You Are Mine ✔


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Book One Nikita Anderson, a young werewolf from the Blood Moon pack. Shortly after her twentieth birthday she... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Sixteen

19.1K 548 48

*Dominic's POV*

I stood in the hallway leaning against the wall as Nikita comforted Jackson, trying not to pry in on their private moment but I was also worried about a pack pup. In her haste she had left the door open and I could hear everything they were saying. The way Nikita was around Jackson.. it made my heart ache for her even more. It takes a special kind of wolf to do what she has done. From the very first moment she held that boy in her arms on the staircase I already knew what was happening even if she herself didn't know it yet. Nikita was forming a family bond with the pup, her wolf took him in, accepted him as hers.

Our wolves form bonds much faster than our human sides, it's just how they work. They have this spiritual connection to others and it's almost instantly. If they like someone, they will treat them like a precious figure in their life. If they don't like someone at all, their feelings are well known. Our wolves project their emotions to us, they read people's characters much better than us and we rely on that instinct without even knowing it. A wolf and their human side are so intuned that their feelings are usually a mirror image of our own. Now I say usually because sometimes we have very different emotions or thoughts than our more animalistic counterparts.

"Nik-Nik?" Jack's voice broke into my thoughts.

"Yes baby?" Nikita answered him.

"Can.. Can you be my new mommy?" Time seemed to move slowly, to slow as I waited for her answer.

"If you want me to be your mommy."

"I want you to be mommy." I could hear his sniffles as he spoke.

"Then I will be your mommy." It was like something inside me shifted. I can't explain it but I know something is different and it scares me..

"Thank you for being my mommy." Jackson said softly. The silence stretched on for ages and I couldn't control myself anymore. Silently I edged into the doorway, on the bed Nikita was curled around Jackson's small frame. The sight before me brought on a whole new array of emotions I didn't understand as Nikita's soft voice spoke again.

"Thank you for letting me be your mommy."

Soon Nikita's breath became soft and even as she fell asleep cuddling with Jack. I stayed there for a long while just watching them as they slept, leaning against the door frame. My mind was one big jumbled mess, trying to work out theses thoughts and feelings. It has literally been just a few days since Nikita and I marked each other, days since we mated. I still don't know what to think about it all. Could I really let this girl in? Can I give her the life that she wants, the life that she deserves? In my heart I want to give her the world, I would do anything for this little spit fire but in the back of my mind is fear. That little sliver of fear that she will be just like the other people I cared about in my life.

As I wandered the halls of the pack house I thought over everything, the possibilities of Nikita fucking me over and totally destroying me because I know if she turned out to be just like them it really would destroy anything that's left of me inside. I know I'm not the same person I use to be, but who would be the same after all the shit I've been through. Having the parents I did would be enough to break anyone but I still didn't let that ruin me. Felisha was the cherry on top of a shit cupcake. She was the only person I let in, the only person I told everything to. She knew all my darkest secrets, she knew things even my siblings didn't know about our parents. Being the eldest child I took it upon myself to protect them as much as I could. When my father was angry I was purposefully act out to take his attention away from Brent and eventually Lilly when she came along. I tried my best to keep them safe and I would do it all again in a heartbeat. The day my father sent Lilly to the infirmary for the first time was the day I started taking my training seriously.

Lilly was always a little angel, never got in trouble and everyone loved her. My father had hit her before but nothing more than a hard slap because I'd always step in. That day I wasn't there.. I'll always hate myself for not being there for her. Lilly was nine years old and seeing as I am six years older than her I was already well into my Alpha training at fifteen. Alpha's start training at ten years old in our pack, we are not only trained physically but mentally as well. We are taught all about business, investments and the outside world that the humans live in. Were put through vigorous exercises that would make the army's training look like it was made for kids. We are taught to withstand torture of all manner. I never really took it serious though, I didn't want to be Alpha, because I didn't want to be like my father.

That all changed though, the day Lilly almost died was the day I vowed to never let him hurt my family again. He had beat her so bad, she was in a comatose state for weeks so her body could heal itself and the swelling inside her brain would go down. Those weeks were pure torture as I sat in her room at the packs infirmary and watched her. Her hair was dull and lifeless, her skin far too pale to be considered healthy and she felt cold to the touch.. she was always so damn cold. Brent and I would spend hours in her room everyday. Telling her about how our day was, I remember one day Brent was reading Lilly one of her favorite stories. Beauty and the Beast was her go-to when she wanted a bedtime story. As Brent read her the book I brushed out her long hair, freeing it from all knots and tangles before french braiding it. I was more of a parent to my siblings than their big brother.

Father hated the very sight of us most days and mother wasn't much better, though she did "favor" Lilly. I'm not sure what she felt for us inside but I knew it wasn't love. She acted like she loved us but the whole time lilly was healing from dads beating, mom didn't show up once to check on her "darling daughter" to see if she was going to be okay or even live. Yes werewolves have amazing healing abilities but that's only after we have shifted and are one hundred percent synced with our wolf. Yes we can still get scars as well if the injury was serious enough which is why Nikita still has that scar on her side. Her wolf healed her but she had been near death and her bond with her wolf wasn't strong enough yet.

I found myself in my office just standing there behind my desk, looking out the big window into the darkness, my arms crossed over my chest. The faint rumbles of thunder in the distance could be heard as the rain started to trail down the class in front of me. My eyes focused on the water droplets as they landed on the window, trailed down the glass before disappearing below. I was utterly confused on what I should do, thinking about the past made everything worse. My future seemed to match this weather, dark and stormy. The hope inside of me was fading just as fast as the rain drops as they slide down the windowpane. The emotions swirling inside me were like the loud cracks of thunder off in the distance. You knew they were there, they were coming closer and closer. You can't stop the thunder from coming, just like I couldn't stop what I felt for Nikita. A part of me wanted to love her with everything I have and another part of me just wanted to escape. To just disappear into the ground like the rain soaked into the earth.

"Dom!" Lilly's panicked voice jolted me from my thoughts as the doors to the office slammed open.

"Oh thank god! Dom come quick."


"It's Nikita." She rushed out before I could even finish a word. My body responded instantly, racing out of the office.

As I followed close behind Lilly I reached out to Nikita through our bond, letting all over her emotions seep into me. The only thing I could feel from her was unbelievable pain and fear, a crippling fear that had even me scared. Pushing back against the emotion I tried to get a sense of what could be causing her distress. My body lunged forward at the sound of Nikita's ear piercing scream. Taking the steps three at a time I pushed past Lilly. Brent was standing outside of her room, little Jackson standing next to him as they stared into Nikita's room. Nikita's scent had changed once again, sending panic through me. Once a wolf mates their scents mix, bits and pieces of each others scents blending in with one another. I wouldn't lie and say I didn't love how she smelled after we mated last night. The thought of other males knowing that she's mine had me grinning from ear to ear but now her scent was different. She still smelled like us, but something was mixed in and not knowing what it was had me even more on edge.

Brent looked at a loss for words when he made eye contact with me, my eyes went to Jackson who looked almost terrified. I brushed past them as I stepped into Nikita's room. She was on her bed, her body thrashing around wildly as beads of sweat rolled down her face. She cried out in pain as her back arched off the bed. Rushing forward I bent down, hovering over her as I searched her body for injuries. My confusion only grew as I found none.

"What the fuck is going on?" I asked, knowing full well that Brent and Lilly were still in the doorway.

"I'm not sure Dom, I thought maybe she was just going into heat at first but Brent said her scent isn't like that of a female in heat." Lilly spoke after a beat of silence, worry was laced in her words. Nikita shrieked in pain again, rolling onto her side towards me. Kneeling down beside her bed I cupped her cheeks and that's when I noticed her tears mixed in with the sweat. My worry only grew as I took in her scent once more, my frustration and anger grew when I still couldn't pinpoint it.

"Dom.." I could hear the hesitation in Brent's voice as he spoke my name.

"Just tell me already." I tried to keep my voice steady, not wanting to take my anger out on him.

"I.. I think I know what's happening." From the tone of his voice I knew it was something bad. Turning my head slightly I looked at him from over my shoulder.

"Fucking come out with it already Brent! She's in pain and I need to know how to help her!" I spit out. From here I could see Brent swallow hard as he hesitated to tell me.

"I believe she is having a miscarriage.." My eyes grew wide, the shock of his words hitting me like a semi truck.

"Ho-how is that possible?" the words tumbled from my mouth as my mind went blank.

"Jenna went through something very similar. We didn't want everyone to know so we kept it between us, Jenna had a miscarriage last year."

"Get Doctor Kip." My voice was void of any emotion but inside I was a mess. If she was truly having a miscarriage.. that would mean she was losing a child. Her child.. my child, our child. I felt torn on what to feel. Of course I wanted children but right now? With everything going on? I don't think it's the right time to be bringing a child into this world. Everything with Nikita is a mess, hell I don't even know what to do about her.. I can't handle a child on top of that. Fuck..

"What seems to be the problem?" Doctor Kip's voice snapped me from my thoughts as she sat down on the bed next to Nikita. My eyes watched her every moment as she began to examine my mate.

"She.. she is in a lot of pain, her scent is different and..and" I stuttered out, not knowing what to say. Brent stepped into the room but was sure to keep his distance.

"We believe she might be having a miscarriage Doc." His tone was tight and controlled but I could hear the worry within.

"Oh..oh my." Doctor Kip looked back at Nikita before she began to gently poke and prod at het abdomen.

"Can you hear me dear?" Kip asked softly. Nikita groaned but nodded her head weakly, her eyes remained closed tight.

"Okay, I need to do a few tests. I need to examine you and draw some blood. It that okay, dear?"

"Ye-y-yes." Nikita's voice sounded so weak as she struggled to get that one word out. Her face contorting into one of pain.

"Good, very good." Kip said before turning to look at the others in the room. "I need everyone out." My ears could pick up the sound of feet shuffling as they left the room.

"I mean everyone.. Alpha." My eyes snapped up to meet hers.

"What?" I asked, clearly she didn't mean I had to leave? This is my mate!

"I'm sorry..but for her privacy I need you to leave while I give her a pelvic exam."

"I'm not leaving her!" I argued, my anger boiling just below the surface.

"Dom..please." Nikita's voice sounded so weak, I looked down at her. Her eyes were nothing but small slits as she looked up at me from the bed.

"Please just do what she asked.. please. I don't have it in me to fight you right now but please.. for me." My heart felt like it had a hand around it, squeezing ever so slightly. I nodded before leaning forward and pressing my lips against her forehead. Her skin felt clammy and cold all at once.

"Th-thank you." She said, I could see she was trying to smile but it didn't reach her eyes. I watched her as I stood, my eyes never leaving her as I backed out of the room.

"I'll take good care of her, I promise Alpha." The doctor said as she stood at Nikita's bedroom door.

"You better.. if you harm her in anyway..or if anything happens to that women laying in that bed I swear doc.. the goddess herself wouldn't be able to protect you." my voice was deadly cold. Doctor Kip gave me a slight nod and a tight smile as she closed the door.

I stood there, staring at the door. My eyes focusing in on the detail of the grains. I couldn't move, what the hell is going on..


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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