Chapter 9: I'll see you soon

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I watched out the window as Stiles drove off to see his dad.  We had been back in Beacon Hills for a day now and I was still on edge, but I was trying my best to hide it from Stiles.  To hide the pain.

"So when are you going to tell him?" I heard Scott ask from behind me and I jumped slightly.  I had to admit that he was getting better at getting around without being heard.

"Tell him what?" I quizzed as walked past him to the kitchen.

"Oh don't play stupid with me Derek" Scott scoffed "you had to realize that Deaton was going to tell me sooner or later."  I pursed my lips as I stared into the open fridge.  I knew exactly what he was talking about.  I had went to visit Deaton after we got back from our trip yesterday.  I had told Stiles that I was going to check on a few things with Deaton, that it was nothing important, but I knew damn well it was.  I could feel it coursing through my veins.  I had been poisoned with wolfsbane and it was my own doing.

I knew the only way to stop Marco from torturing and killing Stiles was to gain control over my body and there was only one way to do that.  I had to distract him with pain just enough so that I could take control again and push him out.  The only thing I could think to do was stab myself.

"I didn't know the blade was soaked it wolfsbane Scott" I muttered as I shut the fridge and leant my head against it "I didn't want to spend my last few months with him worried and sad."

"Not months, Derek.  You have weeks!" Scott shouted out exasperated "Deaton says you have eight weeks at most.  Stiles deserves to know!"

"Oh yeah, and how do you suppose I do that Scott?!" I screamed as I turned toward him "tell him that I sealed my death trying to save him from Marco?  I'm sure that'll go over real well!"  Scott was quiet for a minute, staring at the floor before he looked back up at me.

"I don't want to see him fall apart when you die Derek, he's my best friend" Scott sighed in sadness "he deserves to hear the truth from you, he deserves to have time to come to terms with it."

"Just leave Scott" I sighed.  I didn't have it in me to argue about this anymore.

"So that's it then?  You're just going to let him stay in the dark?!" Scott asked frustrated.

"Scott-" I tried but he continued.

"Stiles may not be very quick at figuring things out but he's not stupid Derek" Scott yelled as he paced back and fourth "sooner or later he's going to see the lines of infection on your chest.  Sooner or later your going to die and how to do you think that's going to affect him knowing that you lied about it!?"  I started to get the feeling that there was more to Scott's anger.

"Scott" I sighed "tell me what's really bothering you."  Scott's shoulders fell as he leaned back against the counter.

"I can't do it Derek" he sighed shakily "Isaac, Jackson, and all the other wolves I've adopted into the pack, they all look to me for guidance and I can't do it by myself.  I hate to say it but it's reassuring, knowing that you're there to help me when I fall Derek.  You're kind of like an older brother to me."  I frowned as the realization finally hit me.  I wasn't just leaving Stiles behind when I died.  I was leaving behind Scott and the others as well.

"Scott" I frowned as I walked up and placed a hand on his shoulder "since the day you were turned, you've taught me so much.  You're going to be just fine Scott, with or without me.  The pack is just there to help you along the way."

"Thanks Derek" Scott whispered as he looked at me with watery eyes.

"As for the Stiles part" I said, pulling away from him "you're right, I should tell him, but I just can't.  I can't stand what pain that will put him through.  He'll drive himself crazy looking for a cure that doesn't even exist.  I just figured that it'd be easier to let him have a few relaxing last months with me."  Scott pursed his lips as he turned his head to look out the window.

"Look, I won't tell Stiles that you're dying Derek, because I understand where you're coming from" Scott sighed "but just know that he deserves to know sooner rather than later.

"I know, and I will tell him eventually" I shrugged "I just need time to come to terms with it myself first."  It looked like Scott was about to say something else when my phone started blaring its ringtone that could only belong to one person.

"Hey hot stuff" I grinned jokingly as I put the phone to my ear.

"Ha, ha, very funny" Stiles groaned and I chuckled a bit "My dad was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner."

"Well, for you, sure" I smiled as I leaned back against the counter and Scott began to make his way towards the front door.  I gave him a quick wave before he disappeared through the door.

"Great, I'll see you then" Stiles cheered into the phone.

"Stiles" I rushed into the phone before he could hang up.

"Yeah?" he quizzed.

"You know I love you right?" I asked as my thoughts drifted back to my looming death.

"What kind of quesiton is that?" he chuckled "of course I know you love me, I love you too."  I felt myself relax as my heart soared a bit at the words.

"Good" I sighed "I'll see you in 15 minutes."

"Okay" Stiles laughed "I'll see soon."  Stiles hung up as I kept the phone up to my ear.

"I'll see you soon" I whispered....


Hey guys, so here is chapter 9.  I hope you all enjoyed and I'll try and update again soon!  ^_^

The Truth, The Lies, and the Love~ Slowly Fading book 3 (Sterek)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora