The Truth, The Lies, and the...

By Directioner5340

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The Truth, The Lies, and the Love~ Slowly Fading book 3 (Sterek)
Chapter 1: The Truth, The Lies, and the Love
Chapter 2: What The Hell Happened Between You and Stiles?
Chapter 3: Atlanta Here I Come
Chapter 4: Flashback
Chapter 5: Cheesy Werewolf Bobble Head
Chapter 6: Marco's Back
Chapter 7: How Stupid Do You Think I Am?
Chapter 8: Oh are you in pain? You poor thing.
Chapter 9: I'll see you soon
Chapter 10: Happy Birthday Banshee
Chapter 11: I don't want to live in a world without you
Chapter 12: DAD!
Chapter 13:I need to talk to Deaton
Chapter 14: Falling
Chapter 15: Please Wake Up
Chapter 16: Don't Ever Leave Me
Chapter 18: Deal With a Demon
Chapter 19: 66 Pure Souls
Chapter 20: What Have I Gotten Myself Into?
Chapter 21:Blue like a Soul
Chapter 22: Not all hope is lost
Chapter 23: You gave us quite a scare
Chapter 24: You Called?
Chapter 25: I love you.... your sourwolf loves you
Chapter 26: Something that only you would know
Chapter 27: Time To Find A Necromancer
Chapter 28: The Funeral
Chapter 29: A familiar face
Chapter 30: You Seem A Bit... Upset?

Chapter 17: Who are you?

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By Directioner5340


I sighed not able to fall asleep, as I laid in bed with Derek.  His soft snores were probably the only things keeping me from freaking out.  I couldn't stop thinking about what would happen if we couldn't find a cure.

I slipped from the covers of the bed, shivering at the loss of warmth from Derek's strong embrace.  I tip toed, careful not to wake Derek, over to the desk in the corner.  I ran my hand over the smooth oak wood before stopping my hand on the small brass nob.  I bit my lip in contemplation as I fingered the nob, before finally pulling open the desk drawer.

It looked a lot like a typical desk with the typical stuff.  Paper, pens, pictures of our dates, but I knew what lay beneath the pile of everything.  I took a deep breath as I pushed through the pile, grasping the knife beneath it all.  The same knife that caused Derek this wolfs bane problem.

With the knife in hand, I walked over and sat gently on the window sill and stared out at the crescent moon.  The full moon was in a few days.... though with how badly the wolfs bane is spread in his body, he'd be lucky to make it to the full moon.  I squeezed my eyes shut, in an attempt to push the thought out of my mind, but it wouldn't fade.

I mean, Derek's lucky to still be alive today.  If we hadn't pulled him out of the coma, he'd probably be dead by now.  I looked down at the knife in my hands and watched as the small bit of moonlight shined on the slightly purple tinted metal.  It's funny how something so small and pretty could be so deadly and dangerous.

I just shook my head with a pissed sigh as I turned and looked out the window, back at the midnight sky.  I hugged my sweatpants covered legs up to my bare chest for warmth.

"I wish I could talk to you mom, you'd probably know what to say to make this all better" I whispered more to myself than anything.  I had just started chewing my thumb nail when I felt a cold chill in my back and I turned to see an older woman standing behind me.  I was more in aw than I was was freaked out by her.

She had long silver hair that draped past her shoulders down to the small of her back.  He face looked soft but wrinkled, and she looked old at the same time as she looked young.  Even though I had never even seen her before, It's like I knew her somehow.  A small smile graced her lips.

"Hello Stiles" she smiled that soft wise smile at me.  I furrowed my eyebrows at her slim short figure.

"Who are you?" I quizzed curiously.  She let out a soft chuckle.

"I'm surprised" she grinned "you don't even recognize your own grandmother?"  Realization dawned on me as I found out why she looked so familiar.  I think I'd see her in some of my mom's old pictures we had boxed up in the attic at my dad's house.

"So you're dead" I whispered, stating the obvious.

"Well, it shouldn't come as such a shock to you now should it Mr. Necromancer?" she smiled warmly as she came and sat beside me on the windowsill "I figured you could use someone to talk to, and you mom isn't really easy to get in touch with any more for you, so I thought I'd step in."  There was a long silence.

"Am I going to lose him?" I whispered softly, with my chin tilted downward.  She pursed her lips as she looked out the window.

"I think that's up to you if you look dig deep enough" she shrugged.

"What's that supposed to me?  Dig deep enough?" I quizzed "that makes no sense."

"Stiles, I know you're powers have caused a bit of trouble in the past, like Marco for instance, but the powers don't just bring bad, they can also bring good" she offered.

"Oh I'm sure" I sighed "but what's the point if they can't help you save the people you love."

"And who said they can't?" she argued "As a necromancer you have the power to talk with spirits that have been around for ages.  I'm sure that more that one of them are going to know more about Derek's problem than surfing the internet."

"Wait, are you saying-" I started, but she cut me off.

"All I'm saying is that there is a lot about your power that you are unaware as of yet" she explained, and I couldn't help but notice the weird tattooing on her arms.  It was almost majestic.  Her figured started to fade away slowly.  Panicked, I jumped up grabbing for her but she was fading too fast to grab.

"Wait, grandma please" I begged "you have to tell me how to contact them, the people."  But the just disappeared without another word.  I let out a shaky breath before I heard it.

"Stiles?  What are you doing out of bed?  Who are you talking to?" Derek quizzed curious and concerned.

"No one, I just couldn't sleep" I offered, hoping he wouldn't catch my lie as I quickly slid the knife into my pocket.  I watched him sit up as he looked at me.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine just a little on edge" I shrugged as I made my way back over to the bed "it's nothing to be worried about."  I climbed onto the bed and pushed Derek back down into the bed giving him a long kiss on the lips.

"Just go back to bed and stop being a worry wart, I'm fine" I smiled as him, giving him one last kiss before resting my head on his bare chest.  His chest vibrated slightly as he laughed at my comment and I smiled as we both eventually fell asleep.


Hey guys, here is chapter 17.  Hope you all enjoyed and I'll try and update again real soon!  Thanks for reading!  ^_^

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