JayPac High: Yukiyukite

By Jayjet777

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In an alternate universe where the 74th National Sensha-do tournament takes a very dark turn, where live ammo... More

Rescue Op
Getting Ready
Live Ammo?!
Battle of Saunders
Battle of Pravda
Reflection Deflection
Battle Of Kuromorimine (Pt.1)
Battle of Kuromorimine (Pt.2)

A Cold and Snowy Day...

138 3 4
By Jayjet777

Pravda Viewing area...

"Hey, That Kuromorimine girl that we captured last year just won the first match." Katyusha said. "And those boys...Actually, one of them seems familiar."

"Да, the one in that large tank looks like one of the guards from last year." Nonna said, not really paying attention to Katyusha, but more towards one of the tanks.

3 days after the battle...

Jay walked around the area, the ground shook with every step he took. After walking for what seemed like an ungodly amount of time he stopped and the shaking grew stronger. He was only walking in sync with the tremors. He felt the tremors grow more, until he was thrown to the ground. He turned and saw a shadow charging at him, a large shadow about 3 times Jay's size, running at him. The closer it got, the more the ground shook. And soon the shaking stopped. What he thought was only 3 times his size was thirty, and the shape was that of a girl, he couldn't tell who it was though. She reached down to grab him and Jay's vision went black....

"Wake up!" Miho shouted before grabbing Jay and shaking him wildly. His head flopped back and forth, nearly hitting her. Suddenly Jay's eyes fluttered open and he pushed Miho away from him, hard. "Jay!" She said, after landing on her back. He was panting and dripping with sweat.

"Sorry, i just...." He sighed and wiped his face. It was a nightmare...just a nightmare, it's not real....He helped miho up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Just the day before he done a 21 gun salute with the tanks to properly pay his respects to Peterson. Not only that, but he was given a list of his Belongings that he was endowed to. Once out the shower, he looked at the box next to the couch. That box contained the one thing peterson said he could have if he didn't make it. He opened the box and pulled out a Tankgewehr M1918 rifle, his most prized gun. Along with it he had a full two boxes of ammo.

"Woah...an anti-tank rifle.." Miho said, looking at it.

"This'll come in handy in the next battle." Jay said, picking up the rifle. "Pete taught me that any gun can pen tank if you know the weak spots." Miho looked at him confused. "What, I teach my guys stuff and they teach me. Tradeoffs, gotta love 'em." He laid the gun back in the box and sat on it.

A few hours later, Jay went to the shooting range, bringing the Anti-tank gun. He got within the specified range for effectiveness, 350 meters and he set up the bipod. He went prone to get the most stable firing position and loaded the bullet. Once he was lined up on the target, he pulled the trigger. With a loud bang, the gun fired, and he missed the target, hitting the edge of the target block. There was a chip that had fallen off. Jay walked over to the wall and was amazed at how much of the wall was chipped off.

"That's amazing!" A girl shouted behind him. Jay snapped around to see who said that, and found a smiling Yukari.

"Oh, Hey Yukari, you probably shouldn't sneak up on someone with an anti-tank rifle. I nearly clubbed you on the head." He said, rubbing the back of his head out of nervousness.

"Well, i heard from Nishizumi-dono that you were heading out here to test your new rifle! This gun is more than powerful enough to go through the front of a CV-33!" Jay nearly broke out in laughter when she said that.

"Wait, wait..Were fighting CV-33's in the next round?" Jay said, on the verge of laughter.

"Yeah!" And with that, Jay laughed and he laughed hard. He was literally starting to cry from laughter. "What's so funny?" She asked.

"If that's who were fighting...they might as well be suicidal! Our top mounted .50 cals can go through them!" He said, laughing. Soon he calmed down and stood up, as he had fell on the ground at one point. "Well, thank christ we don't really have to do anything this next round." Jay said.

Second Match:

Anzio Girls High School vs Ooarai/JayPac High School

Minutes later...

Ooarai/JayPac High School Advances to the Next Round

"WHAT?!" Jay was shocked when he heard they were going to the next round.

"Yeah, apparently Anzio was smart enough to surrender before they even started." Miho told Jay.

"Sheer luck, besides they couldn't kill us if they tried." Pascal said, drinking some tea.

"Their team was ran by a dictator anyway. The people knew they couldn't win against us. Never ends well for a dictator." Anzu said.

"Just ask Saddam Hussein..." Cody muttered.

"This only means one thing, Pravda is our next opponent." Jay said. "And i was really hoping i could knock out some tanks with the Panzergewehr..."

"Well, you still can, you said it yourself, any gun can knock out any tank." Miho replied.

"But the real question is can we beat Pravda?" Everyone was silent when the the question was brought up.

"We have the firepower to subdue them, and we have a russian tank ourselves." Jay said.

"Even so, this is going to be a difficult match. Not only that, but were only alloted to have 15 tanks for this round. That means some of your team will have to stay behind." Miho said. Jay was silent.

"Only 7 of our tanks are allowed..." Pascal said, grimmly. Jay nodded and thought about the 7 that will be on the roster.

"That being said, You'll need to listen and follow orders." Miho said.

"Indecisiveness will be what does you in, and make sure to pay attention." Jay finished. They were met by a long silence.

"What? Why the silent treatment?" Jay asked.

"Well if were not mistaken us following your orders is what led to casualties in the Volleyball team and the First-years." Piyotan stated.

"Not to mention that Peterson's team was killed because of Jay's inattention to his surroundings." Cody said.

"Well, Cody, without the M26 that Jay sent out to protect those teams, maybe they both would've been completely destroyed." Pascal said.

"And don't forget, both Jay-dono and Nishizumi-dono had to incorporate each other's Plans in the first place! They were the whole reason we beat saunders!" Yukari inputted.

"Well, why don't we try to breach the Encirclement of the SDF?" Saori suggested.

"Heh, Yeah right. You go ahead and try to go toe-to-toe with Type-90 MBT's." Pascal said. "Even my shell wouldn't be enough to take one out." While the other were arguing about who should be in command and other things, Miho was silently thinking of a plan.

"Hey Anzu, I'm gonna go think of a plan by myself..." She said, slightly saddened.

"Mmm..sure, don't let them too you too much." She said. "You as well Jay."

"Thanks. Hey Miho, ima come with if that's alright." Jay said.


"Hey wait for me! I wanna come too!" Yukari said, running to catch up to the two. They walked for a little bit and talked.

"So, where exactly are we going?" Jay asked.

"Ther Kuromorimine section of the spectating area. I'm going to pay my sister a visit. Also i'm glad you came, this could get ugly." She said. They walked until they saw some people walking around in SS uniforms. The hell are they looking at? Jay asked himself, looking back at the people who were looking at him. The walked up to a tent that had some armed guards in front of it. One of the guards was a male, and Jay instantly recognized him.


"Javari? Wow, long time no see." He replied. The two shook hands and began talking. And Erika came out the tent to see what the commotion was about. She then turned to see Miho.

"Oh hello, Ex-Deputy commander Nishizumi. I heard you're doing Sensha-dou again, after you quit here. What do you want?" She said, coldly. She then heard some laughter and turned to see Kai talking with someone.

"How's my sister doing?" Miho asked.

"Not too well, thank you very much! Why do you look so good?" She asked, pissed off. "And in case you're wondering, i'm not letting you see her because you left Kuromorimine." She said. "I'll never forgive what Pravda did to her!" By this time, Jay and Kai walked back to the tent, and the two saw what was happening. She looked at Jay and He walked up to Miho's side.

"And who the hell are you supposed to be, inferior?!" She asked, looking at Jay.

"I'm the guy that rescued her and killed, the guys that made Maho into what she is, you jerk." He said. He saw kai, dip into the tent and knew he was safe for now. "So, a little thanks would be nice."

"Come on Jay, lets just go." She said turning around and beginning to walk away.

"Wait. What's your plan for the match against Pravda?" Erika asked.

"Well we were going to discuss that with my sister" She said, pointing to Jay and her self. "But there's no point in talking to you. You have no experience in Kouishiki battles." She said.

"Damn straight." Jay added, smirking at her. As the two were walking away, Erika grabbed Miho by the shoulder, hard.

"Nishizumi, Miho...Dont piss me off." She said. In turn, Jay walked behind her and grabbed her shoulder.

"Yo Erika, Dont piss ME off...You'll regret it deeply." He said. Before pushing her off to the side, causing her to fall down.

A few days later...

The night before the battle, the group had split up into boys and girls, to keep them separated from each other, though, they did eat dinner together. The boys and girls tried to be as cheery as possible for each others sake.

"So there we were, just driving on the icy road, our treads barely getting traction, and the we were hit by shell from behind!" Mike, the IS-3's loader, was telling the girls near him about a practice match the had in the winter training grounds. The group laughed as he over exaggerated the details of the mock battle. Jay was sitting with Miho and Yukari quietly eating. In his head he knew that they were think if we'll be alright with such a little vehicle count. He watched as Mike was pretty much slapping the air with his hands with every sound effect.

He then looked at Jay.

"Hey Jay! Come tell your side side in this battle!" He said. The group all turned and looked at him.

"Oh no, I get too technical when I tell them." Jay said, smiling and shaking his hands.

"Nonsense! Come on!" he said. Jay sighed and gave in. He began telling them how he nearly slid off a cliff side and how a snowbank saved the IS-3 from getting hit by him. After it was all said and done the groups finished eating and retired for the night.

Jay was up for a little and was about to go to sleep before he heard some commotion from the girls area. He got up and snuck past the others who were sleeping. He walked out the door in the freezing cold hall and cracked the sliding door open just enough to see what was going on.

"Peeping in on them eh?" Pascal whispered from behind. "Eh, i'm guilty as well." Jay shushed him and saw that Miho and Yukari were both naked and dancing. The two were shocked.

"Woah...." Jay and Pascal both began to bleed a little from their noses. Cody snuck up next to them and joined in on the peeking. Anzu turned towards the sliding door and saw it was open. Busted!

"Alright as leader i'm executing mission abort authority. Hurry back to the..!" Before Jay could finish the sliding door opened and a gaggle of hands dragged him in. Pascal began to back away before he too was dragged in.

"It wasn't my idea! I swear!" He protested before being dragged in by the feet. Cody was pressed against the wall and Solid Snaked his way back to his room.

Jay and Pascal were cornered. They were surrounded by Ooarai and looked like a beat down was soon to happen.

"So, you saw what happened didn't you.." Momo asked. Jay nodded and Pascal was motionless. They all grew a sinister smile. That's when they stripped the boys.

"Oi! GET OFF OF ME!" Pascal shouted. "JAY HELP!"

"I WOULD IF I COULD BUT THEY'RE LITERALLY HOLDING ME BACK!" Jay felt them reach for his underwear and with all of his strength he pushed the girls off of him and dragged his buddy away from the others.

"Yo buddy, still alive?" Jay asked as he tried to get him away.

"Alive and well!" He replied before standing up. The two were then tackled and pinned by the Motor club team. Then Jay and Pascal's vision went black.

About an hour went by before both Jay and Pascal were awakened by Nekonya.

"I've played WoT.." Both Jay and Pascal shot up and immediately back in action.

"You should've played War Thunder. Miles and Miles better." Jay said. The group was silent and they turned towards the two. They all smiled and looked at each other. "What...what did you girls do?" He asked. He immediately felt about a pound lighter.


"Don't answer that...." Pascal said, cutting off Saori.

"Well, maybe we were a bit hard on them." Someone said. The group then apologized for what they did to Miho and Yukari.

"As for you two...you were a bit hard in them." Momoga said. Jay was confused but Pascal got it right away.

"Wait, what?" Miho was blushing bright red when she made eye contact with Jay. "...oh no..you don't mean..." He blushed a dark red color and covered his face. "No....."

"Anyway, Miho, you and Jay are still our only hope for this match."

"No, of course not! I'll follow your orders as of tomorrow!" Miho said.

"Alright, let's just settle this." Anzu said. The group all bowed. "Please, will you forgive us and command us tomorrow?"

"Oh...ok." Replied.

Semi-Final Match:

Pravda Girls High School vs Ooarai/JayPac High School

It was a cold and snowy day...and the temperature was well below freezing.

"I see you boys managed to get up." Miho said, smiling at Jay.

"Yeah, as much as i wanted to stay in bed." Jay was dressed in winter camouflage as well as everyone else in JayPac.

"Jay! The engine wont turn over! It's too damn cold!" Leon said from the top of his pershing. "Not to mention that the whole reason we even agreed to help you fight was because you said this was going to be within what we trained for!" The other boys chimed in and agreed.

"Well, you go ahead and sit there like a whiny bitch and freeze or come get some bricks to warm your tank. It'll only be a matter of time before you won't be able to even start it." Jay replied. Carrying some of his own.

"Jay, Pascal. You two go out on a patrol. Yukari, Erwin, Sodoko, you go as well." Jay nodded, grabbed his Uzi and got ready to move out.

"Come on buddy. Let's do this job and then treat ourselves to a little hot cocoa." Jay said. "You better have that ready when we get back." Pascal said to Jay, stepping into the freezing wind.

"That's only if we both make it out of this patrol alive." Pascal replied. The two laughed as they made their way out of the town.

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