Chapter 20: What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

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"66?" I widened my eyes at her "are you seriously kidding me?"

"Do you look like I'm kidding Stiles?" She sighed "Did you really think saving Derek was going to be all candy and rainbows?"

"No, but I didn't expect to have to kill people either!" I snapped "This is just wrong."

"Wrong or not Stiles, it has to be done if you want to save your precious little Derek" she stated in a mocking tone and I shot her a glare.

"There has to be another way" I insisted.

"If you mean letting Derek die, then yes" she shrugged "Look Stiles, I'm not trying to make you upset, nor am I trying to force you into anything.  I'm just stating the facts."  I pursed my lips as I looked at her calm demeanor.

"How can you be okay with killing so many people" I hissed, scanning the innocent faces through the coffee shop window "you act as if it's no big freaking deal."  She rolled her eyes. 

"It's simple" she offered in a bored tone "it's just 66 people.  At the rate you humans reproduce, it's not really that big a deal."  I couldn't keep the disgust off my face as I stared at her.

"I can't killed them" I whispered, biting my lip as I looked at the laughing couples through the window of the shop "I'm not a murderer."  I hated saying that I couldn't do the one thing that could save Derek.... but I wasn't going to end these people's lives just for my own benefit.  She rose one eyebrow at me curiously.

"I never said you had to kill them.  They're going to die whether you take their souls or not" she shrugged "there's a gas leak toward the back of the resturant.  It's set to turn disastorous in the next few minutes.

"YOU DIDN'T" I yelped, as I turned to her with accusing eyes.  Why the hell would she kill these people without consulting with me first.

"Oh no I didn't" she brushed off my accusation "this is just one example of human ignorance."

"Human ignorance?  Human ignorace?  It's a fucking gas leak, you demon!  How the hell are they supposed to know?" I spat at her with venom.

"My name is Bella, for your information" she informed me "and if they are going to die anyway, then what's the point of just leaving their souls.  Their practically handing them to you on a silver platter."  I rolled my eyes at her in disgust.

"I have to tell them.  I have to tell them the gas is leaking" I muttered as I began to cut through traffic.  I was only a few steps from the door when the giant explosion blinded me, sending me flying backwards... but I never hit the ground.  I opened my eyes to see myself floating in a dark black mist before I fell the two feet to the ground.

"Next time, don't be an idiot" Bella rolled her eyes, grabbing my shirt and yanking me off the ground "now come on."  I followed mindlessly behind her into the reckage of the building.

"Now close your eyes and focus.  You should be able to see the souls with your necromancy powers" she explained.  I had a sour feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I closed my eyes anyway.  I let myself relax and then I felt it.  This feeling of calm.  I snapped my eyes open to see little balls of blue light floating everywhere.  I couldn't help the amazed gasp that escaped my lips at the magical sight.

"You see them don't you" Bella grinned.  I nodded at a loss for words from this experience.

"Go ahead, command them to come to you" she offered "you control them.  That's one of your abilities as a necromancer.  I bit my lip in nervousness.

"Come to me" I shouted and suddenly all the spirits were rushing at me all at once.  When they hit me it felt like a brick wall, and I fell over gasping for breath.

"Stiles?" Bella asked curiously, with a hint of worry in her eyes, but I'm assuming it was more for herself than it was for me.

"I- Okay" I grunted as I picked myself up off the floor.

"What do you feel, do you feel any different?" she quizzed curiously.  It wasn't until she said this that I felt it.  There was a light hum going through my body.  It was as if I had just drank a bunch of energy drinks.

"I fell" I hesitated, gulping down my nervousness "I feel amazing....... but what happens to the souls."  I felt guilty thinking that I could've just doomed 66 souls.

"They'll all go to where their supposed to go eventually" she shrugged "you see, souls are your power source.  As you use your powers, it uses the power of the souls and then who knows where they go.  I had a sick feeling in my stomach.  What if it kills the souls?  I forced myself not to think about it.

"Well I suppose we should get back to Beacon Hills before Derek realizes that I'm gone" I offered.  I turn around just to catch sight of a sullen looking guy standing in front of me.  I raised my eyebrow at him, wondering what he was doing in all of this reckage, when suddenly his body turning into a ball of light and flew at me, making my legs cripple beneath me.  I screamed out in pain as I felt my limbs burning, before suddenly I felt fine again.

"Stiles are you okay?" Bella quizzed "what's going on?"

"A guy.... he just" I gasped but couldn't seem to form the words.  She looked at me and her face seemed almost pale like a ghost.

" Stiles I-" she started, but sirens were heard in the distance "Come on, let's get you home" she insisted, grabbing me by the shoulder and dragging me from the reckage

What have I gotten myself into?


Hey guys, here's another update.  I hope you all enjoyed and I'll try and update again as soon as I can.  Sorry it's been soooooo long, I've just been super busy lately, but I'm going to try harder to update for you guys!  Thanks for reading!  ^_^

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