Hatred - Yoongi X Reader (Har...

By _smileychimchim

48.8K 2.1K 791

Everyone knows the girl from Gyffindor and Yoongi from Slytherin absolutely despise each other. Tensions rise... More

Chapter One - Mudblood
Chapter Two - Prefects
Chapter Three - Friday
Chapter Four - After Class
Chapter Five - "It's Up To You."
Chapter Seven - Clues
Chapter Eight - Mildy Squishy - END
thank you.

Chapter Six - "I Messed Up."

5.2K 247 120
By _smileychimchim


( there's a bit of angst at the end? also anything with "~~" before and after it is a dream. )


~~You were cuddled up to Yoongi on his bed, humming a soft lullaby. Yoongi's arms tightened around you as he bent down to plant a kiss on your forehead. You looked up at him through your eyelashes, and Yoongi ran his fingers through your hair as you crawled onto him, holding yourself above him as you softly kissed him.~~

~~Yoongi cupped the sides of your face, smiling into the kiss. He flipped the two of you over gently, and he hovered above you as he continued to kiss you until you pulled away for breath.~~

~~"Yoongi, I lo-"~~

Yoongi awoke with a start, and shook his head harshly.

What on earth was happening to him?

Normally he could push away the recent chills that ran down his spine when you smiled, or the new invisible know that tied in his stomach when you were around. But now not only was he developing unwanted feelings, he was having dreams to match.

Yoongi groaned as he peeled the covers off and rubbed his eyes, wishing he could sleep longer. But it was a Monday, so he needed to get out of bed. Yoongi threw on his robes and shuffled to the Great Hall, rubbing his eyes yet again as he sat beside Jimin. Occasionally the eight of you would sit at the same table, but today you all sat at the table of your house.

"Good morning hyung!"

"Morning." Yoongi's morning voice was muffled by him taking a bite of pancake. He spotted you at the Gryffindor table beside Jin and Namjoon, and couldn't tear his gaze away despite Jimin brightly speaking to him as if he were listening. Unintentionally blocking out every other sight and sound in the Great Hall, the Slytherin appeared dazed as his eyes remained focused on you. Yoongi scowled.

Why did it have to be you?

"Hyung! Were you listening?" Jimin shook Yoongi's shoulder lightly, snapping him out of his trance.

"Uh, no, sorry." Yoongi answered sheepishly as Jimin repeated himself again.

"Are you going to tell any of us what happened at the party? Did you two kiss and make up?" Jimin made kissy faces, and Yoongi flicked Jimin's head, to which the younger only laughed.

"Not a lot happened." Yoongi said, trying to end Jimin's questioning before he blushed as he remembered how dry his mouth became when he pulled you close, or the way his heart beat so fast he went dizzy when you rested your head on his chest.

"Are you sure, hyung?" Jimin teased, lightly poking Yoongi's cheek as he saw you looking in Yoongi's direction.

"I'm sure, Jimin."


You two hadn't spoken since the Christmas party nearly a week ago, and you decided to try to be nice to Yoongi in hopes of eventually making up after six years of hatred. It would take a while, but you were interested after Namjoon said you and Yoongi would make great friends if you stopped hating each other.

Today, you tried all day to be friendly to him. In potions, you tried several tactics to try and get on Yoongi's good side. You lent him your scales as he was in a pinch, asked him politely for help on a potion (which you definitely didn't need) and you even told him you hoped his day was going good.

Yoongi became irritated and confused by your actions, rather than friendly as you had hope.

"What do you want?" Yoongi snapped, which caught you a bit off guard.

"I was just trying to be nice." You said softly.

"Well don't. It's annoying." You didn't respond as you turned back to your work, considering just giving up. It had been a bit of a reach anyways. Six years of hatred had probably ruined any and every chance of being able to be friends with the Slytherin beside you. But hey, you'd take the bitter arguments between you two over the silent treatment. If not for you, than for the sake of the friend group.

But regardless, you used your stubbornness to your advantage and spent the next two days trying to befriend Min Yoongi.

Eventually he got angry. Not because you wanted things to change, but because he didn't know how to without letting his newfound feelings slip out. He was upset with himself for not being able to return your kindness so he responded with the only way he knew possible with you.


You felt as if you had only made things worse. After those three days, you and Yoongi's fights became even more frequent, due to you both being so frustrated for such different reasons. Snapping at each other was now an hourly occurrence, and you two could hardly be in the same room with someone, let alone be near him without the presence of someone else there. Things were worse than how they were, even though you both thought things would improve after the Christmas party.

One night at dinner, you pushed him too far. Yoongi trembled with anger as he swiftly walked away from the table where you and the six other boys sat. He said nothing as the built up tears of frustration threatened to spill from his eyes, something none of you had seen before. The boys knew something needed to be done. The two of you couldn't take the unhealthy fighting anymore.

"Y/N Noona..." Jimin began, looking to the other boys for help. No one spoke up.

"What does Yoongi hyung do that makes you so mad?" You scoffed, holding a cold stare with Jimin, thoroughly intimidating him.

"He breathes." You muttered harshly, making the other boys' thoughts run wildly in an attempt to find a way to make the situation better. You stabbed your food with your fork angrily, making the younger boys' eyes widen.

"Have you ever tried to make u-"

"YES, Jungkook. I tried to make up with him. I tried with everything I had for three days and all I did was make him hate me more! I put in all the effort I could to make things better, but he couldn't care less!" You cut the young boy off, his eyes doubling in size as you began to raise your voice. You realized you had earned some odd stares from students. You immediately felt waves of guilt as you looked back to Jungkook, who was nervously playing with the sleeve of his robes as his eyes were trained on the floor.

"I'm sorry Jungkook, I didn't mean to-" you cut your own sentence short, bringing a hand to your now throbbing temple. You politely excused yourself, telling the boys good night. Namjoon had a plan. It may have been stupid and childish, but it was a plan nonetheless.


"Hyung, I have an idea." Namjoon said, making every one of the boys' head pop up, after they'd been quiet with thought after you left their table during dinner.

"And that would be?"

"Now it's silly, but hear me out." By now all five of the other boys looked to Namjoon with curiosity sparkling in their eyes. Namjoon sighed, expecting the boys to not even want to go through with his plan.

"We use the Room of Requirement to lock them in a room together. We soundproof the door so we can't eavesdrop. We tell them a secret knock in case there's an absolute emergency. They can discuss the problem in private, and maybe come to a resolution."

The boys had to admit; the idea was a bit of a stretch.

But it was the only logical idea they could some up with.

"When?" Jin asked lowly and seriously, with a sniff after a moment of silence, not looking up from his plate. Namjoon was surprised Jin had agreed, knowing how angry you'd be with him after the whole thing was said and done.

"I'm not sure. Soon though?" Namjoon answered with a question, and Jin nodded. He avoided his friends' gazes. They knew just how close you and Jin were, each and every one of them having seen the close bond between you two from their own eyes since they came to Hogwarts their first years. So they were a bit shocked when he was okay with putting you through something you were probably going to dislike just as much as you disliked Yoongi himself.

"Hyung are you sure?" Jin nodded.

"I can't stand seeing them hate each other more and more by the day. I know they won't like it, but something has to be done." Jin looked up with a frown and a serious expression.

"Who knows, maybe they'll realize they still like each other after all this time." Jin chuckled, making the three youngest look to him with shock.

All the boys knew Yoongi had a complicated crush on you, but they didn't know that you had returned the feelings. Namjoon thought he could tell, and he told Hobi about his theory that you both liked each other. But, Jin was the only one who was sure that you liked Yoongi. Jin realized he slipped up and would probably have to tell them about this later, but he pulled a quick save.

"Well, I THINK our Y/N likes Yoongi." Jin said, stuffing a piece of food in his mouth to stop him from saying anything that could have contradicted the little white lie he'd just told.

The boys had planned it all out, right under your nose. The coming Saturday, the boys would bring you to the Room of Requirement. They'd put you into a closet in the room, and put Yoongi there after getting him to come. They were going to put a charm on the door so they didn't hear a word as to not invade your privacy, and another charm to lock the door. Had either of you needed to get out in an emergency, you could use the special knock they would tell you about right before sending you in. The plan was thought through, and now they just had to patiently wait for Saturday.




Hobi, Tae, and Jungkook were sitting in the Room of Requirement. They were awaiting Jin and Namjoon to bring you first. After that, Jimin would bring Yoongi, and the plan would be put into action. When the three of you came through the door, words were thrown at you from every direction. At first they said they found something they wanted you to try, but you became suspicious after their words were laced with obvious nervousness.

"Here's the secret knock!" Hobi said, telling you the order to knock in.

"But don't use it unless it's an emergency.!"

"Don't worry, you aren't in danger."

"Guys, what are you talking about?" Before you could ask anymore, Jin quickly brought you to a wooden door, and lightly pushed you in. He gave you a sympathetic, almost pained look as his next sentence made you worry.

"Forgive me later."

"Jin, what is-" Jin shut the door, and for a little bit you could hear muffled voiced from behind the door. You tried to get out, but a hand held the knob so strongly in place that you couldn't move it, even using all of your force. You put your back against the wall and slid down, becoming bored easily alone in the empty room.

What was going on?

Suddenly there was a loud and angry shout, and the door opened quickly. You turned to see Yoongi being shoved into the room by three pairs of hands, the bright light for on the room outside contrasting with the dim lighting in the space you were in. His back was facing you, and Jin looked hurt through the doorway.

"Can someone tell me what the hell is going o-" Yoongi's words were cut short by the door slamming shut. He let out a growl of frustration and kicked the door, attempting to jiggle the knob. But, like when you tried it, someone held it in place. It was then that Yoongi turned around and saw you.

"YOU?" Yoongi spat in disgust.

"You think I waned this? I had no idea what was going on, you foul-"

Yoongi's head snapped in the direction of the door as the both of you heard a light 'clink' and saw that the door now had several locks on it.


Your heart dropped as you heard Jungkook's muffled voice put the soundproofing charm on the door, making the door soundproof from both sides, inside and out. They couldn't hear you, and you could no longer hear them. Of course they were doing something as childish as you.

"Jin, let me out NOW!" You screamed, pounding on the door with your fists, hoping some kind of vibration would still go through. You kicked the door helplessly when Jin didn't come. This continued for a moment, until Yoongi spoke up.

"Stop it. You're going to hurt yourself." Yoongi nodded to your fists, to which you didn't even turn around as you answered.

"Shut up." Yoongi scoffed at your harsh tone.

"Is it impossible for you to be nice?"

"I tried to do exactly that, but who's the idiot that pushed me away and got angrier?" You yelled, and Yoongi fell silent. Ten minutes of unbearable silence passed, until Yoongi opened his mouth.

"Listen. They want us to talk. We talk, we get out of here. Deal?"

No answer.

Yoongi sighed, waiting another minute before talking again.

"Why?" You turned around, finally facing Yoongi.

"Why what?" Your words were filled with enough venom to make a person cower in fear, but Yoongi only darted his tongue into his lips and back in the blink of an eye.

"Why do you hate me?" Yoongi's voice seemed to be serious as he took a step towards you, his brown eyes piercing your own. Although the room was dim, you could feel the intense stare. You snorted, wondering if he'd forgotten about the day that started this all.

"I'm serious." He said, and this time it was you who took a step forward.

"Do you remember the lovely day where I met Wooyoung and his friend?" Yoongi tensed up a bit, and looked as if he tried to remember, while silently urging for you to explain. You backed up to the wall.

"Well, stupid first year Y/N had a crush on you, and-"

"Aw, I always knew-" Yoongi began, stepping towards you. He was nearly pressed against you, since the closet was small.

"Shut UP!" You yelled, bringing up a hand to shove him away from you. He stopped you, grabbing your hand and placing one of his own at the side of your head as he hovered his head over yours a bit.

"Do you want to try that again, sweetheart?" He growled maliciously, sending shivers down your spine.

"Let me finish! Wooyoung looked at me as if I were some girl he'd take advantage of! I was scared he actually would. And I thought you were going to help me. But..." You gulped as tears formed, and Yoongi rolled his eyes, clearly not fully recalling what happened.

"But?" He asked.

"But you.."

"I what?" Yoongi's voice was thick with annoyance as the first tear rolled down your cheek without him noticing, being too blinded by anger. He remembered most of what happened, so he didn't understand why you were being like this.

"You said 'don't waste your time'. You c-called me-"

"Called you what?!" Yoongi roared angrily, making you cower a bit due to how loud he was. He was fed up with you beating around the bush.

"A filthy mudblood! You called me a filthy MUDBLOOD, you SNAKE!" Your voice broke at the last word, and let a choked sob escape your mouth. You had always used the nickname 'snake' as a joke about his house here at Hogwarts, but in that moment you'd never meant it more.

Immediately all anger washed away from Yoongi, his brows unforrowed as his eyes softened. There was almost an audible cracking sound from his heart breaking a bit at the sight in front of him. He didn't remember saying that awful name, and it disgusted him. Yoongi couldn't tell if he wanted to wipe the now steadily flowing tears on your face or if he wanted to give you space. He couldn't decide in time, and you quickly took out your wand as you turned to the door, not giving Yoongi another glance. You wordlessly removed the soundproof charm, and raised your wand to your neck.


Yoongi became choked up as your voice shook and quivered, threatening to break again. He didn't know what to do. He felt like he should just apologize and come clean, saying he's done it because he wanted Wooyoung to stop teasing him. But he also knew you wanted nothing to do with him right now.

There was exactly two seconds of blissful, emotionless silence before you did the secret knock and screamed, your voice amplified further by your wand's charm.

"Jin oppa! Let me out NOW!" Your voice broke again as you let out a tiny, defeated sound of distress. As if Yoongi's heart hadn't cracked already, it had now shattered. HE caused the pain you had right now, and was furious at his own lack of action.

You heard gasps from the other side of the door, shocked they could hear you and surprised by the volume of your amplifying charm. There were a few hushed whispers as the locks hit the floor and Jin swung the door open. You were met with faces of concern, confusion, horror from the younger boys and a Jin who looked almost as distressed as you were.

You looked to the floor, wanting to hide your tear stained face as you calmly walked to the main door, despite your trembling body. Yoongi slowly stepped out of the small room and into the bigger one, feeling helpless. You slammed the door shut after exiting, making the three youngest boys wince due to the loudness of it. The six boys had no idea what happened, or the slightest clue about what to do. Jin went to follow you, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"Don't." Yoongi's was softer than any of the boys had ever heard: they all turned to Yoongi for answers to the questions not yet spoken. He held a straight face as his eyes glossed over.

"Yoongi, what happened?" A panicked Jin asked, and Yoongi chewed his bottom lip.

"Hyung, I messed up." Yoongi replied, his voice cracking a bit.


ok wow this one was vvv long lol. Have a good morning/day/night wherever you are💕

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