Pink Skies (Dean and Sam Winc...

Oleh OzzyBlack22

218K 6.1K 595

"Well Jack called for me, " Rania told them. "I did not, " Jack said looking at her with accusing eyes. "Ye... Lebih Banyak

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5.8K 196 4
Oleh OzzyBlack22


  Rania felt dizzy as her blood seemed to flow through her body like thick melted gold. Her vision was blurry as she tried to look out of the window. Every inch of her body was heavy and on fire as her skin began to blister. Satina watched from across the room, as her arms wrapped around herself. Seeing her beautiful Rose in pain bothered her greatly, yet it was the only way that she could keep her. If her little pink rose had to suffer for them to be together, then so be it. Hearing the door open Satina saw Mark, her right hand, step into the room. His eyes fell onto Rania who was halfway dressed. His feet carried him towards her as if he was in a trance. Satina hissed loudly barring her teeth at mark who snapped out of the mental hold Rania placed on everyone. 

 "What do you want?," Satina snapped angrily,upset that he eyed her trophy.

"Janyia caught wind that an angel is here for Rania," he told her as Rania's grunts of pain drifted in the silence of the room. Satina got up and grabbed a bottle of water as she lifted Rania's head up. Her wild pink hair felt soft against her hands as she massaged her little rose's throat to have her drink the water and not choke. Mark and the other's  wondered what it was about Rania that they all liked. Satina was being selfish yet she was older than them and stronger. Yet they all wanted a taste of her, of her blood and of her body. Something about her aroused their bodies their emotions. Yet if they took her, they had Satina and an angel to fight for her. 

"It is alright my baby, its how we'll be together," Satina cooed as Rania's head lulled to the side she vomited. It was thick and red as it bubbled as steam wafted off of it. 

"She's rejecting it," Mark told her as she grabbed Rania by her shoulders.

"What's wrong?," Satina asked her as she cut her wrist and gave Rania more blood. Unknown to Satina, Rania's body saw the blood as an infection, it was fighting off the transformation. Yet it was causing her to become weaker and sicker by the minute. 

'I don't want to die again,'Rania told herself as her body began to thicken her blood and increase her body temperature  and boil the infection out.


"Apparently Rania is suffering greatly," Castiel said as they ring around their wrist was darker as a light purple one began to form above it. Castiel looked at the list he made of healing herbs to help Rania once she was found. She would be extreme weak and she would not feel good. Sam and Dean gathered Catnip,Chamomile,Cayenne , Lobela, Garlic and blood from a male dove. Castiel had yet to explain why they needed these particular items. Yet they knew it eased not a good sign.

"So how do we find her?," Dean asked trying not to appear anxious.

"I already know how to find her, " Castiel told them casually.


I'll update more often since I now have more time. Vote,share,comment and happy reading.

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