Hatred - Yoongi X Reader (Har...

By _smileychimchim

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Everyone knows the girl from Gyffindor and Yoongi from Slytherin absolutely despise each other. Tensions rise... More

Chapter One - Mudblood
Chapter Three - Friday
Chapter Four - After Class
Chapter Five - "It's Up To You."
Chapter Six - "I Messed Up."
Chapter Seven - Clues
Chapter Eight - Mildy Squishy - END
thank you.

Chapter Two - Prefects

5.7K 263 148
By _smileychimchim

(oof this one is a bit long)

Since then, there were many moments that made the genuine hatred between you and Yoongi grow.

Like the time in second year where the two of you were studying with Jin and two first years, Namjoon and Hoseok in the Room of Requirement Jin had shown you. You had bumped your hand against a pot of ink, spilling it and covering Yoongi's Herbology essay. He'd been convinced that you'd done it on purpose, and you sassily explained that it was an accident. He scoffed in disbelief and gave of effortless wave of his wand and muttered a spell you didn't know. It tore your essay to shreds. Namjoon and Hoseok were silently wide-eyed, while Jin smacked Yoongi on the back of the head with a scold.

Or the moment in third year where he decided to loudly distract you in Care of Magical Creatures, which resulted in you scaring the hippogryff. The creature nearly attacked the students. And Hagrid had no choice but to give the two of you detention. You had to go to the Forbidden Forest to look for food for the new creatures you would be looking after. Yoongi, of course, didn't pass up the opportunity to tease you for being scared of the forest. Nor did he forget to tell the small group of friends we'd formed in common, including the two new boys, Jimin and Taehyung.

And don't forget the incident of fourth year. You were fed up with Yoongi's antics. So you casted a chant that turned his black hair bubblegum pink. It took two weeks to get the color out, and two weeks for Yoongi to think of the perfect revenge. During another group study, you had gotten up to get more ink. When you left the room, Yoongi whipped out his wand, and waved it in the direction of your cat, Muffin. As he whispered a quiet spell, the fur on Muffin turned the shade of green that decorated Yoongi's robes. Yoongi wore a smirk made of confidence as he saw your face, a mix of horror and disgust. He chuckled and remained calmly in his seat when Namjoon and Jin had to physically hold you back from pouncing and harming him. Poor Jungkook, a first year, could only sit back in shock. Of course the six other boys told him about the dislike between you and Yoongi, but this was the first time he has seen anything for himself.

Or the day in fifth year where Yoongi "accidentally" smashed the crystal ball you had to read his fortune from in Divination, earning you two detentions. One for breaking it and having to clean up, another for fighting the whole first detention and not getting anything done.

Luckily nothing big has happened this year. Then again, it's only October. As you, Jin, and Namjoon walked around the school grounds, Jin of course wouldn't stop bragging about his title of Head Boy.

"This is great. And with he two of you as prefects, Ah!" He said, throwing an arm around both of you dramatically. Namjoon rolled his eyes. You spotted Yoongi sitting on a bench beside Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok, the breeze blowing gently. You silently hoped the other boys wouldn't notice each other, but that was not the case.

"Jin hyung!" Jungkook yelled, waving his arms and attracting attention from the two boys beside you. The three of you walked to the bench, Yoongi only looking up when he heard your voice as you greeted the other boys.

"Gryffie." Yoongi said with a smirk.


"You do know I'm not actually a snake, right smart one?" Yoongi asked, rolling his eyes.

"You do know I have an actual name, right genius?" You retaliated, an Yoongi mocked your words in a high pitched snobby voice. The other six boys quickly tried to make conversation. They suggested a group study night in the Room of Requirement.

"Depends, is Gryffie gonna sabotage the papers?"

"Hm, are you gonna turn my cat ogre green?"

"Are you gonna BRING the stupid thing?"

"Guys, come on now." Jin interrupted, and he two of you glared at him. He said that you were both prefects now and needed to set good examples. You and Yoongi looked at each other in disbelief.

"YOU'RE a prefect?" The both of you spoke in unison, causing the other boys to chuckle.

"I mean, it makes sense they made Hobi a prefect, but why you?" Yoongi said, nearly spitting out the last word.

"I was wondering the same for you." You rolled your eyes, earning a smug grin from Yoongi. The other boys had all agreed to go this Friday after classes, and they were waiting for your answer.

"You can bring Muffin!" Taehyung offered, turning away from Yoongi's face of annoyance. Hoseok beamed when you agreed to go, AND bring Muffin, much to Yoongi's dismay. Muffin for some reason really liked Yoongi. Yoongi apparently complained about it all day, according to Jin and Namjoon.

"Aish, that boy." Jin said, exchanging a knowing grin with Namjoon.

"How you guys put up with him, I'll never understand." You muttered, as you pulled a potions textbook from your bag. The three of you were studying in the library after dinner, tucked into the corner of the large place. The librarian was out at the moment. She trusted that you, Jin and Namjoon would make sure nothing happened, seeing as Jin was Head Boy and you and Namjoon were prefects. And there was hardly a week where the three of you weren't there at least three times with the other boys.

An hour of studying went by, and you rubbed your temples with a sigh. You reached for one if the cups of coffee on the table and took a sip. When the library door burst open, you coughed in surprise. You, Jin and Namjoon looked to the doorway and saw Yoongi looking around urgently. He had something tucked under his robes, and his head scanned the room like a hawk.

He spotted you at your table and shook his head, pursing his lips in anger as he stomped in your direction. Jin and Namjoon wire wide eyes and looked to you in confusion, as Yoongi had his eyes set on you as he stormed over.

He looked furious.

"What did you do?" Jin whispered harshly, and you shrugged as you shook your head. Namjoon said nothing as Yoongi came to the table. You looked between Jin and Namjoon, unsure of what to do as Yoongi stood to your side. He slammed his fist on the table in front of you, making all three of you jump in surprise.

You looked up to Yoongi and froze. His nostrils were flared, his jaw clenched as he let out a deep grumble. His other hand was under his robes, holding down thing tight against him.

"Gryffie." Yoongi's voice was an octave lower than normal, and it sounded like poison through his gritted teeth. Shivers flew down your spine. Yoongi pulled the thin out of his robes. It began moving under the towel it was swaddled in, as he held it against the table with one hand.


"Teach your stupid cat to stay in it's own house's tower." Yoongi spat, cutting you off sharply as he threw the towel off to reveal a damp Muffin. You gasped, pulling Muffin close to you while petting her head.

"Why is she wet?" You softly spoke.

"Because that THING knocked over my glass of water while I tried to catch her to return her to YOU." Yoongi hissed, using his hands to support himself as he leaned over the edge of the table, staring daggers into the side of your head. He pushed himself off the table and turned to leave before Jin stopped him.

"We're studying for the next potions test, join us?" Jin asked, since Yoongi was the best in potions in the group.

"Why don't you just have Gryffie help you?" He asked with an annoyed expression.

"Aw, are you still upset that I beat you yesterday? Adorable."


"Yoongi, I'll buy you butterbeer next time we're in Hogsmeade." Yoongi considered Jin's offer, and scoffed as he reluctantly pulled up a chair and plopped down next to Namjoon.

"No,no,no. When you actually make the potion, crush the mandrake before cutting it." Yoongi said, quickly scribbling on your paper from across the table.

"And why should I trust you on that?"

"I gave Hobi the same advice and he got an A. Can't I be nice for once, Gryffie?" Yoongi replied dramatically, his voice dripping in fake sweetness. You couldn't help the tiny butterflies in your stomach as you continued to work on your paper. Suddenly Jin and Namjoon giggled like children as Namjoon nudged Yoongi. If something funny happened you missed it, being so focused on your paper.

"What?" You asked as you looked up to see Yoongi punch Namjoon's arm hard, before darting his eyes to Jin.

"Nothing." Yoongi said shortly.

"Well it-"

"I said," Yoongi sighed, "Nothing." He looked up from his paper and held eye contact with you for a moment. Jin let out a small cough as his scarlet cheeks tried to hold back obvious laughter. One piercing glare from Yoongi was all it took for Jin to go back to studying. After a while longer, Yoongi stood up.

"I don't know if you guys know what time it is, but I'm going to bed." Yoongi said, and you glanced up to see that it was actually beginning to get later. The four of you quickly gathered your things, and you scooped up Muffin in your arms. She meowed at Yoongi, who sighed and gave her a short pat on the head.

"Is the snake soft for animals?" You asked in mock surprise.

"Shush. At least she's nice, unlike her owner." He said, turning to exit the library.

"Oh, like you have room to talk about being nice." You muttered under your breath, and Yoongi turned his head back to you at lightening speed. He came so close to you that Muffin was the only thing between you as he hovered over you slightly.

"I'm sorry, what was that Gryffie?" Yoongi said darkly, tilting his head with a quirked eyebrow. He only broke eye contact when his gaze fell to your lips, he lightly chewed on his own as he brought his eyes back up to yours.

"None of your business." You retaliated, just as darkly as Yoongi's words were, surprised you were able to with how dry your mouth went. Yoongi scoffed so softly even you hardly heard it, before smirking and slowly stepping backwards. Jin clearing his throat reminded you that you two weren't alone.

"We should be going. All of us." Jin spoke, and everyone started walking to the door. Namjoon reminded Yoongi to not forget about the group study this Friday, and Yoongi seperated from you three to go to his own house's common room. Jin checked to see if Yoongi was in earshot, before elbowing Namjoon and quietly laughing. You couldn't help but feel like you were missing something.

"Did I miss something earlier?" You asked, referring to when the two of them burst into giggles in the library.

"Not at all. Y/N," Namjoon shook his head,

"Not at all."


Have a good morning/day/night wherever you are💕

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