Some Nights - Klance vampire...

By TigersEye9

37.7K 1.2K 144

Lance is a normal guy, funny, good looking, he's going to night school so he can work and get his degree. Kei... More

Chapter 1: I'm in love with you
Chapter 2: Infected
Chapter 3: Late Bloomer
Chapter 4: Despicable
Chapter 5: Caught Like A Fly
Chapter 6: Bleeding Out
Chapter 7: Amsterdam
Chapter 8: Clarity
Chapter 9: House Of Memories
Chapter 10: Pretty Please
Chapter 11: Don't Know What To Say
Chapter 12: Dirty Paws
Chapter 13: Flamingo
Chapter 14: My Smile Is Extinct
Chapter 15: Slow And Steady
Chapter 16: Numb
Chapter 17: Lie To Me
Chapter 18: Young Volcanoes
Chapter 19: Epileptic Warning
Chapter 20: I'll Be Good
Chapter 21: Don't You Dare Forget The Sun
Chapter 22: God there's a lot of these
Chapter 23 NEW EDIT $UC|(3R$
Chapter 24: gUESS WHOS BACK
Chapter 25: High Hopes
Chapter 26: All Apologies
Chapter 27: Best of Me
Chapter 28: Planetary GO
Chapter 29: On Top Of The World
Chapter 30: Like Real People Do

Chapter 32: Boys Like You

607 24 6
By TigersEye9


          Lance let out a low growl at that.. It was very hard but Lance kept himself in check and remember that Lotor was not a sane person and was probably really sick in the head. "You think so? I've never thought of that before." He replied, calmly. "If you go down the hallway, you'll find a bathroom where Keith is resting... I would show you but Keith gave me strict orders not to interrupt his bath again or I'll be sorry." Knowing that Lotor would want Lance to show him where Keith was staying , Lance suddenly and acted like he was terrified. "I-I-I know you said no excuses b-but I don't want to be choke out again. K-Keith is so scary when he's mad."

          Lotor smirked a bit at he noticed Lances reaction. "I see.. I must be rubbing off on him then. Id do the same thing to him, making him scare to even approach me yet hold me in the highest regard as if I was some untouchable being compared to him." 

"I'll go into the room. But I want you to stay put understand? I want you alive so I'll have some leverage against him~" He quietly opened the door leaving the door open as he looked around the room. "Keith~? Where have you gone my love~? Its time to come home." Though he was usually smart and usually unable to be tricked he was instance and losing his sanity more and more each second.

          Lance nods in agreement as he watch Lotor go inside the room...After a minute or so Lance took the gun out of his back pocket and aimed towards the other male. He took a long breath as he remembers it wasn't too long ago as he thought killing Lotor would be a piece of cake. Why wouldn't it be? Lotor was a rapist and a murder. Feeling a lump in his throat, Lance did what he told Keith he'll do and that was protect him. He aim the pistol at Lotor and shot fire. Lotor's eyes went wide, he turned around and chuckled, "These are-" He cut himself off looking down at the blood still dripping. "These.. Where did you-? Where could a human find bullets to kill vampires!? You shouldn't know how to get these!! I'm invincible!!!" He coughed up a little bit of blood, putting his hand over the hole. He soon feel too his knees, "I see how it is... And I was right. No one could ever understand my feelings for Keith- Take care of him for me" He wiped the blood from his mouth closing his eyes and falling back to the floor. He was bleeding out slowly but he kept his powerful and intimidating look fixed on Lance.

          Seeing Lotor bleeding out on the floor Lance decides to go down stairs and find Keith... After all that monster deserve to suffer and die alone. Going outside he call out for Keith but his mind was still on Lotor . Sighing, Lance went back inside the house and saw Lotor was just barely clinging on to life. "What you did to Keith is unspeakable and you done a lot of damage...Still, deep down inside I believe your not evil but your very sick and mentally ill." Sitting down next to him, Lance rest a hand on top of Lotor's. "I will pray for all your sins to be forgiven." Lotor used his last bit of strength to shoo Lances hand away. He chuckled weakly and let his body relax, "I'll see you in hell McCain~"

          Shiro and Allura finally got back, Shiro burst though the door with his gun in hand. "Lance?" He called out, unafraid of whatever he could possible face in his own home. Keith was sitting at the table with his neighbor talking about her children and grandchildren. It was a little boring but Keith would much rather be there then where Lance was.. He wondered how he was doing. But he wasn't strong enough to put himself back into Lances head.. Lance waited till Lotor took his last breath before he took a sheet from a closet and cover him. "Shiro? Hearing his name, Lance went downstairs and saw that Shiro was holding a gun and Allura behind him. "Can you please put that away? Lotor is... Gone. I killed him. "

          When Shiro heard his words he lowered the gun and gave a small nod. "You two stay down here while I take care of it. Do not come up till I tell you its okay" He hung his coat up and looked around, "If you could clean up a little down here that would help a lot. Is Keith back yet or do we need to go get him?"

"No.. Once I saw Lotor inside the house I made an escaped for Keith and he ran to the neighbors...I'm sorry Shiro but right now I really need to be with Keith. I need to tell him that he won't ever have to live in fear again." Lance reply before outside and started to walk to the house next store" Shiro nodded and had Allura help clean up while he took care if the body, using a bit of magic. When he saw the body he noticed the wound and was a bit confused since he never gave Keith permission to have a gun like this.. Keith felt like he had already stayed too long but the woman seemed to enjoy his company..

          Allura cleaned up downstairs before heading up to talk with Shiro and saw the sheet covering something. "Is that Lotor? I hope his death was slow and painful." She said, feelings of anger and no trace of sympathy for the dead man. "He deserve to rest in hell for all Eternity!" Shiro rolled his eyes, "I told you not to come up here yet, I'm still working on getting rid of it." He looking through his phone mumbling to himself. "I could transport him to somewhere secluded and bury him.. Or I could burn the body here but it might smell bad... Unless I use one of those protection circles, hmm, I'll have to ask Pidge to do it since she's better at these things..." He turned away from Allura as he talked with Pidge, "Yeah, I have a situation that needs detained while I burn it. No I- Maybe. Doesn't matter, Keith's coming home soon though so I need this like ASAP, ten minutes? Perfect, thank you so much Pidge-"

          Finding the house that Keith was in, Lance knock on the neighbors door as the lady answer. Keith heard the knock and felt a wave of anxiety wash over him. He peeked out from the kitchen but when he saw Lance he came out and hesitantly walked up to him.Letting the boy in , Lance ran to Keith and hugged him tightly whispering to him, "Your safe now Keith, Lotor wont be able to hurt you again." He waited a moment before hugging him back, just to make sure it was really Lance. "Thank you.." He mumbled quietly Lance held on to Keith close as he kiss his head. "Allura and Shiro are back at home, taking are of the body." 

"Chill, he isn't a threat anymore." Stepping over the body , Allura examined the corpse a little closer while Shiro was talking on the phone. "Have you seen Breaking Bad Before? It's this scene were they dispose the body by pouring acid all over the corpse, it will work we just need to put him an a special plastic container and wear face mask from breathing in all the chemicals." Shiro shook his head, "Allura let me work please, we don't need that. Once the circle is drawn nothing gets in or out, including whatever smell a burning body has and nothing else will get messy. I'll use my body to burn it to less then dust and the circle will take it elsewhere. As bad as it sounds I've done this before."

"Oh, Alright... Just be really careful ok?" Getting up, Allura left the room and let Shiro work.. She was a little disappointed. She was curious on how a body would dissolve if it was dunked in acid. "I will. If you really want to get rid if a body yourself I'm sure Pidge would love to do another test on the subject, I just don't have time to waste right now and need to get this done as quick as possible.." Once Allura left he got all that was needed to for the corpse so the body would be gone. Pidge walked in soon after Allura left the room and went by her mumbling to a plant that was attached to her back pack, it looked like the plant was taking over but she didn't seem to mind it.

          Keith nodded and glanced back to the lady still sipping her tea, he turned back and whispered. "She's not like me Lance, so don't say though kinds of things too loud got it" Lance nodded and whispered in Keith's ear.. "Alright, Shiro should be taking care of everything... We can stay here for a while and then go home?" Keith shook his head, "Let's head back. There's something I want to show you on the way home." He thanked the lady for the tea and use of her phone before leaving with Lance "Sounds like a plan to me." Leaving the house, Lance kept his eyes on Keith. "How do you feel now?" Keith was still hesitant to be this close to Lance, even hugging him was a bit much as much as he liked it. "I.. I don't know"

"Listen, Lotor is gone... I'm not entirely sure he was ever a sane person to even begin with but he's dead.. Keith, I-I'm in love with you but I know I need to do a lot more to regain your trust and I hope over time we can build a relationship with each other." Keith kept walking, though he was going in a slightly different directing then the house, "Lance.. Even with Lotor gone this fear is still there, and I don't know how long it'll take to get to how it used to be. But, I want to be with you, and I want to trust you."

          Lance understood Keith's fear now, Lotor had done a lot of damage to him.. It might take years for Keith to cope and to feel like himself again. "You're a very strong person to survive what he did to you Keith... I promise, I'll be here for you. My attention and focus will be helping you to heal and to be there for you." Keith smiled softly and hugged Lance tightly, he really did want to trust and be with him. "Thank you. You being here for me like this proves to me that you'll be there for me. I want to be with you so, let's start over-" He walked a bit further getting to the edge of town with Lance, at the edge there was a steep hill that they were on, at the bottom was a small lake. It was nice, the water was a perfect reflection of the sky.

          Hearing that the two could start over, Lance hugged Keith even tighter. He was so lucky have someone who has such a forgiven soul. Reaching the place that Keith brought them too, Lance took in the beautiful sight and could hardly believe the scenery but it's nothing compare to the person next to him. "So Beautiful..." He whispers, reaching over and giving a small kiss on the cheek. Keith blushed lightly and hid his face in Lances arm unsure what he was calling beautiful. He didn't know what to say if anything. He wished he couldn't speak right now so he wouldn't feel this kind of pressure to respond. He took a deep breath and turned his head looking out to the water still leaning on Lance. "Don't let me go, please" He mumbled holding onto Lances arm, Lance pulled Keith even closer to him...He felt so very Lucky and fortunate to have Keith by his side. "I'll hold you as long as you like." He whispered into the other ones ear, holding him tight.

          Keith let out a soft sigh and closed his eyes. Being with Lance was actually pretty calming. He was glad Lance was here for him. "Thank you Lance" He said quietly waiting for a moment on the edge. "We.. We should get back. I could ask him telepathically but I don't know if I'm really strong enough to send a message that far right now.." Lance held Keith for a few more moments, before letting go...Both should really get going before the sun comes out. "Thanks for showing me this... It was really nice." Getting up, Lance offered his hand to Keith. "Would you mind if we held hands while walking back?" Keith looked back to the water for a moment, the sky still a dark bluish purple though it was getting lighter but the minute. Looking back to Lance he held his hands out, "Sure.. I'd like that" He gave a soft smile taking Lances hand in his as he started to walk back. Lance held Keith's hand tightly as the two begin to walk back.

          Once they gotten home, Allura immediately ran to Keith hugging him tightly. "Keith! There you are! It was getting light outside! I was beginning to worry about you." Keith was a bit surprised but hugged her back, "Its alright.. I'm okay, I had to make a quick stop on the walk home.. I'm sorry for worrying you." He smiled a little and once she let got he hugged Shiro and assured him that he was fine and thanked them both for all they've done. Lance smiled at the sight, seeing Keith being surrounded by people he care about really warmed his heart. "Shiro.." Walking up to the older vampire, Lance knew that if he wanted to be in Keith's life that he had to try to make peace with those around him. "Listen...I know that I screwed up badly and I don't deserve Keith but...I'm in love with Keith and I've devoted myself to him. I'll be there for him no matter what. I told Keith that if he wants to be friends or even lovers, either way all my attention will be on him and no one else."

          Shiro took his time giving Keith a hug and just holding his reassuring him. "I love you Keith, I'm glad this is over." Once he let go and heard Lances words he straightened up putting his more serious face on. "Lance.." He took a deep breath the thought carefully about his words. "Lance I know you care about Keith.. And I know that you want to be with him. And no one can decide that but Keith.. But, I do trust you. You found him when he felt alone and scared, you healed him, and helped him, and you showed him he was loved for who he was and protected him when anyone else would be scared to. That's more then enough proof to me. And though I'll always be upset for how you hurt him, but I know you're trying to fix that and it shouldn't be held against you. You did kill him after all."

Lance couldn't be more grateful for Shiro's words...It meant a lot to him to have the older Vampire's trust again. "Thanks Shiro, I promise I'll do all I can for Keith." Wrapping his arms around the other male, Lance pull Keith in a hug. "Your my entire world, Keith. I love you so so much. I don't know what I couldn't have done to deserve you but I'm grateful that you came into my life." Keith was still a bit nervous about it all and took a second to hug back. Shiro nodded approvingly and left with Allura to show her the guest room and give them a little time together. Keith blushed a little at Lances words and pulled back after a second, "I um.. I'm really glad to have you too, do you maybe... Want to watch a movie? Or get something to eat?"

"Sure, we can do whatever you like Keith. I'll fix us up popcorn and we'll have a movie night together."

"That sounds wonderful.."


Lol.I'm still mad about s8 

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