eyes glanced back at Jason, his tongue peeking out from the middle of his lips, separating them before he sucks in his bottom lip.

I felt myself not being able to move for a second, my eyes looking from the top of his dark locks, nicely structured eyebrows, soft lips, wide shoulders, black short rolled up sleeve shirt, light grey sweats with white socks and shoes.

It was a simple outfit, but a guy like him made it seem like more.

Ethans POV

"Oh sorry, whats your name again?" I made a dramatic halt, stopping directly in front of Bailey as i towered over her. Her eyes seemed bigger as i stared down at them, my hands held up in a weird gesture as I waited for her to answer.


"Ahhh thats right B- Bay-" I had joked around, pretending not to know, something that had just randomly popped into my brain as i decided to spark something up. It had seemed to be working as I saw a large smile forming onto her lips, my eyes glowing as i looked down at her.

"Baby?" My voice was low, my eyebrows knitted together as i stared intensely into her eyes. It had seemed if they grew wider, the pupil seeming bigger than before.

Her eyes nearly pop out, her mouth flying open as she stares me down. 

"Bailey!" She corrects me with a strong yet secretly affected voice. You could hear the shiver in the way she replied, my smile being prominent on my lips. My hand pushed lightly on her shoulder as i chuckled.

"Rhymes with baby." I bounce my shoulders, my eyes staring up at the roof as my bottom lip hangs out, finding it to be rather fitting.

"You are so random." She shakes her head as it slowly drops, me chuckling in front of her like a  little child. I pick her chin up, pulling a silly face as both her small hands place themselves onto my chest, pushing me back as she looks away.

I now find it a perfect time to ask the main question that made me go a little random.

"So anyways, who's the guy?" I ask, signalling my hand back down the hall, her eyes seeming as if she already knew who i was talking about. Of course I was going to ask, his voice yelling out her name made my eyes nearly pop out as I looked over people to see.

"His name is Jason." She turns back to me, my body still standing in the middle of the doorway. 

"Jason- hmmm Jason." My eyes squint as i make my self comfortable in this standing position, my fingers resting on my chin as I thought to myself. I noticed Baileys eyes widen as she looks past my shoulder, her hand immediately gripping onto the material of my shirt as she scoffs, pulling me inside the class.

"Seems like a murderous guy." I stare at the roof, enjoying how she pulled me into her classroom. Her fist stayed clenched, gripping on my shirt as grunts of frustration could be heard escaping from the bottom of her throat.

Her whole body was faced away from me, my eyes looking down as i smiled at her. Her bag still had the colourful keychains all over, small words written on the side.

"Or, you know what!" I gasp dramatically as we had finally made our way to our now called seats. They had been ours ever since I first got back, and i was pretty happy about it.

The grip on my shirt is released right away, a large sigh being heard as she turns her body towards me. Both arms cross over as she gives me an 'are you done' face. But oh honey, I wasn't done.

My next words came flying out of memory, my hands making gestures as i spoke with a high and low tones. "He sounds like a boy who is up to trouble and soon will get shot by his own father and whose sister has a deep relationship with and soon an orange head with a blonde girl best friend, dark haired rich girl and boy with a beanie will figure out-"

Bailey had been smiling, staring me in the eyes as her lips tried sucking into a straight line; trying not to laugh. But, her laugh rang through my ears nicely, soon cutting me off as she tilts her head. "Riverdale?"

"What? No?" I say in an obvious joking tone, my body stumbling as i couldn't keep my eyes off her; trying to take my seat.

She giggles at my clumsiness, following along as she kept her eyes on me, sitting down at her desk. Her bag had slid off her arms, placing itself to the side of her desk as she shuffled forward.

"Have you watched it?" She asks anyways, knowing I am obviously playing along.

"Barely actually, im too into this other show at the moment." My bag smoothly slid off my back, my arms digging in for my book and a pen.

"Mhmm." She hums, doing the same as she bends down to grab her book, her whole pencil case being brought up as well. Her eyes slowly began to dig into me, her eyelids squinting down as she saw my book on my desk, but... my hand still dug in for my pen.

I smiled sheepishly, almost deciding to shove my whole entire face in until she rolls her eyes playfully, her hand searching for a second in her pencil case, a pen being thrown my way.

Both my hands clapped the pen from being so caught off guard, creating a loud bang in the middle of class. A few students looking back at me as I tilted my head with a toothy smile. Bailey chuckles teasingly beside me, my eyes soon snapping back as i glared her down.

"I gave you a cake at like 10:30 at night!" I whisper-yelled as the teacher walked in, her chin resting in her palms as she looked almost as if she were admiring me. The sudden look gave me chills, a nice spark running down my veins as my chest felt light.

"Talking about that..." her voice was low, eyes avoiding mine before she spoke again. "why didn't you tell me you went nearly out of the area just to get me a cake?" now, she wouldn't remove her intoxicating blue orbs from mine. Searching my own eyes as if she could read me.

"How long did it take you?" She asked again due to my frozen body; not speaking.

My eyes try peel themselves away from hers, my fingers tapping on my desk. "That doesn't matter-"

"You took Jarvis and Jacob with you!" 

My mouth drops, hoping she didn't find out. But what was I supposed to think?! Its not like I begged the boys not to tell her, in fact i dropped them right home after we were done.

"They told you?!" i grew closer towards her, her body doing the same. "Yes!" Her eyes widened as she gave me a look that screamed 'why didnt you tell me'. 

"Well, look-" I try explaining myself to then be cut off.

"For me huh?" Baileys voice went soft, my heart throbbing at how careful yet strong it sounded. I didn't understand the words, my eyes digging into her blue ones.

"What?" My voice nearly stuttered by staring for too long, but i kept it short and simple. 

"You did it for me?" Her head bounced a little as she spoke, my heart and mind catching on to what she meant. I sent her a look, my body filling with this random warmth; now knowing where it came from.

"Of course." I reply truthfully, my elbows 

"You're adorable Ethan." Her head sinks down as her chin rests on her folded arms that laid on her desk, her free hair doing wonders as it framed her face nicely. Her blue eyes popped out making me disagree with her right away.

"No, you are. Don't fight me on that-" I warned her, but she suddenly cut me off.

She smiled whilst she said it, finding it to be amusing. "You are-"

"I said dont fight me," My voice grew low, my eyes pinning directly into hers as i saw a lump in her throat, slowly swallowing it down as she shivered. "I'm serious right now." I warn her, her head raising off her arms as they flung over her chest once again.

She leaned back on her chair, her tongue licking the inside of her cheek. "Damn.." her voice was low as she mumbled it.

"What?" I ask,

"That was hot."

i felt SINCE the last one was so long, and i didn't expect y'all to reach the limit, i was hoping for a bit of a thinking time, but oh SIS

hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for the long wait! comment your thoughts!
what do you think is going to happen next?

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ethan has a bad feeling

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