By AliceGhostWriter

125 3 0

Since the Villains stopped being evil the fairy tale protagonists got time to spare, but a cup of coffee and... More

1. Unsteady stools
2. Too sweet coffee
3. Royal headache
4. French fries Prince
5. Shut up
6. Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo
7. Heat wave
8. Insane
9. Unwanted tail
10. No
11. Sussy Cottage
12. The witch hunt (Part I)
14. Spellbound
15. Unashamed
16. F for Fairy
17. Hilltower
18. Bad gal
19. Odd looking flowers
20. Paramedics
21. Danger
22. Is that enough?
23. What did you do?
24. 9 to 5

The witch hunt (part II)

5 0 0
By AliceGhostWriter

The court room is silent, everybody waiting for Dawn to stand up and lecture the charges that the crown is pressing against my mother, for what I call recall this part is merely a formalism. Because when they impart a sentence it won't really affect here, the treaty its not more than a matter of honor and what is going to be stained from all this is our credibility in the kingdom. Our strained relationship with the royals will get more tense, but my mother won't face the actual force of the law for her little act of defiance.

Or that's what Fye told me when he calmed me down on our way here, he got all nerdy and really intense in how the monarchy is no more than something representative and that they actually go through real trials when someone is in deep shit. They're just pissed and Dawn wants to show off his influence, him and his father are just showing my mother who has more power. And I don't know if it is getting to her, but it certainly got me.

"I, Dawn Edward II, Prince crown of the Nouvelle Kingdom, acting on the rights that I have as the first born" there's a tense pause, Dawn moves his hands and holds them behind his back "Will be the one to proceed in behalf of my kingdom against Ms. Mannor".

Self assured prick. This trail is as ridiculous as his perfectly handsome face, I sit straighter my body reacting to the command of attention that his voice has,  he goes and goes for what feels like hours of political talk, some jabs and nasty comments obviously delivered in a polite and commanding manner, until it is time for Fye to stand up and answer back to all the sh*t that Dawn said. My heart pounds wildly against my ribcage and my hands are clammy, Fye looks a little bit green almost anxious and I close my eyes tightly...

"Mother and I, don't feel like this trail should have taken place, as I said earlier, we weren't being devising  by keep my sister out of the public eye and it is no ones concern who the father of she is" Oh, they did not...

"She's not part of the bloodlines record, the treaty..." Dawn started, but Fye lashed out.

"You already had your time, Dawn". That was a direct jab to his ego, Fye went at him in a first name basis almost as if they were equals, Dawn doesn't seem pleased about it.

I zone out again, looking at the perfect tip of my shoes and trying to ease the nausea revolting my body.Fye can get us out of this, I'm one hundred percent sure, he's like magical in enchanting his butt out of sticky situations with just his words. The constant exposure to other royals and important people made him the perfect charmer, the people just loves his...

"I repeat my question, Mr. Mannor. Miss Mannor can be a threat to our kingdom? To any of our kingdoms?" Dawn speaks again and this time it seems like it is permitted because Fye and him are sitting in front of each other.

"She... I don't think... She doesn't know how to control her powers, but we don't see that like something bad". The way that my brother's voice broke... That makes my stomach hurt with a new wave of nauseas and I try to hold myself straight, but my body doesn't feel like so and I bend over myself heaving. I hear a quiet gasp at my side and a gentle hand takes hold of my upper arm, the dry heaves continue and I feel something knocking on my belly and then there's a snap...

A surge of adrenaline, pain and something magical explodes out of me like a wave slamming against the rocky edge of the harbor during a full moon. Dust dense, sticky and tainted with bad emotions, mostly green and sparkly blinds me. I can't see beyond the perfect tips of my shoes and the green mist.

The cries of surprise right next to me are all I can hear, Solen hand abandon my arm like I'm on fire and when I blink again I notice that I actually am, on fire I say. And that's not because I'm freaking hot or anything, I easy to see but... Fire like the one that came out of my fingers when Dawn and I got heavy in each other at the King's office, it is not really fire that I can get that it is not.

It is dust, like actual fairy dust, but it shows itself like some sort of green fire. And for the loud murmurs that erupted around me I'm not sure if they're aware of the reality of the mist around me.

"No!" The screamed demand comes from my side and the mist clears enough for me to see the royal guards coming for me, it is too late or the person that shouted doesn't have power over them. I barely register Solen standing up when a guard reaches for me and something pricks my upper arm.

There, losing conscious and feeling off I just know that the real Witch hunt just started, but it is actually a fairy hunt.

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