The Affair // Mustafa Ali

By cjleighwrites

7.6K 211 28

A simple encounter, a beginning of a sin. Newly debuted superstar Calista was finding her way through the ar... More

twenty one
twenty two


958 20 4
By cjleighwrites

Summer slam.

I breathed and nervously held my hands on my waist to stop them from fidgeting. I only debuted a month ago and here I am, at summer slam. I was the perfect face to turn heel apparently. People loved me. It was shocking. It still doesn't feel real that I'm here. I stood at the gorilla with Nattie and Ronda, waiting for our cues. It was my debut pay per view. A six woman tag team match against Sasha Banks, Bayley and Alicia Fox. Nattie walked out first, followed by Ronda. This was it, my first pay per view. My music hit, instrumental 'run free' by Asking Alexandria. I took a breath and walked out into the arena. I was met with screams and I couldn't believe it. I walked down the ramp stunned at the amount of people cheering for me.

I stood on the apron for most of the match, I didn't want to take Nattie or Ronda's time from them.

"You ready?" Nattie asked next to me as Ronda hit Sasha with a super kick. "It's your turn" she nodded as Ronda came over for the tag. I tried to disguise my nerves as her hand hit mine. I dodged at kick that came at me as I stepped into the ring. With repeated chest slaps, I knew I had the win. Leaning against the ropes for momentum, I ran and hit her with my elbow, dropping her to the mat. I fell on top of her, her leg and counting in my head with the crowd.


Nattie and Ronda joined me in the ring as the bell ring. I had one my first pay per view match. They let me get the win.

"Thank you" I whispered to them as we held our hands up.

"You deserve it" they both said to me.

Walking back up the ramp, I was still in a daze. One month on the roster and I'm here at a pay per view, winning. Backstage, many people congratulated me. Jeff Hardy, Charlotte, Roman Reigns.

"Coming to the club tonight?" Nattie called out to me as she walked down the halls.

I nodded, "yes I am."

"I'll meet you at the locker room" she said to me before disappearing down the hall.

The hype settled down as the next match started. I made my way down the halls looking for the locker room. Tuning a corner, I bumped into someone or more like a brick wall.

"Woah" the person said, holding me above the ground. "Are you alright?"

I looked up at the tanned person holding me, their hair covering most of their face.

"Yeah, I'm alright" I stuttered out as they lifted me back up.

"I'm Mustafa" he said, holding his hand out with a smirk.

"I'm" I went to introduce myself but he interrupted.

"Calista, I know" he smirked. "Saw your match, nice elbow."

I blushed, "thanks" I whispered.

"First pay per view, a bit nervous?" He asked, still holding my hand.

Someone got it.

"Yes, someone who finally gets it, it's so stressful you know" I stopped when I realised I was rambling.

"No I get it, it's different to raw or smackdown." He had the most beautiful skin. I wish I was a tanned as him, I'm as pale as a ghost.

"Where you from?" He asked, tilting his head to side. "You have a different accent" he trailed off.

"Australia" I said quietly.

"Ah" he said with another smirk, "should have guessed it." Letting go of my hand, I nearly frowned at the lack of contact. "Going to the club after?"

I nodded, "sure am."

"Well, i'll see you there little kangaroo" he said before kissing my cheek.


Little kangaroos or babies are called joeys.

I headed for the locker room to get changed so I could take a nap before going out tonight. Today had being filled with singing and having to smile too much. Nattie and I rode back to the hotel, Nattie just talking abut how she missed TJ. I hadn't being partying since before I left Australia. I only turned 21 last year, so I didn't do a lot of partying whilst I've been here.

We went our different ways after we stepped off the elevator. I set an alarm before falling onto the bed and sleeping right away.

I groaned hearing the alarm from my phone. Maybe I could skip going out? I pulled the clothes off me and headed for the shower, hoping to wake up.

I had packed different seasonal outfits, not knowing what the weather would be like. Joys of living in melbourne. Four seasons, one day. I riffled though the suit case, pulling out different clothing when someone knocked on the door. Frowning, I opened it to reveal who I think is called dolph ziggler.

His eyes widened as he looked at me, "hey Calista is it?"

"Yes?" I said annoyed.

"I'm just here to ask whether you're going out tonight?" He said with a smirk. I looked down and realised I'm only in a towel.

"I am" I replied bluntly before closing the door. I heard his laughter and groaned. Someone had seen me nearly naked. I headed into the bathroom to do my make up. I did it similar to my old clubbing days; layers of foundation, contour, winged eyeliner, over blended eyeshadow and lashes. My hair I left straight before slipping into the pink satin dress. It hugged my curves nicely. I slipped on my heels that tied at the ankle and opened the door for Nattie.

"Ready?" She asked, standing in a blue dress. I nodded and grabbed my key card.

"You look stunning CJ" Nattie said as her, Ronda and I stepped into the elevator. CJ stood for Calista Jane, my real name. Although it's actually JC, but I hated the name Jane.

"Thanks Nat, so do you."

Most of the roster was apparently going to be out. I didn't know many people, a lot weren't happy at the fact I was in a pay per view after one month. The Bella's particularly weren't happy with my presence. But I didn't bother me. I didn't really like them either. Nikki was so fake, it almost annoyed me.

People took photos as we stepped out of the hotel and into an awaiting car. Nattie was filming for total divas, meaning I would make my first appearance on it. I wasn't use to the attention and the paparazzi. People knew me in nxt, but I stayed out of the public view a lot.

"How are you feeling at the match?" Nattie asked, the camera moving from her to me.

"I'm shocked really" I laughed. "I can't believe it happened."

Was having cameras follow me around something I could get use too? They asked me to appear in total divas full time, but I'm not sure that's for me.

We arrived the club, many superstars already there. The camera followed us in as we walked to a group of other raw divas. It seemed that my days of drinking and being drunk were gone. All the girls danced whilst falling over, I sat in the booth wondering what I was doing here. I left so much behind to come here, and I thought I would replace some of it. I was dragged onto the dance floor and tried not to look bored for the cameras. I needed another drink.

Sighing, I leant against the bar ordering my tequila and orange. Maybe I was just missing home. My friends and family weren't as supportive as I thought they would be. They probably don't know I debuted. I leant against the wall as a group of people who looked under age cane to the bar. I wasn't in the mood for eighteen year olds to hit on me.

"Alright there, kangaroo?"

I turned my head to see Mustafa. He looked at me with an amused expression, his hands in the pockets of his black jeans. I nodded taking another sip of my drink. Maybe I needed to loosen up.

"Partying hard?" He asked, eyeing me as I finished the rest of the tequila.

"Trying too" I laughed before turning to the bar. "Wanna shot?" I asked with a smirk. He stepped closer, wrapping one arm around my waist.

"Maybe you shouldn't have another."

I shook my head and ordered two shots. "Two patron shots." I handed him the shot and he sighed before downing it.

"Oh god" he screwed his face up. "What is that?"

"Coffee and tequila" I shrugged before downing my shot.

"How can you" he looked at me in confusion.

"Easy" I said, stepping closer, "I have many talents" I said with too much seduction.

"Two more" I said to the bartender.

"Oh I'm not doing another one" Mustafa cut in immediately.

I laughed, "they're for me."

He watched me as I drank the alcohol, waiting for me to feel the affects. I didn't take long. He held me up as I laughed, not being able to stand up.

"Kangaroo" he said in a warning tone.

"Mustafa" I mocked his tone.
With all this, I had forgotten about the cameras, and forgot that all my antics were on camera.

"I'm taking you back to the hotel" he said and before I could say anything he was pulling me about of the club. I pouted at him the whole way back to the hotel, the taxi driver laughing.


He turned to me, waiting for me to continue. "What if the monsters get me?" He looked at me with complete confusion.

"I'll fight them for you" he laughed, wrapping an arm around me.

He paid the taxi driver and helped me out of the cab. His arm was tight around my waist as he lead me through the lobby, cameras only getting photos of our backs. He held me in the elevator, and lead me down the hall.

"This isn't my floor" I mumbled out.

He let go of my waist and threw me up against the wall, "I know, it's mine" he said before kissing me roughly.

New fanfic!

I don't see a lot of Mustafa Ali ones so I had to write one. Please tell me what you think!

I have four other fanfics about Seth Rollins
• recovery
• cure - recovery sequel
• forgiving you
• falling for mr Rollins

Please vote!


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