Dunei - A Murtagh Love Story...

By DrottningFethr

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After travelling together, the bond between Lorena and Murtagh become dunei. They've managed to earn the trus... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - Merry Christmas
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 15

605 28 8
By DrottningFethr

A cool breeze wafted from the courtyard into the bedchamber. Lorena pushed herself into a sitting position and rested her chin on her knees. It had still been dark outside when she had fought Galbatorix again that morning, then when it was over she watched him pick clean clothes off the floor, change, and leave without a backwards glance.

Sunlight now reached into the courtyard. Lorena noted how much lighter it was during the mornings and afternoons, as the overhang covering the capital blocked out the hottest midday sun.

She looked over at the carved wooden door and wondered if she could leave through it, wondered what would happen if she tried. A shiver ran through her as she thought of the punishments Galbatorix might give and instead decided to sit and wait. Routine dictated that her handmaidens would be here soon.

* * *

Murtagh dropped the scroll on the desk beside him and reached for another. He sat in his study leading off of his bedchambers, the shelves still held the literature he had accumulated over his years in Urû'baen. Galbatorix had visited him that morning, and brought with him a stack of parchment.

"You already know the basics of magic, I've made sure of that. But now that you are a dragon rider you will be able to harness it and use it." The scrolls rolled along the desk in a cream wave. "Read these by the afternoon and come see me in the west library." Then he left with a whirl of his cape.

The scrolls contained information on the basics of magic, majority of things he already knew with a piece of information here and there that he had forgotten. He was two thirds through them when he became distracted by the prospect of the west library. He knew from growing up in the capital that that library was off limits, Galbatorix's personal collection that was too large to keep in the study by his bedchambers. He wondered what wonderful and terrible things may lurk in there.

* * *

The soft fur from the Urzhad pelt tickled Lorena's face. She lay belly down on the skin, her chin resting on her crossed arms, glaring at the carved wooden door. She had already received a visit from a healer, and her handmaidens had come with breakfast and helped her dress before cleaning the messed room.

Maybe I can go out. Galbatorix never said anything about staying here, if he had expected me to stay he probably would have unlocked some rooms in the courtyard. She didn't really believe her own reasoning, but she didn't want to stay where she was. She climbed to her feet and approached the door. Carefully she reached out grasped the handle and paused. Nothing happened. She gently pushed down and paused when she heard a click. Nothing happened.

Lorena pulled the door open and looked out, careful not to cross the threshold. There were no guards, nor servants, nor any passersby. She pulled the door fully open and stepped out into the corridor, letting the door close behind her with a click. Nothing happened.

She let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding, reached out and held the wall for support. Glancing back at the door she wondered why it had been so easy, and if Galbatorix would somehow know. She thought that she could run back in before anyone spotted her and informed him that she had in fact left the room but she quickly pushed that thought away. With a shrug she moved off the wall, if Galbatorix knew then he knew, nothing could be done about it now. Besides, she wanted to get out of there, even if only for a while.

* * *

Lorena ambled through the castle hallways inattentively. She was surprised that there were not many people roaming the hallways, and she noted that when she did happen across someone they might nod their head in acknowledgement but not say a word to her. With no destination in mind she simply walked, checking out how big the place was.

She came to an intersection when someone familiar walked past. Grey eyes flickered from her to down the corridor, and Murtagh continued walking without missing a beat. Lorena turned the corner and followed at a distance. He was dressed lavishly, in a carmine vest over a lighter shirt, and black leggings and polished boots. Lorena realised this was the first time she had ever seen him in anything other than travel or battle clothes. He turned and stepped through a door, and despite no one else being in sight Lorena entered as discreetly as possible. She closed the door behind her and turned to see that they were in a dim room, with rows of shelves filled with pots. Murtagh disappeared between the rows. She found him down the back of the library tucked down a narrow strip.

"Murtagh?" she noticed in surprise blue bags under his eyes, bags that he had never gotten in any of the stressful situations they had been in before. Her eyes began to water and she ran for him. "Murtagh!"

His arms wrapped around her and she sobbed into his chest. Tremors wracked Murtagh's body and she pressed harder against him. Stepping back he struck the far wall, the next thing she knew they had slid to the floor and Lorena sat curled on his lap. All the emotions that they had bottled up now burst from its containment. Pushing up she pressed her face against his and cradled his head in her arms. They sat that way for a while, until no more tears would come. Lorena pulled back and gently kissed away the wetness from his cheeks, before brushing her lips against his. Murtagh's hands cupped her face and she ran her fingers along his jaw, surprised to find him smooth.

She took hold of his hand, he tried to pull away but she held tight and pulled it open. In the dark room his gedwëy ignasia cast a silvery light onto the pair. She rubbed a finger over the mark, then looked up at Murtagh whose cheeks reflected the light. "It's true."

He closed his eyes and pressed his brow against Lorena's. Her own eyes closed and she sat listening to Murtagh's steady breathing. "I'm sure there's a lot of things I wish weren't true, but are."

Shaking her head Lorena felt her eyes would have watered if she had any left. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry." Murtagh twined his fingers around her, "There is nothing you can do about it."

"Did- did you swear fealty to him?"

Murtagh breathed deeply before replying, "I did. I had to, he was torturing Thorn and it was only going to get worse. I couldn't stop thinking about my mother, Tornac, our children, and you. It was the last straw, I couldn't see him suffer too, I'm sorry."

"Don't be," she tried to smile at him, "he is only an infant, and if you have even a fraction of the love for him that Eragon has for Saphira then I understand."

"But I love you."

"That's a different kind of love. I don't know exactly how different, but it is different, yes?" Murtagh nodded slightly, "I'm sure I would have done the same thing in your position."

"Lorena, there's something I need to know. Where have you been? Where has Galbatorix kept you, has he..." Murtagh's breathe hitched, "Is it true?"

Pulling her hand from Murtagh's she covered her mouth, feeling the taste of bile rise in her throat from the thought of it. Murtagh's jaw was set firm and he refused to open his eyes. "I tried to fight him, I did, but he's so powerful. I couldn't stop him."

"I'll kill him." His voice took on a thunderous note that scared even her, "I'll find a way around those blasted spells and I'll kill him for everything he's done to us."

"Murtagh, I'm so sor-"

"Stop." His face flushed and he worked his jaw as if attempting to calm a fury. He stiffly pulled the hand from her mouth and planted soft kisses against her knuckles. "It's not your fault, no more than either of us could be blamed for any of Galbatorix's other tortures. There is nothing we can do about it."

"We can still fight."

"Any way we can."

They sat with their hands locked, the only sound in the room their harsh breathing. Lorena longed to run her fingers through his hair, so she pulled a hand free and played with the brown strands, so dark they could be mistaken for black. Murtagh finally opened his eyes and he forced a smile. She knew he was trying to make her feel better, but it didn't work, instead she nuzzled into his shoulder, her forehead pressed against his neck.

After a time Murtagh tapped her thigh to get her attention. "I have to go, Galbatorix is expecting me." Lorena climbed from his lap and Murtagh stood to leave.

"Wait," Lorena didn't release her hold, "how do I know this real. How do I know that this isn't another illusion?"

"Have you paid attention to the details? Has anything changed?"

"Nothing," Lorena admitted.

Murtagh paused and looked toward the door. "You know what Galbatorix's mind feels like. I can show you mine, just so you know when it really is me."

"Couldn't Galbatorix just mimic your consciousness? I still wouldn't know the difference between him and you."

"Even Galbatorix can't mimic someone's consciousness. No one can, it's far too difficult. And besides, I'm sure you would be able to tell me apart from him."

Lorena examined his gedwëy ignasia, her chest felt tight with nerves, they had never touched minds before. "Okay."

Dropping the barriers around her mind she waited, then a presence brushed against her. The presence was a turmoil of anger and dismay overshadowed by a heart wrenching endearment. Gasping she looked up into his grey eyes, and couldn't help but smile at the tenderness. A tear rolled down her cheek and she took his face between her hands and kissed him gently. Her affection intensified, and she felt the same reaction from Murtagh. She kissed him delicately, as if she touched too hard he might break. Neither one of them tried to enter the others mind, but rather allowed their consciousnesses to linger sweetly caressing at their edges.

When Murtagh finally pulled away they closed their minds to the other. Lorena fought back a protest and instead bit her lip. Murtagh smiled, and Lorena wondered if there was anything Galbatorix could do to change her feelings for this man.

Murtagh stepped back, their hands stretched out only just managing to hold onto one another. Whispering, as if someone might hear, Murtagh called out, "I love you."

"I love you," Lorena whispered back, letting their hands fall apart.

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