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Demios is a 14 year old boy who is apart of a carven trail. He works as a baker in his father's mobile wagon... More

The Land Of Zakela
Chapter 1 "Anfang"
Chapter 2 "Atidengta"
Chapter 4 "Viherpuiden laakso"
Chapter 5 "Brechen Punktas"
Chapter 6 "Ein Verkti už Auttaa"
Chapter 7: Fliegen Per Sparčiai Didėjančias Tuulet
Chapter 8 "Protectors"
Chapter 9: Goodbye, Willow Dale

Chapter 3 "Atradimas"

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"D-Demios you used magic!" The sword master said bewildered. "Wait what?" Demios asked completely confused as he looked over to see where jared had been standing he was 4 meters back against a wall. "What do you mean magic?" Demios asked the sword master. As he did the sword master looked at him confused "You just said some foriegn words and then pushed him back without touching him..." Demios looked at him blankly, "I litterally have no idea of what your talking about." And Demios wasnt lying he did not have any memory of what happened. "I think that I need to go home." Demios said calmly and walked off as the master had no objection and let him leave.

On the way home Demios noticed he had forgotten his sword some how at the training area "How did I drop it I never even let go..." Demios thought a out going back but did not bother as he knew he would probally see the sword master tomorrow. Instead he went on a diffrent route home, he went through a patch of forest instead and a track the hunters of the carvan line were using to hunt for game. On his way he kept feeling a itch in the back of his head pulling him away from the camps to the north cliffs about half a mile away from the camp, or at least that's where he thought it was as he never went because he wasn't dumb. After blacking out and then apparently using magic some force just tugs him to a isolated location he knew it wasn't a good idea to follow. Instead he went home and help his mother pack up and then fell asleep as the next day the caravan line was going to finally reach Widow Dale.

Demios woke around sun rise and was already felt the caravan moving slowly. He looked around to see his mother wasn't there meaning that she was up front which also meant that the caravans weren't tied together yet. You see the way that the caravans moved was that they all had there own horses and such but they would usually line up the horses and trailers then tie them together that was only the front had to drive which would usually be the guards trailers anyway so that if they were ambushed they could attack (not all guards were there just a percentage the rest were spread throughout.) So that meant that Demios still had a bit of time to relax as it took about 1 or 2 hours to get everyone attached, Demios got out of his bed and walked over to the back door where he dropped out the back jogging around the front to tell his mother he was going for a walk.

He took the same route to the training area that he did the day before, he set of into the forest and half way through he felt the same pull he did the day before "Damn this itch is persistent." Demios chuckled and then shouted into the air. "Not to day itch!" Laughing at himself again. So be it a voice said as Demios stopped and looked around then suddenly it seemed to be as if his legs were moving on there own as Demios began to run through the forest north. "Woah woah woah! What's going on!" Demios shouted as he began to run at a abnormal speed reaching the cliffs in about 2 minutes. When he reached the cliffs he regained control of his body and fell to the ground, somehow he didn't even feel tired and in some way he felt like he had more strength than before. Demios took his time to look around still confused about what happened but also curious on how he ran so fast. "Maybe I can use magic." Demios summed it up to "And I'm just not the best at controlling it yet so that's why I ran here, yeah that seems rig-" A presence was felt with in Demios's head pushing against his own That Is far from it human a voice said and again Demios looked around confused before finally looking at the actual area he was standing in, the cliffs seemed calm and tranquil he kept looking, the cliffs seemed to be of all heights some 100 feet higher and some 30 feet lower it seemed like the land itself did not know what it was, it was..beautiful and at that moment Demios's saw it, above the cliffs on the highest ledge a figure stood tall and proud it was a dragon.

Demios stared in aw at the creature no fear in his bones what so ever, he just stood looking at the majestic creature as it spread its wings and dropped of the edge gliding at a increasing speed until finally it flapped its wings as a force of heavy wind hit Demios and pushed to one knee before he knew it the dragon was two meters from him, one eye upon him, inspecting and looking up and down his body. "Um... Did you just speak to me?" Demios looking into the dragons eye and it blinked and then drew back nodding, after that Demios stood there awkwardly having no idea what to say as really it was sort of underwhelming, he saw the dragon and... What? Should he ask what he wanted or bow Demios has no idea. "So.... How is the weather in the sky?" Demios mentally punched himself as he said it "I mean am um why did you call me here?" The dragon looked at him and then Demios felt a press on his mind as if the dragon was merging with him I have been waiting here for 10 years waiting for someone like you and I also need your help The dragon looked around and then grabbed something from a cave behind it that Demios had not seen and grabbed a purple rock from inside and places it in front of Demios, This is my brother. Demios looked at the rock and knew instantly it was a dragon egg, well it wasn't hard to know that if someone listened and actually thought they would know that this dragon's 'Brother' was a egg still. "What do you need my help with?" Demios asked the dragon now with growing curiosity. 

The dragon put the egg down in front of Demios and looked at him I want you to raise him as your brother. The dragon said into Demios's mind with a some what sad but protective voice. Demios looked at the dragon shocked, "I will but... Why? Why can you not raise it yourself?" The dragon looked down at the egg ...I can not as I do not have enough time. Demios looked at the dragon "What do you mean?" As he said the dragon turned away for a moment and then looked back Demios could tell that the dragon was tearing up I shall not be in this world much longer but before I got I will give you my strength. This has not happened in over several hundred years, this will allow you to run as fast as you did back then, fight with a blade as dragons do there claws, communicate with other dragons and others minds, and finally be able to use magic. Demios stood there shocked he would be able to use magic? How would he be able to use magic, what about his mother and the bakery? What about the other things in his life he wouldn't be able to join festivals at towns if he was as strong as a dragon and be able to run a mile in less than 2 minutes! "Are you sure that I can handle your power?" The dragon looked at Demios with a small amount of amusement No you will not , the dragon said , But over time you body will condition itself to be able to sustain more and more of my power, and even as that happens my power will grow, not as quickly as you but that will take hundreds of years. Demios stood there stunned. "When will you do this?" Demios stood there not in anticipation but with no emotion he could put into words because there seemed to be non. Demios waited for the answer as the dragon stood there Now  the dragon said as he looked towards Demios, We will begin now afterwards I will not be able to do near to anything so here are my final requests, protect my- your brother and when he has grown enough let him choose his own path

Demios stood there for a moment shocked. "Now?" Demios stared at the dragon and got his composure "I accept your offer but one more question, how much power will I have after this? Will it change at all?" The dragon nodded only slightly and then extended its neck then opened its mouth towards Demios and a purple flame began to rise. Demios stood motionless and then the fire consumed him...

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