Chapter 1: The Truth, The Lies, and the Love

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CHAPTER 1: The Truth, The Lies, and the Love


I limped into my house that I had been sharing with Stiles for two years now, clutching at my side.  Just because werewolves were quick healers, didn't mean it doesn't still hurt like a bitch when you get a claw to the stomach.  I groaned as I pushed the door open, but immediately froze at the sight of an annoyed and angry Stiles.

I was worried that he was going to yell at me for leaving without telling him, but his eyes quickly softened as he realized that I was in pain and my shirt was soaked in dried blood and covered in claw marks.  He bit his lip as he walked over to me.

"Oh my god Derek, are you okay?" he gasped with genuine concern as he gently ran his fingers over my now healed wound that I had been clutching at.

"I'm fine" I sighed as I pulled my bloodied shirt off over my head.  I tossed it on the ground, mentally making a note to clean it up later.

"Where the hell have you been?" Stiles demanded, back to angry now that he knew I was okay.

"I've just been doing a little practice with Scott" I shrugged.

"Like hell you have, it's one in the morning and Scott tends to be asleep at this time" Stiles snapped "Adding to that Scott wouldn't hit you so hard you'd be limping."

"Stiles" I sighed as my eyes fell to the floor "everything's fine, I just have a few things that need sorting out is all."

"Like what?" Stiles quizzed sternly.

"Stiles" I groaned as I slumped down into the couch.  I couldn't tell him, I just couldn't.  I don't want to put him in more danger than he already is from being with me.

"Just tell me Derek" Stiles pleaded with begging eyes.

"I can't Stiles" I snapped at him "can't you just trust me this once?"

"And can't you just tell me" Stiles cried "you've been sneaking away during the night and you always come back in the early hours, and I see all the bloody clothes that you try and hide from me.  Derek can't you understand that I love you and I want to help you!"  I saw the tears beginning to form in his honey brown eyes and killed me to know that I was causing them.

"Stiles" I sighed as I stepped forward to pull him into a hug but he took a huge step back as he wrapped his arms around himself.

"Don't touch me" he murmured "just tell me what's going on."  I ran a shaking hand through my hair as I tried to think of some way to calm him down, I hated seeing him so sad.

"Tell me or I'm leaving" Stiles stated firmly.

"Stiles, I don't like being given ultimatums" I sighed.

"Tell me right now or I swear to god I will pack my bags and leave right this second" Stiles mumbled "because the worry I have when I wake up and you aren't there is eating me alive.  I never know whether you will come back in the morning or if you might have gone too far Derek.  I just can't take this not knowing anymore.  Please just tell me what's going on"  I bit my lip as I noticed that he was shaking slightly.

"I can't" I whispered in a sad voice and I heard Stiles let out a deep sigh.  I whipped my head up as I heard footsteps as Stiles was heading for the front door.

"Stiles!" I called out and he froze as he grabbed the handle.

"Please don't go" I whimpered, feeling as if I was about to break.

"I'm sorry Derek" he hiccupped, and just like that he was out the door.  It was over.  He was gone, my Stiles was gone.  I leaned back against the nearby wall and sank down to the ground as a small sob forced its way past my lips.

"I'm so sorry Stiles" I whispered to myself "I wish I could tell you.  I wish I could tell you everything."


I had a death grip on my jeep's steering wheel as I drove through the night as tears leaked from my eyes.  I didn't want to leave, I didn't want things to be over.  I loved Derek, but I couldn't stay knowing that he didn't trust me enough to tell me what was going on.

My hands and basically my whole body was shaking violently until it got to the point where I had to pull over to the side of the road.  I took in a deep shaky breath as I pulled my knees to my chest and in doing so, something caught my attention.  Resting in the seat beside me was Derek's tattered, black leather jacket.  I reached forward with my shivering hand grabbing Derek's jacket and pulling it onto my lap.  Why do things have to be so hard?

With a sigh, I placed my feet back on the floor and went to turn the jeep back on, but it wouldn't start.  I let out a frustrated cry as I looked outside to find it raining.  I could just stay in my car tonight, but that didn't sound like the most pleasant thing after everything that happened with Derek.

Knowing that Scott's apartment was just down the road I stepped out of the car into the pouring rain and pushed my arms into Derek's jacket that was a bit baggy on my slim frame.  I couldn't help but breath in his scent which was still on it as I made my way down the road to the apartment buildings.

I eventually made it there and hobbled up to the third floor and down the hall a ways until I was standing right in front of Scott's door.  I was about to knock when the door flung open and there stood Scott a pair of grey sweatpants and a black form fitting t-shirt.

"Can I stay here tonight?" I asked.......


Okay guys, here it is, the first chapter of *Pause for Dramatic Effect* The Truth, The Lies, and the love ~ Slowly fading book 3.  I hope you guys enjoyed and I plan on updating again real soon!  ^_^

P.S.  Tell me what you thought, I'm curious if you guys like it so far.

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