Chapter 6: Marco's Back

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I jerked my hands upward with a deep growl but my hands still remained chained to the steel chair.  I heard Marco's throaty chuckles as he watched me struggle in amusement.

"Just give it up already Derek" Marco sighed "you know damn well that we weren't going to make it that easy for you to get out of here.  I had a witch enchant the chair and chains before we dragged your ass in here."  I clenched my jaw as I just glared at him, my eyes full of hatred.

"Why are you here Marco" I growled lowly "hell, I thought we killed you.... twice."  Marco just grinned evilly as he just paced back and fourth in front of me.

"Oh come on Derek, you can't tell me you didn't see the signs" Marco offered "I mean you didn't go off searching for my group members for fun now did you?"  I felt my eyes widen momentarily before I composed myself trying to hide my suprise, but by the glint in his eyes, I could tell that he noticed.

"That's right Derek" he shot me an evil grin "I know what you've been doing for the past few months.  Noting mass murders in California, looking for patterns.  Anything you could do to keep my group from going after Stiles for revenge.  Though in the end I guess you ended up hurting the one person you were trying to protect, you broke his trust Derek.  Now was that really worth all the lying?"  I gritted my teeth in anger at him and he just rolled his eyes as if my actions were petty.

"Derek, Derek, Derek" he sighed disappointed "you really didn't see the signs did you?  I have to admit that my pack was quite messy with their research, I'm suprised you hadn't realized."  I looked down into my lap as I thought back on all the things that I'd found on my outings to investigate the murders.  

There were no claw or teeth marks on the victims, only stab wounds.  Their body's were all drained of blood.  At first I had thought they had enlisted the help of vampires or something, but I was wrong.  I was way wrong, because it all makes sense now.  They were'nt killing to feed vampires, they were collecting blood for a ritual.

"They brought your spirit back" I whispered as realization finally hit me.

"Ding, Ding, Ding, we have a winner" Marco clapped sarcastically "Unfortunately your right, all they managed to do was repair my shattered spirit with the help of a witch.  The only problem is that there's a catch, there's always a catch to this type of magic.  I have to find a body to inhabit by the nex full moon.  Whatever body I'm in by the full moon... well to put it simply, it becomes mine."  

"So what are you going to do Marco?" I spat "go after Stiles again?  Even if you keep me tied up, I swear to god if you lay a finger on him I will tear my way out of here and send your ass back to hell again."

"You see, I figured you'd say that" Marco shrugged as if my words were an empty threat to him and I felt my hands curling into fists "So I thought and I thought about it and I came up with a briliant idea.  I mean, because even if you couldn't tear your way out of here, Stiles is a smart boy.  He could probably save himself if he caught on quick enough."  

"Don't you even go fucking near him" I snarled through clenched teeth.

"Well you see, that's the thing Derek.  It won't technically be me that will be near Stiles" I shrugged "because who better to get close to Stiles, than his own boy friends?"  There was a smirk on Marco's face and I had to force myself to keep my cool.

"Well your bit on the late side, you see Stiles broke up with me" I stated firmly "I'd like to see you get close to him with how mad he is at me."  I knew that was a complete lie, but I was being backed into a corner here.  Marco let out a low chuckle that soon became loud as he leaned heavily onto the arms of the steel chair I was trapped in.

"Derek, I think you know as well as I do that no matter how mad Stiles is at you, he will always carry a torch for you" Marco grinned with pure firey evil in his eyes "If I just say the right words I could have him melting in my hands like butter... until I slit hit throat."  I jerked forward at this with a huge growl ripping through my lips.  I kept fighting against the chains, I didn't care if I killed me I wasn't going to let him get near Stiles.

"Sorry Derek, but I'm afraid it's too late for you to stop it" Marco chuckled before he grasped the sides of my head in between his hands and I was filled with a burning pain althroughout my body until I was seeing red, then slowly my vision started to fade and I felt myself growing weak until it was all just gone.... gone.....gone.....


I got back to my motel room after spending a long day in town.  I had eaten breakfast at a local diner and had done a bit of shopping along the street.  Now that I was back, I collapsed onto the bed in a heap and winced as my phone knocked against my hip bone causing pain to shoot out in my waist for a split second.  My phone.... 

I pulled it from my pocket glancing at my home screen, the picture of me and Derek back when everything seemed so much easier than it is now.... I should call him.  His car is still in the parking lot, what if he's gotten into trouble.  I pursed my lips as I just stared at my phone in contemplation.  With a sigh I was about to call him when there was a light knock on my door.

"One second!" I chanted as I quickly stuffed my phone into my pocket and climbed off of the bed.  I reached the motel pulled it open and was in shock by the sight in front of me.

"Derek" I breathed.....


Hey guys, so that's it for chapter 6!  Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading!  ^_^

The Truth, The Lies, and the Love~ Slowly Fading book 3 (Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now