Sam in Hogwarts (HP fan ficti...

By futurstar81

833 33 1

Samantha Malfoy has just started school in Hogwarts, but what will happen when she befriends the Golden Trio... More

Sam in Hogwarts (HP fan fiction)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

66 3 0
By futurstar81

A loud crash woke me up the next morning.  I quickly opened my eyes to see what hapened, but then i had to reshut them as i was momentarily blinded by the sudden stream of bright light coming from the window.  I slowly opened my eyes again letting them get adjusted to the light and saw Hermione kneeling down trying to get a broken picture frame that used to be on the windowsill.  "Accio" she shouted pointing her wand at the broken picture frame.  The peices of picture frame zoomed toward her and i got my wand from my nightstand and shouted "Reparo" before she could.  Then i got ready for breakfast, trying to cover up the dark circles i had under my eyes but failing miserably.

I went down to breakfast with Hermione, listening to her drone on and on about how excited she was to be back at Hogwarts and to be able to use it's expansive library again.  It was quite boring so i felt myself tuning out and just nodding and saying "yeah" every once in a while.  Truth is that even though i was excited to finally come to Hogwarts i missed my mother (my father not so much since he would punish me brutally if i wasn't acting like the perfect Malfoy or the perfect Slytherin girl). And i was worried about Dobby, would he be okay without me to help him and be nice to him?

After breakfast i slowly made my way down to the gardens for Herbology.  Alone since I couldn't find Ginny, and figured she was already at the gardens waiting for me.  However Ginny didn't show up to Herbology or our next 2 classes.  I was getting worried, so during break i went out to look for her.  She wasn't in the library, the infirmary, or any of the usual places.  As a last resort i went to the girl's bathroom on the second floor.  It was broken and Moaning Myrtle lived there, so no one ever went in if they could avoid it.  But when i opened the bathroom door i saw Ginny lying on the floor as if she had been knocked out.  I ran over to her and was checking her pulse when she slowly opened her eyes.  "Where am i?" she asked all confused "What happened?".  "You are in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and i have no idea what happened.  You missed our first three classes so i went to look for you and i found you like this" i answered a little worried.  I helped her up and took her to the infirmary for Madame Pomfrey to look her over.  Madame Pomfrey couldn't find anything wrong with Ginny, but did say she should stay and rest for a few hours in order to get her strength back up.

The rest of the day passed quickly, much to my dismay, so it was all too soon time for Double Potions.  We were supposed to be making a Cure for Boils, but mine wasn't coming out right.  My potion was a bright orange instead of the pale blue it was supposed to be, and it smelled like rotten fish.  It was so foul smelling i was holding my breath while trying to fix it.  Just in that moment Professor Snape decides to come check how my potion is coming along and wrinkles his nose as he gets closer.  He purses his lips when he sees my bright orange potion and says "Miss Malfoy, didn't you hear me say that you needed 4 measures of crushed snake fangs? and to heat it at 250 degrees for ONLY 10 seconds?"  I slowly nod my head and whisper "Sorry Professor, it's just that i can't concentrate right now."  "Well i suggest you find a way to concentrate in this class for you to be able to get more than a T.  But for now, 5 points from Gryffindor for your terrible potion making".  "Yes Sir" i say bowing my head.

The rest of the class passed quickly and everyone is soon putting away their things, but i hung back in order to talk with Sevy.  As soon as everyone leaves i go over to Snape and ask nervously "Sir, i heard you were very skilled in Occlumency and i was wondering if you could teach me?"  "That is extremely advanced magic, most adult wizards haven't mastered it, are you sure you want to try?" Snape asked me.  "Positive" i reply.  "Well then, if you are able to produce acceptable potions for the next two weeks i will teach you Occlumency".  "Yay!" i reply happily as i run over and give him a hug "Thank you so much Sevy!"  Snape just looks angry and says in a dangerously low voice "Do not hug or call me Sevy ever again". "Yes Sir" i say sadly and make my way to my next class.

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